Ben Macpherson, constituency MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith, raised Edinburgh’s housing crisis during Question Time with government ministers at Holyrood today.
The local MSP welcomes actions in the Scottish Government’s newly published Programme for Government 2023/24, with a Housing Bill that will deliver a New Deal for Tenants, the introduction of a system of long term rent controls and new duties aimed at the prevention of homelessness.
However, the current pressures in the capital city are significant with around a 20% increase in homeless applications, growing waiting lists for social housing and high demand for private rented accommodation. The Council have also stated that there is a shortfall of approximately £480m in grant funding over the next five years, in their affordable housing supply programme.
The Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP asked the Scottish Government if more can be done to assist the City of Edinburgh Council with the delivery of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan, and if more can be done to help secure the appropriate accommodation required to tackle homelessness, given the significant increase in those presenting as homeless and the continued population growth in Edinburgh.

Commenting, Ben Macpherson MSP said: “The affordability and availability of housing in Edinburgh is a very serious issue.
“The current situation is deeply worrying and I will continue to raise concerns with both the Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh Council. Collaborative and urgent action is required to deliver more social housing, tackle homelessness and achieve new solutions.”
Question in the Scottish Parliament – General Questions, 7 September 2023:
Ben Macpherson MSP: “To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to support the City of Edinburgh Council and other organisations to provide suitable temporary accommodation and more social housing in Edinburgh. (S6O-02480<>)”
Minister for Housing, Paul McLennan MSP: “We are investing £752 million this year through the Affordable Housing Supply programme to support the delivery of more social and affordable homes towards our 110,000 target affordable homes by 2032.
“Working with social landlords to make best use of existing homes and implementing targeted partnership plans with local authorities facing the greatest pressure. Since 2007, we have supported delivery of 6255 social homes in Edinburgh.
“I have met with Edinburgh’s Housing Convener several times to discuss the council’s proposals to improve temporary accommodation and increase housing supply, which will inform a partnership plan.”

Ben Macpherson MSP: “I am grateful for that answer and welcome all of it. However, the Minister will be aware of the severity of the situation here in Edinburgh. Shelter Scotland have called it an emergency and I am increasingly concerned about the correspondence I am receiving from constituents.
“Homelessness applications have increased by over 20%. Therefore, can the Scottish Government provide any additional help to City of Edinburgh Council and other relevant organisations to provide more suitable temporary accommodation?
“And can the Scottish Government do more to fund and prioritise building and delivering more social housing here in Edinburgh, Given the current pressures and projected population growth?”
Minister for Housing, Paul McLennan MSP: “Our aim is to prevent homelessness. However, when it does occur, we are taking housing led response to provide households with settled homes as quickly as possible.
“We provide local authorities with annual allocations of £8 million RRTP funding to support people into settled accommodation and with 30.5 million with their work to prevent homelessness with Edinburgh receiving over £3.8 million in 23-24 during this Parliament to maximise the delivery of social and affordable homes to support Strategic Housing Investment Plan priorities, we are making a record £230 million available to Edinburgh with an additional £10 million this year being allocated.”