Exam success for city pupils

The nervous wait is finally over today (Tuesday 7 August) as 8,000 pupils across Edinburgh receive their exam results. Early indications are very positive with candidates from City of Edinburgh Council schools once again making improvements on their performances in most areas from last year. Continue reading Exam success for city pupils

Don’t panic: Exam results helpline is open

Help is at hand from Scotland’s national careers service


A free helpline offering advice, information and support for young people receiving exam results opens this morning. Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) exam results helpline will be available from exam results day until August 15 and is open to all young people and their families seeking careers advice.

Continue reading Don’t panic: Exam results helpline is open

Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event

Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event

Edinburgh College is hosting a Course Clearing Event this week to provide support and guidance to young people following SQA exam results day. The event is aimed at helping anyone who has received their results to work out what they want to do next and discover the right college course for them. Continue reading Edinburgh College to hold post-exam results Course Clearing Event

General Teaching Council figures reveal Brexit slump in EU teacher recruitment

The number of teachers from the EU applying to teach in Scotland has plummeted over the past year, according to figures from the General Teaching Council of Scotland (GTCS) revealed by Holyrood magazine. Continue reading General Teaching Council figures reveal Brexit slump in EU teacher recruitment

Scotland first for Edinburgh Napier Business Event Management course

International Congress and Convention Association membership for innovative programme 

Iris Woestenburg (dark hair) and Paulina Wawrzyczek (blonde hair). Iris is from The Netherlands and Paulina is from Poland. Both are students on the The MSc in Business Events course,. The programme is run in partnership with the EICC.

An Edinburgh Napier MSc in Business Event Management has become the first programme in Scotland to gain membership of a prestigious event industry association. Continue reading Scotland first for Edinburgh Napier Business Event Management course

Scotland’s colleges: improving picture but challenges remain

A deal to harmonise staff pay at a cost of £50m a year will absorb projected savings from the reform of Scotland’s colleges, says the Auditor General. Caroline Gardner’s annual report on colleges says the sector reported a very small surplus in its underlying financial position in 2016/17, compared to the previous year’s £8m deficit. Continue reading Scotland’s colleges: improving picture but challenges remain

Edinburgh pupil wins First Minister’s Reading Challenge Award

The winners of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge 2018 were announced at an event in Edinburgh’s Hub yesterday. Among the 17 winners to receive prizes from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was Liberton Primary School pupil, Ian Hammer, who received the award for the Pupil Reading the Most Books (upper primary). Continue reading Edinburgh pupil wins First Minister’s Reading Challenge Award

Vassals of the Muir: Minister opens new Boroughmuir

The new Boroughmuir High School was officially opened at a special ceremony by the Minister for Higher and Further Education and Science Shirley-Anne Somerville yesterday. Ms Somerville was joined by Councillor Adam McVey, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, Deputy Leader Councillor Cammy Day, Education Vice Convener Councillor Alison Dickie and Head Teacher David Dempster.

New Boroughmuir High School
Continue reading Vassals of the Muir: Minister opens new Boroughmuir

Isn’t that just typical? You wait ages for a new school to come along, then three turn up at once!

It’s a High Schools hat trick!

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has led the opening of a hat-trick of new high school buildings as the total number of new or refurbished buildings exceeded 750 since 2007. Continue reading Isn’t that just typical? You wait ages for a new school to come along, then three turn up at once!