Workforce and community asked for views

Grangemouth’s industrial workforce and community are being asked to contribute their views on the future of the area.
A draft plan has been published as part of work to support a just transition to net zero and support the growth of the area towards a decarbonised economy.
The regional just transition plan is the first of its kind. It sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for the future of the Grangemouth industrial cluster and how the local community could benefit as a result.
By successfully decarbonising, Grangemouth can become a global leader in sustainable manufacturing and production, attracting investment and supporting both the existing and future workforce, and the community, long into the future.
The Scottish Government has worked in partnership with the Grangemouth Future Industry Board to develop the Grangemouth Industrial Just Transition Plan which supports industrial decarbonisation, low-carbon manufacturing, net zero community wealth building and reskilling and developing the local workforce.
Proposed actions include:
- developing an industry-led technical and commercial investment strategy which includes a decarbonisation pathway to secure investment for scale up
- creating a Grangemouth Industrial Skills offer to help tailor training needs for the existing and future workforce
- improving the co-ordination of initiatives across the Forth Valley to ensure targeted interventions match needs
- funding a recognised Community Engagement and Participation Manager as a first step in supporting the community to play a role in decision making
- establishing a Grangemouth Regulatory Hub to support a just transition and understand how regulation can unlock industrial decarbonisation

Acting Minister for Climate Action Alasdair Allan said: “Grangemouth has long played a vital role as Scotland’s leading industrial cluster and it is right that the area continues to help lead the way in our journey to net zero by 2045.
“Our first regional Just Transition plan published today sets out our approach to support the growth of a decarbonised economy that puts local communities at its heart. It makes clear our vision for the future and gives specific actions across a number of areas to help achieve a just transition for Grangemouth.
“The plan complements our ongoing activity focused around Grangemouth, including our support package in response to the proposed closure of the refinery and the work we are doing to explore low carbon transition opportunities for the refinery workforce.
“We are working hard to secure a sustainable, long-term future for the wider industrial cluster and its skilled workforce, and this plan will be vital in helping us to deliver this.
“The consultation is an opportunity to help shape the development of the plan, and Grangemouth’s future. I encourage all who have a vested interest to participate.”
CVS Falkirk and District Chief Executive Officer, Victoria McRae said: “The voice of local communities must be heard in relation to the plans for a Just Transition for Grangemouth.
“As the Third Sector Interface for the local area, CVS Falkirk and District are pleased to be able to take forward, support and facilitate these important conversations. We look forward to hearing a range of views and we have opened a Hub in Grangemouth’s Town Centre to provide a base for this discussion and engagement.”
Syngenta Head of Corporate Affairs UK, Luke Gibbs said: “Syngenta is a large scale fine chemical manufacturer anchoring the Grangemouth Chemical Cluster.
“We believe that the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan is an important part of achieving a sustainable future across the range of activities that together form the wider Grangemouth industrial area – fine chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology.
“As such, this consultation provides a key opportunity for companies in Grangemouth to input their views and highlight needs, and collectively achieve a sustainable, enabling, investable, and viable future for all.”

Join Unite on Thursday 28 November 2024 and help Save Scotland’s last oil refinery.
Get your work colleagues, friends and family to come too. From the Workplace to the Capital, join the rally on Thursday 28 November 2024.
Assemble at 10:00 at Johnston Terrace (top end), Edinburgh, EH1 2PW and at 10.20 march to Holyrood for a rally with Sharon Graham, Unite general secretary.
Following the announcement of Petroineos’ decision to close refinery in September 2024, The Scottish and UK Governments announced a joint plan to secure industrial future of Grangemouth.