Exams back on the timetable for Scotland’s schoolchildren

National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams will be held in spring 2022 if public health advice allows, the Scottish Government has announced.

The decision has been informed by public health advice and by the views of partners, including those on the National Qualifications Group, which includes representatives of young people, parents, teachers and other education professionals.

Course content has been reduced compared to a normal year to take account of the disruption to learning that young people have experienced. These modifications have already been confirmed by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

Due to uncertainty over the pandemic, two contingency plans will be in place.

If there is further significant disruption to learning as a result of COVID-19, but it is still safe for exams to go ahead, there will be further modifications to courses and assessment.

If public health conditions do not allow for an exam diet to take place, awards will be made on teachers’ judgements based on normal in–year assessment. 

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Exams will take place next year if safe to do so.

“Fairness for learners sitting exams in 2022 is at the heart of our plans. Assessment modifications across national courses for the next academic session have already been confirmed by the SQA in recognition of the disruption to learning that young people have experienced. We will set out details on further support available for learners in September.

“Careful contingency planning has taken place in case there is further significant disruption to learning or if public health conditions do not allow for the holding of an examination diet.

“These contingencies offer stability for teachers and learners in the coming academic session and will allow their focus to be on normal practices in teaching, learning and assessment.  More detailed guidance will be issued by the SQA at the earliest opportunity.”

Commenting on the announcement, EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said: “It is no surprise that the Scottish Government has stated its intention to reinstate an exam diet in 2022, should public health advice allow.

“The EIS would have preferred to see exams by-passed for S4 students in the interests of supporting education recovery and wellbeing among this cohort.  It remains to be seen whether the reductions in course content for this year as recognition that young people have been adversely affected by the pandemic through no fault of their own, will suffice.

“It is essential that appropriate and robust contingencies are in place should it be necessary to cancel the exam diet on public health grounds. We saw earlier this year the damage caused by decisions being made too late without adequate contingences in place and the huge workload and stress that was placed on students and staff as a result.

“In the longer term, the process of reviewing the qualifications system and replacing the SQA must learn lessons from recent experience. The EIS has long been concerned regarding the lack of accountability of the Scottish Qualifications Authority to the teaching profession and the over-emphasis placed on annual high-stakes exams at the expense of continuous assessment.

“The EIS believes that now is an appropriate time to consider the future shape of learning and assessment in the senior phase, alternative models of timetabling and the timing of qualifications to better serve the needs of Scotland’s learners, as part of the process around replacing the SQA.”

North Edinburgh options in the frame for Gaelic High School

Royal Victoria Hospital and Fettes Police HQ sites under active consideration

The City of Edinburgh Council is re-evaluating the feasibility of two sites in central Edinburgh for a Gaelic high school following internal discussions.

Council officers will work with partners to reassess the potential of the current Police Scotland headquarters at Fettes and the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital in Comely Bank as additional options for the home of a new Gaelic Medium Education (GME) secondary school.

The move comes after a meeting between the Cabinet Secretary, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP and Education Convener Councillor Ian Perry and Vice Convener Alison Dickie in July to discuss the Council’s proposals for a dedicated GME high school on the Liberton site, which the Cabinet Secretary again welcomed as an excellent option.

The Councillors wrote last week to the Cabinet Secretary following their meeting last month to confirm that the two central sites will be re-assessed given concerns about ‘centrality’ raised by some parents during the development of plans for the Liberton site.

The letter makes clear that significant Scottish Government financial assistance, in the region of at least £48m for the build cost alone, as well as support to secure either site to make a more central option viable.

report outlining these latest developments, and the letter sent to the Cabinet Secretary, will be presented to the Education, Children and Families Committee next Tuesday (24 August).

The report says that the proposal for a statutory consultation should be temporarily halted pending a response from the Scottish Government regarding the two central sites.  

Cllr Perry said: “We had a very constructive and helpful meeting with the Cabinet Secretary last month and set out again our proposals to further the growth of GME in the Capital. 

“Given the concerns some Gaelic parents raised over ‘centrality’, we are reassessing the feasibility of two possible sites – at Fettes and at Comely Bank.  It must be stressed, however, that significant Government support would be required to make these viable options. 

“Our number one priority remains identifying the best and most workable solution for a fully immersive GME high school for the city. In the meantime we are proposing temporarily halting the plans for a statutory consultation until we receive a response from the Scottish Government.”

Cllr Dickie said: “We’re fully committed to ensuring GME can grow and thrive in Scotland’s Capital and we have welcomed the Scottish Government’s continued encouragement about our plans for a new and dedicated school at Liberton. 

“It is vital though that we get this absolutely right for children and their families, and for the growth of Gaelic Medium Education in the city.  Given then, the growing appetite for a more central location, we have made a decision to pause to re-evaluate previously visited options and their related barriers. 

“As well as the substantial financial hurdle involved, we’d need certainty that the land would be available to meet the timescales involved.  Most of all though, we need options that deliver the best educational outcomes for our children and young people.”

All 16 and 17 year olds in England to be offered vaccine by next week

All young people aged 16 to 17 in England are to be offered a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 23 August to give them protection before returning to school.

  • Health and Social Care Secretary announces new target to offer first dose of COVID-19 vaccine to all 16 and 17 year olds in England by Monday 23 August
  • Walk-in centres now open across the country and thousands of young people already vaccinated
  • New walk-in site finder launched online to help young people locate nearest vaccination centre

All young people aged 16 to 17 in England are to be offered a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Monday 23 August to give them the vital protection provided by the vaccine before returning to school in September, the Health and Social Secretary Sajid Javid has announced today (15 August).

Tens of thousands of people in this age group have already been vaccinated at local vaccination sites and walk-in centres across the country and the drive to offer a first jab by the new date will allow those teenagers in that age bracket the two weeks necessary to build maximum immunity.

NHS England has launched a new online walk-in site finder to help 16 and 17 year olds locate the nearest available centre. Further sites will come online over the coming days and weeks.

People aged 16 and 17 will be able to get vaccinated at one of more than 800 GP-led local vaccination sites. Thousands will be invited including by text and letter to book their appointments through GPs or via walk-in centres to help keep them, their families and friends safe from the virus.

The vaccines have already saved around 84,600 lives and prevented 23.4 million infections and 66,900 hospitalisations in England up to 6 August, according to the latest data from Public Health England and Cambridge University.

Health Secretary Sajid Javed said: “It is brilliant to see tens of thousands of young people have already received their vaccine – thank you for helping to further build our wall of defence against COVID-19 across the country.

“I have asked the NHS in England to ensure they offer a first dose of the vaccine to everyone aged 16 and 17 by next Monday 23 August, this will make sure everybody has the opportunity to get vital protection before returning to college or sixth form.

“Please don’t delay – get your jabs as soon as you can so we can continue to safely live with this virus and enjoy our freedoms by giving yourself, your family and your community the protection they need.”

Teenagers within three months of turning 18 can book their vaccine appointment online through the National Booking Service or by calling 119. Around 100,000 texts are being sent to those eligible inviting them to book their jabs.

Children aged 12 to 15 who are clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 or who live with adults who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus are also being contacted by the NHS and invited for their vaccine by 23 August, ahead of the new school year.

Teenagers within three months of turning 18 can book their vaccine appointment online through the National Booking Service or by calling 119. Around 100,000 texts are being sent to those eligible inviting them to book their jabs.

Children aged 12 to 15 who are clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 or who live with adults who are at increased risk of serious illness from the virus are also being contacted by the NHS and invited for their vaccine by 23 August, ahead of the new school year.

Vaccines Minister Nadhim Zahawi said: “Young people have shown great enthusiasm to get their vaccines and this has allowed us to safely enjoy the things we have missed, such as going to the pub or seeing family and friends.

“Thank you to the NHS and volunteers for your continued dedication to protect people from this virus. I urge everybody else to get their vaccines as soon as possible.”

Data from Public Health England (PHE) shows COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant, the dominant strain in the UK. The analysis shows the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is 96% effective and the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is 92% effective against hospitalisation after two doses.

A total of 87,421,381 doses have been administered in the UK, with 47,215,352 people receiving a first dose (89.3%) and 40,206,029 people receiving both doses (76%). More than 70% of people aged 18-29 have already received their first dose.

The government is working closely with the NHS to make it as easy as possible to get a vaccine, including through ‘grab a jab’ pop-up vaccine sites across the country, such as London-based nightclub Heaven, as well as football stadiums and festivals up and down the country.

Advice and information on the benefits of vaccination have been shared at every opportunity, including through a range of partnerships with industries catering for predominantly younger audiences.

This work has included partnerships with high-profile entertainment and sports personalities on short films encouraging people to get the jab, such as film stars Jim Broadbent and Thandiwe Newton, and football figures Harry Redknapp and Chris Kamara.

The government has also partnered with dating apps, social media platforms and large companies, such as Uber and Deliveroo, on adverts and incentives to get the vaccine.

NHS medical director of primary care and deputy lead for vaccination programme in England, Dr Nikki Kanani, said: “Thanks to the dedication and hard work of NHS staff, well over 39 million people in England have already had their first, including more than a quarter of a million young people under the age of 18.

“Now as teenagers prepare to head back to school or college or into their first full-time jobs, once again NHS staff are doing everything they can to offer young people the lifesaving vaccine as quickly as possible to protect themselves and others.

“Those who are eligible should check their nearest walk-in centre on the site finder today or book through their GP team once invited to do so.”

YouGov polling also shows the UK continues to be one of the top nations where people are willing to have a COVID-19 vaccine or have already been vaccinated.

ONS data published on 9 August shows that more than 9 in 10 (96%) adults reported positive sentiment towards the vaccine, and vaccine hesitancy for those aged 18 to 21 has almost halved from 9% to 5%. The statistics also showed hesitancy has decreased for those aged 16 and 17 from 14% to 11%.

Other than issuing daily coronavirus updates the Scottish Government has been pretty quiet on the subject since we moved ‘beyond Level Zero’ last Monday – and with Holyrood in recess until 29 August, the days of the daily Coronavirus media briefing appear to be over for now at least.

However the virus has not gone away – 1383 new cases were recorded yesterday – and public health experts have warned that there is a need for continued vigilance.

Edinburgh’s schools return this week.

If you are 16 or 17 years old you can now self-register for an appointment at https://www.nhsinform.scot/vaccineregistration or visit any of our drop-in clinics that offer Pfizer.

Let’s all do our part to keep each other, and ourselves, safe – if you can, please get vaccinated. 


Edinburgh to recruit more than one hundred new teaching staff

The city council is to launch a recruitment drive to boost the Capital’s schools with scores of new permanent teaching and pupil support roles available.

Adverts will go live in the coming weeks offering permanent positions for around 70 teachers and approximately 30 pupil support assistants to work in schools across Edinburgh as the city continues to recover from the pandemic.

The recruitment exercise comes after Edinburgh was allocated a share of £3m from £50m in targeted funding announced this week by the Scottish Government to hire 1,000 new teachers and 500 pupil support assistants across Scotland in the coming academic year.  

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener, said:We know all teaching staff have been under enormous pressure during the pandemic and this extra funding is extremely welcome.

“I’m really pleased to say that we can push forward and use this much needed funding now so anyone interested should look out for our adverts to recruit for around 70 additional teachers and approximately 30 pupil support assistants in permanent roles in the coming weeks.

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener, said:There’s no greater opportunity than helping to make a direct difference to the lives of our children and young people, and our teachers and pupil support assistants do that every day. 

“After what has been the most stressful of times, this is a chance for us to employ more staff to work with our amazing and resilient pupils across Edinburgh, and to support the very best of educational and life outcomes for them.”

The jobs will be advertised through myjobcotland and the Council looks forward to welcoming the new recruits to their new school communities during the 2021/22 academic year.

New Chancellor formally installed

Napier inauguration event marks the arrival of Will Whitehorn

Will Whitehorn has formally taken over from Dr David Eustace as Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University.

The Edinburgh-born President of industry group UKspace takes on a role which will see him confer degrees at graduations and other awards of the University, and act as figurehead at external ceremonies and official functions.

The official handover to Will, who will serve for five years, took place at a small ceremony at the University’s Sighthill campus followed by an evening function.

A former executive at the Virgin Group, his business interests include travel, technology and communication as well as leadership, marketing and product design.

He worked on a series of major Virgin projects, including the Pendolino train, and later took up the post of President at Virgin Galactic, which saw him play a central role in developing the concept of commercial space travel.

New Chancellor of ENU Will Whitehorn with previous Chancellor David Eustace. Photographed at Edinburgh Napier University’s Sighthill campus on 11 August 2021.

On being appointed to the role, Will Whitehorn said: “I am deeply honoured to have been chosen as the new Chancellor of this great University in the city I was born and raised in.”

He added: “University should be an adventure and Edinburgh Napier does a better job of fulfilling that dream for students than many educational institutions around the country can even dream of, and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to play my small part in taking the achievements of the University to new heights.”

Outgoing Chancellor Dr Eustace, an award-winning photographer who graduated with distinction from the University’s BA Photography, Film and Television programme in 1991, was appointed to the role in 2015.

Among the initiatives he introduced was the Chancellor Talk series, launched in 2016 with the aim of giving students, staff and the wider community access to high-profile people whose talent and drive had made a real difference to our world.

Dr Eustace said: “Being Chancellor was a wonderful learning process which has helped me develop. There are many things I’ll miss, especially the graduation ceremonies, but it was time for a new Chancellor and new ideas.

Nothing stands still and it shouldn’t. The joy of education is that there is no finishing line.”

Modern apprentice success as city’s students receive their grades

Modern apprentice Rebecca Ritchie is celebrating after successfully completing her Foundation Apprenticeship and entering the City of Edinburgh Council’s early years academy programme.

Rebecca, 18, was one of 16 young people to graduate this summer with an award in Foundation Apprenticeship Social Services Children and Young People and next month she will join our Early Learning and Childcare Academy to train an as early years practitioner.

Rebecca, who left Firrhill High School this summer having achieved five National 5s and two Highers, said: “I’m in quite a few youth clubs which I enjoy so thought a future in childcare would suit me. My school told me about the Foundation Apprenticeships which I’ve now completed and I’m going to be a modern apprentice.

“I think the Foundation Apprenticeships are a really good thing as it gives you a good idea of what job you might want to do and take on as a career. I’m really excited about working in nurseries so I can get to know the children and put into practice what I’ve been learning over the past two years.”

Her success was mirrored today as thousands of young people in Edinburgh received confirmation of their grades from the Scottish Qualifications Agency (SQA).

Once again this year there were no formal SQA examinations due to the pandemic; instead, grades were based on assessments which were set and marked by teachers, following the SQA’s new Alternative Certification Model. The model included robust quality assurance at all levels.

Early indications are positive with pupils from City of Edinburgh Council schools once again making improvements in several areas compared to previous years.

A total of 43,875 resulted awards were certificated for 8,189 candidates (includes special schools, adults and mainstream secondary pupils) in over 88 subjects ranging from Accounting to Urdu.

Particular successes across Edinburgh secondary schools include the percentage of A grades in both National 5s and Highers which improved compared to 2020 and 2019. This year 46.9% presentations were at an A grade compared to 43% for 2020 (3.9 percentage point increase) and 36.9% for 2019 (10 percentage point increase).

At Highers there were 48.3% presentations were at an A grade compared to 41.4% for 2020 (6.9 percentage point increase) and 31.6% for 2019 (16.7 % increase).

National 5s saw passes (A-C grades) of 81.7% (up 3.2 percentage points from 2019) and Highers of 85% (up 8 percentage points from 2019). Both categories saw falls compared to last year with pass rates of 88.8% and 89.7% respectively but there has also been a drop nationally.

Percentage increases across all schools were found at the following levels:

  • By the end of S5, 65% of the S4 roll achieved 1 or more Higher passes (A-C) – a 1 percentage point improvement on last year, and 6 percentage point improvement from 2019. 
  • By the end of S6, 70% of the S4 roll achieved 1 or more Higher passes (A-C) – a 1 percentage point improvement on last year and a 4 percentage point improvement since 2019
  • By the end of S6, 46% achieved 3 or more Higher passes (A-C) – a 1 percentage point improvement on last year and an 8 percentage point improvement since 2019

Jake Douglas, 18 years, left Forrester High School with 3 As in his Advanced Highers of Maths, Mechanics of Maths and Physics and starts at Heriot Watt University studying Maths and Physics next month.

His achievement is all the more notable as his courses were completed remotely as he was studying them at different schools. Due to Covid restrictions he was often unable to attend the schools so had to do his studies with teachers through Microsoft Teams and on e-mail.

He said: “It was really difficult having to study on my own at home but it did work in my favour as it meant I could go at my own pace. I’m delighted I’ve been able to reap the rewards and it’s nice to know that all my hard work has paid off.

Councillor Ian Perry, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This year was once again an extremely difficult one for both pupils preparing for their assessments and our dedicated teaching staff who put in a tremendous amount of effort in co-ordinating them.

“The impact of the pandemic on learning and teaching has been a huge challenge for everyone so it’s really encouraging to see improvements in several measures compared to previous years.

“Praise must go to all our teachers and staff who worked extremely hard in pulling together all the assessments for the SQA. Our young people should be very proud of themselves in what has been an unprecedented year of change.”

Councillor Alison Dickie, Education Vice Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Once again our young people have shown great resilience in the most trying of circumstances and they’re to be congratulated for all their hard work as they take their next steps to achieving their personal goals.

“I’m particularly pleased to see the successes of our young people completing their Foundation Apprenticeships. These qualifications are a great way for us to develop our workforce in the early years area by having people who are well qualified with the right knowledge, skills and expertise to support our children and families in Edinburgh. It’s a progression route for young people coming out of school, and an opportunity for them to consider a professional career in early years.

“It’s important to remember that our amazing young people have a diversity of strengths and interests and that every learner’s journey is different. School is about ensuring they are able to fulfil their potential by attaining the highest level of achievements possible and by receiving the best possible experience.”

Record high in Scottish students accepted to Scottish universities

The number of Scottish domiciled students being offered a place at Scottish universities is at a record high on SQA results day, up 10% to 31,070.

University application service UCAS data shows the number of acceptances from the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland to UK universities increased by 7% to 4,700, also a record high.

This year’s statistics also currently highlight a 56% decrease, as at SQA results day, in the number of acceptances to Scottish universities from applicants based in EU countries.

Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “Congratulations to everyone who has secured a place at university after what has been an extremely challenging year. The increase in acceptances for Scottish students gaining a place at a Scottish university is very encouraging.

“The figures also show that the number of people from the most deprived areas being accepted to university is at a record high. We want every young person in Scotland to have an equal chance of success, no matter their background or circumstances, and I am pleased we continue to make steady progress here.

“We have seen a sharp drop in EU students being accepted to come study in Scotland, this was always going to be an inevitable consequence of Brexit. EU students enrich our campus life and I hope we can still welcome many of them to our world-leading institutions.

“University is however not the only option available with opportunities available for students to study a range of courses at college, or to participate in a Modern Apprenticeship. Statistics published today by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) show that in the first quarter of 2021-22, the number of Modern Apprenticeship starts compared to last year rose considerably, demonstrating the value that employers place on apprenticeships.

“For anyone disappointed with their results, the SQA’s appeals process is now open. The clearing process is also now live and places are still available for those who want to study in Scotland.”


Read stats: Statistical releases – daily Clearing analysis 2021 | Undergraduate | UCAS

It’s Results Day

Record number of Higher and Advanced Higher passes

Scottish school pupils will receive their official grades today. There were more than 200,000 entries for Higher and Advanced Higher courses this year – and this year’s students have achieved new records.

The number of Higher passes is at a record level since the advent of Devolution, and the number of Advanced Higher passes is the highest since their introduction in 2001.

Almost 137,000 learners are receiving Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) results today – the most since 2017.

Pass rates overall remain high, despite the exceptional challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis, and are significantly higher than the historic picture – up 12.6 percentage points for Highers compared with 2019, but down slightly on last year.

With an exam diet not possible because of the pandemic, this year’s grades for National 5s, Highers and Advanced Highers were based on teachers’ judgement of evidence of attainment.

The results show:

  • the highest number of Higher passes since at least 1999
  • the highest number of Advanced Higher passes since the qualifications were introduced in 2001
  • an increase in the number of entries for National Qualifications compared with 2020
  • the percentage of grade As awarded at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level is at a record high
  • pass rates at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher are higher than in 2019, although slightly down on 2020
  • the poverty-related attainment gap is narrower than in 2019, although slightly wider than in 2020

Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “This is a strong set of results, achieved under extraordinary circumstances.

“It’s been one of the toughest academic years we’ve ever known, with the pandemic throwing significant challenges at our young people. So to have this many learners receiving certificates and for the number of passes at Higher and Advanced Higher to be so high is incredible.

“These results are testament to the hard work, resilience and determination of learners – and to the dedication of their endlessly supportive teachers and lecturers, who have been with them every step of the way, going above and beyond to make sure pupils got the grades they deserve.

“Learners can be confident that their awards are fair, consistent and credible. Indeed, industry representatives have made it clear how much they value this year’s qualifications.

“As in any year, the results highlight some areas for us to focus attention on. Closing the poverty-related attainment gap and ensuring every young person has the chance to fulfil their potential remains central to our work. We know that the challenges presented by the pandemic mean our efforts to deliver equity in education are more vital than ever, so we are investing a further £1 billion over the course of this Parliament to help close the gap.

“While congratulating those receiving SQA results today, we should also recognise, and celebrate in equal measure, the successes of young people whose achievements are not measured in national qualifications but in other ways. They should be proud of their hard work and resilience during such a difficult year.

“For some young people, today’s results may not be what they would have liked. There is always a next step – and there is a range of support and practical advice available for learners, and their parents and carers, to help in that onward journey, whether it’s staying in education, training, or moving into the workplace.”

Fiona Robertson, SQA Chief Executive and Scotland’s Chief Examining Officer, said yesterday: “Results Day, when learners receive their certificates and find out their grades, is always a significant and important annual date in the calendar.

“This year is very different for lots of reasons, not least because teacher judgement has replaced exams and because learners already know their grades after receiving provisional results before the end of term.

“The 2021 approach to assessment – the alternative certification model (ACM) as it is formally known – has not been without its critics.

“Perhaps that was inevitable given the need to agree and build a new model at pace, but it was the best possible solution in the exceptional circumstances we faced and I have yet to hear a credible alternative put forward. 

“As we approach Results Day 2021 tomorrow, it is time to put those criticisms aside and to focus on paying tribute to the tremendous efforts made by Scotland’s young people in what has been a very difficult and challenging time for many.

“It’s also important to recognise the tireless professionalism and commitment of Scotland’s teachers, lecturers and support staff who have gone the extra mile to do their utmost for their learners, whom they know best.

“Following the cancellation of exams by the Deputy First Minister, the education sector came together last autumn to form the National Qualifications 2021 Group, which was tasked with developing and implementing an alternative.

“There was no ‘off the shelf’ solution but we quickly agreed that the ACM had to have evidence of learners’ learning and skills at its heart.

“And so provisional results, decided by teachers and lecturers using assessments completed by learners that followed the national standard set by SQA, were used to award this year’s National 5, Higher, and Advanced Higher courses. Those provisional results are the same as the final results learners will receive tomorrow unless the SQA, in very exceptional circumstances, discovered an administrative error.

“As we all know, through this year there have been further restrictions and lockdowns and together with teachers, lecturers, learners, parents and carers, the ACM had to quickly adapt.

“Ways in which the model adapted include the in-built flexibility around when and how schools and colleges assessed learners so that they had the best chance to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. 

A big congratulations to each and every learner getting their certificate. You have achieved so much.”

Open Letter to Young People

Introduction from Sandy Begbie, CEO Scottish Financial Enterprise, Chair of Young Person’s Guarantee Implementation Group, Chair of DYW:

We all know that this year has been a year like no other and understand that the impact on young people has been significant.

Research undertaken with young people by Young Scot reveals anxiety that this year’s qualifications and achievements will not be valued as highly by employers in comparison to previous years.

My many discussions with industry and employers resoundingly confirms the opposite. Instead my experience is widespread employer admiration for the fortitude and resilience young people have shown throughout all the challenges faced in the past year, and a solid commitment to create opportunities to help shape futures.

Official SQA results are due to be issued on 10 August. This is an opportune moment to communicate through an ‘open letter to young people’ that Scotland’s industry and employers stand in support of them, recognise their qualifications, and congratulate them on their achievements. The content of the open letter is attached and includes a number of signatories who represent a broad range of Scotland’s employers. We couldn’t include everyone, however I know there will be many more who stand ready to endorse it.

I therefore kindly ask for your support now, to get behind our campaign and help re-build youth confidence at this critical time.

An open letter to Scotland’s Young People

While you enjoy the summer and a well-deserved break from your studies we wanted to write to you in our role as Scotland’s business leaders and on behalf of our networks of thousands of Scottish employers.

As you receive your official SQA results, we want to reassure you that we recognise and value your qualifications as much as any other year. We congratulate you on everything you’ve overcome and achieved this year, and you have our support, whatever your needs and wherever your ambitions lie.

Over the past 18 months you’ve had to deal with a situation like no other and the flexibility, ingenuity and resilience you’ve shown gives us confidence in you as future employees.

We are committed to helping to create job opportunities for you so that you can have a positive future. We are also committed to ensuring that there are opportunities available for every young person and that you have help and support to develop further.

Many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken an obvious or traditional path. Look out for #NoWrongPath which will show you that, whatever your results, there are different routes into jobs.

There are lots of industries continuing to grow and new ones emerging which offer exciting opportunities. Employers need young people with fresh ideas and experience to get involved and work together with us to tackle big challenges, such as climate change. We will do all that we can to help you find ways to use your skills and talents in the workplace.

We all support the ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee and its commitment that within two years, every young person aged between 16 and 24, will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering. And we’ll keep speaking to young people across Scotland to understand how we can keep delivering on our commitment to you.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your next steps. Scotland’s employers stand ready to support you. This is our #CommitmentToYOUth.


Sandy Begbie, CEO, Scottish Financial Enterprise
Marc Crothall, CEO, Scottish Tourism Alliance
Louise Macdonald, National Director Scotland, Institute of Directors Damien Yeates, CEO, Skills Development Scotland
James Withers, CEO, Scotland Food and Drink
Dr Liz Barron-Majerik, Director, LANTRA
Lee Ann Panglea, Head of CIPD Scotland and Northern Ireland, CIPD Tracy Black, Director Scotland, CBI
Anna Fowlie, CEO, SCVO
Fiona Hodgson, CEO, SNIPEF Training Services
David Lonsdale, Director, Scottish Retail Consortium
Karen Betts, CEO, Scotch Whisky Association
Martin Crewe, Director, Barnardo’s
Susan Love, Head of External Affairs, The Federation of Small Businesses Liz Cameron, CEO, Scottish Chambers of Commerce
Sara Thiam, CEO, Scottish Council for Development and Industry
Paul Carberry, Director for Scotland, Action for Children
Iain MacRitchie, Founder and Chair, MCR Pathways
Anne Wexelstein, Director for Scotland, Career Ready
Kate Still, Director Scotland, The Prince’s Trust
Kirsten Urquhart, CEO, Young Scot
Linda Hanna, Interim CEO, Scottish Enterprise
Carroll Buxton, Interim CEO, Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Jane Morrison-Ross, CEO, South of Scotland Enterprise

Wendy Robinson, Service Head of Childline, said“At Childline we know that results day and the period running up to it can be a really challenging time.

“The impact of the pandemic has made this even more difficult – and young people have told our Childline counsellors they are understandably feeling anxious and stressed.

“The last year has been incredibly tough for young people with school closures, exam cancellations and changes to the assessment process – so it is vital that they are supported and listened to.

“Young people have told us they’re concerned that they may get lower grades than if they’d been able to sit their exams, or that their results are out of their control – whereas others are concerned that they won’t get the results they need for their future.

“Some also said they struggled to prepare and do the work they were being graded on due to having so much time out of school because of restrictions.

If any young person is feeling apprehensive and worried about their results, I’d urge them to talk to someone about it.

“And if they don’t get the results they need, there are options they can take and there are trusted adults that they can turn to for help and support. This could be a teacher, careers advisor, parent, carer or Childline.

“Our counsellors are always here to talk to young people whether that be on the phone or online.

“The conversation will be completely confidential and no worry is ever too small. If it matters to a young person, it’s important to Childline.”

One 16 year old girl said: “It is exam season and I am missing three very important papers because I have COVID. I feel so trapped and alone in my room. I’m expected to study for exams as if the pandemic hasn’t happened.

“The exam board said they’d cancel exams yet they proceed to give the papers to schools to give to us to sit which I find so unfair.  I have missed months of school, had to learn online, and now I have COVID right before exams. None of this is my fault and I don’t understand why my grades should suffer for something that is out of my control. (Girl, 16, Scotland)


For young people who may not achieved the results they wanted:

  • Ask a teacher, careers advisor or any adult you trust what they think and discuss your options and how you are feeling.
  • Remind yourself of what you did well in whether that be specific pieces of coursework, or other parts of your life.
  • Don’t compare yourself to your friends.
  • If you do not feel your grade reflects your ability speak to your school about making an appeal. This doesn’t always mean you’ll get a better grade but it can help if you think things would have been different had you sat the exam.
  • Look at other courses or training programmes and apprenticeships that you can do.
  • If you haven’t got a place at your chosen university, try not to worry as there is a chance you could get a place at another university through the clearing process.
  • Take a gap year and do something different like volunteering.
  • Look at different courses that you can do with the grades you have achieved.

For parents and carers:

  • Your child may find it hard to talk to you about their results so be patient and supportive until they feel ready to talk about how they feel.
  • Encourage your child to take their time to think about what they want to do next. There’s no need to rush into a decision straightaway.
  • Help them think about their choices by writing down a list of pros and cons for each of their options
  • If they are finding it hard to talk to you, let them know they can contact Childline for free, confidential support and advice on 0800 1111 or www.childline.org.uk

Childline data for the UK 

  • Between April and June this year Childline has delivered 1812 counselling sessions to young people who spoke about concerns relating to exams and exams being cancelled.
  • This has more than doubled when compared to the same period last year where 861 counselling sessions were delivered.
  •  In 43% of these counselling sessions, a young person also spoke about their mental and emotional health.
  • 985 sessions were delivered to girls (54%), 220 were delivered to boys and 607 of the sessions the gender of the child was either other or unknown (34%).

The EIS has congratulated Scotland’s senior students after a strong set of qualifications results were confirmed.

Commenting, EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “Scotland’s young people have endured a particularly difficult period over the past year, with the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic creating many challenges in all aspects of their lives including their education.

“The late decision to cancel the exam diet and to move to the Alternative Certification Model (ACM) inevitably created additional pressures on students, but it is clear that Scotland’s young people have performed exceptionally well in the most trying of circumstances and they can be extremely proud of all that they have achieved.”

Mr Flanagan continued, “The additional pressure and workload created by the late move to adopt the ACM, compounded by a three-month lock-down, placed a particularly heavy burden on teachers and lecturers, and they deserve sincere thanks for their absolute commitment to ensuring that young people could receive the grades that they deserved.”

Mr Flanagan added, “As we look ahead to the welcome replacement of the Scottish Qualifications Authority and a refresh of a qualifications system that still places too much emphasis on high-stakes end of year exams, there will be lessons to learn from this year’s experience.

“Today, however, is about recognising and celebrating the successes of Scotland’s young people.”

Teaching union welcomes school re-opening plans

Following the announcement from the First Minister on the reopening of Scotland’s schools, EIS Assistant Secretary David Belsey said: “The EIS welcomes the Scottish Government plans for schools to reopen with broadly the same mitigations in place as when they closed earlier this year.

“We agree the continued wearing of facemasks, physical distancing measures, effective ventilation of classrooms and good hygiene regimes need to remain in full force.

“The Scottish Government’s acknowledgement of the importance of  strengthening the guidance around ventilation and the additional funding to close any gaps in this provision is extremely welcome and a significant improvement to the current mitigations.

“The completion of vaccination programmes for all school staff is vital and the EIS believes that voluntary vaccination of 12 – 17 year-olds would be sensible and may go some way towards making schools safer places and help to address the anxieties of some young people.

“The six week period of no changes to mitigations will provide a degree of reassurance to school staff and some certainty as to what to expect when returning to classrooms.

“This will also allow for meaningful consultation between Scottish Government, Local Authorities and teachers’ unions before any further changes. The EIS will study the new guidance and seek to address any emerging issues with the Scottish Government and employers.”

£50m to recruit extra school staff

Targeted funding to recruit 1,000 new teachers and 500 pupil support assistants in the next academic year has been announced today by Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville.

The additional £50 million will support COVID-19 education recovery as schools return to full time face-to-face learning. The announcement meets another commitment for the first 100 days of this government.

In addition, £65.5m permanent funding will be allocated annually to councils from 2022-23, which will help remove barriers to councils employing these additional staff on permanent contracts and meet the local needs of children and young people.

Ms Somerville said: “Our vision for COVID recovery and our priorities for Scottish education remain unchanged. Recruiting more permanent staff will be one of the cornerstones of recovery alongside the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff intensified support for reducing inequity, and enabling the highest quality of learning and teaching.

“The £50 million funding will allow councils to recruit more teachers and pupil support assistants next year. Looking further ahead, the additional £65 million annual funding delivered as part of the local government settlement will support councils to recruit these additional staff on permanent contracts.”

COSLA Spokesperson for Resources Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “This additional baselined funding is a welcome resource as we progress into education recovery. Prioritising the educational, as well as, health and wellbeing needs of our children and young people is essential for us all.

“Having the ability to recruit both teachers and support staff with certainty is one part of how we can ensure Councils can deliver the most effective experience for all.

“We do however, look forward to continuing to work with Government to address broader recruitment and retention needs that supports the delivery of high quality education to all.”

Since the start of the pandemic 2,700 additional teachers and support staff have been recruited through £190 million from the Scottish Government.

The government’s commitment to recruit 3,500 additional teachers and pupil support assistants during this Parliament, including this 100 days commitment, is over and above those already recruited using this funding.