City Council Elections: candidates announced

Details have been announced of the 120 candidates standing across Edinburgh’s 17 wards in the Local Government Elections on 4 May. Nominations for candidates closed yesterday.

The nominated candidates for each ward are listed in full below and on the Council website:

1: Almond (4 councillors to be elected)

FRASER, Daniel – Scottish Libertarian Party
HUTCHISON, Graham – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
LANG, Kevin – Scottish Liberal Democrats
LONGSTAFF, John – Independent
MCKINNON-WADDELL, Iain – Scottish Green Party
MITCHELL, Pamela – Scottish National Party (SNP)
WHITEHEAD, Bruce – Scottish Labour Party
WORK, Norman – Scottish National Party (SNP)
YOUNG, Louise – Scottish Liberal Democrats

2: Pentland Hills (4 councillors to be elected)

BRUCE, Graeme – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
FARTHING, Emma – Scottisih Liberal Democrats
GARDINER, Neil – Scottish National Party (SNP)
HENDERSON, Ricky – Scottish Labour Party
NOREIKIENEk, Ernesta – Scottish National Party (SNP)
WEBBER, Susan – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
WESTON, Evelyn – Scottish Green Party

3: Drum Brae/Gyle (3 councillors to be elected)

ALDRIDGE, Robert Christopher – Scottish Liberal Democrats
BRIDGMAN, Claire – Scottish National Party (SNP)
BROWN, Mark – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
KEIL, Karen Ann – Scottish Labour Party
MEYER, Phyl – Scottish Green Party

4: Forth (4 councillors to be elected)

BIRD, Eleanor – Scottish National Party (SNP)
CAMPBELL, Jim – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
DAY, Cammy – Scottish Labour Party
GORDON, George – Scottish National Party (SNP)
MACKAY, Gillian – Scottish Green Party
PUGH, Heather – Scottish Labour Party
ROSS, Nicola – Independent
WIGHT, Tim – Scottish Liberal Democrats

5: Inverleith   (4 councillors to be elected)

BAGSHAW, Nigel – Scottish Green Party
BARRIE, Gavin – Scottish National Party (SNP)
DALGLEISH, James – Scottish Labour Party
LAIRD, Tom – Scottish Libertarian Party
MITCHELL, Max – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
OSLER, Hal – Scottish Liberal Democrats
WHYTE, Iain – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
WOOLNOUGH, Tina – Independent

6: Corstorphine/Murrayfield (3 councillors to be elected)

DOUGLAS, Scott – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
GLOYER, Gillian – Scottish Liberal Democrats
NEVENS, Kate – Scottish Green Party
ROSS, Frank – Scottish National Party (SNP)
SCOTT, John Ferguson – Independent
WHITELAW, June – Scottish Labour Party

7: Sighthill/Gorgie (4 councillors to be elected)

DIXON, Denis – Scottish National Party (SNP)
FULLERTON, Catherine – Scottish National Party (SNP)
GRACZYK, Ashley – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
HAYTER, Simon – Scottish National Party (SNP)
HEAP, Dan – Scottish Green Party
SCOBIE, Devin Scott – Scottish Liberal Democrats
SMITH, Carmel – Scottish Labour Party
STRANGE, Calum – Scottish Libertarian Party
WILSON, Donald – Scottish Labour Party

8: Colinton/Fairmilehead (3 councillors to be elected)

ARTHUR, Scott – Scottish Labour Party
DOGGART, Phil – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
LEWIS, Richard John – Scottish National Party (SNP)
MARSDEN, Sara – Scottish Green Party
RUST, Jason – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
WALKER, David Richard – Scottish Liberal Democrats

9: Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart (3 councillors to be elected)

CORBETT, Gavin – Scottish Green Party
JOHNSTON, Andrew – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
KEY, David – Scottish National Party (SNP)
LANG, Jenni – Scottish Liberal Democrats
SUBRAMANI, Rojan – Independent
WIMBERLEY, Anne – Scottish Labour Party

10: Morningside (4 councillors to be elected)

COOK, Nick – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
HOWAT, Sandy – Scottish National Party (SNP)
LAND, Chris – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
MAIN, Melanie – Scottish Green Party
ROSS, Neil – Scottish Liberal Democrats
WATT, Mandy – Scottish Labour Party

11: City Centre (4 councillors to be elected)

DORAN, Karen – Scottish Labour Party
MILLER, Claire – Scottish Green Party
MOWAT, Jo – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
RANKIN, Alasdair – Scottish National Party (SNP)
SIDOR, Peter – Scottish Libertarian Party
STEVENS, David – Scottish Liberal Democrats

12: Leith Walk (4 councillors to be elected)

DONALDSON, Marion – Scottish Labour Party
GARDNER, Nick – Scottish Labour Party
JACOBSEN, David Don – Socialist Labour Party
MARGA, Cristina – Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
McNEESE-MECHAN, Amy – Scottish National Party (SNP)
MELVILLE, Alan Gordon – Independent
RAE, Susan – Scottish Green Party
RITCHIE, Lewis – Scottish National Party (SNP)
TOBERMANN, Harald – Independent
ZAPOROZCENKO, Vita – Scottish Liberal Democrats

13: Leith (3 councillors to be elected)

BOOTH, Chas – Scottish Green Party
DIJKSTRA-DOWNIE, Sanne – Scottish Liberal Democrats
McVEY, Adam – Scottish National Party (SNP)
MUNRO, Gordon John – Labour and Co-operative Party
PENMAN, Paul – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

14: Craigentinny/Duddingston (4 councillors to be elected)

CAMPBELL, Ian – Scottish National Party (SNP)
GRIFFITHS, Joan – Labour and Co-operative Party
HADFIELD, Patrick – Scottish Liberal Democrats
LUNN, Alex – Scottish National Party (SNP)
MARTIN, Lyndsay – Labour and Co-operative Party
MCLELLAN, John – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
STANIFORTH, Alex – Scottish Green Party
WADHWA, Mridul – Scottish National Party (SNP)

15:  Southside/Newington (4 councillors to be elected)

BURGESS, Steve – Scottish Green Party
DICKIE, Alison – Scottish National Party (SNP)
FARTHING, Dan – Scottish Liberal Democrats
PERRY, Ian – Scottish Labour Party
ROSE, Cameron – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

16: Liberton/Gilmerton (4 councillors to be elected)

CAMERON, Lezley Marion – Scottish Labour Party
HOWIE, Derek – Scottish National Party (SNP)
KNOX, John Christopher – Scottish Liberal Democrats
MACINNES, Lesley – Scottish National Party (SNP)
NICHOL, John – Scottish Green Party
POGSON, Tim – Scottish Labour Party
SMITH, Stephanie – Scottish Conservative and Unionist

17: Portobello/Craigmillar (4 councillors to be elected)

BRIDGMAN, Mike – Scottish National Party (SNP)
CAMPBELL, Kate – Scottish National Party (SNP)
CAMPBELL, Mary – Scottish Green Party
CHILD, Maureen – Scottish Labour Party
LAIDLAW, Callum – Scottish Conservative and Unionist
LESLIE, Callum – Scottish Liberal Democrats
WALKER, David – Scottish Labour Party Continue reading City Council Elections: candidates announced

Pupils ready to vote in council elections

The formal notice was published ahead of the local government elections on 4 May yesterday – and a group of 16 and 17-year-old city pupils found out more about how to register to vote.

A voter registration event was held at Holy Rood RC High School, raising awareness among pupils about their eligibility to cast their vote in the Council elections for the first time.

Andrew Kerr, Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council and Returning Officer for Edinburgh, said: “This is the first time 16 and 17-year-olds are eligible to vote in Scottish Council elections and it’s a great opportunity for young people to get involved in local democracy and have their say about how services are delivered where they live.

“Registration for the 4 May election ends on 17 April and it’s quick and easy to do – find out more at and make your vote count.”

Asked why it was important for young people to go out and vote, Holy Rood High S5 pupil Jason Stewart-Evans, 17, said: “It gives me, as an individual, more of a say in my political system.”

Niyoshi Dave, 16, also S5, said: “I believe it is important to vote because the laws being passed right now will significantly affect my future.”

And Christy Biju, 16, S5, said: “Voting is a right we have and we should use it, especially young people because we are the future. We need to make our voices heard!”

Pictures: Ian Georgeson

Testing times ahead for new councillors

New councillors elected in May face major challenges and need to focus on improving long-term planning, says the Accounts Commission.

In its 2017 overview published today, the local government spending watchdog outlines a long-term decline in Scottish Government real terms funding which makes up around 60 per cent of council income.

At the same time, there continue to be increasing pressures on services, particularly in social care and education which together account for over 70 per cent of council spending.

The report says councils overall have maintained or improved their performance in the face of these challenges. However, public satisfaction is declining and complaints are increasing. Looking ahead, they need to better involve their communities in service design and deliver.

There are wide variations between councils. Some have grasped the nettle in finding new ways to provide services more efficiently. Others have been slower off the mark. Councils have made savings by cutting jobs but half of them still don’t have organisation-wide workforce plans.

Councils must learn more from each other and collaborate better to improve services and reduce costs.

Councillors elected in May must have the necessary training and tools to do an increasingly complex job determining local priorities, overseeing delivery of essential services and working in partnership with other public bodies to improve outcomes for communities and individuals.

Ronnie Hinds, deputy chair of the Accounts Commission, said: “New councillors will require time to settle in and develop skills to make strategic plans, consider options for service delivery and scrutinise how well this is happening in practice.

“But they have four years ahead of them, and they need to plan effectively for the longer term, work with their communities to decide key priorities and then make that plan happen.

“We hope our report is helpful to councillors and officers as they strive to maintain or improve services for the public with reduced resources.”

The report: nr_170307_local_government_performance

The Scottish Greens have commented on the report. Andy Wightman, the Scottish Greens’ local government spokesperson, said:

“Audit Scotland is right to highlight these challenges. The Scottish Greens are committed to strengthening local democracy in Scotland and that’s why we led a debate on the subject only a few months ago. We will also be publishing proposals later this week on a fiscal framework that details how the financial relationship between Holyrood and local government can be improved.

“The six Green MSPs, who were elected on a manifesto pledge to campaign to devolve decisions and budgets to a more local level, will continue to call for councils to have more powers to implement new structures for local democratic participation.”