Share your views on West Pilton Park plans

Hi Everyone,

Please follow this link to the survey monkey for West Pilton Park:

Lots of new exciting things in the pipeline for the park over the coming year that should see it grow into a thriving space for the whole community!

We are very interested in hearing what local people think and feel it is important people have a say! If you could share far and wide it would be greatly appreciated.

 Many thanks


 Lianne Pipskyj

Development Worker- Physical Activity

Pilton Community Health Project

73 Boswall parkway

Edinburgh EH5 2PW

Tel. 0131 551 1671

Work Mobile. 07391202529

The ongoing development of West Pilton Park is a collaboration between PCHP, ELGT, C.E.C, Friends of West Pilton Park (Parklife) and other local partners.


West Pilton Park: a programme for change

Have your say on West Pilton Park transformation

west pilton park small

Have you seen the proposals to give West Pilton Park a new lease of life? See the report (below) – what do you think? Send your comments to Pilton Community Health Project at

West Pilton Park frontpage


West Pilton Park report final


20 July Fun at Easter Drylaw Park

Discover Easter Drylaw poster landscape

Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust are hosting an afternoon of summer activities in Easter Drylaw Park on Monday 20th July ( 2 – 4pm), alongside the council’s summer programme of outdoor events.

You can try out and enjoy some biking with the Bangholm Outdoor Centre or some hula hooping with the Hula Honeys. At 2.30, a guided nature walk sets off to help you explore and discover who and what lives in the park, its hedges and trees (you’ll be amazed!)

There’s a parkour workshop to take part in or just watch. Or else join the treasure hunt for some prizes. And you can make your own skateboard design (materials provided).

This is all on top of all the other events in the park that day as part of ‘Fun in the Park’ with the CEC Community Learning Team – football, golf, juggling circus skills, slackline, bats and balls, frisbees and much more …

The event is being run by ELGT with support from the Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership – follow us on Twitter and Facebook 

Discover Easter Drylaw poster

Drylaw Skatepark: final consultation event

Last chance to have your say on Drylaw Skatepark


Drylaw Community Association and Edinburgh and Lothian Greenspace Trust will be holding a final consultation event on the new skatepark this Wednesday (15 April) from 5.30 – 6.30pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.

Go along, have a look at what’s being planned and have your say – the organisers are particularly keen to hear the views of young people.