New play equipment at West Pilton Park

A new play park and outdoor gym was opened in West Pilton last week.  Councillor Susan Rae cut the tape with Friends of West Pilton Park’s Sara Martin, ELGT’s Charlie Cummings and Scotland Manager of Fields in Trust, Colin Rennie.

Children from Pirniehall and Forthview Primary schools also braved the weather to check out the new facilities.

You can learn more about the development and watch an interview with Susan, Sara and Colin who talk about the importance of developing greenspaces and supporting local communities in urban areas here.

Founder Member of Friends of West Pilton Park, Parklife, Sara Martin said: “The local residents are delighted with the new junior play park and outdoor gym facilities.

“The old play parks were disjointed, very limited and definitely past their sell-by-date. The newly upgraded play park and outdoor gym are so much more interesting, with lots of exciting new equipment to try out and enjoy.

“Thank you Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust for delivering it.”

Have your say on Clermiston Park plans

On behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust (ELGT) have put together an Improvement Plan for Clermiston Park, making suggestions for the next two years.

ELGT are asking stakeholders and the local community to provide any feedback they may have on the plans, which will be considered and incorporated where appropriate.

A summary of the feedback received and an explanation of any subsequent changes made will be provided along with the finalised plan.


Edinburgh & Lothian Greenspace Trust activities at West Pilton Park


We have been working with the West Pilton Parklife Friends of the Park group to develop a number of activities this summer. These include family fitness activities starting Thursday27th July which involve hula hopping, fun bootcamp and family yoga sessions.

There will also be a Herbal Garden tidy up and a Herbal Medicine workshop which will involve local families working around the footprint area on Sunday 30th July. A regular bootcamp will be starting on Thursday 17th August and will continue until the October holidays and then run for a further 6 sessions. For more information contact

Previous planting workshops at the footprint

For more information about West Pilton Park click here

Greenspace Trust: Growing Communities for Health


Growing Communities for Health

As always, ELGT had a great response to the ‘Growing Communities For Health’ grant scheme when the latest round opened in September of last year. During 2016, we funded twelve projects across Edinburgh and helped to grow the network of community gardens in the city.

Among the twelve community groups receiving grants this year, Newhaven Heritage and The Afro-Caribbean Christian Fellowship started up brand-new garden projects. Grants were also given towards:

  • expenses for volunteers at North Edinburgh Grows and LGBT Health & Wellbeing
  • rebuilding raised beds at Lochend Secret Garden
  • a range of specially-adapted lightweight tools for volunteers at the Garden Globe, Craigmillar
  • volunteer training at the Royal Edinburgh Community Garden (above)

If your community group wants to start a new garden, or is looking for funds to help develop an existing garden, the 2016-17 grant scheme is open now and will close in November.  See here for full details.

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust