Quick lifesaving skills save the life of an Edinburgh athlete at Meadowbank

A local man is thanking his lucky stars and staff at a popular city sports venue for saving his life, when he collapsed on the running track following a training session early in March.

Keith Ridley, 69, from Willowbrae, and a coach with Edinburgh Athletic Club had just finished his own training session on the outdoor running track at Meadowbank Sports Centre, before he was due to start training younger members of the club, when he collapsed.  

Thanks to the quick action of some medical students, who were training on the track, and Martin Bews, Operations Supervisor at Meadowbank Sports Centre, who administered CPR until the ambulance arrived to take over, Mr Ridley has lived to tell the tale.  Greg Cobb, a Welcome Host at Meadowbank, who had trained as a cardiac nurse in a previous life, also gave invaluable support to Martin at the time.

Keith was taken to the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, where he had two stents installed in blocked arteries and an ICD (implantable defibrillator) in his chest.

Keith Ridley said: “I count myself incredibly fortunate with the circumstances in which my heart attack happened and will be forever grateful for the quick actions of the medical students and the staff at Edinburgh Leisure’s Meadowbank Sports Centre, especially Martin and Greg, who most definitely saved my life. 

“Medical friends of mine have told me just how critical those first few minutes are in terms of the right care administered that can make the difference in saving a life.”

Claire Rusack, Operations Director at Edinburgh Leisure said: “We are so glad that Keith is doing well and on the road to recovery. We are so proud of all the team and for the great outcome.

“Edinburgh Leisure places a huge importance on equipping our staff with the necessary skills to cope with lots of different situations.  In this instance, their first aid training and accident and emergency procedures ensured an incident well managed. You hope you’ll never have to use your first aid skills, but it just highlights how critical these skills can be in saving someone’s life.”

Keith spent a week in hospital but recovered well and has now returned home.  On the advice of his cardiology nurse, he is undertaking light exercise including walking and hopes to return to a structured exercise programme in the near future. He is hoping that he might be eligible to be referred to Edinburgh Leisure’s Fit For Health programme to help with his rehabilitation.

Fit For Health is a 16-week physical activity referral programmed delivered by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership. Sessions are delivered across various Edinburgh Leisure venues. 

Edinburgh Leisure offers First Aid courses, which are accredited by Ofqual and presented in association with the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK). These include First Aid at Work (Full 3 days); First Aid at Work (2 days refresher), Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day), Paediatric First Aid (2 days),

Emergency Paediatric First Aid (1 day). 

Edinburgh Leisure also run first aid courses for clubs and colleges.   These are in addition to their RLSS programme, and they welcome any requests.

For more information, visit: https://www.edinburghleisure.co.uk/swim-education#firstaid or email ata@edinburghleisure.co.uk

For more information:   www.edinburghleisure.co.uk

Edinburgh Leisure turns 25!

Twenty-five years of making a positive impact on the wellbeing of the city

Dedicated to making a positive difference by creating opportunities for everyone to get active, stay active, and achieve more, the charity Edinburgh Leisure, who manage over 50 of the city’s sports and leisure venues, celebrates 25 years today, Saturday, 1st April 2023.

Back when Tony Blair was Prime Minister, Bill Clinton was the President of the USA and Titanic was the top movie at the box office, a new leisure trust, Edinburgh Leisure was created, officially being ‘born’ on 1 April 1998.

June Peebles, Edinburgh Leisure’s CEO said: “I’m proud of all that Edinburgh Leisure has achieved over the last 25 years and although a lot has changed in the physical activity sector and indeed within our organisation, ultimately, our vision and mission has always been about providing quality services to support the people of Edinburgh to be active and healthy.

“Depending on where people live in the city, they’re probably familiar with their local Edinburgh Leisure venue. But there’s more to us than meets the eye, with 1 world-class climbing centre; 6 golf courses; 12 superb swimming pools; 17 state-of-the-art gyms; 3 soft plays; 32 tennis courts; 141 sports pitches; and 750+ fitness classes per week.  We also manage community access to the sports facilities in the city’s 23 High Schools.

“And, while our venues are well-known, many people are less familiar with our Active Communities programme, which currently supports over 10,000 people each year affected by health conditions, disabilities, inequalities, and poverty to be and stay active. We currently deliver 22 projects across the city, helping people to lead healthier, happier, and more active lives.”

Picture – Chris Watt Photography 07887554193 info@chriswatt.com www.chriswatt.com

Over the years, there have been many highlights which include: the reopening of the new Meadowbank Sports Centre in July 2022; the refurbishment of the Royal Commonwealth Pool, reopening in 2012 in time to host the diving element of the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games; and soon Warrender Swim Centre, will reopen once again following a refurbishment.

Edinburgh Leisure’s employees are an important part of what makes Edinburgh Leisure special. When the charity formed in 1998, they ‘inherited’ 650 employees from the former Council’s Sport and Leisure Services department, and 58 of them still work for the charity today and have 25+ years’ service. In fact, they have many long-serving members of staff, with 59 staff having worked for Edinburgh Leisure for 15-20 years and 55 staff for 20-25 years.

Vicki Mercer, Leisure Attendant (Schools) at Holyrood High School, Edinburgh Leisure (and previously Booking Officer and Receptionist at the old Meadowbank) who celebrated 30 years with Edinburgh Leisure on 29 March said: “I feel very lucky that I have managed to blend my role with Edinburgh Leisure and family life throughout the years as many of my former colleagues who started their families did. The flexibility of hours and roles have been fantastic.

“Edinburgh Leisure has also played a big part in my family, whether it was coaching classes, birthday parties and the many memorable and fun outings to the old Meadowbank Sports Centre’s Fireworks Displays. Edinburgh Leisure has certainly grown over the years, just like my children.”

Commenting on why Edinburgh Leisure retains staff for such a long time, June Peebles said: “We work in the physical activity sector which is lots of fun and our staff have a passion for physical activity and the positive impact it has on people’s lives.

“I always say it’s the people that make Edinburgh Leisure. Our company values – welcoming, caring, passionate and proud – shape the culture of Edinburgh Leisure and how we behave to each other and our customers. Edinburgh Leisure is a great place to work, and I think this contributes to why we have managed to retain so many staff with so many years of long service years between them.

“We’re operating in what continues to be uncertain and volatile times with challenging financial circumstances. Our vision remains the same as it always has been which is to provide quality services to support the people of Edinburgh to be active and healthy, and to improve the health of the city.  

“Wherever you’re at on the map or in life, we’ve got something to get you moving, keep you moving and feeling good.”

For more information:   www.edinburghleisure.co.uk

On Yer Bike! Book onto the new Ageing Well Bike Course

For those older adults looking to get back in the saddle again, Ageing Well, will be starting a new 11-week cycling course, where participants can develop those dormant skills in a relaxed and social atmosphere with like-minded companions.

Ryan Dignan, Edinburgh Leisure’s Community Development Officer for Older Adults explained: “Cycling is a great way to keep fit, active and mobile and enjoy the outdoors and countryside on the amazing network of dedicated cycle paths in the Edinburgh area.

“Perhaps you’d like to join grandchildren on family rides or just to meet some new people?  And don’t worry if you haven’t been on a bike for ages or don’t currently own one, we even provide bikes, helmets, and Hi-Viz vests, so all you need to bring is yourself! The courses are led by experienced, fully trained volunteers who are passionate about cycling and supporting those who would like to get back in the saddle.”

The initial level 1 course, based on Cycling Scotland’s Bikeability material is an 11-week course, which will get participants comfortable again on a bike, developing skills, at a pace that suits them, in a dedicated area at Saughton. This part of the course will begin on Monday, 27th February at 10am-12noon. 

Level 2 lasts 8-weeks and gives participants the opportunity to explore Edinburgh’s extensive cycle path network, from the leisure centres at Ainslie Park and Meggetland.

For more information and to book a place on the cycle course, contact a member of Edinburgh Leisure’s Active Communities team on: Tel: 0131 458 2260 or email: active@edinburghleisure.co.uk

The Ageing Well project promotes healthy lifestyles for older adults (typically 50+) in Edinburgh. The project is a partnership with NHS Lothian, Edinburgh Leisure and Pilmeny Development Project and is part of the UK Ageing Well network, which aims to increase the expectation of good health in later life.

Free Open Week at Trinity Academy Sports Campus

FREE Open Week at Trinity Academy Sports Campus

Fancy trying out the newest addition to the biggest club in town?

Come along to our Open Weekend at Trinity from the 20th – 25th February.

Try out the gym, courts and fitness classes, completely FREE!


Don’t get yourself in a pickle: Edinburgh Leisure is offering Pickleball Taster Sessions

Edinburgh Leisure is offering Pickleball Taster sessions at four of its venues next week.

Invented in the USA over 50 years ago by a family who named it after their dog Pickles, Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the world. 

Played on a court very similar to badminton but with a lower net, it is played with a ball and a paddle, and uses racket skills from tennis, squash, badminton and table tennis. The rules and scoring system mean that pickleball is very accessible for the young and not so young, making it a family activity for everyone to enjoy. 

Led by Pickleball Scotland ambassadors, the free adult taster sessions will be offered at the following venues. No need to invest in a paddle or balls as the kit will be supplied on the day.

Monday, 30th January – 1pm – 3pm

Meadowbank Sports Centre, 139 London Road, Edinburgh EH7 6AD

Wednesday, 1st February – 7 pm – 9 pm

Ainslie Park, 92 Pilton Drive, Edinburgh EH5 2HF

Thursday, 2nd February – 1 pm – 3 pm

Craiglockhart Tennis Centre, 177 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1BZ

Friday, 3rd February – 1 pm – 3 pm

Drumbrae Leisure Centre, 30 Drumbrae Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 7SF

No need to invest in a paddle or balls as the kit will be supplied on the day.  

To book your free space, visit here, select the venue of your choice and choose activity type ‘Social Sport Class’. Or select the Social Sports icon on the Edinburgh Leisure App at your chosen venue.

For more information: shorturl.at/owFPQ

Walk the talk and get active in 2023 with Ageing Well

Ageing Well, run by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with NHS Lothian is seeking new participants to join various city-wide activities which support people to become, and remain, active in later life.

Available to join are Buddy Swim sessions, a 19-week cycle skills course and a two-week technical skills Nordic Walking course, which is followed by four weeks of walking around Edinburgh.

Cat Wilson, Active Communities Project Officer at Edinburgh Leisure said: “Ageing Well activities have been developed to cater for a wide range of tastes and abilities.  All activities are either led by or supported by fully trained volunteers, who are all older adults themselves.

“The emphasis is on meeting new people whilst making physical activity accessible and enjoyable. For anyone who has made a promise to themselves, or their family, to improve their fitness in the new year, now is the time to walk the talk and to register their interest in any of our Ageing Well programmes. 

“I can guarantee it will be a lot of fun, will improve their wellbeing and fitness, and all our activities are sociable, with plenty of opportunities to make new friends.”

Buddy Swimming is aimed at older adults, who perhaps lack confidence, to get back in the water. Participants are met and greeted by Edinburgh Leisure’s volunteers and ensure they have the support they require in the water, followed by that all-important chat and cup of tea afterwards.

Ageing Well’s Buddy Swimming takes place in three Edinburgh Leisure venues across the city, moving to four, when Warrender Swim Centre, reopens in early 2023.

  • Tuesday – Glenogle Swim Centre – 10.00 – 10.45am
  • Wednesday – Warrender Swim Centre – 10.00am – 11.00am (date of Warrender reopening is still to be announced)
  • Thursday – Drumbrae Swim Centre – 10.30am – 11.15am
  • Thursday – Royal Commonwealth Pool – 12.05pm – 12.45pm

The 19-week Cycle Skills course will start at the beginning of March 2023 and takes place on a Monday at 10am.

The initial level 1 course, based on Cycling Scotland’s Bikeability material is an 11-week course, which will get participants comfortable again on a bike, developing skills, at a pace that suits them, in a dedicated area at Saughton.

Level 2 lasts 8-weeks and gives participants the opportunity to explore Edinburgh’s extensive cycle path network, from the leisure centres at Ainslie Park and Meggetland.

Suitable for anyone who hasn’t been on a bike for ages or for those that don’t currently own one, Edinburgh Leisure can provide bikes, helmets, and hi-viz vests, but people are welcome to bring their own.

Ageing Well’s six-week Nordic Walking course launched in March 2022 and will start again in Spring 2023, day and date to be decided.

Nordic Walking is for everyone. Its origins are Finnish and it provides a total-body version of fitness walking with specially designed poles, not to be confused with trekking poles. It can be enjoyed at many levels, at low, medium, or high intensity.  The poles mean that effort is shared between the upper and lower body, so it feels easier than normal walking, particularly uphill. More than 10 million people globally enjoy this outdoor activity all year round.

Participants will meet at Brighton Park in Portobello and would be expected to attend the first two technical sessions to graduate. Each session will last 1-hour, and poles will be provided, if people do not already have their own.

Once group members have graduated from the 2-week introductory course, they will be eligible to join the Nordic Walking 4-week course, visiting various locations. These walks would take between 1.5 – 2 hours.

The Nordic Walking course complements Ageing Well’s already popular regular walks which take place in different locations around the city each week.

Ageing Well relies on external funding and donations to deliver its programmes across Edinburgh. A contribution of £3 per week for each activity is appreciated. This can be paid in one go or each week. People’s generous support means Edinburgh Leisure can provide a range of activities to reach more older adults in need of their support, protecting their health and wellbeing and improving their quality of life. 

In 2018 the Ageing Well programme was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups and is the equivalent of an MBE. The award reflects the tremendous contribution of Edinburgh Leisure’s Ageing Well volunteers and the positive difference they make to the lives of participants. 

To find out more about any Ageing Well activities, visit:


Don’t delay registering your interest in any of the Ageing Well activities:  active@edinburghleisure.co.uk or call 0131 458 2260.

Talk about sport? Reminisce, Replay, Reconnect with Sporting Memories

Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland, in partnership with Edinburgh Leisure, is running a weekly club for older adults to stay active, connected within their local community and build amazing friendships through their common love of sport. 

Held on Tuesdays from 10.30am to 12.00 at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, the club runs weekly and is free to attend. No need to book – just turn up.

They are the perfect forum to reminisce about local sporting heroes, share stories about past playing days and show off your knowledge over a quiz or fun game. Everyone is welcome and a cuppa is available too.

Donna Mackey, Partnership Manager, SMFS, “The Royal Commonwealth Pool is a venue at the real heart of Edinburgh’s sporting heritage. 

“We believe there are lots of older adults in the area who have a passion for talking about sport and who will benefit from attending a weekly group with like-minded people.  The clubs are a great opportunity to build new friendships and become more active by taking part in some of our indoor games.”

Edinburgh Leisure’s Community Development Officer, Active Ageing, Ryan Dignan said: “Edinburgh Leisure’s partnership with Sporting Memories Foundation Scotland makes perfect sense, as does hosting these clubs at the Royal Commonwealth Pool, a building steeped in its own sporting history. 

“These clubs support the work we are already doing working with people living with dementia through our Movement for Memories programme and other older adults in our Ageing Well programme, who are keen to keep active and engaged, which we know is particularly beneficial for their well-being.

“Using the rich history and heritage of sport, the Sporting Memories clubs are open to older adults, both men and women, who enjoy reminiscing about their experiences of watching or playing it. We just want anyone, with a love of sport, to come along and refreshments are provided.”

The clubs are run by trained Sporting Memories volunteers who use a wide range of Sporting Memories reminiscence resources developed specifically to help prompt conversation and discussion. There is always great fun and laughter, friendships are forged, and some remarkable sporting stories often emerge.

Sporting Memories has developed an innovative and engaging approach to tackling the challenges of our ageing society.  Their work focuses on reducing loneliness and isolation; getting older people physically active; and helping people to live well with dementia and other long term conditions.

For further information, contact Donna Mackey donna@thesmf.co.uk

Edinburgh Leisure: Soft Play Christmas Parties

Soft Play Christmas Parties


Looking for something different for your child this Christmas?

Bring them along to our Soft Play Parties for some festive fun with a disco, party games and more!

Spaces can be booked by visiting the venue of your choice:


Edinburgh Leisure’s annual gymnastics display returns to Meadowbank

After a five-year hiatus, Edinburgh Leisure will once again be holding their annual gymnastics display at the new £47m state-of-the-art Meadowbank Sports Centre, which reopened in July 2022 after a major refurbishment.

Now in its 16th year, over 300 gymnasts, and cheerleaders from six Edinburgh Leisure venues, will be coming together to delight audiences with their annual display at the sports venue on Sunday, 11 December 2022.

Gymnastics Development Officer Dorothy McQueen said: “Gymnastics is a great way to provide a healthy and active lifestyle. They have many benefits and help children to gain strength, stamina, balance, coordination, flexibility as well as self-confidence.

“This non-competitive gymnastics’ event gives the children with Edinburgh Leisure’s coaching programme the opportunity to showcase what they have been working so hard on throughout the year. In addition, it allows them to see performances of all levels and inspires them to reach for the stars, or maybe even that gold, silver or bronze medal in the future.”

As well as featuring over 23 performances from Edinburgh Leisure gymnastics, there will also be special guest appearances from clubs across the region, including City of Edinburgh, Ibex and Cheer Evolution.

Tickets cost £5 each and all spectators, 5 years and over, require a ticket for entry. Participating gymnasts do not require a ticket.

Under 5s tickets are free but they will not be allocated a seat.

Tickets are available for either the morning or afternoon session and can be bought from Ticket Source – https://bit.ly/3V5KEdS

Gymnastics coaching teaches the basics of floor, vault, beam, and bar skills from Primary 1 upwards before progressing to a higher class.  

It is just one of the 12 sports coached across 17 venues in Edinburgh. Edinburgh Leisure’s coaching programme helps children to develop new skills, improve their agility and grow confidence. And for pre-schoolers, Edinburgh Leisure offers Gym Nippers, from those toddlers who are walking.

For more information on gymnastics’ classes and other coaching opportunities at Edinburgh Leisure, get inspired by visiting:


Gift yourself 12 days of Fitness and Wellbeing

The cost-of-living crisis might be taking its toll on your mental and physical health but never has it being more important to look after your wellbeing.

Edinburgh Leisure, a charity dedicated to creating opportunities for everyone to lead more active, healthy lives has launched its seasonal promotion, 12 Days of Fitness, with the aim of encouraging people to stay active in December.

Available to buy online or in venue, the 12 Days of Fitness promotion, which is also available on climbing too, offers 12 consecutive days of membership for only £12 any time in December. 

As the promotion includes unlimited access to all Edinburgh Leisure’s gyms, swimming pools (excluding the Turkish Baths at Portobello Swim Centre), over 750+ fitness classes per week, and climbing, this represents excellent value for money. And new this year, members will receive a free pass to gift to a friend or family – it’s the promotion that just keeps giving.

The pass isn’t restricted to one pass per person either – if you wish to buy a second pass after your first pass expires, it’ll mean you’re doubly on the way to reaching those fitness goals ahead of New Year. And the promotion is timely as experts continually agree that maintaining some level of physical activity during December is important to boost immunity, manage stress and mental health.

Edinburgh Leisure’s facilities are second to none and offer choice and great value, across various city locations. Their gyms feature some of the latest fitness equipment and you will be assured a warm welcome, with helpful staff ready to help you reach your fitness goals.  They also have numerous swimming pools across the city, from historic baths to the famous Olympic-sized Royal Commonwealth Pool and Europe’s largest climbing arena at Ratho.

So, gift yourself a wellness present and get one step ahead of those New Year fitness plans – that first trip back to the gym in January will be far easier.

For further information about Edinburgh Leisure venues and services and the 12 Days of Fitness Promotion visit:
