RSPCA Assured Farms: Animal Rising investigation exposes welfare failures

  • Today footage and a report from a huge investigation into the state of RSPCA Assured farms has been released, with 45 UK farms featured. The RSPCA Assured scheme is one of the largest, so-called, animal welfare programs in the UK.
  • RSPCA President, Chris Packham, was sent the footage and has today called the footage “indefensible.” He also called for the suspension of the scheme. Peter Egan, former RSPCA Vice-President condemned the footage too.
  • The scheme has been described as “effectively fraud” by a Crown Court Judge.
  • Animal Rising is calling on the RSPCA to drop the assurance scheme entirely, saying “This is definitive proof that farming animals can never be done nicely.”

Today, amidst an utter scandal for the RSPCA, Animal Rising has released footage from over 40 UK farms that the charity’s animal welfare scheme assures as, supposedly, ‘high welfare’.

The footage shows scenes including baby chickens dying in factory farms and pigs left dead for days in filthy sheds.

Rose Patterson, Animal Rising Co-Director said: “This investigation has blown the lid off the RSPCA’s dirty secret; it is happy to rubber stamp cruelty on factory farms and industrial animal abuse.

“I’ve personally spent months investigating and cataloguing a litany of suffering across farms that the public is told to trust. Some of the scenes we’ve seen in the sheds endorsed by the RSPCA are beyond barbaric.

“The world’s oldest and most respected animal charity has clearly lost its way. The work they do for cats, dogs, and other animals is evidently not making its way to others like chickens and pigs. As the charity nears its 200th birthday it has a choice to make; will it step up, protect animals, and drop the Assured Scheme?”

Chris Packham, President of the RSPCA, has called on the charity to suspend the scheme and take a bolder stance to protect animals.

This exposé comes after several other investigations into RSPCA Assured farms by groups such as Animal Justice Project and VIVA!

Peter Egan, former RSPCA Vice-President said: ““The findings on RSPCA Assured farms across the UK are deeply troubling and call the entire scheme into question. The RSPCA has been failing animals across the UK.

“In the past, I worked extensively with the charity because I believed – and still do believe – that the RSPCA must lead the way in protecting animals. I now see that cannot happen without dropping the RSPCA Assured scheme entirely”

There is more to come on this story, with Animal Rising promising a sustained campaign of action until the RSPCA drops its assured scheme.

Animal Rising is a social movement to create a new relationship with all beings and give us a chance for a safe ecological future.

The group primarily calls for the transition to a secure and sustainable plant-based food system, alongside a mass rewilding programme.

On Saturday (8/6/24), local supporters of Animal Rising put up posters across the city centre of Edinburgh, exposing the vast differences between the public advertising and hidden reality of RSPCA Assured farms.

Areas the posters could be seen were Princes Street, Royal Mile and Lothian Road.

Other cities and towns in the UK targeted include Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Sheffield, Southampton, Newcastle and York.

In a coordinated mass action, individuals from the climate and animal group Animal Rising covered many UK towns and cities, including Edinburgh on 8/6/24, with posters exposing the vast differences between RSPCA Assured marketing and RSPCA Assured farms for pigs, chickens, salmon and cows.

This action follows extensive investigations by Animal Rising that have been compiled into a comprehensive and expert-backed report which exposes the RSPCA Assured scheme for endorsing factory farming and extensive animal suffering.

Investigations on 45 farms revealed animal suffering on every single farm and resulted in the scheme being described as ‘effectively fraud’ by legal expert Ayesha Smart. Animal Rising is calling for the RSPCA to drop the scheme and throw their support behind a transition to a plant-based food system and helping farmers to produce food sustainably.

This is their 200th anniversary year, and making this change will help remove avoidable animal suffering from our food system, create space for rewilding and nature in the UK to thrive, and allow them to extend care and compassion ‘for every kind’ in line with their recent rebrand.

Pamela Waite, 26, a local Clerical Assistant said: “I am absolutely disgusted that the RSPCA, an animal welfare charity, is making money from the exploitation and suffering of animals.

“They pretend that something humane happens in a slaughter house by labeling animal products as RSPCA assured. But, as evident from Animal Risings investigations, RSPCA Assured farms do not protect animals from harm.

“RSPCA please drop your RSPCA Assured scheme!”

In 2018, comprehensive research from the University of Oxford showed that 76% of the land currently used for food production would be freed-up by a global transition to plant-based production [3]. This land could be rewilded and begin carbon drawdown, mitigating the worst impacts of climate breakdown. A 2019 Harvard University report on UK farmland and food production from Helen Harwatt and Matthew N. Hayek also concluded that the UK would be carbon-negative if it completely transitioned to a plant-based food system [4].

Animal Rising is a social movement to create a new relationship with all beings and give us a chance for a safe ecological future. The group primarily calls for the transition to a secure and sustainable plant-based food system, alongside a mass rewilding programme.

RSPCA celebrates it’s 200th anniversary this weekend with a series of ‘One Fun Day’ events.


How people in Edinburgh can get FREE mince pies this Saturday

Members of the UK’s leading vegan charity, Viva!, will be handing out free mince pies at Royal Mile (High Street) in Edinburgh this Saturday (9 December), as part of their latest Christmas campaign. 

Staff and volunteers will be speaking to members of the public to encourage them to opt for a vegan Christmas this year, which campaigners say is the only way for Christmas to be truly cruelty-free. 

Every year in the UK, millions of turkeys are slaughtered for human consumption during the festive period. In addition to the turkeys who lose their lives, large numbers of pigs, salmon and other animals are killed just so that Brits can eat them. Viva! is taking to the streets to educate people that delicious vegan alternatives exist, so that no animals have to die this festive season. 

As well as handing out free mince pies, the team will be showing footage from Viva!’s undercover investigations that expose the reality of factory farming, as well as handing out leaflets and guides to help people transition to a vegan lifestyle. 

In addition to the event in Edinburgh on 8 December between 12 and 4pm, the team will also be taking this Christmas campaign toCardiff, Queen Street (3 – 7pm, 14 December 2023).  

Speaking of the upcoming Christmas tour, Viva!’s managing director, Laura Hellwig, said: “Every year, millions of animals are killed just so humans can eat them for Christmas dinner.

“These animals typically live short, unhappy lives in cramped conditions on factory farms. Given that Christmas is a time for love and compassion, it doesn’t feel right that this sentiment isn’t extended to the animals we share the planet with!  

“Viva! is encouraging people to choose kindness this Christmas by opting for plant-based alternatives to animal products. These vegan alternatives not only spare animals from suffering or death but they’re also better for the planet, as animal agriculture is a leading cause of the climate emergency.

“You can try out some delicious vegan festive recipes at” 

To find out more and get involved, head to Viva!’s website.

International figures call on world leaders to end factory farming

More than 200 prominent individuals – including actors Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Steve Coogan, and Dame Joanna Lumley – have united through an international open letter to call on world leaders at the COP27 climate conference to end factory farming and transform our global food system.

The letter – organised by Compassion in World Farming as part of its new End of the Line for Factory Farming global campaign – highlights the urgent need to transform our global food system and calls on world leaders to support and deliver a global agreement on food and farming at the United Nations General Assembly. It is being released on Solutions Day at the conference.

208 people from around the world have signed the letter, including:

  • Hollywood actors Brian CoxAlan Cumming, Steve Coogan and Eva Green
  • British TV personalities Chris PackhamHugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Dr Amir Khan GP and actors Dame Joanna LumleyKate Ford, Peter Egan and Miriam Margolyes.
  • Award-winning authors Michael Morpurgo, and Barbara Kingsolver
  • Religious leaders Bishop John ArnoldBishop of Salford, Chair of CAFOD and Rabbi David Rosen CBE, International President, The World Conference on Religion and Peace 
  • Eminent experts Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder – the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace; Frans B. M. de Waal, Ph. D., C. H. Candler Professor Emeritus, Primate Behaviour, Emory University; Peter Singer, AC Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics Princeton University; Carl Safina, PHD, President, The Safina Center, Endowed Professor for Nature and Humanity, Stony Brook University
  • Business leaders Dale Vince OBE, owner, green electricity company Ecotricity; Julian Richer, business owner

The letter states: “If the global community is to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate Agreement targets and the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity, action must be taken now to end industrial animal farming. 

“From pollution to the climate crisis and wildlife extinctions. From animal cruelty to human hunger and malnutrition. Take a closer look at almost any global challenge, and you’ll find food at its core. A system based on overproduction and unhealthy food is propped up by intensive farming methods.

“The livestock sector produces more greenhouse gases than the direct emissions of all the world’s planes, trains and cars combined. Without urgent action, intensive animal agriculture threatens our very survival. We need a food transformation. Our people, animals and planet cannot wait any longer.” 

End of the Line for Factory Farming is the new global movement dedicated to ending this cruel and unnecessary practice.

Launched this week by Compassion in World Farming with partner NGOs from all over the world, the campaign aims to get a global agreement to end factory farming and transform our global food system so that it benefits people, animals and the planet.

New YouGov research released by Compassion this week shows that almost two thirds of people (63%) in 13 countries polled believe factory farming puts profits ahead of climate and environment. 

Stage, TV and film actor, Alan Cumming OBE FRSE, known for roles in The Good Wife and X2:X-Men United, said: “The amount of human edible food we produce just to feed the animals we slaughter for meat is beyond wasteful – especially when millions of people around the world go hungry every day. q

“We need a food system that is fair, kind and sustainable. That’s why I’m supporting Compassion in World Farming’s End of the Line for Factory Farming campaign – to help change this broken system once and for all.”

Dr Nick Palmer, Head of Compassion in World Farming UK, said: “This is the first campaign action from the new End of the Line for Factory Farming global movement dedicated to ending this cruel and unnecessary practice as it’s causing a climate and nature emergency – one third of global warming is driven by food production and consumption.

“Our open letter, released on Solutions Day at COP27, sends a clear message to world leaders highlighting the urgent need for action. It’s quite simple – without ending factory farming and transforming our food system, it will be impossible to meet climate targets. What’s needed is for world leaders to put forward a global agreement that meets our climate and SDG commitments before it’s too late.”

For more information about the campaign visit END.IT