WEDNESDAY 27th MARCH from 6 – 7.30pm

Get your tickets now for our FREE Standup Comedy Workshop for Teens with Jay Lafferty! Book through Eventbrite with the link below!
Please be aware that this event is for teens only, not adults!
With the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch coming up, we have some exciting activities in the library.
Most importantly, if your wee one would like to make a birdfeeder to bring some visitors to your garden, we are running an event.
Please sign up in advance on Eventbrite:…/make-a-bird-feeder…
Both budding birdwatchers and all you old ornithologists can complete our Birdsearch around the library to help in identifying different species.
We also have the RSPB resources to tally these if you are completing the survey from 26th -28th January.
FRIDAY 28 JULY 11am – 2pm
Friday 28 July, 11am to 2pm
– parkour
– VR
– sports
– music workshop
– crafts
– information stalls
– tea, coffee and snacks.
Check other free events & activities at
Do you like board games? I sure do, and this Friday starting 2pm we’re running a taster session for younger people to try some out!
We’ve aimed Tabletop Squires at kids aimed 8-12, but experience and maybe a small bit of help from an accompanying adult will definitely help!
Some of our games:
Dixit – make a story out of abstract cards to score points
Skull – push your luck in this hidden bidding game
Dobble – high-paced picture-matching
Space Team – a loud and frantic spaceship game
I am also working on a large version of an existing game where you can become the player pieces!
We’ve started making some poster cheat-sheets with the rules, but we’ll do our best to explain each one to start you off.
If you’re interested, please sign up on EventBrite:…/tabletop-squires-tickets…
SATURDAY 18th FEBRUARY 10.30am – 2pm
On Saturday 18th Feb we are gonna be EVEN MORE Family Fun than usual!
We will have BOOKBUG, with a visit from the Bug of the Book themselves, a SLIME WORKSHOP, you can make your own BADGE, there will be LIVE MUSIC, a CRAFT event, INFO POINTS from several local organizations, plues TEA & BISCUITS!!!
It’s always, all is completely free, all you need to do is show up between 10.30am and 2pm and have a ball!!
Tell a friend, bring two friends, make three friends on the day!!
Displaced exhibition tour from 6th March – 30th June 2019 Continue reading First stop North Edinburgh Arts for Travelling Gallery