Summer Drawing Competition at Drumbrae Library Hub

Do you remember we had an Easter Drawing competition? Well we were so impressed by ALL your eye-catching, creative and imaginative entries that we decided to have a SUMMER DRAWING COMPETITION!

We want to know what summer means to you? Ice cream? Football at the park? Swimming? Movies? Daydreaming in the garden? Trips to the seaside? Sunny sandpits? Waterfights? Fun times with your family and friends? Long walks with the dog?

Looking forward to seeing all your entries pouring in from Monday onwards!

PLEASE ASK FOR YOUR ENTRY SHEET AT THE DESK or bring in your drawing from home but remember to add your name, phone number and age on the back! :0)

Keeping 100,000 Scottish children out of poverty

Modelling shows vital impact of Scottish Government policies

First Minister Humzah Yousaf has welcomed analysis which estimates 100,000 children will be kept out of relative poverty in 2024-25 as a result of Scottish Government policies.

Updated modelling of the cumulative impact of policies such as the Scottish Child Payment indicates the relative child poverty rate will be 10 percentage points lower than it would otherwise have been.

Speaking after joining a Book Bug session at Drum Brae Library Hub in Edinburgh with the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Mr Yousaf highlighted estimates in the report of the impact the UK Government could have on child poverty, if it were to bring in selected welfare changes alongside the Scottish Government’s actions.

These show that removing the two-child limit and reinstating the family element in Universal Credit – worth £545 per family in 2017 – could lead to an estimated further 10,000 fewer children in Scotland living in poverty in 2024-25.

Meanwhile, introducing an Essentials Guarantee to ensure Universal Credit is always enough to meet people’s basic needs could lead to 30,000 fewer children experiencing poverty.

The First Minister said: “It is utterly unacceptable that, in 2024, children continue to live in poverty in Scotland. That is why we have very deliberately chosen to invest in our public services, and the social contract which binds the Scottish Government to the people we serve.

“From the introduction of the innovative and transformative Scottish Child Payment – described as ‘game-changing’ by frontline organisations and already improving the lives of so many children and families across Scotland in real and immediate ways – to investing £1 billion to tackle the poverty-related attainment gap, continuing delivery of the Whole Family Wellbeing programme, providing £50 million to develop and scale up holistic family support and investing around £1 billion every year in high quality early learning and childcare, ensuring Scotland delivers the most generous funded childcare offer in the UK.

“The economic modelling published today estimates that the actions we’re taking will mean the relative and absolute child poverty rates will be 10 and 7 percentage points lower than they would have otherwise been.

That’s 100,000 children kept out of relative poverty and 70,000 kept out of absolute poverty next year. These are the lives of children across Scotland, in every single community, being improved by the action we are taking.

“While we all know the challenging financial situation Scotland faces, the Scottish Budget continues to prioritise tackling and reducing child poverty. Against a backdrop of the UK Government’s two-child limit and continued austerity, we are taking real action to lift children out of poverty and improve their chances in life.

“We know that the UK Government could lift a further 40,000 children out of poverty in Scotland this year if they made key changes to Universal Credit. That includes introducing an Essential’s Guarantee and scrapping the two child limit.

“Every child in Scotland deserves a life free of poverty and I will continue to do everything in my power to make that a reality.”

Book Week Scotland: Lin Anderson coming to Drumbrae Library HUB

We’re SO DELIGHTED to announce that, as part of Book Week Scotland, we have an author event with queen of crime LIN ANDERSON!

Lin Anderson’s books are some of our most borrowed titles so we know there are many, many Anderson fans in the Drumbrae (and Edinburgh) library community.

Tickets are free but places are limited and so booking is essential – get your ticket while you still can!…/book-week-scotland-lin…

Drumbrae Library Family Fun Day

On Saturday 18th Feb we are gonna be EVEN MORE Family Fun than usual!

We will have BOOKBUG, with a visit from the Bug of the Book themselves, a SLIME WORKSHOP, you can make your own BADGE, there will be LIVE MUSIC, a CRAFT event, INFO POINTS from several local organizations, plus TEA & BISCUITS!!!…/warm-and-welcoming…

Drumbrae Library launches Book Club

Exciting news!!

We’re launching a new book club which will take place at the Hub on the last Tuesday of every month, starting from the 28th of February, 6.30pm.

BOOKING IS REQUIRED, so please give us a call or send us a message here on facebook or an email at

Looking forward to seeing yous all there and read good books together (we have some here you can borrow, don’t worry about bringing your own😉)

Special Bookbug event at Drumbrae Library Hub this Saturday

We have a super Bookbug surprise happening this Saturday!

Author Emma-Louise Beeson will come read us her new book “Goldie Locks & the bears at No. 3” a wonderful revisit of the original fairy tale.

The story will be part of our regular Bookbug session, so come along to it this Saturday at 10.30, you can book either via Facebook Messenger or by giving us a call at 0131 529 5244.

See yous then!