DBI programme: More support for people in emotional distress

More support will be available to people experiencing emotional distress following the expansion of the Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) programme to further local areas.

If someone presents as ‘in distress’ to emergency services or in a primary care setting, this programme can offer them a call from a trained operator within 24 hours. They will then be provided with up to two weeks of one-to-one support to help address issues which might be contributing to their distress, including, for example, money worries and relationship problems. 

NHS Ayrshire and Arran are the latest health board to launch a DBI programme, following the rollout of a local service in Inverclyde earlier this month. Since it began in 2017, the programme has been made available in ten Health and Social Care Partnership areas.

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey said: “This is an innovative programme and, we believe, world-leading intervention which provides vital support to people experiencing emotional distress. It is a crucial part of the wide range of actions we are taking to improve public mental health and wellbeing.

“Since its launch in 2017 over 12,800 people have been referred for support and these new sites, in addition to the new pathway through the NHS 24 Mental Health Hub helpline, will help us expand this service across Scotland by 2024.”

Someone who has experience of the DBI programme is Pamela, who self-presented as in distress to her GP. Pamela (her name has been changed to protect identities) had experienced depression and anxiety for some time but was finding it difficult to manage due to an altercation with a neighbour who was verbally aggressive towards her.

Pamela said: “I cannot thank DBI enough for the help I have received from them. I feel less stressed and now have ongoing support in place for the future which has given me more confidence.

“I feel encouraged now to start doing things again that I enjoy, like hobbies and seeing family again. DBI has also improved my self-esteem and I now know that I am worth more than what I had been willing to accept previously.”

National DBI Programme Manager Kevin O’Neill said: “Our partners across Ayrshire and Arran and Inverclyde have shown incredible collaboration in support of building connected compassionate support for people in distress.

“We welcome our new regions to the growing DBI community and we look forward to working and learning with them in our collective programme of incremental growth and continuous improvement with the shared ambition of providing the best connected compassionate support possible.”

Distress Brief Intervention – Connected Compassionate Support | DBI.scot

Seen something? Say something!

Campaign encourages Scots to act if they think an adult is being harmed

distressed-young-womans-faceScots are being urged to act if they think an adult is being harmed, neglected or exploited. The Scottish Government’s ‘Seen something? Say something’ campaign is being launched today. It aims to raise awareness of the issues of adult harm and adults who are at risk of being harmed.

The campaign encourages people to act on their suspicions or instincts that somebody may be experiencing harm. An email or anonymous call to your local council is all it takes, and they will investigate the matter sensitively.

Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, said: “It’s a sad fact that there are many adults in our society who are suffering at the hands of others. This could be physical harm, sexual abuse or financial exploitation. It could be neglect, psychological bullying, or taking advantage of a vulnerable person for your own advantage.

“It’s time that this suffering, which so often takes place in the shadows, came to an end. Through this campaign we are urging people to take action if they think an adult is being harmed.”

Contact details for all of Scotland’s local adult protection teams can be found at www.actagainstharm.org.

Getting complete statistics on adult harm in Scotland is difficult, and the full picture is unclear. However, it’s estimated that there are about 300 referrals to council social work departments every week and that, on average, 16 of these will result in an investigation.

It’s not always easy to tell if an adult is in trouble. But there are signs and situations to be aware of. For example, a person may have unexplained cuts and bruises, or refuse to talk about injuries. They may be failing to look after themselves or their property, be confused about where their money has gone, or be giving money to people they know for reasons that might raise concerns.

They may appear quiet, withdrawn or nervous around certain people, get upset at the mention of their relationship, or may constantly be having people – friends or strangers – visiting and using their home for reasons that are unclear.

Paul Comely, National Adult Protection Coordinator at WithScotland, said: “People often have an instinctual feeling that someone is being harmed or is at risk; a sense that something is not right. By acting on this, they could help a person who is at risk to overcome the situation and become safe from harm.

“Sometimes people don’t want to get involved, for fear of being seen to intrude in other people’s lives. Or they are worried they might be wrong about the situation and their actions will result in another person being unfairly accused. But it is vital to raise concerns, and it is safe to do so; the local council will check the situation sensitively and support will be given, if needed.

“If you think an adult is at risk of harm and something feels wrong, you’re right to get it checked out. If you’ve seen something, say something.”

Police Scotland Detective Superintendent Willie Guild, said: “One particularly insidious type of harm is financial harm with people being exploited through a range of scams, as well as doorstep criminals such as bogus callers or rogue traders, putting pressure on people to hand over their money or belongings. However it is not always strangers who pose the risk to vulnerable members of our communities and it is not always easy to identify a person is being harmed. I would urge people if they are concerned about an adult who may be at risk of harm to act on their instincts by contacting their local authority.

“Alternatively contact Police Scotland on 101. In an emergency always contact the police by calling 999. We will act on calls we receive and together we will tackle adult harm and improve adult protection across Scotland.”