Referendum Bill is passed

The Bill to allow the people of Scotland to choose whether Scotland should be an independent country has been passed by Holyrood.  

MSPs voted in favour of the Scottish Independence Referendum Bill following a final debate on the legislation this afternoon.
The Bill confirms that:

  • The people of Scotland will vote in a referendum on September 18th next year on the question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”
  • The vote will be run to the highest international standards and will be overseen by the independent Electoral Commission.
  • The vote will be preceded by a 16-week formal campaign period.
  • The referendum will be conducted under the direction of a Chief Counting Officer responsible for appointing local Counting Officers to run the poll in local areas.


Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

“This is a truly historic moment in Scotland’s national story. It means that in September next year the people of Scotland will be asked whether they want this country to be independent.

“This Government believes independence will benefit everyone in this nation, and that having decisions taken here by the people who live and work here will help us create a fairer and more prosperous society.

“Later this month, we will publish the White Paper on independence, outlining in great detail the benefits and opportunities of having decisions made here in Scotland, for Scotland.

“The Edinburgh Agreement confirmed that next September’s referendum should be legislated for by the Scottish Parliament and that it should be conducted so as to command the confidence of parliaments, governments and people.

“With today’s vote, Holyrood has fulfilled that objective. It is a strong message that, whatever our political differences, we have agreed the rules and the procedure to be followed in the referendum.  “I hope we can continue in this spirit as we make our case for either outcome by committing to engage in a constructive and respectful debate.

“People want to know what the gains of independence will be for their families and communities.  We already take decisions here on a wide range of devolved issues, and these have led to real gains for communities all across Scotland.  Independence is the next logical step in Scotland’s Home Rule journey, and the passing of this Bill will allow people to have that choice.

“Independence is not about this administration but about the right of the people of Scotland to choose a Government of our own.”

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Community council elections go hi-tech!

Edinburgh (2)

Local people wishing to vote in three city Community Council elections will be able to do so online for the first time.

Following the closure of the nomination period, there were more prospective community councillors than there were places available in three areas – Craigmillar, Liberton & District and Portobello – so elections are now taking place, and for the first time an online option has been introduced making it easier for more people to take part.  Votes can now be registered securely over a special website until the voting period closes at 8pm on 24 October.

All voters on the electoral roll in the three areas are being given the opportunity to vote over the internet, or they can attend a polling place on the 24 October to vote in person if they would prefer.   Postal votes are also available for residents who prefer this option.

Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhood Committee, said: “Our aim is to deliver democratic processes that people can take part in and trust. To offer a range of options for voting, including online voting, we hope to make it easier for people to have a say and that can only be a good thing for local communities.  We hope that by offering flexible ways to vote that it will attract even more interest in these elections.

“Community Councils are an ideal way to support communities to thrive, to allow people from all backgrounds to meet and share ideas and to make change happen. They are a fantastic way of making public sector agencies aware of the needs of local areas, and can really help to make changes for the better.”

Community Councils each receive a grant to cover running costs and training is available for the members. They are represented on each of the city’s 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships and work alongside elected members, representatives from NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Community councils were first established in Edinburgh in 1980 and now more than 500 people are members of 41 community councils across the city. While elections are needed in three neighbourhoods, however, other areas are still looking for local people to make up their full complement of community councillors. Nominations are currently being sought for new members of the Gilmerton/Inch Community Council, and Drylaw Telford – one of the city’s original community councils – is one of a number of community councils with vacant positions.

“Following the nomination period we have five vacancies so we are very keen to encourage residents – old and new – to get involved”, said Alex Dale, chairman of Drylaw Telford. “Anyone interested in find out a bit about what we do should check out our website, or better still come along to our next regular monthly meeting on Wednesday 30 October at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre. Our meetings are always open to the public and It would be great to sign up some enthusiastic new members.”

Alex Dale (left) with former DTCC chair Mike Clark
Alex Dale (left) with former DTCC chair Mike Clark

Fixing a broken democracy?


Fixing broken democracy – have your say at a Democracy Max event being held by Electoral Reform Society Scotland in Glasgow next month:

At the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) Scotland we are committed to campaigning for better democracy. As we approach the independence referendum, we think it is vital that we take the opportunity to assess, and where necessary reform, our democracy. We have called this inquiry ‘Democracy Max’.

The process has included public events, roundtable discussions and publications. The final public event in this phase will be on Thursday August 8th at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Everyone is welcome to come along.

The first event of the Democracy Max inquiry brought together 80 people from across Scotland to spend a day at a ‘People’s Gathering’. They talked to each other and shared their ideas stimulated by the proposition: “It’s 2030, and Scotland is admired as a shining example of democracy and democratic participation. What three aspects of this future society please you most?”

Following the People’s Gathering, the findings have been discussed by roundtables of academics, commentators, campaigners and community activists. Those discussions have then been presented to a public audience for feedback.

Some of the ideas that have been proposed so far include:

• Real local democracy where people run their own communities

• A citizen’s chamber, selected like a jury , to hold the Parliament to account

• A rejuvenated ‘media of many voices’ with a strong public service element

• An assumption of full open-ness and transparency, including a register of lobbyists

We’re now discussing what technical and structural changes we might need to make some of these things happen and guarantee a good Scottish democracy. And, how do we ensure full citizen participation and ‘buy-in’ to the process. We want to ensure there are adequate checks and balances in our democracy so we’re asking ‘How do we write the rules?’

We’re more interested in structures that respect democratic participation and address the concerns expressed throughout the inquiry than we are in the detail of what the rules would be. We are keen to ensure that any decisions made in Scotland’s future will stand on solid democratic ground.

Some of the questions asked during the ‘How do we write the rules?’ phase of the inquiry include:

• As we enter the next phase of Scotland’s devolution journey, should we take stock of progress so far and ask if the Scottish Parliament is meeting the aspirations of 1999? Should this be a citizen led process?

• Whatever the result of the referendum should we consider some kind of participative consultation across Scotland to find out how Scotland should shape its democratic future? Is politics too important to be left to politicians?

• If we instigate such a deliberative and inclusive process, would it inevitably require some kind of written constitution type document to result?

• Should both the campaigns and all the parties be asked to sign up to key democratic principles which would be respected whatever the result of the referendum?

One of the key areas we are keen to address is how important people feel a written constitution would be to a good Scottish democracy. And if it is considered an important element, then how can we begin an inclusive process that reflects all viewpoints across Scotland, and what sort of process could or should that be within the devolved settlement. After all, if we believe that a constitution is an important building block for democracy, then the existence of a constitution should not be contingent upon a yes vote in the referendum.

If you are interested in discussing these issues, or have additional ideas or suggestions for how we might guarantee rights and responsibilities in a good Scottish democracy, please join us at an interactive conversation and discussion event on Thursday August 8th at the Graham Hills Building, George Street, Glasgow.

Register here:

Or contact Juliet Swann on



Independence? Posing the question through drama

Stuck in the Middle Poster

That referendum – made your mind up yet? If leaflets, TV debates and party political broadcasts leave you unmoved, maybe a drama performance will spark some interest and generate debate? Inverleith CLD worker Callum McLeod is certainly enthusiastic about a forthcoming event:

I’ve attached a poster advertising performances by Inverleith Youth Theatre which will take place in Broughton High School and North Edinburgh Arts theatres of in two weeks time (details in the poster).

The ‘Stuck In The Middle’ storyline concerns a teenage male’s journey and his subsequent thoughts towards becoming “Independent”. However, I’m sure the audience will find various other messages and subplots – and perhaps even a wider social issue for them to explore through the watching the performance!

We’re also planning the event so that there’ll be space at the end for discussion and so folk will have time to discuss the piece further, and share their thoughts with other audience members – and we do imagine that the subject matter will carry over for some time!

Without doubt, I’m slightly biased towards Inverleith Youth Theatre’s performances but they are usually of a good standard and so I can honestly say that I’m sure this will be a fab performance and well worth attending!

The main aim of the performance is to get as many people as possible talking and thinking about the actual issues raised, so we’ve made the event free. We’ll still be taking donations though as this youth group are trying to take it’s members – and the performance – to a youth drama camp over the summer, so any contributions towards this will be welcomed!

Inverleith Youth Theatre’s  ‘Stuck In The Middle’ performance dates:

Tuesday 16 April 7pm Broughton High School


Thursday 18 April 7pm North Edinburgh Arts


Callum McLeod

Inverleith CLD, Broughton High School