Registration closes at 2pm on 1st September

Registration to join the next service year for the Garden Waste service is open until 2pm on 1 September.
The next service year will run from 8 November 2021 to 6 November 2022.
If you currently use our Garden Waste service you need to renew your permit by 2pm on 1 September to continue receiving collections after 7 November 2021. If you don’t use the service but would like to, you can sign up now.
Last year garden waste customers helped us turn over 20,000 tonnes of garden waste into compost, which is used on farms, gardens and greenspaces.
Sign Up or Renew and Pay

The cost of a permit is increasing from £25 to £35 a year.
The cost of running the service has increased since we introduced a paid collection service three years ago. To ensure we can continue to run the service we’ve had to increase the price for the first time since 2018. You can find out more about the pricing below.
The cost of the service is £35 per bin for fortnightly collections from 8 November 2021 until 6 November 2022 with no collections between 20 December and 16 January.
If you stay in a traditional tenement, with the numbering system 1F1, 1F2, etc. this format is used when registering. The flat numbers follow the flow of the staircase, for each floor. For example, 3F2 should be interpreted as 3rd floor, flat 2, which is the second flat from the stair.
If you want to share a bin with your neighbours, you will need to agree on one resident acting as the lead in paying for the service against their address and reporting any issues.
You can register on behalf of someone else, if they are unable to.
If you are a commercial site, please see details below.
You will need to renew your permit every year before it expires to continue receiving the service.
You can sign up during the mid-year registration window which opens in December, however the cost will remain at £35 and the permit will run until the end of the service year, which is 6 November 2022.
You no longer have to use your mygovscot myaccount. However, if you choose not to log in, you won’t see the history of your garden waste permits on your mygovscot myaccount.