Scotland generates lowest amount of household waste since 2011

Scottish household waste statistics 2022 

  • Lowest amount of Scottish household waste generated since 2011.
  • Scotland generated 2.33 million tonnes of household waste in 2022, down 148,000 tonnes (6.0%) from 2021.
  • Overall household recycling rate was 43.3%, up slightly from 2021
  • 0.43 tonnes of waste generated per person in 2022 – 0.19 tonnes recycled, 0.11 tonnes landfilled and 0.14 tonnes diverted through other means
  • Carbon impact of Scotland’s waste was 5.5 million tonnes of CO2e or 1.02 carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per person. This is down 357,000 TCO2e from 2021 and 1.22 million TCO2e from 2011  

Waste from all sources landfilled and incinerated in Scotland 2022

  • Waste from all sources landfilled in Scotland in 2021 decreased 21.0% largely due to fewer soils and sorting residues being landfilled 
  • Waste from all sources incinerated in Scotland in 2022 increased 4.9%, largely due to an increase in sorting residues. 

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) statisticians have published Official Statistics today (17 October 2023) which provide detail of Household Waste collected across all Local Authorities during 2022, as well as waste landfilled and incinerated in Scotland in 2022.  

The figures show that Scotland generated the lowest amount of household waste since 2011 and suggests the figures have recovered after the anomalous years of 2020 and 2021 – which were impacted by restrictions imposed due to Covid-19. 


Scottish households generated the equivalent of 0.43 tonnes of waste per person in 2022, with 0.19 tonnes recycled, 0.11 tonnes sent to landfill and 0.14 tonnes diverted through other means, such as incineration.  

The total amount of household waste generated was 2.33 million tonnes, a decrease of 148,000 tonnes (6.0%) from 2021. Of this, 43.3% was recycled, a 0.3 percentage point increase from 2021. The recycling figure includes recycling and reuse (657,000 tonnes) and composting (355,000 tonnes).  


Carbon impact of Scottish households   

The Scottish carbon metric measures the whole-life impact of resources. A measure of national performance, the metric takes a holistic view, from resource extraction and manufacturing emissions, through to waste management emissions. This is measured in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).   

The carbon impact of Scottish household waste generated and managed in 2022 was 5.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, which equates to 1.02 tonnes of CO2e per person. This was a decrease of 6.1% (357,000 tonnes CO2e) from 2021. 

Waste sent to landfill continues to decrease  

Scottish household waste landfilled in 2022 was 585,000 tonnes, a decrease of 78,000 tonnes (11.7%) from 2021. This continues the long-term downward trend, with a reduction of 868,000 tonnes (59.7%) of household waste landfilled since 2011. 

In 2022, Scotland landfilled 25.1% of the waste generated, down 30.7 percentage points from 2011 when the figure was 55.8%. This comparison allows for the variation in the amount of waste generated. 

Waste recycled and diverted from landfill  

The 2022 recycling rate was 43.3%, up 0.3 percentage points from 2021 and an increase of 3.8 percentage points from the 39.6% achieved in 2011.

The majority was recycled or reused (657,000 tonnes, 65%), with composting contributing the remaining 355,000 (35%).  

The amount of household waste managed by other diversion from landfill was 736,000 tonnes, a decrease of 15,000 tonnes (1.9%) from 2021. Most was managed by incineration (604,000 tonnes, 82.0%). 

What Scotland is recycling – plastic and textiles up, glass and construction & soils down 

The largest material category recycled or reused in 2022 was paper and cardboard (181,000 tonnes, 27.6%). There was a decrease of 2.7% for these materials recycled or reused between 2021 and 2022, which fits with the longer-term downward trend for paper and cardboard, which is down 59,000 tonnes (24.6%) from 2011. 

Of the seven material categories that comprised the highest amount of waste recycled or reused, plastic wastes showed the largest increase (up 3,000 tonnes, 4.2%) followed by textiles (an increase of 2,000 tonnes, 19.0%).   

The largest reductions were glass (a decrease of 10,000 tonnes, 8.1%) followed by construction and soils (a decrease of 9,000 tonnes, 8.6%). 


Also published today were statistics providing the details of waste landfilled and incinerated in Scotland for calendar year 2022. The corresponding data set for all waste generated and recycled in Scotland during 2022 will be published in March 2024. 

Total waste landfilled in Scotland  

The total quantity of waste landfilled in Scotland in 2022 was 2.4 million tonnes, a decrease of 631,000 tonnes (21.0%) from 2021. This continues a long-term trend, with a reduction of 4.7 million tonnes (66.4%) since 2005, and is the lowest annual amount on record of waste landfilled since then. 

Most of the decrease was due to a reduction in sorting residues (down 311,000 tonnes or 32.2%) and soils (down 274,000 tonnes or 29.5%). The reduction follows an increase in the landfilling of these wastes in 2021, due to a resumption of economic activity in Scotland following extended lockdowns and other restrictions due to Covid-19. 

The amount of biodegradable municipal disposed to landfill in 2022 was 707,000 tonnes, a decrease of 174,000 tonnes (19.8%) from 2021 and a reduction of 1.3 million tonnes (65.3%) since 2005.  


Waste incinerated in Scotland   

The total quantity of waste incinerated in Scotland in 2022 was 1.42 million tonnes, an increase of 67,000 tonnes (4.9%) from 2021. Sorting residues made up over a third (34.7%) of this (492,000 tonnes, up 42,000 tonnes – 9.4%).   

Over one third (36.4%) of waste incinerated was incinerated by recovery.  This follows the accreditation of an additional two municipal waste incineration facilities to the R1 efficiency standard in 2022, bringing the total number of accredited facilities in Scotland to three. 


David Harley, Interim Chief Officer, Circular Economy, said: “Scotland is ambitious for a more circular economy where fewer resources are disposed of and much more are re-used and recycled, creating a range of environmental, economic and societal benefits. We’ve all got a role to play, from the making choices about the resources we use, to how we re-use and recycle – and what we dispose of.

“At SEPA we’re working closely with Scottish Government, Zero Waste Scotland and Scottish councils to help improve recyclate quality and support Scottish waste infrastructure – these statistics are an important measure of Scotland’s progress towards a circular economy.”

Local government organisation COSLA has welcomed the statistics, claiming it as ‘another success story for Local Government’.



Waste statistics published today (17 October) show that household recycling levels in Scotland remain stagnant at 43%, with only a 0.3% increase from 2021 to 2022. The amount of waste generated by households has fallen by just 7% in 10 years.

The Scottish Government’s commitment for 70% of all waste to be recycled by 2025 is likely to be missed. At the current rate of progress, household waste will take nearly 100 years to reach 70% recycling. In Wales, recycling rates increased from 45% in 2010-11 to over 65% in 2020-21.

Environmental campaigners have said progress is happening too slowly, and that focus must be put on reducing waste as well as recycling it.

In terms of cutting carbon, it is more important to reduce the total amount of waste than recycling. Not creating waste in the first place means less production and less waste that needs to be dealt with. However, household waste is also not being reduced at the rate that’s needed, having only fallen from 2.6 million tonnes in 2012 to 2.3 million tonnes in 2022.

The figures also show that, for the first time, more household waste is being sent to incineration than landfill. Incinerators contribute to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases from the waste they burn. They also make it more difficult to ensure potentially recyclable material is not wasted instead. Research by Zero Waste Scotland has shown that 60% of residual waste from household bins of could have been recycled.

The Scottish Government introduced the Circular Economy Bill to the Scottish Parliament earlier this year. It aims to create a circular economy in Scotland, where materials are properly valued and cycled around our economy for as long as possible by reducing consumption, and sharing and repairing, as well as recycling.

Kim Pratt, Circular Economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “The continued failure of the Scottish Government to improve recycling rates shows that real action is needed to tackle our waste problem.

“The Circular Economy Bill is an opportunity to change the way we use materials in Scotland, but at the moment it’s not strong enough to make a significant impact. It needs to include targets to reduce our consumption. The Scottish Government must be bold and decisive to create the change needed to meet the threat of climate breakdown.

“Recycling is incredibly important for the planet, but moving to a circular economy means more than that. Strong consumption targets would mean policies to encourage producers to make products last for longer, ensure they are easy to repair, choose lower carbon materials, and to shift consumption patterns away from carbon intensive goods and services.”

Campaigners call for end to incineration excess

Campaigners have written to the Scottish Government urging them to use their powers to stop the development of three incinerators that otherwise will be built, despite Ministers banning new incinerators in 2022.

Local community groups and environmental campaigners have written to Lorna Slater, Minister for the Circular Economy, calling for the Scottish Government to “close this gaping loophole” and immediately stop plans for unnecessary incinerators being built in Scotland.

In 2022, the Scottish Government banned plans for new incinerators after an independent review found that Scotland will have more capacity to manage waste than there is waste to burn by 2027. However, incinerators that had planning approval before the ban came into force were not included in the ban.

There are at least three incinerators (Avondale Energy from Waste in Falkirk; Inverurie in Aberdeenshire; and Levenseat 2 in South Lanarkshire) that have planning permission but have not yet entered construction. If they were built they will create unnecessary and harmful emissions which will put the Scottish Government’s climate and recycling agendas at risk.

The letter asks the Scottish Government to use its powers under the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Regulations to direct the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) to refuse to award permits to new incinerators. Without these permits, the incinerators are not allowed to operate.

As well as burning valuable resources, incinerators contribute to climate breakdown by emitting greenhouse gases from the waste they burn. On average, burning one tonne of waste emits one tonne of CO2 directly into the atmosphere.

John Young from the Dovesdale Action Group, who successfully campaigned against incineration plans in South Lanarkshire, said: “Whilst we endure a climate emergency, nationally we are not on target to meet our commitments to reduce emissions or increase household recycling.

“Plans for new incinerators hinder our ability to meet these targets. Burning our resources does not support the national agenda for a circular economy, nor does it recognise the impact on communities and the environment. If we are to reduce the impact of waste, we need to stop polluting our air with greenhouse gases and transform the waste industry for the benefit of the people, not shareholders.”

Dr Ronald Parr, local activist concerned about the planned incinerator in Inverurie, said: “The Inverurie incinerator is redundant before it even opens. If it is built, the North East of Scotland will struggle with two large incinerators just 15 miles apart.”

Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “If all the incinerators that have planning permission were built, Scotland would have more capacity than there is waste to burn in four years time.

“Plans to build unnecessary incinerators must be rapidly reversed. The Scottish Government has the power to do this by directing SEPA to refuse permits, and they must use it.

“Incinerators are a terrible way of getting rid of waste – burning resources means we can’t reuse them and burning plastic releases carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to climate breakdown.”

Shlomo Dowen, National Coordinator of UKWIN, said: “Scotland has a great vision to move towards a more circular economy, and that means less incineration and more reduction, reuse and recycling of waste.

“However, this greener future is put at risk by incineration overcapacity because once built these burners will need to be provided with a constant supply of waste. The Scottish Government needs to act urgently to close this gaping loophole in their incineration moratorium before it is too late.”

The three incinerator plants which have obtained planning permission prior to the ban but have not yet begun construction or obtained a permit are: Avondale Energy from Waste in Falkirk; Inverurie in Aberdeen; and Levenseat 2 in South Lanarkshire. The Glenfarg  incinerator in Perthshire and Oldhall incinerator in North Ayrshire are believed to be in the early construction stages and do not have permits.

The local community groups and environmental groups who have written the joint letter to the Scottish Government are:

Community Groups and individuals:

Ayrshire Against Incineration Group
Badenoch & Strathspey Conservation Group
Dovesdale Action Group
Friends of the Earth Falkirk
Friends of the Earth Inverness and Ross
Irvine Without Incinerators

Environmental Groups:

Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland
Friends of the Earth Scotland
UK Without Incineration Network (UKWIN)

Full letter to the Scottish Government:

Edinburgh march joins global calls for fast and fair transition away from fossil fuels

Climate campaigners will march through Edinburgh today (16 /9/ 23) to demand the UK and Scottish Governments develop a plan for a fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels. 

The protestors are demanding action to phase out oil and gas in the UK including a halt to controversial projects like the Rosebank oil field and a new gas-fired power station in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. 

Organisers say there must be a fair and fast transition for the workers and the communities most affected by the move away from fossil fuels and these people should be at the heart of planning this transition to ensure it meets their needs.  

The march is one of 400 actions taking place around the world with millions of people involved this weekend ahead of a UN Climate Ambition Summit of world leaders in New York next week.

Scientists, energy experts and climate campaigners agree that there must be no new investment in oil, gas or coal anywhere if the world is to limit further climate breakdown. Despite this the UK Government wants to “max out” new North Sea oil and gas and grant over 100 new licences for further oil and gas exploration. 

The march is organised by a coalition of groups including Edinburgh Climate Coalition, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Fridays for Future, Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh, Scot.E3, Greenpeace Edinburgh and Youth in Resistance. 

Steve Gray, a delegate of Aberdeen Trades Union Council who will speak at the rally after the march said: “Aberdeen Trades Union Council welcomes the opportunity to march in solidarity with the climate justice movement and thanks everyone for their support for a just transition for workers employed by the fossil fuel industries.

“The tragic deaths caused by the Stonehaven trail derailment during a storm showed the devastating impacts of a changing climate. Aberdeen Trades Union Council, alongside our STUC allies, recognise that we cannot allow these hazards to multiply and threaten our communities.

“All our gains from free school education to votes for working people and equal pay for women have been won through collective struggles. We can once again win this shared fight and secure decent jobs for people building climate resilient communities in Scotland and around the world.”

Lucia Harrington, Lead Organiser of Fuel Poverty Action who campaign for insulated homes and clean, affordable energy for all commented: “Our households’ resources, and the earth’s resources, are being exploited by the profiteering fossil fuel industry, and this is driving fuel poverty and climate disaster.


One of the leading causes of the cost of living crisis was that fossil fuel powered energy companies were allowed to make record profits at the expense of millions of people who are forced to go without heating, hot water and electricity.

“We need a just transition now to an energy system that works for people and the planet. Many workers in the fossil fuel industry want to be part of this transition without losing their jobs and falling into fuel poverty.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “Millions of people will be in the streets around the world because politicians are failing to deliver the fast and fair transition away from the fossil fuels that are fuelling climate breakdown.


The near daily climate disasters we are witnessing from Libya, to Greece to China are driven by the burning of fossil fuels yet politicians are still cheerleading for fossil fuel companies. Rishi Sunak’s plan to ‘max out’ oil and gas will maximise climate destruction while the Scottish Government is considering approving a new gas plant at Peterhead in Aberdeenshire which will lock us into burning fossil fuels for decades to come.”  

“Marchers in Edinburgh are calling for a properly planned transition away from oil and gas which is led by the workers and communities most affected. A credible plan to switch to renewables can deliver huge benefits to people such as more affordable energy, secure green jobs, warm homes and a safe climate.”

Fringe visitors call on Humzah to ‘get off the fence’ on Rosebank oil

Hundreds of attendees and performers at the Edinburgh festivals have signed a letter calling on First Minister Humza Yousaf to speak out against the controversial Rosebank oil field.

Activists spoke to visitors from around the world during the festival about the Scottish Government’s failure to clearly oppose the Rosebank field despite the climate harm it will cause.

The letter to Yousaf is signed by well known comedians such as Frankie Boyle, award nominee Julia Masli and Scottish actor Tam Dean Burn, as well as hundreds of visitors. The letter says “the time for sitting on the fence is long past” and his failure to speak out risks “becoming a tacit approval for these projects.”

There is a growing cross-party consensus that the Rosebank project should not go ahead, with Nicola Sturgeon, UK Labour, the Scottish Greens and the Chair of official advisors at the UK Committee on Climate Change all speaking out against the development.  When the Scottish Government finally publicly opposed the Cambo oil field in 2021, Shell paused it soon afterwards.

Campaigners believe that the Scottish Government’s opposition would put further pressure on the UK Government to reject the application to drill the field. The First Minister has stated that he is “not convinced” that the Rosebank project should be given the green light, but he has not yet opposed the project outright.

Scottish actor Tam Dean Burn who performed in the immersive theatre show “Revelations of Rab McVie” commented: “As well as hosting the fringe, Scotland is home to a massively polluting North Sea oil and gas industry so what happens with that matters to all of us.

“The eyes of the world are on Scotland to see how it can safely and swiftly transition to an energy system powered by renewables instead. More fossil fuels anywhere are taking us all in the wrong direction.”

Julia Masli is an Estonian-born, UK based clown who was nominated for the Edinburgh Comedy Award this year for her show ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha where she solves the audience’s problems. She said: “This is a big problem that requires immediate solution.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “People come to Edinburgh from all over the world to perform at and attend the Fringe, and from the outside it looks like Scotland is a green and forward-thinking place. From hundreds of conversations in the streets last month, it’s clear that people are frustrated that in reality the Scottish Government doesn’t always live up to this reputation.

“The Scottish Government needs to get off the fence and oppose the climate disaster that is the Rosebank oil field. For too long, they have been dodging the issue and it is time the First Minister gave a clear answer to those asking whether he thinks the development should go ahead.

“Approving new fossil fuel projects will do nothing to lower energy prices, meanwhile burning oil and gas is fuelling the extreme weather we see on every continent which is killing people and destroying lives. Every oil and gas development approved now takes us further away from a fair and fast transition to renewable energy.“

Rosebank is the biggest undeveloped oil field in UK waters containing an estimated 500 million barrels of oil. Burning this oil will produce more climate pollution than dozens of countries do each year. Its developer, the Norwegian oil giant Equinor, is set to receive a tax break of £3.75 billion from the UK Government if the Rosebank project gets the green light.

Over 500 people signed the open letter to Humza Yousaf which can be read at:

Edinburgh Climate March to join Global Day of Action against fossil fuels

Climate campaigners have announced that Edinburgh will join a global day of action against fossil fuels with a march through the capital on Saturday 16 September.

The march will demand a fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels, calling for the workers and the communities most affected to be at the heart of planning this transition to ensure it meets their needs.

This wave of global protests and mobilisations will include the ‘March to End Fossil Fuels: fast, fair, forever’ in New York City on Sunday 17 September, as world leaders attend the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit.

Scientists, energy experts and climate campaigners agree that there must be no new investment in oil, gas or coal anywhere if the world is to limit further climate breakdown. Despite this the UK Government wants to “max out” new North Sea oil and gas and grant over 100 new licences for further oil and gas exploration.

The Edinburgh March is organised by a coalition of groups including Edinburgh Climate Coalition, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Fridays for Future, Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh, Scot.E3, Greenpeace Edinburgh and Youth in Resistance.

Marchers will highlight the threat posed by new oil fields such as Rosebank and the proposal for an extra gas-fired power station at Peterhead currently being considered by the Scottish Government.

Evelyn McGregor from the Edinburgh Climate Coalition said: “The protest is part of the biggest ever global day of action against fossil fuels.

“We’re getting organised and protesting because of Rishi Sunak’s promise to give out hundreds of new oil licences despite the record-breaking temperatures, extreme weather and terrifying wildfires this summer.

“By choosing to max out fossil fuels, politicians are lighting the climate’s touch paper and signing a death sentence for millions of people.”

Dylan Hamilton, an activist with Fridays For Future, said: “The threat posed by the climate crisis cannot be overstated, we have already seen destruction on a global scale at just 1.1C of global warming. Continuing to burn fossil fuels will lock in several more degrees of warming, and destroy billions of lives.

“The solution is simple: we must stop burning fossil fuels.

“Activists, from school pupils to pensioners, have been demanding that governments tackle this crisis and move away from fossil fuels for years. We hope that today’s politicians will finally listen.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s just transition campaigner Rosie Hampton said: “Politicians are failing to deliver the fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels that is desperately needed by workers, communities and the climate.

“Both the Scottish and UK Governments are listening to oil and gas lobbyists instead of what climate scientists are telling them and the devastating evidence of extreme weather around the world.

“The Scottish Government is considering approving a huge new gas-fired power station at Peterhead despite the fact it will lock us into fossil fuels for decades to come. The developers have admitted the plant will worsen climate pollution, so Scottish Ministers must use their power and responsibility to reject this new fossil fuel infrastructure.”

“By putting in place a credible plan to transition to renewable energy people in Scotland can have warm homes, excellent public transport and good green jobs. We hope that as many people as possible can join us in the streets to bring this message to both the Scottish and the UK Government.”

Programme for Government launched

2023-24 Programme for Government published  

Reducing poverty, delivering growth, tackling climate change and providing high-quality public services will be the Scottish Government’s top priorities for the year ahead, First Minister Humza Yousaf has pledged. 

Outlining his first Programme for Government, the First Minister described it as “unashamedly anti-poverty and pro-growth”. The package of measures aims to help build a more equal society through concerted efforts to eradicate poverty, tackle the cost of living crisis, and create opportunities for businesses and individuals.

The Programme supports the Scottish Government’s wider work in building a fair, green and growing economy, and strengthening public services.

Key commitments include: 

  • expanding access to funded childcare
  • paying social care workers in a direct care role and frontline staff providing funded early learning and childcare in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector, at least £12 an hour from April 
  • speeding up renewable energy projects with a new deal for the onshore wind industry
  • delivering a new £15 million support package to unleash entrepreneurial talent 
  • expanding free school meals in primary schools

The First Minister said: ““The Scottish Government will always be on the side of the people we serve. Scotland is – certainly should be – a land of opportunity, but I know it doesn’t always feel like that to people bearing the brunt of the UK Government cost-of-living crisis, to families living in the poverty, to struggling businesses, to those who still face consequences of discrimination and inequality. I get that.

“This Programme is an opportunity to be explicit about the driving mission of this government. So let me make it abundantly clear, we are a government who will maximise every lever at our disposal to tackle the scourge of poverty in our country.

“But let me be equally clear, we also need to support economic growth. Not for its own sake but so we can tackle poverty and improve our public services. And we will be unapologetic in taking the action necessary to ensure a sustainable future for our children and planet.

“The unfortunate reality is that the Scottish Government is currently operating with one hand tied behind our back. In the last five years we have spent more than £700 million in countering the impact of UK Government welfare cuts alone.

“That’s why this government will never stop believing that decisions about Scotland should not be made by a government based in Westminster, but by the people of Scotland. In proposing the case for independence we will set out a positive vision for Scotland’s future.

“Scotland’s economy already performs better than most parts of the UK, we have world-class universities and colleges, and significant strengths and potential in many of the key economic sectors of the future. Today’s Programme for Government sets out how we will build on these strengths, to make people’s lives better.

“In the year ahead, we will support more than 300,000 children with more than £1,000 a year through the Scottish Child payment.

We will expand the availability of high quality childcare – providing funding in six early adopter local authority areas to offer increased access to childcare from nine months through to the end of primary school. And we will invest in raising the pay of childcare and social care staff.

“We will also safeguard the rights of tenants, promote payment of the living wage, and provide help for disabled people with complex needs, so that they can live independent lives.

“We will do all of this – first and foremost because it is the right thing to do. And also, as I know well from my own family history, because providing people with support and security helps them to contribute to society and to create opportunities for others. This Programme for Government shows how we will make progress towards a fairer, wealthier and greener Scotland.”

Programme for Government


Responding to Tuesday’s Programme for Government, Anna Fowlie, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ (SCVO) Chief Executive, said:  ““The First Minister has today set out a Programme for Government (PfG) which outlines priorities for Scotland which voluntary organisations working in and for communities have welcomed.

“While the PfG recognises the contribution voluntary organisations make across different portfolios, it doesn’t move far or fast enough to address fundamental changes to the operating environment that would recognise the vital role of Scotland’s voluntary sector in delivering on government priorities. 

“Today’s PfG restates the Scottish Government’s commitment to Fairer Funding for the voluntary sector, which we welcome. The Scottish Government’s current poor grant-making practice makes the focus on improving the clarity and consistency of existing approaches very important, but we must continue to work together to support the sector to be financially sustainable. 

To secure the future of the invaluable work our sector delivers, we must not only address disappointing practice, but also implement the longer-term improvements that are so desperately needed. 

“We can’t forget that an on-paper commitment to Fairer Funding was made by ministers earlier this year. It is disappointing that progress on this commitment has been so slow. Today’s announcement commits to developing a plan, when urgent action is needed. Our long-term work on Fair Funding provides clear recommendations, based on the sector’s experiences, and a clear blueprint for next steps. 

“The PfG’s firm commitment to taking forward a wider review of charity law is also welcome, particularly the commitment to work alongside the sector. It is important that the review is comprehensive and independent and doesn’t shy away from fundamental issues. We need a holistic approach to regulating the voluntary sector that supports the role of modern charities. 

“With charities experiencing growing frustration at the funding relationship with Scottish Government and the impact this is having on organisations, staff, volunteers, and the services and support they offer, we had hoped for more action and urgency.

The steps outlined will move us in the right direction, albeit slowly, and we will of course work with the Scottish Government to ensure that they do so in the ways that make the biggest difference to voluntary organisations across Scotland, supporting the invaluable contribution they make to Scotland’s economy and society.” 

‘Warm words won’t stop a warming planet’

Climate campaigners have reacted to the latest Scottish Programme for Government saying that “warm words won’t stop a warming planet.”

Friends of the Earth Scotland climate and energy campaigner Caroline Rance commented, “This is an underwhelming programme for more of the same when what is needed a radical change that can speed Scotland away from the damage being wrought by fossil fuel companies.

“The First Minister talked a good game about the importance of climate action and a just transition to net zero, but warm words won’t stop a warming planet.

“The climate emergency demands scaled up action that rapidly shifts us away from fossil fuels, prioritises public transport and puts in a credible plan in place to support workers in the transition from the oil industry to good, green jobs.”


Rance commented: “It’s a positive step that the process for onshore renewables will be quickened up but sites must still be environmentally appropriate, and far more work is needed to ensure that local communities can benefit from developments in their area.


Friends of the Earth Scotland circular economy campaigner Kim Pratt: “The evidence that single use vapes are harmful to young people and polluting our environment is overwhelming.

“Businesses have been allowed to put profit before their obligations to provide safe disposal service for these products. The quickest and surest way to end the harm caused by single use vapes is to ban them.

“While consultation on a ban is welcome, we don’t have time to change our economy one product at a time. From wasteful plastic packaging to phones that can’t be fixed, and harmful products like single use vapes, everything we own needs to become more sustainable.

“That’s why the Circular Economy Bill is so important because it must transform our economic systems so that all materials are used sustainably.”


Friends of the Earth Scotland circular economy campaigner Kim Pratt commented: “Scotland’s material use is more than twice sustainable levels. The Circular Economy Bill is an important opportunity for Scotland to change the way it uses materials by making businesses design products with less materials, encourage repair and reuse and limit harmful single use products.

“The Circular Economy Bill must be as strong as possible to create the system change that we need, including strong targets for reducing our consumption and consideration of the social impacts of material use.”

Independent Age: ‘A Missed Opportunity’

Following the First Minister’s Programme for Government, Debbie Horne, Scotland Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Independent Age said: “Today is a missed opportunity to help the 150,000 older people living in poverty across Scotland.

“Alarmingly, this figure has risen by 25% in the last decade alone, with the ongoing costs crisis squeezing the budgets of those in later life to breaking point. The First Minister should have used today’s Programme for Government to announce a strategy to tackle pensioner poverty and reverse this frightening trend.

“None of us dream of a later life where, because of the cost, we risk falls by not turning on the lights or are forced to skip meals, yet this is now a reality for 1 in 7 older people.

“With over 3 in 5 over 65s on a low income currently cutting their food spending, and almost 3 in 4 reducing their heating, they’re terrified for the winter to come.

“The Scottish Government should reconsider this glaring omission from today’s announcement and urgently announce a plan to reduce financial hardship in later life. They’ve said that tackling poverty is a key priority – older people must not be forgotten in this.” 

Programme for Government: First Minister urged to put fossil fuel phase-out at core of plan

Climate campaigners have urged the First Minister to “put action to wind down fossil fuels at the core” of his Programme for Government today. 

Campaigners point to the fact that the major environmental interventions during the first six months of the First Minister’s term have included scrapping key measures including enhanced protection of the marine environment and delaying the deposit return scheme. 

The First Minister has refused to unequivocally speak out against the controversial Rosebank oil field – the largest undeveloped field in the North Sea – and members of his cabinet criticised UK Labour announcement that they would not grant permission for new oil fields if they won the next general election. 

As Europe was gripped by the deadly heatwave and the Greece wildfires began, Humza Yousaf travelled to Peterhead gas-fired power station – the single biggest source of pollution in Scotland – to demand subsidy for Shell’s carbon capture scheme at Acorn Porject, a scheme which would only enable yet more drilling for oil. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland climate and energy campaigner Caroline Rance commented: “The time for timid climate politics must be over. Humza Yousaf must quickly get to grips with the climate science and the severity of the climate crisis and put action to wind down fossil fuels at the very core of his Government’s plans for coming years.   

“This deadly summer of wildfire, floods and even water shortage warnings in Scotland show that there is no more time to waste with half measures or to listen to those demanding delays to environmental progress. Ministers need to speed to the transition away from fossil fuels, reject plans for a new polluting power station at Peterhead and finally join the campaign to stop the Rosebank oil field.  

“Yousaf’s Government needs to supercharge plans that will improve lives as we move beyond fossil fuels such as delivering warm homes, prioritising public transport and putting a credible plan in place to transition workers from oil and gas to good green jobs.” 

On the Scottish Government’s Circular Economy Bill which is at Stage 1 of its legislative progress. Friends of the Earth Scotland Circular Economy Campaigner Kim Pratt said: “The forthcoming Circular Economy Bill must tackle Scotland’s resource use, which has serious and extensive environmental and social impacts internationally.

“The vast majority of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from the products and services we buy so we need strong consumption targets to change this. This would mean policies to encourage producers to make products last for longer, ensure they are easy to reuse and repair and to shift consumption patterns away from carbon intensive goods and services.  

“The climate crisis is a global problem, so we need to take responsibility for the impact which happens outside of our borders due to our consumption of materials.” 

SUNAK: “We’re choosing to power up Britain”

Hundreds of new oil and gas licenses will be granted in the UK, PM confirms

  • Prime Minister commits to future oil and gas licensing rounds, as new analysis shows domestic gas production has around one-quarter the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas
  • North East Scotland and the Humber chosen as locations for two new carbon capture usage and storage clusters – building a thriving clean industry in the North Sea which could support up to 50,000 jobs
  • Investment in the North Sea will continue to unlock new projects, protect jobs, reduce emissions and boost UK energy independence

Hundreds of new oil and gas licences will be granted in the UK, the Prime Minister has confirmed today (Monday 31 July), as the UK Government continues to back the North Sea oil and gas industry as part of drive to make Britain more energy independent.

The Government and the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) are today announcing a joint commitment to undertake future licensing rounds, which will continue to be subject to a climate compatibility test.

By adopting a more flexible application process, licences could also be offered near to currently licensed areas – unlocking vital reserves which can be brought online faster due to existing infrastructure and previous relevant assessments.

With the independent Climate Change Committee predicting around a quarter of the UK’s energy demand will still be met by oil and gas when the UK reaches net zero in 2050, the Government is taking steps to slow the rapid decline in domestic production of oil and gas, which will secure our domestic energy supply and reduce reliance on hostile states.

This will increase the UK’s energy security and reduce dependence on higher-emission imports, whilst protecting more than 200,000 jobs in a vital industry as we grow the UK economy.

As part of a visit to a critical energy infrastructure site in Aberdeenshire today, the Prime Minister will highlight the central role the region will play in strengthening the UK’s energy independence and meet the next generation of skilled apprentices key to driving this work forward.

The NSTA – responsible for regulating the oil, gas and carbon storage industries – is currently running the 33rd offshore oil and gas licensing round. They expect the first of the new licences to be awarded in the autumn, with the round expected to award over 100 licences in total.

Future licences will be critical to providing energy security options, unlocking carbon capture usage and storage and hydrogen opportunities – building truly integrated offshore energy hubs that make the best use of the established infrastructure.

This comes as new analysis released by the NSTA today shows that the carbon footprint of domestic gas production is around one-quarter of the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas.

As the UK is a rapidly declining producer of oil and gas, new oil and gas licences reduce the fall in UK supply in order to ensure vital energy security, rather than increase it above current levels – so that the UK remains on track to meet net zero by 2050.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “We have all witnessed how Putin has manipulated and weaponised energy – disrupting supply and stalling growth in countries around the world.

“Now more than ever, it’s vital that we bolster our energy security and capitalise on that independence to deliver more affordable, clean energy to British homes and businesses.

“Even when we’ve reached net zero in 2050, a quarter of our energy needs will come from oil and gas. But there are those who would rather that it come from hostile states than from the supplies we have here at home.

“We’re choosing to power up Britain from Britain and invest in crucial industries such as carbon capture and storage, rather than depend on more carbon intensive gas imports from overseas – which will support thousands of skilled jobs, unlock further opportunities for green technologies and grow the economy.”

The UK’s oil and gas industry are also vital to driving forward and investing in clean technologies that we need to realise our net zero target, like carbon capture usage and storage, by drawing from the sector’s existing supply chains, expertise and key skills whilst protecting jobs.

Today, the Government has confirmed that projects Acorn in North East Scotland and Viking in the Humber have been chosen as the third and fourth carbon capture usage and storage clusters in the UK.

The Government has already committed to deploy CCUS in two industrial clusters by the mid-2020s – the HyNet cluster in North West England and North Wales, and the East Coast Cluster in the Teesside and Humber – and another further two clusters by 2030 – now confirmed as Acorn and Viking.

Together, these four clusters will build a new thriving carbon capture usage and storage industry, which could support up to 50,000 jobs in the UK by 2030.

The UK has one of the largest potential carbon dioxide storage capacities in Europe, making the North Sea one of the most attractive business environments for CCUS technology. The Government has committed to provide up to £20 billion in funding for early deployment of CCUS, unlocking private investment and job creation.

Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps said: “In the wake of Putin’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine, our energy security is more important than ever. The North Sea is at the heart of our plan to power up Britain from Britain so that tyrants like Putin can never again use energy as a weapon to blackmail us.

“Today’s commitment to power ahead with new oil and gas licences will drive forward our energy independence and our economy for generations. Protecting critical jobs in every region of the UK, safeguarding energy bills for British families and providing a homegrown fuel for our economy that, for domestic gas production, has around one-quarter the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas.

“Our next steps to develop carbon capture and storage, in Scotland and the Humber, will also help to build a thriving new industry for our North Sea that could support as many as 50,000 jobs, as we deliver on our priority of growing the economy.”

The Prime Minister has also tasked the relevant Government departments and regulators to work collaboratively and report back by the end of the year on how we can make the best use of our offshore resources in a truly integrated way as we unlock CCUS and hydrogen opportunities in the North Sea.

A call for evidence has also been launched by Government today, seeking views on the evolving context for taxes for the oil and gas sector to design a long-term fiscal regime which delivers predictability and certainty, supports investment, protects jobs and the country’s energy security.


Rishi Sunak is gleefully encouraging the arsonists to go and put more fuel on the fire

Climate campaigners are furious that the Prime Minister is ‘doing the bidding’ of the oil industry after he re-affirmed that the UK Government will issue over 100 new licences for oil and gas exploration this Autumn.

Rishi Sunak also said that the Acorn project was chosen as the third of four carbon capture and storage clusters in the UK. Climate campaigners regard carbon capture and storage (CCS) as an attempt to ‘greenwash’ the oil industry and pointed to the long history of failure of the technology.

Campaigners say that instead of giving more public money to oil firms it should be invested in climate solution that work today and can improve people’s lives such as public transport and home insulation.

Friends of the Earth Scotland head of campaign Mary Church said: “Burning oil and gas is driving extreme weather and killing people on every continent yet Rishi Sunak is gleefully encouraging the arsonists to go and put more fuel on the fire.”

“By ignoring the huge harm caused by fossil fuel company greed and doing bidding of the industry, the UK Government is blatantly in denial about climate breakdown.”

“By committing to future licensing rounds on the same day, it’s clear to see that carbon capture is little more than a greenwashing tactic by big oil to try and keep their climate-wrecking industry in business.”

“CCS has a long history of over-promising and under-delivering yet both the Scottish and UK Governments have fallen for the snake oil salesmen rather than face reality that the only solution to the climate crisis is a fast and fair phase out of oil and gas.

“Funding for the Acorn project is yet another massive public subsidy to oil companies like Shell who have been making billions in profits, while ordinary people are struggling to pay the bills.

“Instead of handing more money to polluters, it is time to redirect that investment to climate solutions that we know can deliver emissions cuts and improve peoples’ lives today – such as improving public transport and insulating people’s homes to help with energy bills.”

Commenting on the UK Government’s citation of analysis showing domestic gas production has a lower carbon footprint than imported gas, Ms Church continued: “It’s pure spin to try to sell more climate wrecking extraction as lower carbon when every nation needs to phase fossil fuels out with rich nations like the UK going first and fastest.

“What’s more, the Prime Minister is comparing apples and pears as most of what’s left in the North Sea is heavy oil, that we don’t even use domestically, not gas, so it has to be exported anyway.”

Unsurprisingly, ‘stakeholder’ comments have been overwhelmingly positive:

David Whitehouse, CEO Offshore Energies UK said: “Domestic production is the best pathway to net zero and the UK Government’s commitment to licences is a welcome boost for energy security and jobs. 

“Oil and gas fields decline naturally over time. The UK needs the churn of new licences to manage production decline inline with the maturing basin. There are currently 283 active oil and gas fields in the North Sea, by 2030 around 180 of those will have ceased production due to natural decline. If we do not replace maturing oil and gas fields with new ones, the rate of production will decline much faster than we can replace them with low carbon alternatives.

“Developing our new carbon capture industry and its high-value jobs needs  significant investment from our energy producing companies.  This means that the bedrock to success and delivering growth in the economy can only be collaboration between private and public capital. 

“The UK’s skilled offshore workforce, its engineering expertise and its geology have given our nation a unique opportunity to lead the way in building a net zero world.”

Tom Glover, RWE UK, Country Chair said: “RWE is delighted that Viking CCS has been awarded Track 2 status for the Government’s Cluster Sequencing Process.

“RWE is a long-term cluster partner of Viking CCS and is developing two projects that could use this facility, providing firm, secure and flexible low carbon power generation to support our transition to a net zero economy.”

Will Gardiner, Drax Group CEO, said: “We welcome the Government’s decision to designate Viking as a Track 2 carbon capture utilisation and storage cluster (CCUS). Progressing a CO2 transport and storage network in the Humber represents a significant step toward helping the region meet its Net Zero ambitions and ensuring that it remains a source of high-skilled jobs and energy security for decades to come.

“The announcement shows the importance of CCUS to the Humber and, along with the East Coast Cluster, creates an additional pathway to support our plans for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) at Drax Power Station.

“We are currently engaged in formal discussions with the UK Government on this project and hope to invest billions in its development and deploy this critical, carbon removals technology by 2030.”

Dr Nick Cooper, CEO of Acorn lead developer Storegga, said: “We are thrilled that the Acorn Project has advanced directly into Track-2. Acorn has been progressed by the development partners as the Track-1 reserve since late 2021 and is ready to move promptly to support the decarbonisation of Scotland and the wider UK.

“Today’s news is a defining milestone for us, and the Scottish Cluster. Acorn will be a major contributor towards meeting the UK and Scotland’s carbon reduction targets, able to serve emitters connected by pipeline and ship.

“As Lead Developer, Storegga thanks Acorn partners and Scottish Cluster participants for their support and we look forward to working with Government to deliver the multiple benefits of creating and future-proofing jobs, bringing inward economic investment, developing green-tech industries and, crucially helping decarbonise Scotland and the UK.”

Harbour Energy’s Executive Vice President of Net Zero and CCS Steve Cox said: The successful award of Track 2 status to Harbour’s Viking CCS project in the Humber as well as Acorn in northeast Scotland is another demonstration of how we are well positioned to use our existing skills and infrastructure to help develop the burgeoning CCS industry in the UK.

“More widely, the announcement today shows the key role the North Sea oil and gas sector will play in helping to deliver the UK’s carbon capture goals.”

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive at the CCSA, said: “We are pleased to see the UK Government pushing ahead with its CCUS deployment programme and selecting the next two CCUS clusters, as time is running out to meet 2030 targets.

“This CO2 infrastructure is critical to safeguarding the UK’s supply chain security, enabling local industries to continue to thrive whilst reducing their emissions as we transition to a net zero economy.

“It is therefore vital that the Government urgently sets out clarity on the process and timeline for selecting carbon capture sites within these ‘Track-2’ clusters and within the previously announced Track-1 cluster expansion. 

Billions of pounds of investment is waiting to be deployed to decarbonise these industrial regions, but firm plans are required to secure it.

“There are a number of other clusters under development across the country, which is why last year we asked government for visibility of the longer-term CCUS deployment plan.

“Collectively, CCUS clusters could protect 77,000 current jobs and create a further 70,000 jobs across the UK. Government’s forthcoming vision for the UK CCUS sector needs to be published as soon as possible, to avoid investment flight in those regions that have not been selected today.”

Simon Roddy, Senior Vice President of Shell UK‘s Upstream business, said: “This is an important step forward for one of the UK’s leading CCS clusters. The Acorn Project is a central part of plans to decarbonise North Sea operations, and to store emissions from other parts of Scottish industry.

“As Technical Developer, we bring Shell’s global experience of CCS and the delivery of major projects. T

“o stimulate investment in this and other CCS clusters, continued co-operation with governments will be key to finding the most innovative approaches and business models to allow CCS to reach the scale needed to help the UK achieve net zero.”

Alistair Phillips-Davies, Chief Executive of SSE, said: “Carbon capture will play a critical role not only in decarbonising the UK’s power system but also in unlocking economic growth and boosting our energy security, and today’s announcement marks a major step forward in its deployment.

“We know how important it is that the north-east of Scotland and Humber are decarbonised and the decision to support the Scottish Cluster and Viking Cluster shows that there is commitment to doing so.

“Time remains of the essence. Now, we must move quickly to deploy the transport and storage infrastructure which will underpin the rollout of CCS across the chosen clusters. Doing so will allow crucial low-carbon projects – such as our carbon capture project at Peterhead – to be brought forward, supporting the energy transition while providing good, green jobs and enhancing regional economies.

“The UK has a real opportunity to lead the world on carbon capture if we can accelerate progress and today’s announcement provides welcome impetus.”

Prime Minister to highlight Scotland’s place in securing Britain’s long-term energy security

‘Greenwashing’, say environmental campaigners

  • Prime Minister visits North East Scotland, highlighting the central role it will play in defending the UK against disrupted global energy supplies.
  • There he will also meet with key figures in the energy sector and will visit critical infrastructure projects which will help grow the economy, reach Net Zero, and deliver the next generation of highly skilled jobs for young people in the region.

The Prime Minister will today confirm that Scotland will continue to be at the forefront of UK Government plans to strengthen the UK’s long-term energy security.

During a visit to the North East of Scotland, the Prime Minister will highlight the crucial role that the region will play in enhancing and delivering on the UK Government’s commitment to reaching Net Zero in 2050 and enhancing long term energy security for generations to come.

The UK is leading international efforts by setting ambitious net zero commitments, ramping up the transition to clean energy, reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 32% since 2010, whilst bringing down energy bills and supporting households.

It is expected that the UK Government and energy authorities will go further than before in announcing continued decisive action to:

  • Boost the capability of the North Sea industry to transition towards Net Zero;
  • Strengthen the foundations of the UK’s future energy mix;
  • And create the next generation of highly skilled green jobs.

The Prime Minister will also meet with key energy industry figures and companies at the forefront of delivering the UK’s energy needs, as well as the next generation of highly skilled people who are working on the projects of tomorrow.

The UK Government says the package ‘will also underpin that Scotland remains a cornerstone of government plans for an energy-independent UK, as well demonstrating what can be achieved due to the strength and scale of UK collective action, in defending the public against global energy supplies which have been disrupted and weaponised by Putin’.

Environmental campaigners have condemned the plans, however. Friends of the Earth Scotland regards carbon capture and storage (CCS) as an attempt to ‘greenwash’ the oil industry and pointed to the long history of failure of the technology. 

They say that instead of giving more public money to oil firms it should be invested in climate solutions that work today and can improve people’s lives such as public transport and home insulation. 

Shell is a key partner in the Acorn project. Last week the fossil fuel giant announced profits of £3.9billion for just the last 3 months, on top of the £32.2 billion profit in 2022. Despite this vast wealth, the Acorn project appears to be totally reliant on further public subsidy to progress. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland head of campaign Mary Church said: “Carbon capture is a greenwashing tactic by profit obsessed fossil fuel companies to try and keep their climate-wrecking industry in business.

“CCS has a long history of over-promising and under-delivering yet politicians have fallen for the spin rather than face reality that the only solution to the climate crisis is a fast and fair phase out of oil and gas.  

“Funding for the Acorn project would be yet another massive public subsidy to oil companies who have been making billions in profits, while ordinary people are struggling to pay the bills.

“Instead of handing more money to polluters, it is time to redirect that investment to climate solutions that we know can deliver emissions cuts and improve peoples’ lives today – such as improving public transport and insulating people’s homes to help with energy bills.” 

Equinor banks on £3.75 BILLION tax break while posting ‘outrageous’ profits

“The world is burning and the UK Government is helping the arsonists pay for the fuel”

Climate campaigners have reacted with outrage at the news that Norwegian oil giant Equinor has today announced pre-tax profits of £5.8 billion (US$7.5 billion) in JST THE LAST THREE MONTHS.

Campaigners said that with climate-induced fires sweeping Greece “the UK Government is helping the arsonists pay for the fuel” with a massive tax break for Equinor to develop a new oil field.

Equinor’s flagship project in the UK, the controversial Rosebank oil field, is in line to pocket a tax break of £3.75 billion from the UK Government to incentivise its development. This deliberate loophole in the Windfall Tax means that 91% of the cost of developing the 500 million barrel field will be covered by the public purse, despite Equinor’s massive profits and the fact that 80% of Rosebank’s oil will be exported.

Campaigners in Aberdeen yesterday delivered a giant ‘cheque’ to the Equinor offices to highlight the injustice of the tax break.

Last year, Equinor broke records with pre-tax yearly profits of £62 billion (US$74.9billion), benefiting from increased prices for oil and gas due to the war in Ukraine. Meanwhile, energy bills for consumers skyrocketed and millions were pushed into fuel poverty.

There has been widespread opposition to the Rosebank field, with public protests across the UK, politicians including SNP MPs Tommy Sheppard and Mhairi Black and the head of the UK Government’s own climate advisory committee, Lord Deben, speaking out against the project.

A decision on Rosebank is rumoured to be scheduled for after the summer recess, following delays due to concerns that the project would not meet net zero commitments under the North Sea Transition Deal.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “These outrageous profits every quarter serve as a stark reminder that companies like Equinor have no intention of changing their ways.

“Fossil fuel giants are simply making too much money from upholding the climate-destroying status quo. Adding insult to injury is the massive tax break Equinor will receive should they go ahead with Rosebank, showing how the UK Government would rather hand out public money than say no to big polluters.

“Grant Shapps and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero are blatantly ignoring the devastating impacts of climate breakdown, exemplified most recently in the terrifying wildfires in Greece.

“By cheerfully inviting oil companies to drill for yet more polluting fossil fuels, they are effectively denying the reality of the climate crisis. The world is burning and the UK Government is helping the arsonists pay for the fuel.

“The Scottish Government can no longer sit on the fence on this climate denial and must speak out against Rosebank and all other new fossil fuel projects. We need a just transition to clean, affordable energy now.”

BREAKING NEWS: British Gas parent company Centrica has just posted it’s highest ever profits – £969 million in first six months of this year. Shell, too, has just posted eye-watering profits.

No cost of living crisis for these companies …