Granton musical: don’t miss it!

Following on from this morning’s post about Granton’s musical, I was lucky enough to catch the dress rehearsal this afternoon. This was the first time the cast have performed YANOMAMO in front of a live audience – their schoolmates – and the verdict? A resounding success!

Without giving too much away, YANOMAMO tells the tale of a tribe who have lived in the Amazonian rainforest since the dawn on man. Their future, and that of the rainforest, is put under threat by loggers and developers …

It’s well written, enthusiastically performed, the songs are great; in short, it’s very good and well worth seeing. There are a few tickets left for performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening (7pm) and Friday’s matinee (priced £5) – call the school office on 552 3987 to check availability.


Granton musical: don't miss it!

Following on from this morning’s post about Granton’s musical, I was lucky enough to catch the dress rehearsal this afternoon. This was the first time the cast have performed YANOMAMO in front of a live audience – their schoolmates – and the verdict? A resounding success!

Without giving too much away, YANOMAMO tells the tale of a tribe who have lived in the Amazonian rainforest since the dawn on man. Their future, and that of the rainforest, is put under threat by loggers and developers …

It’s well written, enthusiastically performed, the songs are great; in short, it’s very good and well worth seeing. There are a few tickets left for performances on Wednesday and Thursday evening (7pm) and Friday’s matinee (priced £5) – call the school office on 552 3987 to check availability.


Granton Primary to stage their very own musical

Granton Primary School will be staging their first full-length musical this week. Everything about YANOMAMO has been created by the children themselves – from songs and set design to production and choreography.

The musical will be performed at the school on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm with a matinée on Friday (8th). Tickets are £5.

YANOMAMO is very much a first for the Boswall Parkway school, and tickets are understandably selling out fast. If you want to see a unique performance, call the school office on 552 3987 now!


Rachel’s poem is hot stuff!

During a recent Firesmart school visit to Granton Primary School, members of Lothian & Border Fire and Rescue Service education team were delighted when a P5 pupil handed them a poem.  The wee girl had written it in her own time based on what she had  learned from a fire safety lesson the previous day on the causes and knowledge  of fire, and the team are  so impressed with Rachel’s poem that they’ve posted it on-line!

Rachel’s poem reads:

Listen now, this is no joke,

Before a fire there’s always smoke,

If you smell it, go outside, 

Never find a place to hide,

Stay down low and crawl away,

Fire engines are on the way.

Rachel’s certainly remembered her Firesmart lessons, and the local Fire Service is convinced Granton has a young Bard in the making too!

Rachel's poem is hot stuff!

During a recent Firesmart school visit to Granton Primary School, members of Lothian & Border Fire and Rescue Service education team were delighted when a P5 pupil handed them a poem.  The wee girl had written it in her own time based on what she had  learned from a fire safety lesson the previous day on the causes and knowledge  of fire, and the team are  so impressed with Rachel’s poem that they’ve posted it on-line!

Rachel’s poem reads:

Listen now, this is no joke,

Before a fire there’s always smoke,

If you smell it, go outside, 

Never find a place to hide,

Stay down low and crawl away,

Fire engines are on the way.

Rachel’s certainly remembered her Firesmart lessons, and the local Fire Service is convinced Granton has a young Bard in the making too!

Kung Hei Fat Choy from Granton!

Granton Primary School is celebrating the Olympics in style this year.  The whole school has been split into six countries, with each group learning something of the language and culture of their chosen nation.  Friday was the opportunity for the Chinese students to showcase what they’ve learned and the children staged a special event to celebrate the Chinese New Year at the school.

The children have been working with Meryl James (picture below), who coordinates the Confucius Classroom Hub for Chinese Studies at St. George’s School, and the kids have certainly learned a lot as they brought a flavour of China to Granton with their special event.

Parents and classmates participated in calligraphy, fan making and mastered the art of eating with chopsticks at Fridays’ showcase, and also had an opportunity to make their own personal wish for the world.  There was sumptuous Chinese cuisine, too, prepared by the Granton parents and served up in the school’s very own Chinese restaurant!

This being the Year of the Dragon, the Granton kids also marked the Chinese New Year with their very own Dragon Dance.  All the visitors to the exhibition were very impressed.  P2 pupil Hamish perhaps summed it up best:  “I think this is awesome!” he said!