IPCC report is ‘stark reminder of reality of climate emergency’

Commenting on the latest report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said: “The latest IPCC report makes for deeply alarming reading in confirming that the impacts of climate breakdown are more widespread, happening much sooner and having more devastating consequences than previously predicted.

“Tragically, this will come as no surprise to the millions of people fighting for their lives and livelihoods who are on the sharpest end of the all too frequent devastation wrought by the floods, fires, droughts and extreme weather events worldwide.

“The gross injustice of the situation is that the climate crisis is hitting the poorest and most vulnerable people the hardest even though they didn’t create it.

“With current global commitments to climate action putting us on a pathway to a hellish 2.7oC warming, the report highlights the terrible risks of even temporarily overshooting the critical 1.5oC threshold of warming. It warns of the threat of triggering tipping points, turning many of nature’s carbon sinks into carbon sources, and rendering damage to ecosystems we rely on for life itself beyond repair.

“Following all the backslapping at COP26 this report is a stark reminder of the reality of the climate crisis and must serve as a wake up call to governments relying on vague 2050 net zero goals, pathways that overshoot 1.5oC and fantasy techno-fixes. With barely a decade left before we reach this critical threshold we urgently need to focus on the solutions we know are necessary including a rapid and just phase out of fossil fuels.

“Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Glasgow and worldwide last November demanding a response to the climate crisis that puts justice at the heart of domestic and international efforts, transforming our economic, energy, and food systems and putting people and nature over profit.”

Commenting on reports that developed countries, led by the US have attempted to remove references to losses and damages in the report, Meena Raman, Friends of the Earth Malaysia, commented: “It is a disgrace that decades of cowardly decisions by rich industrial nations have led us here, to the brink of climate catastrophe laid bare in this latest IPCC Assessment Report. The United States in particular must accept its role in creating the climate impacts we’re experiencing right now.

“Developed countries’ attempts to remove the concept of loss and damage, and the finance for it from the IPCC report, were largely thwarted, but we condemn this resistance by those most responsible for the climate crisis. This has been a shameless attempt to wriggle off the hook.

“Scientists have confirmed that much more finance must urgently flow from developed to developing countries, to enable the latter to adapt and adjust to irreparable damage from climate impacts. This funding is necessary to secure the wellbeing of their citizens and economies. Without it, our hard-fought progress for equity, equality, rights and justice will unravel.”

IPCC report:


Experts back call to transform Scotland’s economy, protect the planet and provide wellbeing for all

Calls for radical, transformative changes to Scotland’s economy in order to ensure wellbeing for all within our environmental limits have been backed by  almost 40 leading economists and climate change academics.

In advance of the publication by the Scottish Government of its new economic strategy on Tuesday 1 March, these experts have endorsed Ten Points for a Transformative Economic Strategy produced by the ‘Transform Our Economy’ alliance.

These ideas outline a new purpose at the heart of our economy: providing wellbeing for all within environmental limits. They will require the government to set the trajectory for the economy and present a credible plan for delivery using all the powers at their disposal.

The alliance, comprising Scottish Environment LINK, Friends of the Earth Scotland and Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland, is also calling for much more extensive public debate about the direction of our economy and believes that participation from workers, affected communities and those who are in greatest need of economic transformation has been lacking.

Matthew Crighton, Sustainable Economy Adviser at Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “”In the midst of climate and nature emergencies, with too many people trapped in poverty and businesses still reeling from the impact of the pandemic, there is no question that economic transformation is needed.

“In the face of these challenges, the Scottish Government must plot a new direction in building a truly sustainable and just economy that can meet people’s needs.

“Recent history has shown us there is a persistent gap between high-level aspirations and the actual performance of the government in effectively intervening the economy in Scotland. The fear is that the new economic strategy won’t redesign the economy, but will instead continue to deliver inequality and environmental destruction.

“New ideas are sorely needed for a transformative economic agenda which can provide sufficient investment to deliver a just transition to zero carbon, integrate the protection of nature into economic decision making and ensure social equity and participation by currently marginalised groups.”

Professor Tim Jackson, Professor of Sustainable Development, University of Surrey and acclaimed author of Prosperity Without Growth backing the plan said: “With the forthcoming 10-year Strategy for Economic Transformation the Scottish Government has a unique opportunity to make Scotland a global example of an economy that is fit to address the challenges of the 21st century, delivering wellbeing for all within environmental limits.

“To do that, the Strategy needs to put at its heart care for people and planet, it needs to build on meaningful participation of those at the sharp end of our economy, and it needs to put in place measures which will give priority to ensuring people’s wellbeing rather than the pursuit of GDP growth for its own sake.”

The ten points proposed by the ‘Transform our Economy’ group offer a robust framework for building such a strategy. The Scottish Government would be well advised to take note.”

Professor Jan Webb, Professor of Sociology of Organisations, University of Edinburgh, and one of the 38 signatories, said: ““Orthodox economic strategy aims to maximise GDP, and then to make some adjustments for fairness and environmental harms.

“A transformative strategy, fit for addressing climate emergency and major inequalities, has to direct all economic action to achieving a fair, and sustainable, society.

“This means all investment prioritises decent work, zero waste, biodiversity and climate protection. I hope the Scottish Government will respond promptly and constructively to the Transform Our Economy alliance.”

The headings of the Ten Key Points are:
1. The goal: wellbeing for all within environmental limits
2. Setting specific economic objectives to care for people and the planet
3. Using all the tools available to government to meet those objectives
4. Policies must show how the objectives can be achieved
5. Combat economic pressures which are helping cause the problems
6. Public priorities must lead the direction of development of the economy
7. Clear tests for all investment programmes
8. Measure performance through metrics which matter
9. An economic strategy for all sectors – economic transformation as a national mission
10. An inclusive and participatory process

The full text of the Key Points can be read below:

at https://foe-scotland.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b5ad0d61b2a67d22c68bf7d8d&id=67d24d88dd&e=195fc3d780

Holyrood supports delay to Deposit Return Scheme – but questions remain over delivery

The Scottish Parliament voted last night (Wednesday 23 February) to support the Government’s proposed delay to Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme.

The 16-month delay until August 2023 means many bottles will go unrecycled and littering of our beaches will continue for longer than expected, and concerns remain over whether this new date will be met.

Progress towards a national Deposit Return Scheme in Scotland has been hampered by delays since the powers to create it were first created in 2009.

The industry-led scheme and past government overseers had made little progress when Lorna Slater, Minister for the Circular Economy, was given responsibility for the project in September last year.

Despite assurances from the Minister that the scheme can be delivered to this new date, the Scottish Government’s own assessment of the project suggests serious challenges still remain, leaving the successful delivery of the project in doubt.

A report written by civil servants in December 2021 cited several risks, including the need to resolve a battle with HMRC on VAT for the scheme and Circularity Scotland Limited securing resources to develop its corporate and operational systems.

Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland said: “Lorna Slater was given little choice but to delay the scheme, however if she fails to hold industry to this new deadline the political legitimacy of the Greens in government will be severely damaged.

“The Deposit Return Scheme is the biggest test of industry’s commitment to a circular economy in Scotland so far. Failure to deliver, after they have been granted every request to delay, will prove that stronger persuasion is required to ensure industry embraces a more sustainable future.”

MPs urged to back training scheme for workers to support just transition

Environmental campaigners and trade unionists have called for MPs to back the creation of an Offshore Training Scheme, as a key solution to removing barriers for oil and gas workers transferring into renewables. 

The idea is backed by offshore workers and MSPs from all parties expressed support for an Offshore Training Passport when it was debated in the Scottish Parliament in October 2021.

The Skills and Post-16 Education Bill is making its way through the UK Parliament, with the final vote to take place tomorrow – Monday 21st February. Caroline Lucas MP has tabled three amendments which would require the UK Government to publish a strategy for the creation of an Offshore Training Scheme within a year. Other parties are being urged to back these amendments.

A 2021 survey of 610 offshore workers by Friends of the Earth Scotland, Platform and Greenpeace UK found 97% of workers said they were concerned about training costs. On average, each worker paid £1800 every year to maintain the qualifications required to work in offshore oil and gas. For any worker looking to move into renewables, they are expected to duplicate much of their existing training, at even greater cost.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Just Transition Campaigner Ryan Morrison said: “The skills and experience of offshore workers are vital to enable a rapid shift to renewable energy, but workers cannot be expected to fork out thousands of pounds from their own pocket to duplicate qualifications they already have.

“It is time for MPs to listen to these workers by creating a regulated training passport to ensure a just transition for offshore workers. They have a golden opportunity to do exactly that this week by supporting these amendments.”

94% of workers surveyed supported an Offshore Training Passport to standardise training in the offshore energy industry, removing duplication where possible and significantly reducing the burden of costs faced by often self-employed workers. The amendments put forward by Caroline Lucas would achieve the demands of workers in the industry.

RMT Regional Officer, Jake Molloy said: “The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated. The Trade Unions have been banging this particular drum since the oil and gas downturn of 2014 and the industry and their standards bodies have collectively failed the workforce.

“We need an intervention now; we need the political will and support of MPs across the country to address the injustice of having to pay for work, which is the situation faced by thousands of UK workers! All of the talk about a “Just” transition will continue to be nothing more than ‘talk’ if MPs fail to support this initiative.”

+++ Workers case study (Jack is a pseudonym) +++

Jack*, 39, has worked in the industry for 12 years. He works as a LOLER Focal Point for rigs, having worked his way up from being a trainee rigger.

Jack said: “The companies used to pay for your training costs. So you’d have to cover your first lot of training yourself but after that, once you were established with a company, they would pay for your training because they want you to work for them.

“Now it’s very different. You’ve got to cover all these costs yourself, and they need redoing every couple of years so you’re in this constant cycle, and often the courses do overlap. And some of these agencies are making you pay for your own Personal Protective Equipment that you need to work on an oil rig.

“I have thought about working in renewables, but that’d be thousands of pounds you’d have to pay to work in both industries. It’d just be too much, it costs an absolute fortune just to stay in one sector. 

“I was paid off last year, so my certificates lapsed. I ended up having to pay £3,000 for training to only get four months of work. 

“Shelling out all this money does cause stress, and it does have an impact on your family and your living costs. There’s lots of people worrying about how they’re going to pay the mortgage. I know people who’ve packed it in altogether because working offshore is just too expensive.”

Incineration contracts stopping Scots from recycling, says FoE Scotland

New research shows that Scotland’s incineration capacity is so high that it is likely to stop councils from recycling waste. Campaigners are calling for a ban on new incinerators so that councils focus on reducing and recycling waste, rather than sending it up in smoke.

The Scottish Government set up an independent review into incineration which is currently taking place. As part of this, the reviewers have researched whether existing and planned incineration capacity matches Scotland’s projected waste levels.

It shows that if Scotland meets its recycling targets, by next year we will already have more incineration capacity than we need. Even if we make no progress towards these targets, there will still be overcapacity by 2026.

The 2025 ban on sending biodegradable municipal waste to landfill means councils have had to find some other way to dispose of waste. Rather than attempting to reduce the waste through recycling and other measures, councils have signed up to expensive and lengthy incineration contracts.

It is now emerging that the amount of waste councils have agreed to supply is greater than the waste available. This means to fulfil their contracts, councils must supply huge amounts of waste to be burnt, instead of focusing on reducing and recycling.

Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said:
“The Scottish Government has unwittingly created the perfect conditions for waste management companies to make as much money as possible from keeping Scotland’s waste levels high. The ban on biodegradable waste to landfill means councils have sought alternative waste management solutions in a hurry.

“Councils have panicked and signed up to contracts that now create a conflict of interests. They are faced with choosing between helping residents reduce and recycle their waste and fulfilling the incineration contracts. Through a lack of strategic thinking, the Government and councils have ensured Scotland’s recycling targets are now much harder to achieve.

“It’s vital we stop burning our valuable resources if we are to bring down the consumption levels that are wrecking the planet. We need to see an end to new incinerators being built in Scotland, and an immediate ban on burning plastics.”

This overcapacity problem is evident at a local level, as well as a national one. Three councils in the North East of Scotland, Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray Councils, have signed a joint contract to build and supply a privately run incinerator. The NESS Energy Project is due to start operating later this year.

The incinerator has been built to take 150,000 tonnes of waste. The Environmental Statement for the project shows this was based on the amount of residual waste generated from the councils in 2016 when planning permission was granted.

However, data from SEPA shows that, even before the plant has opened, there will not be enough household residual waste to supply the plant. The 20-year contracts mean these councils will be looking for more material to burn, rather than supporting residents to reduce and recycle waste.

Scotland is now burning almost as much of its household waste as it is sending to landfill. Household waste statistics published in December show a 33.6% increase in waste being incinerated between 2019 and 2020 – that’s an extra 152,000 tonnes burnt in one year.

As well as burning valuable resources, incinerators contribute to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases from the waste they burn.

To find out more visit: www.foe.scot/campaign/plastic-pollution/incineration/

Dirty Old Town

FoE Scotland: Pollution rebounds to illegal levels in 2021

Scotland breached legal air quality limits in 2021 after a historic low in 2020 due to the pandemic.

Hope Street in Glasgow recorded an annual average above the legal limit for diesel pollution, while many streets across Scotland saw pollution spike back up despite Covid-19 restrictions like working from home continuing through the year and the country being in lockdown for the first few months. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland analysed official air pollution data for 2021, looking at two toxic pollutants which are primarily produced by transport. Legal air quality standards came into force in 2010, yet have been broken every single year since except 2020. 

As traffic levels increased through 2021, air pollution rose correspondingly. While Hope Street in Glasgow once again breached legal air quality limits for nitrogen dioxide, other streets such as Salamander Street in Edinburgh and Atholl Street in Perth experienced increases in particulate pollution.

Campaigners say this data shows governments and councils have not done enough to reduce car traffic. Measures such as Spaces for People – brought in during lockdown to ease social distancing and create temporary cycle lanes and pedestrian spaces – were soon ripped out by councils like Edinburgh while other councils, such as Falkirk largely ignored the funding.

Air pollution kills 2,500 people in Scotland each year and puts the population at risk of serious health conditions, like asthma, heart attacks, and strokes. It’s especially harmful to children, the elderly, and people living in poverty or made vulnerable from other health conditions.


Dirtiest streets for Nitrogen Dioxide 

The European Ambient Air Quality Directive set a limit for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) of 40 micrograms per cubic metre. The deadline for this limit to have been met was 2010.

Location  / NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide Annual mean (µg/m3)

Glasgow Hope Street 45.411

Dundee Lochee Road 31.840

Falkirk West Bridge Street 31.219

Perth Atholl Street 31.077

Dundee Seagate 30.136

Edinburgh Queensferry Road 29.625


Dirtiest streets for fine particles (PM10)

The Scottish annual statutory standard for particulate matter (PM10) is 18 micrograms per cubic metre. 

Location PM10 annual mean (µg/m3)

Edinburgh Salamander St 15.439

Perth Atholl Street 14

Glasgow Kerbside 13.138

Fife Cupar 12.955

Aberdeen Wellington Road 12.314


Friends of the Earth Scotland’s transport campaigner, Gavin Thomson, said: “Scotland once again has illegal air quality in 2021, which is shocking but not surprising given the lack of political action on the issue. 

“2020 was an outlier for obvious reasons and we witnessed unprecedented changes to all areas of public life. But for traffic emissions, it was back to business as usual in 2021. From the evidence we have, virtually every street in Scotland experienced higher levels of pollution in 2021 than the previous year.

“Air pollution from transport is responsible for thousands of premature deaths in Scotland every year, and causes serious heart and lung issues. The growing evidence base showing the links between air pollution and vulnerability to Covid-19 is only the latest reason why we have to act to protect public health.

“The Low Emission Zones being introduced will not restrict private cars until summer 2024. Meanwhile, with pollution spiking in Perth, we should be asking why only four cities in Scotland are introducing LEZs. 

“The temporary improvements in air quality in 2020 arrived at an enormous cost to our communities and societies. There was no intention or concerted political action to reduce emissions, which is why the falls were not maintained when restriction eased.

“We need a just transition for transport, including taking control of our public transport to run comprehensive services that serve passengers not profit, and more options for safe walking and cycling, to improve the air we breathe permanently.”

Felicity Neyme runs the Clean Air & Active Travel group at Davidson’s Mains primary school in Edinburgh. The group works to make routes to school safer and actively campaigns in the community for measures to monitor and improve air quality.

She said: “These days we all know about the dangers of smoking and even plastic in waterways but I am concerned about the lack of awareness amongst parents and grandparents about the impact of air pollution on children’s lungs. 

“I regularly see cars idling at pick-up and drop-off whilst collecting the children they love, dearly ignorant of the fact that they are complicit in creating dangerous levels of pollution around school. We need publicly available data on air quality at schools, safer routes to school so parents don’t feel they have to drive and we need stricter regulation banning vehicles near school.”

Paul Wilson, 47, social care worker based in Ayrshire, said: “I’ve had serious asthma since I was a young child, and have been admitted to hospital over 50 times throughout my life. I have the condition in good control now through medication and lifestyle, but air pollution is something that can be really hard to avoid. 

“I live in a small village in Ayrshire now, but when I lived in Glasgow I had far more attacks. Whenever I’m in the city now I’m aware of my chest being tighter, and I make sure to avoid certain streets like Hope Street in the city centre which are especially polluted.

“I always take my inhaler when I’m going through too. I’m incredibly aware of what affects my asthma because I have to be, but some people don’t realise what’s causing it to get worse when it’s something invisible like air pollution, and it must be very hard for people who can’t avoid these really polluted areas because of work or where they live. 

“Tackling air pollution will obviously make a huge difference for asthma sufferers like me, but it’s also affecting everyone’s health so I think it needs to be prioritised more than it is currently.”

Caitlin Smyth, 24, a nurse based in Paisley said: “I’m really concerned about the damage done to people’s health from air pollution. Things like engine idling outside hospitals and schools needs to become a thing of the past. Your car fumes might be harming someone who is vulnerable. 

“That air quality is getting worse, year-on-year, is shameful. We need to make our towns and cities safer and healthier. I’d like to see a big focus on public transport, but also we need to stop cars running their engines for no reason.”

2050 Climate Group present: Digital Youth Summit

4th September 2021, 10.00 -15.15 BST

With COP26 just around the corner, we are happy to announce our Youth Climate Summit, ‘Let’s Talk COP26’, taking place digitally on the 4th of September from 10.00 – 15.15 BST.

This event will host a diverse variety of speakers and workshop sessions grounded in 5 key themes up for discussion on COP26’s presidential programme: nature-based solutions, adaptation and resilience, finance, energy transition, and clean road transport.

These sessions will be led by youth activists, community groups, and industry leaders from organisations such as Friends of the Earth Scotland, the Black Environmental Network, and the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition (to name just a few!).

By engaging specifically with the event of COP26 and its themes, ‘Let’s Talk COP26’ strives to unpack a political decision-making process that lacks transparency and marginalises those experiencing the climate emergency first and worst. This event will tackle the key issues being discussed at COP26 so that we can take informed and effective youth action moving forward.

This event is free and open to young people aged 18-35 in Scotland and beyond. Sign up now!


Activists call for green jobs

Politicians urged to support investment to create over 13,000 green jobs

Local campaigners have urged all Edinburgh and Lothians candidates in the upcoming Scottish Parliament election to support much needed investment in key sectors to create green jobs as part of our economic recovery all while cutting our climate emissions.

New research shows that over 13,000 jobs could be created in Edinburgh across green infrastructure and care work in just two years.

The call comes after new research from Green New Deal UK revealed at least 130,000 green jobs can be created across Scotland. Campaigners highlight how this will help us deal with the current job insecurity many citizens face, but only if the government invests in key areas including care work and renewable energy.

The analysis maps out the huge jobs potential in sectors like solar energy, offshore wind, social care and energy efficiency – all of which are essential to Scotland meeting its national and international climate targets.

The data, compiled by Green New Deal UK, shows:

·         130,000 jobs could be created across Scotland in the next two years.

·         60,000 jobs could be created in care work, looking after people in our communities.

·         62,000 jobs could be created in building the green infrastructure needed to reduce climate emissions, including in renewable energy, construction and transport.

Laurie Dewar, a Green New Deal organiser in Edinburgh, said: “Our research shows that you can reduce unemployment and create jobs whilst tackling climate change at the same time. Politicians have the power capitalise on this opportunity and help their constituents.

“As a young person I know that now is the time in which my future is decided, and I want a world in which my decisions will not be dictated by ecological chaos.

“Considering the irrevocable damage climate change will do to the places we live and love, the global health and humanitarian crises it will spark, and the working solutions that we know can be adopted, we must come to a consensus to act.

“I see real power in our collective desire to live in a safer world and a key example is the public’s display of solidarity and connection throughout the pandemic. Walking down the streets now it is still easy to find rainbows lining the windows one year on: a symbol of our desire to create brightness in the dark. We can do that here as well. Out of the ashes of these twin issues can we form a better society.”

Ryan Morrison, Just Transition Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, commented: “The next Scottish Parliament must put people and climate action at the heart of decisions they make about the economy.

“Thousands of green jobs can be created by making bus travel free for everyone, scaling up renewable energy whilst ensuring that people in Scotland are reaping the benefits, and planning for a fair transition away from fossil fuels.

“We also need to broaden our understanding of what makes a job green. A truly green economy will see a myriad of retrofitters, carers, bike couriers and teachers, up and down the country, all working towards transforming our economy.

“There are opportunities in every part of Scotland that can support our recovery from the pandemic while tackling our emissions in tandem. It is imperative that new MSPs are focused on turning the potential opportunity shown in this research into quality jobs on the ground.”

Campaigners highlight how almost one in five children in Edinburgh live in poverty – most to adults in paid employment – showing the clear need more good jobs. In a world facing a climate crisis any good job must be green and sustainable, but they can also help revitalise our capital and create a society to be proud of.

Lothian Pension Fund invests over £164 million in fossil fuel polluters

A new report has revealed that the City of Edinburgh Council’s own pension fund has £164,691,111 invested in climate-polluting fossil fuel companies. The revelations come despite the council declaring a climate emergency in 2019 and committing to become a net-zero carbon city by 2030.

The report found that overall in Scotland, £1.2 billion was invested in fossil fuel companies by council pension funds. None of the 20 Scottish councils that have declared a climate emergency have taken action to end their investments in the coal, oil and gas firms chiefly responsible for driving this crisis.

The report by Friends of the Earth Scotland, Platform and Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland was compiled from Freedom of Information requests.

Lothian Pension Fund is the second largest local government pension scheme in Scotland and administers the pensions of 84,000 members. (4) Lothian is operated by the City of Edinburgh Council on behalf of East Lothian, West Lothian and Midlothian.

Lothian Pension Fund invests £771,000 in Exxon and £1.47 million in Royal Dutch Shell. The companies are co-owners of the Mossmorran plants in Fife, which is Scotland’s third largest climate polluter. The Scottish Government is currently considering launching a public inquiry after 5,000 complaints were submitted about the flaring, air and noise pollution from the site.

The pension fund also invests £9.1 million in the Italian oil company, Eni. Both Eni and Exxon are involved in the construction of a major gas export development in Mozambique which is associated with increased militarisation and violence in the region, and led to the displacement of local communities.

Strathclyde Pension Fund was the worst offender in Scotland after being found to have £508 million invested in companies such as Shell, BP and Exxon. This is despite Glasgow hosting the UN climate conference later this year and Councillors declaring a climate emergency in May 2019.

As fossil fuel company stocks have fallen in value in recent years, local councils have lost out. £194 million of value was wiped off the oil and gas investments of the Scottish council pensions between 2017-20 with the Strathclyde Pension Fund alone losing £46 million and Lothian Pension Fund losing £36 million.

Across the UK, total fossil fuel investments in the pension funds stood at £9.9 billion – an average of £1,450 per scheme member.

Over half of Scotland’s universities have committed to divest from fossil fuel companies, including Edinburgh, Stirling and Dundee Universities, alongside local government funds in Southwark, Islington, Lambeth, Waltham Forest, and Cardiff.

Alan Munro from local campaign group Divest Lothian said: “We all deserve a future worth retiring for, but continued investment in fossil fuels by our politicians and local councils threaten that future, both here in the Lothians and around the world.

“We’ve been campaigning for some time for the Lothian Pension Fund to make a strong commitment to climate action and divest from the fossil fuel companies. Public institutions have a moral duty to put the long-term well-being of their communities first.

“This recent report shows that, up to present, the Lothian Pension Fund has not heeded our calls for divestment. As Scotland prepares to host the UN COP26 Climate conference in November, the fund has an opportunity to show climate leadership and invest more in renewable energy and other sustainable and ethical sectors so that we can create a better future.”

Ric Lander, Divestment Campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, commented: “Many local authorities have declared a climate emergency and have plans in place to bring down emissions from transport, buildings and waste.

“Pension fund investments are currently working against this progress by continuing to back the ageing fossil fuel economy. Local councillors have the opportunity to show leadership on climate action by telling fund managers to divest from fossil fuels.

“Scottish council pensions are directly invested in the continued search for new fossil fuels through their ownership of companies like Shell and BP. This drive is undermining efforts to curb the climate emergency here in Scotland and doing untold damage to vulnerable communities around the world.”

Stephen Smellie is Deputy Convenor of UNISON Scotland, who are the largest union representing local government pension fund members. He reacted: “It is disappointing that the people who manage the pension funds of local government workers are oblivious to the climate crisis that is facing us.

“Workers care deeply about a sustainable future for their children, and if pension funds consulted with the people whose money they are investing they would know that. Instead, they continue to be part of the climate crisis problem rather than being part of the solution that they could be if they increased investments in sustainable alternatives.

“The value of the fossil fuel investments is high but only a small percentage of the funds’ overall investments so there is no financial justification for maintaining investments in coal, fracking or further fossil fuel exploitation.”

“There is a moral and ethical case for divesting from polluting fossil fuels. But there is also a firm financial case to remove workers’ pension funds from investments that will lose value as the world moves to a low-carbon economy which is less dependent on fossil fuels.”

Campaigners call for speedy ban on Single-Use Plastic

The Scottish Government has been urged to act quickly on the public demand for a ban on single-use plastic items in Scotland.

A 12-week public consultation which ended on Monday 4th January was seeking views on the introduction of restrictions on the sale of items including single-use plastic cutlery, plates, straws, drink stirrers and balloon sticks. Exemptions are likely for products such as plastic straws provided for medical use and to support independent living.

Experts estimate that each year in Scotland, we use an estimated 300 million plastic straws, 276 million pieces of plastic cutlery and 66 million polystyrene food containers.  Campaigners say that any delay to action will mean millions more pieces of plastic will end up in landfill or potentially polluting our beaches and waterways.

Under the EU’s Single-Use Plastic Directive, Member States have to introduce restrictions on the sale of some of the most environmentally-harming single-use plastic products by July 2021. The Scottish Government announced in their 2019-2020 Programme for Government that it planned to meet or exceed the standards set out in the Directive.

More than 1900 people who took action online via Friends of the Earth Scotland backed the Scottish Government’s plans to ban single-use plastic items. They also called for a Just Transition for workers in Grangemouth with the phasing out of fossil-fuel-based plastic production. Ineos is the UK’s largest producer of plastic using fracked gas transported from the USA.

Friends of the Earth Scotland Plastic and Circular Economy Campaigner Sarah Moyes said: “The public response clearly shows that people are concerned about plastic pollution in Scotland and want to see action to tackle these persistent polluters. The knife and fork we use for a quick bite to eat shouldn’t endure beyond our lifetime sitting in landfill for hundreds of years.

“Plastic pollutes at every stage of its life cycle from the oil and gas extracted to produce it, to the end products which litter our environment. In order to get to the heart of the plastic problem, we must also look beyond this list of products and address the fact that Ineos, one of the biggest producers of plastic in Europe is right on our doorstep.”

The Single-Use Plastic Directive is part of wider work to reduce waste in Scotland. Campaigners raised concerns about how other measures to tackle waste such as the Deposit Return Scheme introduction have been delayed, the Circular Economy Bill was shelved and a ban on biodegradable municipal waste going to landfill was pushed back by 4 years.

Sarah Moyes said: “Scotland could soon be on our way to having communities across the country freed from litter and waste, and that’s why it’s imperative that the Scottish Government moves quickly to ban these polluting plastic items.

“Even a delay of just six months will lead to hundreds of millions of extra pieces of disposable plastic circulating in Scotland. The longer we invest in or support the fossil fuel industry, the longer we lock Scotland into increasing emissions that fuel the escalating climate crisis.

“If we want to avoid further climate breakdown then we must redirect support away from the plastic industry, like Ineos, instead planning and managing the shift in partnership with trade unions, workers and communities to ensure a Just Transition to a clean industry that moves us towards a circular economy.”