Talk about your daily bread

A few spaces left:

Could you spare an hour on Sat 20th July to chat about bread?!

Some Edinburgh University researchers are currently recruiting for a focus group, and will pay £20 (generic shopping voucher). Please email the address on the poster if you’re interested..

You may know that we’re doing various experiments with grain growing and have been running Granton Garden Bakery since 2019. We’re interested in your views on bread, whatever they are!

Have your say on media coverage of violence against women

Ever wanted to have your say and help improve the media (and get paid for it)? Can you offer advice and/or innovative ideas about a fair media?

Well here is your chance to have your voice heard! Zero Tolerance are conducting focus groups to try and improve media coverage of violence against women and we want to hear your opinion, suggestions and what you’ve always wanted to say but never had the chance to.

If you are 18+ and willing to get involved, or to find out more, just drop us an email to: or

or visit

Alternatively, you can reach us by calling 0131 248 2410. We look forward to hearing from you!
