Westminster and Holyrood pledge more aid to Gaza

Greening: ‘the situation in Gaza is dire’

Police Scotland calls for demonstrators to protest ‘within the law’ 


Both the UK and the Scottish governments are to increase their aid to Gaza, it hsa been announced. The UK has announced £3 million in new funding so the World Food Programme can get emergency food to more than 300,000 people in Gaza, while Holyrood will provide a further £500,000 to aid stricken civilians there.

And as tension rises Police Scotland today warned protestors that while peaceful demonstrations are acceptable, illegal actions will not be tolerated. 

News of the increased aid comes after reports of further bloodshed in Gaza – the UN says that Israel has attacked a UN-run school housing refugees in Gaza despite warnings that civilians were there, killing fifteen people and injuring many more.

The UK is stepping up its humanitarian response to the Gaza crisis with an additional £3 million for the World Food Programme’s emergency appeal to help deal with food shortages, Prime Minister David Cameron announced today.

This £3 million boost will provide emergency food for more than 300,000 people for one month, and the latest commitment from the UK brings to £10 million the amount released to help Gaza since the latest crisis began.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said:”After more than three weeks of fighting, the death toll in Gaza is rising and more than 200,000 people, many of them children, have been displaced from their homes. We urgently need to stop the bloodshed: we continue to call for an unconditional and immediate humanitarian ceasefire to prevent any more needless suffering.

“The situation in Gaza is dire. The UK is helping to meet immediate needs, including with this latest contribution of £3 million which will get food to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people.

“All sides must adhere to International Humanitarian Law, all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid harm to civilians, and all sides must allow aid agencies unimpeded access to get to those in desperate need.”

Displacement of families from their homes is a huge problem that is affecting more than 200,000 people at the latest count. This has a significant impact on all aspects of day-to-day life as people rely on UN shelters and aid agencies for all their needs.

Access to food is an increasing issue of concern in Gaza. The latest reports from the UN show that food shortages are being reported in Gaza, with sharp increases in the prices of certain products.

To address the humanitarian needs in Gaza the UK government is pushing for better humanitarian access so that aid agencies can get supplies and personnel into and out of Gaza and a sustainable political solution, which must include the gradual lifting of the economic restrictions.

The UK is the third biggest donor to UNRWA’s General Fund, contributing £107 million between 2011 and 2015. UNRWA is a crucial service provider to the 70 per cent of the Gazan population who are Palestinian refugees. Our support is enabling UNRWA to continue providing basic health services during this conflict through 19 of its 21 clinics.

gaza runningThe Scottish Government has also pledged more support for the beleaguered people of Gaza – it is providing half a million pounds to help people affected by the crisis, External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf announced today.

The funding, which will be routed through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Gaza Flash Appeal, will help support the immediate needs of people in Gaza.

Mr Yousaf also reiterated his backing for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and called on the UK Government to take more urgent action with international partners to bring a cessation in violence. He also highlighted that the Scottish Government is continuing to work with relevant governments and local agencies to help some of those injured in the current conflict who might benefit most from treatment in Scotland.

Mr Yousaf said: “The escalating violence in Gaza has already caused far too many lives to be lost and people to be injured. The UN has called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and it is crucial that this is delivered.

“Rocket attacks being fired by militants in Gaza is wrong, and must stop, however, the Israeli response has been heavily disproportionate as demonstrated by the unacceptable and mounting loss of civilian life.

“There is also increasing evidence that the humanitarian situation is continuing to deteriorate and that is why the Scottish Government is providing £500,000 funding to help the United Nations provide the water, food shelter and medical assistance people in Gaza need.

“The Prime Minister has described Gaza as “an open air prison”. He and the international community must do more in order to stop any further loss of innocent lives. There must be an immediate lifting of the blockade and siege of Gaza which is tantamount to collective punishment.

“The Scottish Government has already made clear to the UK Government that we stand ready to help where we can and we have offered medical treatment in the Scottish NHS for those who would benefit from that, as well as offering to house refugees from Gaza in Scotland.

“We will continue to work with others and support efforts to help people affected, however an immediate end to the violence and lifting of the blockade are needed to resolve the situation and we will continue to press the UK Government to do more to try to achieve this.”

gaza graphicSenior police officers understand the anger caused by the conflict, but they have asked those members of the public who choose to demonstrate to keep their protests within the law.

Police Scotland’s Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, who is Edinburgh’s Divisional Commander, said today: “We are aware that ongoing issues with the Gaza conflict have understandably raised concerns within our community. There have been a number of incidents reported to Police Scotland involving people using legal and illegal means to show their frustration at the humanitarian crisis.

“We are aware that people may wish to demonstrate and we will facilitate peaceful demonstrations, balancing the needs and rights of protesters with those impacted by the event in Edinburgh and beyond. Our communities will rightly expect that we will not tolerate criminal activity and deal appropriately with anyone engaged in such acts.

“Police Scotland are committed to keeping all communities safe and will continue to work with partners to uphold the law, maintain public order and protect life and property, maintaining confidence and the high reputation of policing in Scotland.

“Police Scotland are proud of the strong links we have with our communities, our local officers will be available to communicate with businesses and community groups in order to pass on any relevant information and help alleviate any concerns.”

gaza5Yesterday marked the start of Eid,but instead of the usual day of celebration Gaza’s children woke up to an Eid marked by death and destruction, with no apparent end in sight.

Twenty one days into this conflict, children in Gaza are still paying the highest price. One in four Palestinians killed in the conflict are children, and a child is killed on average almost every hour. Instead of playing in the streets as they normally do when celebrating the end of Ramadan, thousands of children in Gaza are mourning their parents at the graveyards, hundreds are buried with their families. Instead of experiencing the joy of Eid, these children are now facing uncertainty and despair.

At least 194,000 children in Gaza now need specialised psychological support, many having witnessed family deaths, injuries and displacement.

More than 100,000 children have been displaced with their families, the majority of them in schools. A total of 130 schools have been damaged and 22 health facilities have been damaged or destroyed. For Gaza’s estimated 45,000 pregnant women of whom 5,000 have been displaced, access to maternity care is extremely restricted. Local organisations report premature births doubling because of the women’s trauma.

Thousands of explosive remnants of war are left in civilian areas in Gaza, posing a further major threat to children and their families. Save the Children and local partners are taking every opportunity to reach as many of the affected families as possible, but with no clear commitment for a ceasefire, distributing aid on the ground puts our staff at serious risk.

“Children in Gaza and Israel are paying the price of political failure,” said Save the Children’s country director David Hassell. “The international community has so far failed these children, through its inability to use all its diplomatic influence to bring about an immediate end to the bloodshed. Ending the violence, as called for by the UN Security Council, is the first and immediate priority. A sustainable solution, ensuring the wellbeing of both Palestinians and Israelis, will require agreement by the parties to long-term measures that address the legitimate grievances of Palestinians, including an end to the blockade.

“Children never start wars, yet they are the ones that are killed, maimed, traumatised and left homeless, terrified and permanently scarred.”

“Save the children will not stop until innocent children are no longer under fire and the root causes of this conflict are addressed. If the international community does not take action now, the violence against children in Gaza will haunt our generation forever.”



Gaza: more UK aid to stricken civilians

UK Aid Shelter Kits and Water Containers are loaded for shipmentThe UK will provide an additional £2 million in emergency assistance for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) Gaza Flash Appeal, International Development Secretary Justine Greening announced this morning – bringing the amount released this week to help Gaza to £7 million.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: “More than 800 Palestinians have been killed in recent weeks, with thousands injured and many tens of thousands displaced. It is essential that civilians are protected and all sides must allow aid agencies unimpeded access to get to those in desperate need.

“A ceasefire needs to be agreed urgently as the first step towards a sustainable political solution. That is the only hope for peace and stability in the long term.”

The UK Government is clear that all sides must adhere to International Humanitarian Law and that all feasible precautions must be taken to avoid harm to civilians during a military attack.

Overall, the UK is the fourth biggest donor to UNRWA, providing £106.5m from 2011-2015. That funding is already helping UNRWA provide health services and shelter for Gazans affected by the fighting.

The amount committed by Britain to UNWRA’s emergency appeal in the last week is now £4 million. It will fund basic shelter, blankets, hygiene kits, nappies and other vital help for tens of thousands of people forced to flee their homes. The UK has also brought forward £3 million of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) support to help it respond to the worsening situation.

A Palestinian boy walks amongst the rubble of a house which police said was destroyed in an Israeli air strike in Deir El-Balah in the central Gaza StripScotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond wrote to Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday, urging him to show equal determination in the UK Government’s approach to the situation in Gaza as they have shown in regard to the atrocity involving Malaysian Airlines flight MH17.

In particular Mr Salmond has called on the UK Government to make a stronger and more urgent response to the crisis in Gaza and – further to the statement by Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, about the failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants – to support an UN investigation.

Mr Salmond said: “The UK rightly called for a UN resolution to guarantee unfettered access to the crash site of flight MH17 and I was pleased to see this gained the support of the Security Council. It is imperative that an international investigation into the cause of the crash proceeds swiftly and effectively, and that the results of that investigation are appropriately acted upon.

“The efforts of the international community, working in concert, reflect the real benefits of a multilateral approach to matters of global security.

“It is with that cooperative spirit in mind that I have urged the UK Government to demonstrate equal determination in cooperating with international partners to resolve the rapidly deteriorating situation in the Middle East.

“The ground offensive in Gaza is a serious and worrying development. The lives lost in this conflict are individual human tragedies and the killing of innocent civilians, be they Palestinian or Israeli, is to be utterly condemned.

“The UN Security Council has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities, emphasising the need to improve the humanitarian situation, and I add my voice to theirs to reiterate that, in the view of the Scottish Government, the rocket attacks on Israel are unacceptable and should stop, as should the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

“The situation in Gaza represents a humanitarian crisis of grave proportions. More than 800 people, most of them civilians, have already lost their lives and over 5,000 have been injured. The UN states that more 118,000 Gazans are sheltering in UN schools. The attack on the school in Beit Hanoun on 24 July, condemned by the UN Secretary General, only serves to underline the desperate need for international action to stop the killing of innocent civilians.

“We note calls for an independent investigation into civilian deaths as a result of the conflict. Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has commented on the failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants, or to maintain proportionality and precautions in attack. The need for an investigation by the UN is therefore imperative. I urge the UK to give support to these calls.

“Scotland’s offer of medical assistance to help the humanitarian situation still stands and we are currently in dialogue to assess whether Scotland can give specialist medical help to civilians caught up in the conflict should medical evacuation be possible.

“The Scottish Government also believes that the continuation of the blockade in Gaza is exacerbating the suffering experienced by the people there and tantamount to collective punishment. For that reason, I reiterate the Scottish Government’s offer to accept our share of any refugees from the conflict arriving in the UK.

“The Scottish Government stand ready to deliver this support, and any further assistance as deemed necessary and appropriate.”

Gaza: Call for action after school is shelled

British Red Cross launches Gaza appeal

gaza3UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond is ‘deeply concerned’ by the crisis in Gaza and is urging continued efforts towards ceasefire. Mr Hammond spoke as reports that at least 15 people have been killed and more than 200 injured in the shelling of a United Nations-run school used as a shelter in Gaza. The British Red Cross has also launched an appeal to fund vital help for people affected.

More than 600 people have died and almost 150,000 forced to flee their homes in more than two weeks of violence. As the conflict continues, 1.2 million people have no or limited access to water or sanitation.

Staff and volunteers from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have already been working around in the clock in dangerous conditions to help people affected.

Donations to the appeal will help them continue giving essential support, which has so far included emergency health care such as treating the wounded, sending ambulances across the Gaza Strip and bringing truckloads of medical supplies to hospitals. The Movement has also carried out vital repairs to water and sewage networks.

The Movement has also negotiated crucial pauses in the fighting, allowing civilians to evacuate some of the worst hit areas.

Katy Attfield, British Red Cross head of disaster management, said: “The violence in Gaza and Israel has devastated communities, and left many people in desperate need of help. Donations to the appeal will give them crucial support in the weeks and months ahead. Please give what you can.”

To donate to the appeal visit www.redcross.org.uk

redcrossappealVisiting Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories on yesterday and today (23 and 24 July), Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond met Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

The Foreign Secretary said: “The conflict in Gaza is taking a terrible toll. With more than 700 Palestinians killed, including more than 150 children, as well as the loss of more than 30 Israeli lives, it is beyond time to bring an end to this conflict and stop the bloodshed.

“I stressed to all those I saw my deep concern at the high numbers of civilian casualties and the humanitarian impact of the conflict. I underlined the need for all concerned to exert every effort to secure an immediate ceasefire to end the violence.

“With President Abbas, I expressed my concern for the heavy loss of civilian lives in Gaza, including many women and children. I reiterated the UK’s strong support for his leadership and thanked him for his own efforts to achieve a ceasefire. I stressed that, once a ceasefire is secured, there is an urgent need for a long term plan for Gaza.

“With Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Lieberman, I expressed my deep concern at Hamas’s rocket attacks and reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself. I urged that Israeli forces do everything they can to avoid civilian casualties, and stressed the need for a rapid conclusion to their ground operation in Gaza.

“With all, I emphasised the UK’s support for the US-Egyptian led efforts to broker a ceasefire, which remains the best means of ending the current violence and preventing further loss of life. For a ceasefire to be durable, there must then be rapid movement to address the underlying causes of the conflict, with a central role for the Palestinian Authority and a strong one for the international community.

“The current crisis underlines once again the need for a wider political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which is the only way to secure a lasting peace.”

gaza2Commenting on the worsening situation, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond said: “It is vital that the situation is brought under control and de-escalated as soon as possible, to prevent any more loss of innocent civilian lives, such as those in this latest incident.

“That involves restraint on both sides – the rocket attacks on Israel should stop, as should the Israeli shelling of Gaza, which has been heavily disproportionate. Israel has a right to seek security for its own citizens, but that should not involve the shelling of civilian areas.

“I am glad to see that the UK Government have now become active on this issue, with the Foreign Secretary’s visit to meet with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders. However, that action will only be effective if it involves frank dialogue, and as such the Foreign Secretary’s view that ‘Western opinion is becoming more and more concerned and less and less sympathetic to Israel’ is one that should be heeded by the Israeli leadership.

“As a Government we continue to add our voice to those in the international community calling for an immediate, longer term ceasefire to put an end to the violence that is causing so many civilian deaths and injuries. We also believe that the continued blockade of Gaza is exacerbating the suffering experienced by the civilian population people there and should come to an end.”

In the past 16 days of fighting, more than 750 Palestinians and 33 Israelis have been killed, with thousands more injured, according to official reports. With little prospect of peace in sight and the international community seemingly unable to intervene to stop the slaughter, those dreadful figures can only rise. 



That appeal website address again:


Gaza: ‘unacceptable, unjustified and illegal’

Lazarowicz calls for ceasefire and an end to Israeli military action

GAZA: Thousands took to the Glasgow streets to protest on Saturday
GAZA: Thousands took to the Glasgow streets to protest on Saturday

As the fighting in Gaza has continued with reports of an Israeli attack hitting a Gaza hospital with the loss of four lives, North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz has condemned the conduct of military action by Israel in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire in a letter to the Foreign Secretary.

The conflict has so far seen the death toll rise to well over 500, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian civilians including more than one hundred children.

In his letter to the Foreign Secretary, Mark Lazarowicz called for an immediate ceasefire to be monitored by the international community and humanitarian relief to be allowed to reach Palestinians in Gaza.

After the conflict saw its worst day yet on Sunday with the death of 100 more Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers, the local MP said: “I have written to the Foreign Secretary to urge the Government to exert pressure on Israel to end military action in Gaza and redouble efforts to bring about an immediate ceasefire.

“Like people around the world, I have been shocked by the present conflict and scenes such the bodies on a beach. I completely condemn the violence on all sides, including the rocket attacks on Israel.

“Nevertheless, the scale and conduct of the Israeli military operation is unacceptable, unjustified and illegal: in practice it is the civilian population of Gaza which is suffering its consequences.

“I am calling for an immediate internationally verified ceasefire and humanitarian relief to be allowed into Gaza to be followed by a renewed peace initiative which would see the lifting of the blockade of Gaza.”

According to OCHA (the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) the number of displaced persons now totals 84,000.

The North and Leith Labour MP went on: “I am concerned that with electricity and water supplies being affected we could face a humanitarian emergency if the fighting continues. Political engagement by the international community is vital to bring about a ceasefire with so many being forced to flee their homes.”

children-cryingThe Scottish Government has confirmed that the country ‘stands ready’ to accept Palestinian refugees.

Speaking on Saturday, External Affairs Minister Humza Yousaf said: “The start of a ground offensive is a serious and worrying development. The lives lost in this conflict are individual human tragedies and the killing of innocent civilians, be they Palestinian or Israeli, is to be utterly condemned. The rocket attacks on Israel are unacceptable and should stop, as should the Israeli offensive in Gaza, which is heavily disproportionate, as demonstrated by the mounting civilian death toll.

“As a Government we continue to call for a complete cessation to all violence and add our voice to those in the international community for an immediate, longer term ceasefire, and that both sides in this conflict put an end to the violence that is causing so many civilian deaths and injuries.

“The worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza has been well documented and the UN now estimates that over 18,000 people have been internally displaced. I have today written to the Home Secretary and told her that Scotland would be willing to accept Palestinian refugees and urged the UK to also play a part in easing the refugee crisis in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

“It is essential that the UN should be allowed to independently investigate all civilian deaths to determine whether there has been any violation of international law.

“Our offer of medical assistance to help the humanitarian situation still stands and we are currently in dialogue with the appropriate Governments and agencies to assess whether Scotland can give specialist medical help to civilians caught up in the conflict should should this prove possible.

“The Scottish Government also believes that the continuation of the blockade in Gaza is exacerbating the suffering experienced by the people there and tantamount to collective punishment. For that reason I recently wrote to the UK Government to exert further pressure on the Israeli Government to bring that blockade to an end.”

UK Aid Shelter Kits and Water Containers are loaded for shipmentThe UK government yesterday announced the UK will provide more than £5 million in emergency support to help tens of thousands of people affected by the violence in Gaza.

This includes £2 million in new funding announced by Prime Minister David Cameron for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) Flash Appeal, which will provide emergency assistance to more than 84,000 people who have been driven out of their homes.

A further £3 million in funding will be brought forward to help the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) respond to the worsening situation and funding will also be reallocated to help rebuild UNRWA schools that are being used as shelters.

International Development Secretary Justine Greening said: “The escalation in violence has had a devastating impact on civilians. More than 500 Palestinians are now reported to have been killed with at least 83 children among the dead and more than 100,000 people have had to flee their homes.

“This new support from the UK will provide lifesaving food, shelter and clean water to those in desperate need as a result of the fighting. We must see an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire to prevent further civilian loss of life, followed by a return to peaceful negotiations.”

The UK Government has said that all sides must adhere to International Humanitarian Law and humanitarian supplies must be allowed to reach people in need. The security of both Israelis and Palestinians remains paramount, but restrictions that damage the economy and prospects for ordinary people in Gaza must be eased. A prosperous and stable Gaza is firmly in Israel’s security interests.
