Call to employers: make the living wage your New Year resolution

Campaigners are calling for employers in Scotland to commit to paying the living wage in 2015.

More than 30 Scottish employers signed up to become become accredited Living Wage Employers last month, meaning that all their staff will now be at least £7.85 an hour.

There are now 94 Living Wage Employers in Scotland. Of the 32 new organisations that have joined the accreditation scheme 70% had less than 50 employees and 38% had less than 10 employees. The majority of the newly accredited organisations are private sector companies.

Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, who host the Scottish Living Wage Accreditation Initiative said: “We have seen a significant increase in enquiries from employers about Living Wage accreditation since Living Wage Week at the start of November, when we reported that the number of Living Wage Employers in Scotland had tripled to 60. Since then, an additional 32 Scottish employers have gone on to become accredited, including Digby Brown law firm, Heart of Midlothian football club and An Clachan Café in Glasgow.

“This is great news, especially for those workers that get a pay rise as a result. It is clear that in-work poverty will remain a real problem for thousands of workers in Scotland in 2015, but if more employers commit to paying the living wage we can begin to make a real impact.

“We are here to help and advise employers who wish to be recognized for paying the living wage. We have been overwhelmed by the response from Scottish employers in the last few weeks and look forward to working with many more in 2015. The living wage is a key way of ensuring that more workers have a prosperous New Year.”

Graham Bell, Managing Director of Glasgow-based retailer Guitar, Guitar who also have shops in Edinburgh and Newcastle said: “Our staff are our greatest asset, and the backbone of our company. By moving onto a living wage, we are solidifying our commitment to the well-being of our employees, their families and the future of our local community. It is a move we’re very proud of.”

Newly accredited Strata Cleaning are the first cleaning firm in Scotland to become Living Wage Employers. The company’s Director, Steven Homer, said: “We made a strategic decision at the formation of the business that it would stand out from the majority of cleaning companies by committing to our staff to adopt the Living Wage threshold for all staff employed by us.

“Within the cleaning sector it is common practice for many staff to be paid at the National Minimum Wage. Our business strategy is to provide a specialist cleaning service where our product knowledge, operating skills and a high level of customer service are paramount. We believe that a part of creating this culture within our business from the very outset is to recognise that it is our staff who are the main customer facing element of our business.

“Our many years of experience teaches us that staff who feel they are correctly rewarded will be much more positive and go that extra step in meeting our customer needs. We believe that long term this will be a major business benefit rather than a cost to us.”

Graeme Thomson, a member of staff at Timber Company Group in Dumfries, is directly affected by his employers’ decision to implement the living wage. He said: “I have recently started working with DTCG and already I feel like a valued member of staff. I was recently informed that DTCG have become a living wage employer, consequently this directly affected myself, making a positive contribution to my salary.

“As expected this has been hugely beneficial. At present I am currently saving for a deposit to take my first step on the property ladder. The increase in my wage makes living month to month that little bit easier whilst saving a large portion of my monthly wage. Working for this increased and fairer wage will make a huge difference to me and many others who will now feel more valued at work and encourage working harder.

“Since joining the company I have been encouraged through continuous development to both learn through further education and hands on work experience to better myself and add to my skill set. Moving to a living wage employer is another reason why I feel privileged to have found employment with the Dumfries Timber Company Group”

Colin Cameron , Operations Director, Dumfries Timber Company said: “We firmly believe that signing up to the Living Wage will only benefit the company. By treating your staff with respect, of which paying the Living Wage is only a part, you get a more contented and motivated staff.

“Respect is always a two way thing, and is extremely beneficial to both sides. Low wages was one of the factors that led to the formation of Dumfries Timber Company. Previously, we worked for one of the large national companies and we were constantly frustrated with the wage structure they had in place. When we started Dumfries Timber Company 7 years ago, the members of staff who joined us were immediately paid more than they were before.

“By signing up to the Living Wage, there are added benefits to our Company such as low staff turnover. We believe that, if you treat your staff with respect in other areas as well as salary, there will be an increased awareness of our company.
Signing up to the Living Wage scheme, will also bring benefits when we are looking to recruit new staff.”

The 32 Living Wage Employers who have become accredited in the past month are:

• Aberdeen YMCA
• The Social Enterprise Academy
• Ypeople
• Harper Macleod LLP
• Cutting Edge Engineering Ltd
• Scotwest Credit Union Ltd
• Conveyancing Direct
• Scottish Out of School Care Network
• Gavin Watson Ltd
• Lift Control Ltd
• Digby Brown LLP
• Dumfries Timber Company Ltd
• Energy Action Scotland
• Heart of Midlothian PLC
• ITC Training Academy
• Strata Cleaning Limited
• Animac Vets Ltd
• Muehlhan Surface Protection Limited
• Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway
• Saltire Roofing and Building Ltd
• Scottish Parliament
• An Clachan Cafe
• Scottish Youth Parliament
• Crannoch Residential Child Care Resource Ltd.
• Village Vets
• GuitarGuitar
• Neil Findlay MSP
• The Spark
• Nutrend Office Furniture
• Trade Right International CIC
• teclan ltd Digital Marketing
• The Royal Bank of Scotland

A full list of all Scottish Living Wage Employers is available at: 

Future Starts here

£145,000 Scottish Government support to help young people into jobs


New pilot projects to help young people find work are to be rolled out in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and North Lanarkshire this year.

The Prince’s Trust will deliver Future Starts in collaboration with schools, colleges and employers with the support of £145,000 investment from the Scottish Government and a further £173,000 from The Wood Foundation.

The projects are specifically targeted at young people in education who are at risk of disengagement by helping them raise their ambitions and build up their confidence so they can move towards vocational training or employment.

Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training Roseanna Cunningham said: “A few weeks ago the Scottish Government published a new Youth Employment Strategy, which followed on from the work of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

“Helping more young people into vocational education is a fundamental element of this work and I am very pleased to be able to fund these Prince’s Trust pilots which will intervene early in the lives of a number of young people to ensure they do not slip off our radar.

“While last month’s statistics on leaver destinations and recent employment figures have been very encouraging, there are still too many young women and men unable to fulfil their potential for a variety of reasons. I am determined to do everything we can to help them succeed.”

Allan Watt, director of The Prince’s Trust in Scotland said: “Our Future Starts pilot responds to recommendations from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce. It means that with our school, college and private sector partners, we will reach out to those young people who face the greatest challenges moving from education to employment with relevant, engaging vocational experience and qualifications.

“With this funding from the Scottish Government and the Wood Foundation we can build relevant career options for those young people and help them create brighter futures for themselves.”

Sir Ian Wood, Chairman of The Wood Foundation said: “The Wood Foundation (TWF) is pleased to work in partnership with the Scottish Government to support the development and delivery of Future Starts, a new Prince’s Trust Scotland pilot programme. This builds on the best practice of Get Into, a Prince’s Trust programme into which TWF have invested £716,000 since 2008.

“Future Starts engages with employers to offer students, who are at their senior phase of school, the opportunity to sample potential career options and develop their skills. This programme, to which we will be contributing £173,000 over the next two and a half years, is a good fit with TWF’s Developing Young People in Scotland portfolio and also with my report for The Scottish Government – Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

“I believe Future Starts will be successful in providing relevant and practical knowledge of careers and the workplace to Scotland’s next working generation whilst they’re still at school, and should ensure as many youngsters as possible leave with a positive destination into employment or further education.”

More Scots women move into work

‘a strong economy will help tackle the inequality that blights our society’ – John Swinney

Businesswomen working on laptop.Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary John Swinney has today welcomed news that 2014 has been another encouraging and buoyant year for Scotland, according to employment statistics covering the period Aug-Oct 2014.

Female participation and youth employment are seen as the key successes of 2014.

The level of youth unemployment in Scotland has fallen by over 26 per cent in the last 12 months and is now at its lowest in the last five years, alongside a fall in the overall Scottish unemployment rate.

Latest Labour Market Statistics show female employment has risen by 46,000 over the year to reach 1,288,000 – the highest female employment level on record.

The number of women claiming Jobseekers Allowance fell by 8,900 over the year. At 27,900 it is at its lowest level since February 2009.

Scotland has a higher female employment rate than the UK – with the Scottish rate 3.2 percentage points above the UK rate. Scotland also has a lower female unemployment rate and higher female participation rate than the UK.

Mr Swinney said: “2014 has seen Scotland consistently outperform the UK on employment, unemployment and inactivity rates and Scotland’s economy continues to go from strength to strength.

“A real success story over the last year is increasing female participation and the narrowing gender gap in employment rates. Over the last two years, the gap between male and female employment rates has narrowed in Scotland, unlike the UK – with the gap closing by 3.6 percentage points in Scotland.

“As the Scottish economy grows our task is to ensure that everyone is able to benefit from that economic success. It is a top priority of this government to tackle the inequalities that blight our society, and by strengthening and stabilising our economy with an active and engaged workforce we can go a long way to make that happen.

“With discussion on further powers for the Scottish Parliament now taking place it is essential that we have the full tools we need to support employment opportunities for everyone in Scotland.”

No happy new year for City Link workers

‘a truly horrific catalogue of mismanagement’ – RMT

city link vansMore than 2,700 staff from the collapsed UK parcel delivery service City Link will  be made redundant on New Year’s Eve, the RMT union has said.

That total is likely to include staff from the Edinburgh depot based in Livingston and members plan to join a demonstration outside the company’s Motherwell depot today.

Staff learned on Christmas Day that the company had gone into administration, in a move described as “disgraceful” by the union for transport workers.

Talks between union officials and administrators Ernst & Young were held on Saturday but the administrators have confirmed that ‘substantial redundancies are expected over the coming days’.

The meeting between City Link union RMT and administrators Ernst and Young ‘has exposed a truly horrific catalogue of mismanagement at the top of the company dating back to November which leaves more than two thousand staff facing redundancy on new years eve with a skeleton staff kept on for a couple of weeks to wind down the o‎peration’, according to union leaders.

At Saturday’s meeting the union was told that:

  • the company were working with insolvency advisors since November without telling the staff or their union.
  • the company was technically declared insolvent on the 22nd December but deliberately withheld that information. A plot to hold the announcement to Boxing Day was only thwarted by the RMT acting on information from a whistle blower.

  • more than 2000 staff will be made redundant on New Years eve. City Link and it’s financial backers will have no liability for redundancy payments and the staff will have to apply to the government scheme. The remaining staff will be retained short term to wind down the company.

  • individual sub contractors, owed thousands of pounds, are unlikely to see any of their money.

  • there is no one in the frame to take over the company as a going concern but there may be a limited number of jobs available at other companies.


City Link, founded in 1969, was acquired by ‘restructuring specialist’ Better Capital in April 2013.

The company called in administrators on Christmas Eve after years of ‘substantial losses’, yet a November press release issued on behalf of the company paints a different picture. Just last month the Coventry-based company heralded it’s plans to ‘deliver an even more successful peak to last year’s winning performance’.

The press release, headlined ‘City Link plans ahead to beat last year’s successful peak performance’ reads:

With Christmas lights already starting to go up in many UK towns and the countdown to the festive season soon to begin, premium express carrier City Link has already got its plans in place to deliver an even more successful peak to last year’s winning performance.

City Link is now in the final stages of putting its Peak preparation plans into action, including bringing on line additional vans, collection and delivery drivers, warehouse staff and a range of new equipment and seasonal supplies.

It hopes to surpass last year’s success. The company received widespread praise for its smooth-running Peak operation – Mothercare even said that City Link had “really stepped up to the mark and delivered a great peak performance for our customers”.

To ensure that Christmas deliveries run smoothly this year City Link is adding an extra 1168 fleet collection and delivery drivers to its workforce to handle peak collections – 433 agency drivers and 735 subcontractors along with 100 additional trunking drivers in the busiest week.

In terms of vehicles, City Link is adding another 434 fleet collection and delivery vans to handle the extra demand, along with 80 additional trailers.

An extra 469 depot warehouse staff will be recruited along with around 30 additional operations support staff. Also, City Link is using 14 more forklift trucks and 963 more hand-held scanners.

City Link’s intensive preparation for the busy Christmas and New Year period also involves making plans for potential harsh winter weather with 1051 tons of rock salt on order together with 106 snow shovels and 24 snow spreaders to ensure they are well prepared to make deliveries in the event of a cold snap this winter.

Liam Tucker, City Link’s Operations Director, is extremely optimistic about this year’s Peak deliveries.

“City Link had one of its most successful peak periods in 2013 and we are looking forward to an even busier and more successful one in 2014. We’ve been planning since January and have worked with all of our larger customers to understand demand, put in place capacity and ensure contingency arrangements are there too,” said Mr. Tucker.

Operationally City Link is ready to cope well with increased demand; with a new automated sortation system in place to help increase throughput at the national hub in Coventry by up to 50% and with a £2m investment in new handheld scanners making life easier for all their drivers, including those temporary drivers coming in to help with the Christmas rush.

Customers will also benefit from a smooth delivery experience with City Link’s new “On Our Way” service which provides those receiving parcels with an estimated two-hour delivery slot and the option of re-arranging their deliveries if they’re not going to be in to sign for them. On Our Way benefits both the business customers sending parcels and the consumers receiving them: first time delivery rates increase and consumer satisfaction with deliveries rises.

Additionally the company’s Parcel Collection Points will also be open from 10.00 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Sundays from the 30th November through to the 21st December being the last Sunday before Christmas.”

23rmtlogo-554webRMT is demanding an immediate meeting with Vince Cable and his officials and a government supported rescue plan to save the company as a going concern.

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary, said: “It is crystal clear from today’s meeting that there has been a truly horrific catalogue of mismanagement at City Link and that staff and their union have been starved of basic information while a plot was hatched to publicly collapse the business on Boxing Day when in fact it was already declared insolvent.

“What a despicable and callous ‎manipulation of thousands of workers and their livelihoods over Christmas as the venture capitalists cut and run leaving a trail of chaos and misery in their wake.

Vince Cable has said he will meet us in the New Year. Clearly that is too late and the business will have been smashed to pieces by then as the asset strippers hover like vultures over the corpse.

“RMT is demanding a meeting with Vince Cable right now, not when it’s too late. We want to put a plan together for a Government backed rescue that protects the business and the jobs it supports. If the government can nationalise the bankers then they can nationalise City Link which is ‎clearly in the public interest. “


Job experts out and about to spread work message

Jobcentre staff are getting out and about and taking work support direct to jobseekers as part of a new blitz targeting unusual locations –from football clubs to prisons and homeless shelters.

jobcentre (3)Employment numbers have reached a record 30.8 million and the number of people on the main out-of-work benefits is the lowest it’s been for a quarter of a century and now Jobcentre Plus Work Coaches – the government’s ‘army of jobs experts’ – are heading out to meet the public in children’s centres, youth hubs, homeless shelters, and rural work clubs to offer targeted support to people who need it most.

This more direct approach to helping jobseekers back to work has also seen roaming Work Coaches partnering up with professional football clubs, including Arsenal, Everton, and Tottenham Hotspur, to set up schemes that help young people build confidence and skills to prepare them to find work.

And they are setting up shop in prisons across the country to help prisoners who are soon to leave custody prepare for a new life away from crime and in work.

New figures released last week show that an average of 1,500 more people were in work every day over the last year and the number of people on the main out-of-work benefits is down by more than 850,000 to under 4 million – the lowest it has been since 1990.

Employment Minister Esther McVey said: “Our hardworking Jobcentre Plus staff have made a huge contribution to Britain’s jobs success this year. By doing things differently, and getting out to where jobseekers are, they’re helping thousands into work every day.

“We have broken record after record in 2014 – with huge falls in youth and long-term unemployment and the highest number of women in work on record.

“This new approach is working. What we can see at the end of the year is that our welfare reforms are ensuring that people have the skills and opportunities to move into work.

“But behind these record figures there are countless stories of individual hard work and determination – stories of people turning their lives around, of families who are now feeling more secure over the Christmas period with a regular wage, and of young people escaping unemployment and building a career.”

Specialist Work Coaches are based in prisons across the country where they can help parolees sign up to Jobseeker’s Allowance up to 6 weeks before they are released. Once they sign up, they are automatically placed on to the Work Programme to help them build up skills and experience.

The Work Programme is designed to get the hardest to help jobseekers back into work and has now helped 368,000 long-term unemployed claimants find sustainable work.

Jobcentre Plus staff have also helped budding entrepreneurs to set up more than 60,000 new businesses through the government’s New Enterprise Allowance scheme, which helps jobseekers, lone parents and people on sickness benefits, with a good idea, to start up their own business.

Since 2011, more than 360,000 people of all ages have taken up opportunities through employer-led sector-based work academies, or work experience placements through Jobcentre Plus, to give them a job taster and a guaranteed job interview.

In Bootle, Merseyside, Jobcentre Plus has staff working from the local Youth Hub to provide guidance and advice to young people in the area and to offer chances to gain skills and experience through Sector-based Work Academies – which are employer-led training courses that lead to a guaranteed job interview.

And in Scotland, Stranraer Jobcentre Plus staff have established weekly work clubs in rural areas to provide help on budgeting, mock interviews, CVs and cover letters, and job applications.

Have you been supported into work this year? Has Jobcentre Plus helped you start your own business? Get in touch!

Benefit Cap: 'a clear incentive to work'?

jobcentre (3)The benefit cap is providing a clear incentive to work, according to new research released by the Department for Work and Pensions today. However opponents say welfare reforms have damaged society and have not produced savings promised by the government.

The Westminster government says it has long suspected that the benefit cap was having a positive impact on people’s lives, compelling them to find work, and that the publications ‘now show this is undoubtedly the case’.

The benefit cap was introduced as part of the government’s long-term economic planso that people on out-of-work benefits do not receive more than the average working family earns.

The research shows that:

  • those who would be impacted by the cap are 41% more likely to go into work than a similar group who fall just below the cap’s level, but this trend didn’t exist before the cap was in place – indeed those with higher weekly benefit used to be less likely to move into work
  • before the benefit cap fewer than 300 of the highest claiming families got over £9 million in benefits every year – the cap is preventing this and saving millions of pounds a year
  • 38% of those capped said they were doing more to find work, a third were submitting more applications and 1 in 5 went to more interviews
  • where households said they intended to seek work because of the cap in February 2014 (45%) by August the vast majority of them (85%) had done so – 2 in 5 (40%) of those who said they had looked for work because of the cap in February actually entered employment by August.

DuncanSmithWork and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said: “We know that the benefit cap has had a real impact in changing attitudes and behaviours, and now we have evidence showing that our welfare reforms are encouraging people into work.

“By putting an end to runaway benefit claims and introducing a system which guarantees you will always be better off in work, we are incentivising people find employment. Every month hundreds of people who have been affected by the cap are making the positive move into work – gaining the financial security and esteem that comes with a job and a pay packet.

“As part of our long-term economic plan, we’ll continue to support people to break free from welfare dependency so they can look forward to a better, more secure future for themselves and their families”.

The DWP cites London as a good example of the policy working.

‘In London where the highest number of people are subject to the benefit cap, scare stories claimed that people would be pushed out of the capital. In actuality, of those capped households living in inner London that moved, 84% continued to live in the central boroughs. In London there is also larger likelihood of capped households moving into work with those in scope for the cap being 70% more likely to go into work than their equivalents just below the cap’.

One interviewee in the research said: “It gave me the shock of my life. But it’s given me the kick I need. I can see what the gentleman was saying, why should we pay for your lifestyle. We should want to work. We shouldn’t sit on our backsides watching Jeremy Kyle. I genuinely do want to work.”

While the government may believe it is on the right track, it’s fair to say that not everyone is convinced that the controversial cap is working, however. Trades Unions, disability rights organisations, charities, anti-poverty campaign groups, churches and opposition political parties all continue to condemn the government’s ‘draconian’ welfare reforms. They point to record numbers of families using food banks as evidence that the welfare reforms are hurting poor families – both in work and on benefits.

There’s also doubt about how much – or how little – money is being saved by the welfare reforms. Today, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said savings from the cap were ‘small’.  They say the cap affects about 27,000 families in the UK – less than 1% of working-age families who receive housing benefits – and saved around £100m a year.

More about the benefit cap

Introduced in April 2013 the benefit cap is set at a rate of no more than £500 a week for couples and families and £350 for single people – £500 a week is equivalent to a salary of £34,000 a year after tax.

Over 50,000 households have had their benefits capped since April 2013 and since then 23,900 are no longer impacted – 12,000 because they have found work or are no longer claiming Housing benefit at all.

Getting ready for work

‘We will not settle for a return to pre-recession levels of joblessness in young people’ – Roseanna Cunningham


Additional funding to help develop a world class vocational education system that supports joint working between employers, schools, and colleges is to be made available, the Scottish Government has announced. Local authorities will receive £6.5 million to help ensure young people are ready for work.

The announcement was made by Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training Roseanna Cunningham ahead of the publication of the Scottish Government’s new youth employment strategy, which will set out plans for implementing the recommendations of the report by the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.

Local authorities will share £6.5 million in 2014/15 to develop vocational and employment pathways open to all young people, strengthen links between schools and employers, and help vulnerable groups towards the labour market.

Ms Cunningham said: “Since the publication of the Commission’s report earlier this year, working closely with our partners, we have made significant progress in planning for a system of vocational education that is better equipped to help more young women and men into work.

“From a total £12 million made available this year, we have already invested £5.5 million in taking forward elements of the report. Pilots for foundation and advanced apprenticeships are already underway, and interest among employers in the new Investors in Young People accolade is steadily building. I will shortly outline in full how the Scottish Government will work with its partners to implement the report’s recommendations.

“Scotland’s local authorities are a central part of this process and I am delighted to be able to provide £6.5 million to maintain momentum at a local level, enabling schools to work more closely with colleges and employers. This approach will build on Curriculum for Excellence, benefiting children from early years onwards, developing their understanding of and skills for work and opening up high quality vocational pathways in their senior phase. That way, they will be better prepared to progress into sustained high quality employment.

“With this investment, pupils, parents and teachers will be supported to better understand the careers and routes open to young people and see opportunities in areas like science and engineering enhanced. Local authorities will also have a responsibility to ensure different routes are open to everyone, including those from vulnerable groups.

“We will not settle for a return to pre-recession levels of joblessness in young people, and the full extent of our ambition will become clear in the coming days with the publication of our new youth employment strategy.”

logo_-_footerEdinburgh has already enjoyed some success in getting our young people into training or employment. At a ‘Celebrating Success’ reception held at the Scottish Parliament last week it was announced that 1252 young people have successfully progressed their careers though the Edinburgh Guarantee, a partnership between the city council, local employers and the voluntary sector. 

Launched three years ago, The Edinburgh Guarantee is a vision that all sectors in the city will work together to ensure that every young person in Edinburgh will leave school with the choice of a job, training or further education opportunity available to them.

It seeks to increase the number of jobs, education, and training opportunities being made available to young people. Over 300 organisations have offered support so far, over 1600 opportunities have been identified including jobs, apprenticeships and placements and over 1,252 of those opportunities have been matched to young people.

The Edinburgh Guarantee has contributed £29m to Scotland’s economy since it ‘s launch, according to a report published by the city council last week. More than £17m of this has added value to Edinburgh’s economy.

This has been achieved by supporting businesses to match 1,252 young people into jobs, apprenticeships, internships or training. A further saving of £3.9m to the Department of Work and Pensions has been made from not having to pay Job Seekers allowance to 18-20 year olds.

A total of 757 jobs have been directly created for young people and as a knock on effect of this a further 575 other jobs have been created.

The findings were announced at a ‘Celebrating Success’ event, held at the Scottish Parliament, which brought together employers, potential employers and young people to celebrate and hear the news.

In addition to this, since 2009/10 the percentage of school leavers going into positive destinations has increased from 82.5 per cent to 91per cent in 2012/13. The most recent figures are due to be published at the end of this month.

Councillor Frank Ross, Convener of the Economy Committee, said: “This is a fantastic achievement and the figures announced today surpass all of our expectations. We must keep up this excellent work, however, as ensuring that Edinburgh’s young people have opportunities is vital for the economic success of our city.

“The year on year improvements that have been achieved since the inception of the Edinburgh Guarantee show that focused collaboration can make a real difference to many young lives. I am confident that with sustained investment and the support of our public, private and third sector partners these improvements will continue in future.”

Sandy Begbie, Chief Operations Officer, Standard Life: “We passionately believe in giving young people a chance to demonstrate their capabilities and helping them to achieve their potential. Since we agreed to take part in the Edinburgh Guarantee initiative we have welcomed over 90 interns into our business, all of whom have performed valuable roles within the organisation, while receiving The Living Wage.

Over two-thirds have been successful in securing full-time employment with us, while the other third have moved on to further education or roles with other employers.

“The young people bring so much enthusiasm, energy and a refreshing new perspective to our business. We are delighted with the outcome, so much so we are now starting to roll out similar programmes to some of our other offices in the UK.”

One success story is seventeen year old Emily Lynch from South Queensferry, who completed a Modern Apprenticeship in Business Administration two weeks ago.

She wasn’t keen to stay on at school but wanted to continue in some form of training, so after hearing about Modern Apprenticeships Emily looked up MyJobScotland on the advice of her parents.

Emily said: “When I went on to the site, there were Modern Apprenticeships on offer for Business Administration in the City of Edinburgh Council.

“I looked up MyJobScotland because my mum knew about it and I remembered my guidance teacher talking about it when we had covered introduction to the workplace in school.

“Although I had been for interviews for Saturday jobs in the past, this was my first experience of a proper formal interview but we had done mock interviews in school so I tried to remember everything we had gone through then.

“Bits of the interview were good, I talked about myself, my interests, my hobbies, what I could bring to this job, so that was all fine. But to be quite honest, some of the questions they asked me about the department went right over my head!

“Let’s just say the phone call I made to my mum right after the interview finished wasn’t an optimistic one!

“The last week before the end of summer term, I get a phone call on the Tuesday offering me the Modern Apprentice Post! Suddenly everything changed, I wasn’t going to be at school anymore!

“The school were absolutely over the moon for me, and my guidance teacher sorted everything out and submitted my leavers form for me right away, so on Friday 28 June, I walked out of the school building, ready to start my professional career.

“Contracts had to be negotiated with the City of Edinburgh Council along with all the usual background checks and I started the post on 5 August last year as a Business Administration Modern Apprentice.

“Over the course of the year, I have learned and developed, been challenged, been frightened and been supported.

“Modern Apprenticeships are not just about the learning and curriculum, they are about every aspect of workplace skills. I had come from a school environment completely surrounded by people my own age, and suddenly, here I am in a team adapting to people of all different ages!

“Over the last year I have had fantastic opportunities to work in different areas of the Council.

“ I have been part of a number of different finance teams and gained a real insight into important functions including working with housing teams, putting through the charges for the repairs and maintenance bills on Council Houses, Assisting the Housing Finance Manager with work on the city wide 21st Century Homes project, which itself supports a number of Modern Apprentices. I have also worked on the Finance Administration of the City Car Club learned about the grant support of charitable organisations.

“I have also been asked on a number of project working groups, bringing a pair of fresh eyes to the table, someone who is fairly new to the Council and has a different outlook on things.

“One working group was BOLD, which is a team looking at creative ways to manage the Council budget. Another, looking at bringing more Modern Apprentices into the workplace.

“I can still hear my mum’s voice now saying “as long as there’s learning, as long as there’s training”. The saying ‘earn as you learn’ also comes to mind when I think about my experiences from the past year.

“I hope I will have the opportunity to apply for a permanent post within the City of Edinburgh Council. It is the organisation that gave me my opportunity, trained and supported me and somewhere I would like to stay. No one knows what the future holds; if that doesn’t happen, I am ready for the workplace. “

Order, order: Students serve up gourmet feast at Holyrood MSPs

Students and staff at ParliamentSchool students at a pioneering academy project took over the running of the Scottish Parliament’s Members’ Restaurant for a night, giving MSPs the chance to feed the country’s top politicians. Thirteen students from the Hospitality and Tourism Academy ran the kitchen and front of house at the restaurant, offering a three-course meal to paying MSPs and their guests. 

The academy students, who are all S5 and S6 pupils at schools in Edinburgh and Midlothian, ran the restaurant themselves as if it was a regular night of service, under the supervision of lecturers. MSPs booked in for dinner and paid as they would normally, expecting the same quality of food and service.

The MSPs dined on pan-fried pigeon breast with parsnip puree and nasturtium salad; pork fillet in pinwheel oat crust with champ mashed potatoes and haricot verts; and white chocolate cheesecake with passion fruit jelly and passion fruit curd.

The students were invited to cook at the Parliament as part of a project to give college hospitality students experience of working in such prestigious surroundings. These students, however, were not as old or as experienced as most college students.

The students are all studying at the Hospitality and Tourism Academy, a partnership between Edinburgh College, Queen Margaret University, local authorities and schools in Edinburgh and the Lothians. The academy is part of the South East Scotland Academies Partnership, which began with the Hospitality and Tourism Academy in 2012 and expanded last year to introduce three new academies, the Creative Industries Academy, the Health and Social Care Academy and the Food Science and Nutrition Academy.

The academies give students the chance to study in these key growth industries while still at school, giving them theory and practical experience so they can make informed choices about their future. Students get insight into these industries over the two-year academy programmes, and improve their employability by developing specialist skills and knowledge that closely match the needs of employers. The academies now have 400 students from Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and the Scottish Borders, and the project has won praise from politicians, businesses and Education Scotland.

Dawn McDermott from Dalkeith High School Sixteen-year-old Dalkeith High School student Dawn McDermott (above), who was working in the front-of-house team, said: “It was a really good night. The front-of-house staff and the kitchen worked well together so it was a brilliant team effort and everyone enjoyed it. The MSPs were lovely and were chatting to us all about what we were doing and what we want to do after school.

“It was such a good opportunity to experience something totally different from what we’re used to and we learned a lot. I want to become an air hostess so getting more customer service experience is really important, and hopefully this will look good on my C.V.”

Margaret Mitchell MSP, who said her pigeon starter was ‘cooked to absolute perfection’ and that the presentation was the equal of a professional kitchen, said: “The whole scheme seems like a fantastic opportunity for young people to get experience in industry, serving in a restaurant and cooking food. The academy has done a fantastic job in providing that experience because it can lead these students in so many different ways.

“They’re learning practical skills and can go on into the hospitality industry, which is big business in Scotland. This is a first-class initiative and I hope that the students, who are already performing so well, find huge benefits and that it will help determine their future careers.”

Also dining was Linda Fabiani MSP, who said: “A project like this is really important and it’s great experience for the young people. What’s really good about it is that students at college learn their skills but it’s important they also have practice in a real environment, so coming somewhere like the parliament restaurant and taking over the entire operation is great for them. MSPs enjoy a good meal and service like any other restaurant customers, so this was a treat for us.”

Ray McCowan, vice principal education leadership at Edinburgh College, said: “This was a tremendous opportunity for the students and they did such a superb job I’m sure many of the MSPs didn’t notice a difference from a regular night. Most catering students don’t get the chance to cook for and serve such esteemed customers, so it was a real privilege for them to be able to show off what they’ve learned at the academy.

“The academies give students real-world skills and knowledge, and it’s important they get to experience as many workplace environments as possible to build up their understanding of professional expectations. Serving MSPs in Parliament put them under pressure but they coped admirably and did a great job, which gives them incredible experience for whatever they go onto, preparing them to be excellent students or employees. They should all be really proud of themselves.”

Professor Alan Gilloran, deputy principal at Queen Margaret University, added: “It’s been a fantastic year for our Hospitality and Tourism Academy students. Showcasing their talents to MSPs and their guests at the Scottish Parliament has been a great way for them to end 2014 on a high.

“The students really rose to the challenge on the night and thrived under pressure. Unique practical experiences like this are hugely valuable to the Academy students’ development.  They can be confident that their experiences will help them stand out from the crowd in this key growth industry by having the specialist skills and knowledge employers are looking for.”

Kayla Vaughan from Dalkeith High School

Youth and Children's work vacancies in North Edinburgh


West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre has vacancies for children’s workers, starting in January. See poster (below) for details:

Youth Work vacancies at WPNC (1)

For further information and an application pack contact Linda Chandler, Clerical Assistant, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, 19 West Pilton Grove, Edinburgh EH4 4BY, telephone 0131 551 3194 or email

Closing date for applications is Friday 19 December.


Honest TOiL proves worthwhile for city youngsters

Young people graduate from PoLHA training programme

Young people graduate with TOiL.

Thirty five young people from across Edinburgh have completed an 18 week training programme, with 23 going straight into employment following their training. The  young people join almost 500 who have graduated from Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) training programme Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL).

Among those to graduate at an event at the City Chambers last night (25 Nov) was Magdalena Susfal who said: “I gained a lot of admin skills and got a feel for how it is to work in an office environment. The training was very useful and I enjoyed it. The Excel training was very good and the interview preparation before my Modern Apprenticeship interview helped me get the job.”

The young people were presented with their certificates by co-founder of Social Bite, Alice Thompson, at the ceremony attended by employers, stakeholders of the programme, young people and proud friends and family members.

Alice Thompson said: “The jobs market can be difficult for young people to get in to, but given they are the lifeblood of the economy it’s imperative they are given opportunities. I want to congratulate them on their achievements as they are now on the path to bigger and better things.”

Another trainee graduating was Reece Hunt, 17, who has gone on to work as an electrician with Bemco.

Reece said: “I most enjoyed getting to know new people. It was hands on work which is what I like. I found the training informative and it was very relevant to our age group. The delivery made it interesting.”

Other trainees graduating on November 25 were Matthew Mackie, Chris Singh, Jake Summers, David Reilly, Alex Pennykid, Nathan Moyes, Alex Main, Garry Mitchell, Jordan Bald and Lewis Ewen.

PoLHA’s TOiL programme has been running for eight years and 68 per cent of participants move into sustainable employment, apprenticeships or further education after the six-month placement.

PoLHA Chair Margaret O’Connor, who presided over the graduation’s proceedings said: “TOiL provides valuable work opportunities to young people in Edinburgh with a variety of valued partner organisations. Our trainees have access to support and a holistic approach is used supporting those that need it most.”