Lib Dems select Mike Andersen for Edinburgh North and Leith

The Scottish Liberal Democrats formally announce the selection of Mike Andersen as their candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith in the upcoming general election. Originally hailing from South Africa, where he practiced as a litigation attorney, Mike now lives in Canonmills with his husband and their dog.

Mike’s passion for his chosen country and his commitment to community service led him to join the Liberal Democrats, where he has become an active and engaged member.

I love having the opportunity to get out on the streets of Edinburgh North and Leith to connect with constituents, listen to their views, and understand their concerns.

“I am additionally immensely proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the committed Liberal Democrat Councillors of Edinburgh North and Leith. Their relentless dedication mirrors our party’s steadfast commitment to serving the community and driving real, positive change.”

Raised in a household where service and community were paramount values, Mike’s upbringing instilled in him a profound sense of duty and accountability.

“From a young age, with my father serving in the military, I can remember being taught to do the right thing and not only the easy thing. I resolutely believe that ethics and accountability in public service are non-negotiables. Ethics should not only be talked about but should be seen and shown in action.”

Mike’s decision to stand as a candidate reflects his desire to enact meaningful change, placing the needs of Edinburgh North and Leith front and centre. He envisages a future where promises are kept, voices are heard, and every individual has an opportunity to reach their potential, embodying the core principles of the Liberal Democrats.

Scotland is filled with talented, good, hardworking people. People who are simply seeking a fair deal in life, the deal they were promised through their hard work. The Liberal Democrats are the only party working to fulfil this promise of a fair deal.”

As the candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith, Mike presents a vision of a United Kingdom that embraces a role as a global leader in human rights and culture, while fostering an environment where both individuals and businesses can flourish.

“We can have a UK that is again proud to hold its head high on the global stage, as both a voice for Human Rights and a cultural superpower. We can have a UK which helps the vulnerable in society while providing the space for people and businesses to flourish.

“We can have a UK where voices are heard and Scotland sits as an equal partner. It is this vision I am fighting for and it is a vision which can become a reality but only if we vote for actual change”

Mike Andersen embodies the spirit of change, offering a fresh perspective and a steadfast commitment to Edinburgh North and Leith, Scotland and the United Kingdom, say the Lib-Dems.

Brock calls for speedy action for the victims of the infected blood scandal

Deidre Brock MP has called for compensation for the victims of the infected blood scandal to be put in place without further delay.

The Edinburgh North and Leith MP formally handed in a petition to the UK Parliament on behalf of her constituents, prior to the final report of the Infected Blood Inquiry being published on Monday May 20th.

The petition calls on the UK Government to implement the findings of the second interim report published in April 2023, which has already provided recommendations about compensation.

The inquiry Chair Sir Brian Langstaff made clear at the time that the compensation scheme should be set up straight away, to avoid adding to the decades-long delays people had already suffered, yet over a year later there is still no clarity and no timeframe has been set for payments.

The petition was led in Edinburgh North and Leith by Deidre Brock’s constituent Justine Gordon-Smith who, together with her sister Rachel lost their father, Mr Randolph Peter Gordon-Smith, to the contaminated blood scandal in deeply traumatic circumstances.  They have been tirelessly campaigning ever since.

Ms Brock said: “I am handing in this petition on behalf of everyone in Edinburgh North and Leith who is working so hard for justice – people who received infected blood, their carers and the families of those who have been lost in the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.

‘The moral case for compensation has long been accepted by government, so what are we waiting for? More delays merely worsen people’s suffering.

‘It’s a tragic truth that people who were infected are dying while the government dithers over the justice they and their families deserve.

‘The interim report was clear that they should go ahead with compensation immediately and that was published over a year ago.

“When will they lay out a clear – and short – timeframe for victims to get the compensation they’ve been waiting decades to receive?  Or is the UK Government planning to kick this into the long grass again until they are kicked out of office?

‘I commend the efforts of my constituent Justine who has been tireless in her fight for equitable treatment for all those affected. I stand squarely with her, her sister and everyone who has suffered as a consequence of this scandal. They have already struggled enough and this battle for compensation is one they should not have to keep fighting.

‘I urge the government to finally do the right thing and deliver justice to the victims of the infected blood scandal.”

Deirdre Brock leads Westminster debate on bank branch closures

Edinburgh North and Leith MP Deidre Brock is leading a debate at Westminster this afternoon (Tuesday) on bank branch closures, after recent announcements from both RBS and TSB that their branches in Leith are set to close.

Ms Brock called for the debate after RBS announced last month that a further 18 of its 86 branches are set to close, including Leith. The MP will call for more robust action from government to protect access to bank branches and to increase the roll out of initiatives like banking hubs.

Ms Brock has written to the banks and is meeting with representatives of both RBS and TSB to discuss the proposed local closures in Leith.

Deidre Brock said:- “We have seen almost 6000 bank branches close across the UK since 2015 at a rate of 54 each month. Enough is enough. If banks keep shutting up shop at this pace we will deepen the digital divide and leave many people without access to the financial services they need.

“It’s hard to believe Leith could soon be down to its last branch standing. As one of the most densely populated parts of Scotland, there’s a continued need for accessible services for the many small businesses and customers in the area who don’t use digital.

“RBS was founded in Edinburgh in 1727 and paved the way for much modern banking so it’s sad to see them cut back to just three city centre branches. The success of Edinburgh’s financial sector was largely built on Scotland’s famous multi-bank system which gave stability and security in the sector. While times have changed, the increased centralisation of banking doesn’t seem like progress to me.   

“Banks should still have a responsibility to the community and the customers they serve. The UK government needs to step in and take stronger action to protect our bank branches before they disappear altogether.

“We should introduce a community right to bank branches and incentives to roll out initiatives that help banks cut the costs while keeping face to face services, like banking hubs.

“The RBS website proudly claims “the bank has a history of making life easier for its customers. The bank is committed to serving Scottish communities and putting the interests of customers first.” 

“It’s time for that commitment to be made clear in actions, not just warm words.”

Disappearing Bank Branches: Another one bites the dust

Deirdre Brock comments on closure of Leith RBS branch

Deidre Brock MP has commented on the news that the Leith branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland is set to close on October 10.

The closure forms part of a new tranche of network closures from the NatWest group with branches on Nicolson Street and Bruntsfield Place also set for the axe. This will leave only three permanent RBS branches remaining in the city (St Andrew Square, Princes Street and St Johns Road), plus a mobile branch.

In its closure announcement the bank promised “no further review of our Royal Bank of Scotland branch network until at least 2026”.

The Edinburgh North and Leith MP has written to the bank requesting further information about the decision.

Ms Brock said: “I am shocked by the decision from RBS to close their branch in Leith. This is one of the most densely populated parts of Scotland and the closure will greatly disadvantage many small businesses and customers in our community who rely on counter services.

“There are plenty of people who still prefer face to face custom, and many more who still need it. Not everyone uses phone banking and more vulnerable people shouldn’t be expected to travel up to the city centre or head to Musselburgh every time they need to bank.

“It all started for RBS back in 1727, before they became the bank which was ‘too big to fail’ in 2008 and were bailed out from the public purse. Now it’s sad to see more and more branches disappearing from our High Streets. Like all banks, they should have a duty to meet the diverse needs of their customers, not just the dividends of shareholders. 

“The promise that they won’t close any more before 2026 doesn’t exactly give confidence of a long term commitment to keep the remaining branch network running.

“Decisions like these taken in corporate boardrooms do untold damage to communities like Leith and if the banks won’t act, perhaps government should to protect the network. Otherwise we are hurtling headlong towards a cashless society and deepening the digital divide – we need to pause and take stock before it’s too late.

“I have written to RBS seeking more details on why they chose to close the Leith branch and what they are doing to protect both customers and staff affected.”

An RBS spokesperson said: “While we are increasingly engaging our customers digitally, our branch network remains important to us.

“We are also significantly investing in refreshing our network – we are investing £10.5m in our network across Scotland, from 2023-24, as well as continuing to invest in shared solutions like the Post Office and banking hubs.

“Our customers appreciate the speed and convenience of digital banking for everyday transactions, and often, when it comes to making bigger, more complex decisions they value speaking to our skilled and experienced colleagues.”

The bank says that more than 97% of its retail accounts are opened over the internet.

Deirdre Brock: Fees threat to free immigration services

Charities and community groups providing free immigration advice could be charged fees from the government for the first time, putting the services under threat, Deidre Brock MP has said.

The Edinburgh North and Leith has written to the UK Government raising her concerns about the proposal to charge fees for regulation of the free services.

Currently providers of free immigration advice have their fees to the arms-length regulator, the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), waived, but under the Home Office proposals, they will have to pay an initial registration fee of up to £538 for their organisation, together with £520 for every adviser. A reduced annual fee would be paid for each year after that.

The proposal is included in a Home Office consultation on the fee structure of the OISC which runs until June. 

Concerns that these costs will threaten the availability of free immigration advice services was flagged with Ms Brock by the Citizens Rights Project which has started a petition to the Home Office on the issue.

Ms Brock said: “It’s hard to believe the UK Government could make charities pay for giving free, reliable immigration advice to people who desperately need it. Accurate advice is essential to make sure the immigration system works fairly, efficiently and safely for everyone – the government should be boosting access to free support, not threatening it.

“I know from my work in Edinburgh North and Leith how big the unfilled need is for immigration advice. Many folk who turn up at my surgeries cannot afford hefty legal fees and don’t know where to turn to get some support with the labyrinth of regulations.

“If they can’t get regulated support, vulnerable people are more likely to seek advice from unscrupulous scammers giving bad advice, damaging their case, their finances and their lives in the UK.

“Recent changes to immigration rules suggest the UK Government are hellbent on making life as difficult as possible for people who just want to work hard and build a life here. They have raised the minimum wage a UK citizen must earn to settle with a spouse from overseas to £29,000, blocking many Scots from coming back from abroad with their families.

“They have increased the salary for a skilled worker visa to £38,700 – blocking even more talent from coming to our shores. They have stopped people working as carers from having the right to bring their partners – showing how little they value the lives of people doing essential work.”

“Now they are putting free immigration advice under threat for vulnerable people.

“If the UK Government insists on making the immigration system ever more complex, the least they can do is waive the fees for the charities and community groups who are helping people navigate their draconian system. 

“I have written to the UK Government asking them for a rethink on this short-sighted proposal (letter below – Ed.)”.

Consultation on OISC fees:

Petition ‘Free Immigration Advice is Under Threat:

Deidre Brock MP calls for discussion on future of Leith’s Old Town Hall if Police decide to leave

The Old Town Hall in Leith should be considered for community use if Police Scotland vacate the building, according to Deidre Brock MP. 

The station is one of those up for possible closure as part of Police Scotland’s estate review. 

Built in 1828, the Category A listed building still contains the original Leith Burgh Council debating chamber. 

The Edinburgh North & Leith MP said: “If Police Scotland decide that the old Leith Town Hall is no longer appropriate for modern policing, there should be a discussion about how it can be utilised for the community. 

“It is a wonderful building that holds a unique place in Leith’s history, and I hope the Council will consider how it can best be used for the benefit of current and future generations of Leithers.”

Macmillan Coffee Morning hosted by Deidre Brock and Ben Macpherson


Deidre Brock MP and Ben Macpherson MSP are hosting a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 29 September. The event will run from 10.30 am – 12 noon in the Anchor Room West at the Heart of Newhaven Community Centre.

All are welcome to come along and join them for a cup of coffee or tea, to help raise funds for a vital cause. Newhaven Connections Cafe will also be offering some delicious cakes, traybakes and other treats. 

If you’d like and are able to contribute, you can make a donation via the event page, with all proceeds going directly to Macmillan Cancer Support through JustGiving – there will also be a donation box there on the day. Every penny will go towards helping people affected by cancer live their lives as fully as possible.

Deidre Brock MP said: “Many of us have personal experience with the challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis, either first-hand or through our family and friends.

“I know the support offered by Macmillan has been an invaluable lifeline for lots of folk in the constituency during difficult times. So come along for a blether and a cuppa, and let’s raise some money for a fantastic charity.”  

Ben Macpherson MSP said: “Along with my colleague, Deidre Brock MP, we are grateful to Macmillan for what they do to support people in the constituency, and across the country.

“Cancer can affect anyone at any time and the support that Macmillan provides can be life changing. Please do come along on Friday 29 September at 10.30am to the Heart of Newhaven to have a cuppa and a chat, and if you can, consider donating to this invaluable organisation.”

MP calls for Immigration powers to be devolved to Holyrood


Deidre Brock MP will use a House of Commons debate today to call on the UK government to devolve immigration powers to the Scottish Parliament so Scotland can create an asylum system based on fairness and dignity.

Leading a Westminster Hall debate, the Edinburgh North & Leith MP will argue that the Tories are failing to protect vulnerable, unaccompanied children seeking asylum in the UK. 

She will also outline how the Illegal Migration Bill will make the situation even worse for children who have been separated from their parents and how it significantly encroaches on devolved powers.

Commenting, Deidre Brock MP said: “The Tories have utterly failed in their duty to safeguard the wellbeing of vulnerable unaccompanied children seeking safety and refuge in the UK. 

“Hundreds of children have gone missing from Home Office run-hotels, sparking condemnation from the UN that the UK Government is failing in its obligations to prevent the trafficking of children. 

The Illegal Migration Bill will make the situation even worse as the door will be slammed in their faces when they arrive in the UK to seek sanctuary.

“I am proud that Scotland has played its part in welcoming refugees who are desperate to rebuild their lives. However, powers still lie with the UK government and their hostile environment policies. Creating safe and legal routes is the only realistic way to disrupt the business model human traffickers use to exploit already vulnerable people.

“Power over immigration should be devolved to the Scottish Parliament so we can build an immigration system that works for Scotland and an asylum system with compassion and respect.”

Constituents meet Deidre Brock MP at Warm This Winter mass lobby

‘I felt that Deidre was listening to us and shared our concerns’

Edinburgh North and Leith constituents met with their MP Deidre Brock at Stockbridge Library as part of the nationwide Warm This Winter mass lobby yesterday.

Four constituents spoke to Deidre Brock MP during her surgery hours, and other locals and volunteers from Greenpeace Edinburgh came along to support the campaign for Government-funded insulation, investment in renewable energy and further assistance for vulnerable households during the cost of living crisis.

Volunteers also delivered messages written to Deidre Brock by her constituents over the past few weeks. This event was one of more than 80 taking place across the UK this spring [1]. 

Ian, a constituent from Leith said:  ‘People from Edinburgh North and Leith met Deidre Brock MP in Stockbridge on Friday and shared the messages we’ve collected from other local people about how they are experiencing the cost of living crisis and that they want solutions such as home insulation.

“I felt that Deidre was listening to us and shared our concerns. I voiced my exacerbation at the UK’s woeful record on insulating households – and she was very much in agreement. Deidre also provided helpful advice on an individual basis as to where we could go to access more support to deal with high fuel costs and insulate our leaky properties. 

‘We’re really pleased that, at the meeting, Deidre Brock MP pledged to call for the expansion of Government-funded home insulation schemes, heat pump installation, more investment in renewable energy, and further support for vulnerable households with their energy bills.

“We look forward to hearing from her soon about how they’re pushing for the Energy Bill to work for the constituents of Edinburgh North and Leith and make our homes warmer and bills cheaper.’ [2] 

The recent Spring Statement failed to commit any new money to keep homes warm, and the Government’s promised ‘Green Day’ [3] (30th March) turned into yet another failure on climate action.

Greenpeace Edinburgh volunteers are calling for £5.3bn in new cash for home insulation, £14bn of emergency support for households struggling with bills, and £3.3bn to roll out cheap, clean heating in our homes to get the UK off gas once and for all.

We also need to triple renewable energy by 2030, and stop new oil and gas extraction. The Energy Bill is the next opportunity to legislate for these measures and build a secure energy future, with cheaper bills and warmer, greener homes.  

  1. Map showing events organised in constituencies for the Warm This Winter mass lobby. 
  2. List of MPs who have pledged
  3. Read Greenpeace’s full ‘Green Day/ Energy Security Day briefing here

Greenpeace: Government can still do more to tackle soaring energy bills

New data reveals that Edinburgh North and Leith residents would be able to save an estimated average of £1,294 through Government-funded home insulation and heat pump installation 

On weekends throughout February and March, Greenpeace Edinburgh spoke to people in Edinburgh about their energy bills, and the solutions to the cost of living and climate crisis.

Residents wrote eight messages to Deirdre Brock, MP for Edinburgh North and Leith, about their worries. These messages will be delivered next week, as part of the Warm This Winter mass lobby.

Local people also used the Affordable Energy Calculator [1] to see how much money they would save on their energy bills if our homes were well insulated and had cheaper, cleaner energy.  

Carrie from Newhaven wrote: ‘Help to combat energy costs has helped but costs are still too high. Funding for new home-owners to help insulate windows is needed.’  

Mark, a resident in North Edinburgh, wrote: ‘It would be great to see someone in the government stand up for lower energy bills and preparing homes for becoming sustainable and economical to maintain.’ 

Another local, Ros, wrote: ‘We need to prioritise those who need help during this time and make the cost of living crisis a lot more manageable than it currently is.’ 

Ian, a volunteer from Leith said: The messages that people in Edinburgh North and Leith have written to Deirdre Brock MP show how people are still having to choose between heating and eating. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We need the Government to commit more money for home insulation and heat pumps to make our homes warmer, our bills cheaper and our carbon emissions lower.’  

Keeping the Energy Price Guarantee at £2,500 per month rather than raising it to £3000 is welcome but 7.5 million households in the UK will continue to be in fuel poverty from 1st April. If the Government makes the investment necessary to meet their currently unfunded 2030 targets for insulation, and support a UK heat pump programme, a typical UK home would see a difference of £1,832 a year, with savings ranging from around six hundred to several thousand pounds.  

Data from the Affordable Energy Calculator shows that people in Edinburgh North and Leith could save an estimated average of £1,294 on their energy bills by 2030.  

Hugh who lives in this constituency said: “‘I live in a rented flat in Leith and I was amazed to see that I would save £1,083 on my energy bill in 2030 if my home was properly insulated and was powered by a heat pump.

“I’d definitely recommend checking out the Affordable Energy Calculator to see how much you could save if the Government funded a UK-wide home insulation and heat pump programme.’  

Ian added: “On 31st March, Greenpeace volunteers and other constituents have invited Deirdre Brock to meet as part of the Warm This Winter Coalition’s mass lobby.

“We are asking Deirdre Brock to pledge to call for the expansion of Government-funded home insulation schemes, heat pump installation, more investment in renewable energy, and further support for vulnerable households with their energy bills.

“If you live in Edinburgh North and Leith, we’d love for you to join us in inviting Deirdre Brock to meet, or if you live elsewhere, check out the online map [below] to see if a meeting has already been organised with your MP.” 

  1. List of MPs who have pledged 
  2. Map showing events organised in constituencies for the Warm This Winter mass lobby