Ramblers: Stay safe when walking through the countryside

As people all around the UK and Ireland bask in the heatwave, more of us are keen to get out and enjoy the sunshine.

And given the last 18 months of lockdowns, whether people have needed a break from work or have gone on staycation, many people have relied on a stroll through the countryside to escape.

It can work wonders for your health by improving fitness, relieving stress, helping sleep and building self-esteem. The benefits of being out in the countryside can be bountiful … as long as you respect, protect and enjoy it.

This year’s Health and Safety Executive Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing for Great Britain 2020/2021 report highlights how farm-related incidents don’t just happen to those working in the agricultural industry.

Tragically, all those who enjoy our beautiful countryside for leisure activities can be at risk. The sad fact is, since 1st April 2020, seven members of the public, including two children, have suffered fatal injuries on GB farms. All adult fatalities were a result of coming into contact with cattle, while one child was exposed to slurry fumes and another suffered a quad bike incident.

It is vital to remember that a field of wheat, oats or barley may look pretty but crops like these are actually someone’s livelihood. Help to prevent damage to yourself and the crops by walking around the edge of a field unless there is an existing path across it.

Every year, the agriculture industry reports fatalities for members of the public in the workplace. This is why leading agriculture charity, the Farm Safety Foundation, is urging people to take care in the countryside as part of its ninth annual Farm Safety Week campaign.

Stephanie Berkeley, Manager of The Farm Safety Foundation, said: “Many people have rediscovered the joys of the countryside during this pandemic and we expect this to continue.

“It is fantastic that ramblers and dog-walkers are enjoying the mental and physical benefits of our great outdoors, but be aware that farms are not playgrounds or parks and you need to be considerate to the farm and the wildlife that live there.

“While most people who visit the countryside are keen to act responsibly, serious farm related incidents can be due to a lack of understanding of what the farmland is being used for and what your responsibilities are when visiting.

Before heading out on a walk, remind yourself of The Countryside Code, prepared by Natural England, which makes things simple so everyone can have the best chance of enjoying our wonderful rural surroundings and coming home safe.”


Understand that farms and fields are someone’s place of work and, often, someone’s home so:

  1. Park carefully to keep access to gateways and driveways clear.
  2. Leave gates and property as you find them.
  3. Follow paths and don’t venture into field where there are crops growing.
  4. Farmers will do their best to make sure that their animals are used to walkers and may put signs and fencing to keep you away from the animals. Make sure you follow the path and keep your dog on a lead and under effective control.
  5. Stop, look and listen on entering a field. Look out for any animals and watch how they are behaving, particularly bulls or cows with calves.
  6. If your dog starts to bark as you enter the field return the way you came and calm the dog and wait for the herd to settle.
  7. Be prepared for cattle to react to your presence, especially if you have a dog with you.
  8. If the herd are on or near the path, wait for them to move gently away.
  9. Move quietly and predictably so that they are not alarmed by you.
  10. Avoid getting between cows and their calves.
  11. If the herd does react and chase you, report it to the farm or the footpath officer so that they can help keep people safe.

For more information on Farm Safety Week visit www.yellowwellies.org or follow @yellowwelliesUK on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook using the hashtag #FarmSafetyWeek

The most dangerous job in Britain

The Agriculture Industry revealed to have the poorest safety record in the UK

  • Farm Safety Week 2021 aims to reduce the number of incidents which continue to give farming the poorest safety record of any occupation in the UK & Ireland
  • New figures reveal that fatal injuries on UK farms have almost doubled over the past year – from 21 fatalities in 2019/20 to 41 in 2020/21
  • According to the Farm Safety Foundation, the charity behind the annual campaign, farmers over the age of 60 accounted for 53% of those killed
  • When comparing older and younger age groups the fatal injury rate is over 4 times higher for the 65s and over compared to the 16-24 age group.
  • 7 members of the public lost their lives on GB farms in 2020/21 – 5 adults involving cattle and an additional 2 children.
  • In a recent survey, almost seven in ten farmers would identify tiredness as a major risk with most having taken, or seen others take, risks due to being tired
  • Farm Safety Week is an initiative led by the Farm Safety Foundation and supported by the Farm Safety Partnerships, the Health & Safety Executive, Health & Safety Executive for Northern Ireland and the Health & Safety Authority, Ireland

From the 19th – 23rd of July, the Farm Safety Foundation will hold their ninth annual Farm Safety Week, a campaign which aims to draw attention to, and reduce the injury risk farmers across the UK face on a daily basis.

With long hours, intense physical labour, low pay and at the mercy of the elements, farming is a difficult industry to work in, but still, nearly half a million workers are choosing to be farmers today.

Yet, for a workforce that accounts for a mere 1% of GB’s working population, the industry accounts for nearly a quarter of all workplace fatal injuries, giving it the poorest safety record of any occupation (almost 20 times higher than the GB industry average).

The picture is similar in Northern Ireland where farming accounted for 5 of the 13 workplace fatalities in 2020/2021 representing 38% (HSENI) and, in the Republic of Ireland, farming accounts for 5% of the workforce but an alarming 40% of all workplace fatal incidents.

Unfortunately, farm safety is an issue rarely discussed outside of agricultural circles but, according to the UK’s leading farm safety charity, the Farm Safety Foundation, this is exactly what we should be doing.

To mark the start of the Farm Safety Foundation’s Farm Safety Week campaign, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have shared their annual Fatal Injuries in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing in GB report 2020/21 which reveals that, over the past year almost twice as many people were killed on farms in Great Britain compared to the previous year.  

A total of 41 people in England, Scotland and Wales were killed in agriculture including 34 farm workers and seven members of the public. Two children have been killed by farming this year and, for an industry that still has between 1 and 2 children being killed through its activities each year, this simply MUST improve.

Now in its ninth year, Farm Safety Week brings together five countries over five days with ONE clear goal – to speak up for safety and encourage farmers to rethink risk so we can reduce the number of life-changing and life-ending incidents happening on our farms.

Agriculture is a vital part of our economy and everyone involved is rightly proud of the quality and standard of the food produced.” explains Adrian Hodkinson, Acting Head of Agriculture, Health & Safety Executive. “However, this appears to come at a significant cost to many farmers and workers in terms of serious injury, lifelong ill health and in some cases death.

“The causes of farm incidents are well known and the things to stop them are usually straightforward: putting on handbrakes; fastening lap belts in cabs; getting ATV training and helmets; putting cows and calves in fields without footpaths; stopping things before trying to fix or unblock them and so on.

“When we investigate life-changing farm workplace incidents we find, time and time again, that risks are not being removed or managed. It is far too common for people to accept risk is an inevitable part of the job – this isn’t the case, the guidance is easily available to manage the risks and prevent injury”

His advice: “Think a job through and then put the right measures in place to make safer.  

 “It is not acceptable that agriculture continues to fail to manage risk in the workplace. We need everyone to play their part to change their own behaviours, do things the right way  and ‘call out’ poor practices whenever they are seen. 

“On a more positive note,” Adrian added: “I’m really encouraged that there now some very high-profile advocates for improvement who see the real benefits for attracting and retaining people and reducing costs. It’s fantastic to see a real focus on maintenance of machinery and trailers, that many ATV users are getting trained and wearing helmets, and cattle handling facilities are being improved.”

Throughout this year’s campaign, the Farm Safety Foundation, supported by the Farm Safety Partnerships, the Health & Safety Executive, Health & Safety Executive for Northern Ireland and the Health & Safety Authority, Ireland, will highlight the issue of risk-taking, cost-cutting and tiredness on UK and Ireland’s farms and how life-changing and life-ending incidents continue to impact families and communities. We will be meeting farmers who have experienced this first-hand and, of course, exploring what can be done to address it.  

In a recent survey into farmers across the UK carried out with funder NFU Mutual, the Farm Safety Foundation found that many farmers need to be more aware of tiredness and realise how excessively long hours can play into the risks when farming. Almost seven in ten (69%) of those surveyed, identified tiredness as a major risk with most having taken, or seen others take, risks due to being tired.

Unfortunately, in farming, 15-hour days are seen as normal but, with 89% of farmers wanting advice on how to combat fatigue, the Farm Safety Foundation did a call out on social media for farmer’s top tips to dealing with tiredness which include giving up alcohol for the two weeks before any busy time like lambing or staying hydrated and grabbing 40 winks after lunch – the full list will be revealed during the week.

According to Stephanie Berkeley, Farm Safety Foundation manager: “Today’s HSE report is a desperately disappointing read with some very sober statistics. The fact that farming has a fatality rate almost 20 times the GB industry average is shocking and shameful.

41 people lost their lives on our farms over the past year including 2 children – this is 18 more than the previous year and we can’t become immune to the impact that these deaths have on farming families and communities.

“We can’t just accept that farming is a dangerous occupation. We have to redouble our efforts to drive a change.

“The main causes of fatal farm incidents have not changed over the past 60 years despite legislation and an increased awareness of the importance of working safely.

“We need to reassess the risk of everyday tasks and think about the long-term consequences of each and every risk we have taken and do something to either remove it or control it. Complacency kills – many farmers think they know their farm and the risks involved in going about their daily tasks.

“However, those risks change day-to-day and next time things might not work out the same way. We want to encourage those living and working in the industry to rethink risk, to carry out risk assessments and most importantly put in controls that suit the circumstances of any busy farm.

“As an industry, we need to work together so that farm safety is acknowledged as important. We need to do more than sit around and talk about it. We need action! This is why Farm Safety Week is still so important. 

“Over the past nine years, we have been very privileged to have an opportunity to bring together a wide range of organisations and individuals who really do care about the issue and want to drive safety forwards. We need to engage with farmers of all ages to challenge and change attitudes and ultimately make our farms safer places to work.”

For more information on Farm Safety Week visit www.yellowwellies.org or follow @yellowwelliesUK on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook using the hashtag #FarmSafetyWeek