Still time to have your say on Stockbridge ‘town centre’

The city council is responsible for managing the mix of shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and other uses in its town centres.  It is preparing new supplementary guidance for Stockbridge Town Centre. This will set out where uses can change and how we plan for a mix of uses to support the town centres as a place to shop, visit, live and work. Continue reading Still time to have your say on Stockbridge ‘town centre’

Raeburn Place Foundation: Paving the way for change

We would like to share with you the improvements RPF is making to the local area. The enabling works have been underway for eight weeks. During that time, and as part of RPF’s investment in this project and the area, significant progress has been made to improve the local environment for residents and visitors alike.
Tree Protection
Careful breaking out of the existing pavement is taking place in order to safeguard and enhance the health of the trees, and at the same time install a new footway which caters for the future growth of these trees.
Minimal Disruption for Local Residents & Businesses
These works are phased across both Portgower Place and Comely Bank Road, in order to cause the least disruption possible to local residents and businesses.
Portgower Place:  
  • The wall is being repaired where necessary
  • Creation of new openings in the wall for the car park in the new development
  • Pavements are being resurfaced
Comely Bank Road: 
  • Site levels on the playing field side have now been brought up to match the levels on Comely Bank Road
  • A temporary footway has been created on Comely Bank Road.
If you would like any further information, please contact Robertson’s site manager, Andy Somerville, who will be on site full-time to manage the works and is available to assist members of the public who have any queries. 
Andy can be contacted via the site office or his mobile 07887 630612.

Transforming the Old Town



Seven community groups in Edinburgh are being allocated funding to enhance the New Waverley development in the Old Town while it is still under construction. Projects ranging from making Jacob’s Ladder steps more useable, lighting up the Arches during the winter festive period, art installations and a graveyard planting scheme will transform the area. Continue reading Transforming the Old Town

Have your say on West Pilton Grove development plan

W Pilton Grove

An Information Event to inform local people about the proposed housing development at West Pilton Grove will be held on

Tuesday 12 April from 11am to 7pm

North Edinburgh Local Office (NELO), 8 West Pilton Gardens

where you will have the opportunity to drop in and speak to the development team about the project and give your comments.

For further information contact Aline Kirkland on 0131 220 7781.

West Pilton Grove


Cramond Action Group issues last ditch appeal

Seconds out, round two: Battle lines drawn in leafy Cramond

cramond development

The two opposing sides in a planning dispute are slugging it out in a social media battle for community support – and the bruising encounter’s taking place in genteel Cramond. Continue reading Cramond Action Group issues last ditch appeal

Letters: Developing a discussion

Dear Editor

There are many schemes, plans and ideas on how, why and what development should take place in Edinburgh, particularly North Edinburgh; some are official, others from private investors.

Although these us some attempt at public consultation it is mostly: ‘do you wish to suggest amendments to the plan?’ There is little intention to start, as it should, to find out the needs and concerns of the people first.

Official boards are on display in many places advertising areas of land set aside for business or other ‘strategic’ development. One does not see official boards setting aside areas of land for the community to use for leisure and pleasure!

If the rate of development continues as outlined in official plans and schemes there will be little open space left in which to relax and take pleasure in visiting. New plan will follow new plan; a developers’ paradise – Edinburgh must not become a city of buildings and traffic congestion.

A. Delahoy