Harbour Homes partners with Edinburgh Women’s Aid to provide emergency accommodation for families experiencing domestic abuse

Since January this year there has been a 38% increase on the previous year of women seeking help from Edinburgh Women’s Aid due to experiencing domestic abuse.

At the same time, the longer-term impact of the pandemic has made accommodating families in shared homes more challenging. Fear of infection, lack of personal space and the impact of lockdown on children have prompted Edinburgh Women’s Aid to review their current shared accommodation options within the city.

Edinburgh Women’s Aid approached Harbour Homes who are providing up to four two-bedroom flats to be used as emergency accommodation. Those living in the flats leased to Edinburgh Women’s Aid will receive weekly support and a safe and furnished home.

Heather Kiteley, Chief Executive at Harbour Homes said: “In 2022-23, 90% of recorded domestic abuse incidents in Scotland took place inside the home.

“We care deeply about the work Edinburgh Women’s Aid are doing to provide support and refuge to women and children affected by domestic abuse. We extend our support to Edinburgh Women’s Aid and will do all we can to assist those living in the emergency accommodation we provide.”

Karen Griffiths, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Edinburgh Women’s Aid said: “We are incredibly thankful to Harbour Homes for their support in leasing this emergency accommodation to us.

“The flats will provide a safe and stable environment for women and any accompanying children who are at risk of homelessness because of Domestic Abuse, whilst they are supported by Edinburgh Women’s Aid to recover.”

MSP urges UK Government to house Afghan refugees in empty MoD homes at Redford Barracks

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, is urging the UK Government to use the 160 unused homes, formerly used as accommodation for MoD staff, to house refugees fleeing the situation in Afghanistan.

Edinburgh Council leader, Adam McVey, recently wrote to the UK Government calling for an increase in the number of Afghan refugees the UK should be welcoming and Gordon MacDonald has said “there is a clear opportunity here to use the empty MoD houses to house these refugee families in the Capital.”

The homes, which are mostly situated around Redford Barracks, have been left empty for numerous years and the local MSP has repeatedly called for action to bring this vacant housing into use. MacDonald has said “it’s not right that these homes lie empty and it is in the gift of the UK government to put them to good use.”

Earlier this year it was revealed that nearly 11,000 MoD homes were empty across the UK, with 900 unused in Scotland.

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, said: “For years now, I have been doing everything I can to get the empty MoD homes in my constituency – and right across Scotland – to be used to help people whose lives would benefit immensely from being housed in the properties.

“Yet again, we see another example where the UK government could make the most of the hundreds of empty properties across our country.  

“The situation in Afghanistan is truly horrific. The refugees are fleeing a horrific situation and we need to be doing everything we can to accept our responsibility and help those who arrive in this country.

“In Edinburgh, we are ready to accept and welcome Afghan families – and as we currently have around 160 homes that are still owned by the MoD but no one has lived in them for at least five years, it seems like a missed opportunity to not use this housing to house refugees in safe and warm homes where they can start to rebuild their lives.

Boris Johnson should commit to maximising these unused sites like the one at Redford Barracks to allow the UK to take in more refugees, who have had their lives turned upside down, and take responsibility for the situation.”

New legislation will reduce time spent in B&Bs and hostels

Anyone facing homelessness will spend no longer than a week in unsuitable accommodation like bed and breakfasts under new legislation.

The seven day limit on unsuitable temporary accommodation which currently covers families with children and pregnant women will now be extended to protect everyone at risk of homelessness.

Announcing the changes, which will come into effect by May 2021, Housing Minister Kevin Stewart said: “We know that people living in these unsuitable environments can for too long often lack cooking or washing facilities, and some have reported that they cannot have visits from family or friends.

“These experiences have a detrimental effect on people’s physical and mental wellbeing, preventing them from rebuilding their lives.

“While temporary accommodation can offer an important emergency safety net for anyone who finds themselves homeless, such as those fleeing domestic violence, it should be a purely temporary measure.

“In Scotland we are already world-leading in tackling homelessness, and now this new legislation, which is a UK first, will make sure that the time anyone spends in unsuitable temporary accommodation is as short as possible before moving to a more appropriate, permanent home.

“We recognise the importance of a settled home in supporting people to live their life with good health, wellbeing and a sense of community and belonging.

“That’s why we’re investing £32.5 million, which includes more than half of our £50 million Ending Homelessness Together Fund, to support local authorities to prioritise settled accommodation for all.”

Research published by Crisis last year gathered experiences of 74 people across Edinburgh, East Lothian, Glasgow, Midlothian, Aberdeenshire and Highland who have faced months in unsuitable temporary accommodation such as B&Bs.

It showed that these experiences damage people’s mental health and job prospects, entrenching their homelessness.

Jon Sparkes, Chief Executive of homeless charity Crisis, said: “We strongly welcome the announcement that the Scottish Government will change the law so that people will no longer have to live in the most unsuitable forms of temporary accommodation for longer than seven days.

“This marks a major achievement for our Life in Limbo campaign, a three year project which has sought to put an end to lengthy and dehumanising stays in unsupported hostels, hotels and B&Bs.

“This decision is a recognition of the resolve of our clients to shine a light on the inhumane conditions they were experiencing and the determination to ensure no one else was subjected to these prolonged stays.

“Making sure that everyone has a home where they can begin to rebuild their lives benefits all of us. Once again Scotland has shown it is a world leader in tackling homelessness and this commitment is a major step forward towards it being the first nation in Great Britain to end homelessness for good.”
