Letters: Roundabout ad safety fears

Dear Editor

A board has been ‘planted’ on Silverknowes Roundabout, inviting people to ‘Advertise Here’.

Is it possible the organisation dealing with the management of roundabouts is promoting the erection of such advertising boards on the actual roundabout?

How can they be so stupid to even think of doing so?

It is obviously meant to catch people’s atttention while they are also driving and navigating a roundabout!

Surely the transport authorities must overrule this idiotic rule?

Tony Delahoy

DIY or DI-Why?


  • More than a third of Scottish homeowners are more likely to attempt DIY in the home since lockdown
  • That is in spite of almost two thirds (65%) ranking their DIY skills as ‘average’ or below
  • Almost three quarters of households in Scotland do their own DIY as opposed to calling in a professional – yet well over half (58%) admit to calling in a professional tradesperson to sort out a botched electrical job; potentially costing thousands
  • In response, leading electrical certification body, NICEIC, is encouraging homeowners across the nation to ‘ban the bravado’ and go pro when it comes to electrical DIY in the home 

Whilst Scots may be known for their ‘have a go’ mentality, when it comes to safety in the home a can-do attitude may be putting UK homes and families in danger.

According to new research by NICEIC, the UK’s leading electrical certification body, more than more than a third (36%) of Scottish homeowners are more likely to attempt their own DIY in the home since the Coronavirus lockdowns – in spite of 65% of respondents ranking their DIY skills as ‘average’ at best.

Lockdowns aside, almost three quarters (74%) of households in the country will attempt to do their own DIY in the home as opposed to using a professional; yet 58% admit to having to call in a tradesperson to sort out a botched electrical job. Where a professional has been called in to rectify a DIY project which has gone wrong, over a third (35%) has ended up with a bill in excess of £500. A fifth (19%) wish they’d got a professional in to start with.

Ironically, a desire to save money is the main reason for those in Scotland carrying out DIY themselves (62%) – but well over a quarter (28%) still prefers to avoid having people in their home due to COVID-19.

The research, which surveyed 2,000 UK homeowners, also found that 53% of homeowners across the UK would be happy to ‘have a go’ at DIY in the home without any prior experience or formal qualifications – and it’s not just painting and decorating. Almost a quarter (24%) would dabble in general electricals, 51% in landscaping and 25% in plumbing.

Paul Collins, Head of Technical Services at NICEIC, said: “With so many Brits forced to stay home during the national lockdowns of 2020 and 2021, its unsurprising to see that so many UK homeowners are willing to get stuck in and ‘have a go’ when it comes to DIY.

“It is worrying, however, that so many are willing to do this in spite of having a clear lack of experience, qualifications or even ability – especially when it comes to home electrics.

“A botched electrical job can easily lead to hefty costs and further underlying issues that may not become noticeable until it’s too late, putting UK homes and families in danger.

With well over half of Scottish homeowners admitting to calling out a professional when things go wrong, the message is clear – when it comes to electrics in the home, leave it to the professionals and use a certified electrical contractor such as those with the NICEIC; it could mean the difference between life and death.”  

And it would seem a reluctance to ask for help or a belief that ‘I can do it myself’ (55%) has led to over a quarter (27%) of the region’s homeowners waiting until the absolute worst-case scenario before calling a professional tradesperson to fix a botched DIY job in the home.

In fact, 11% of those surveyed admit to ‘Googling it’ and giving it a go when it comes to a DIY job they haven’t done before.


Martyn Allen, Technical Director for Electrical Safety First, comments: “There is only so much that online videos can tell you. Even watching the better ones will not give you the knowledge or experience to carry out more complicated tasks.

“Ask yourself: ‘If I have to Google this, should I really be doing it?’ If in any doubt, get a professional in – it could not only save you a lot of time and money in the long run, but could also avoid a serious electrical accident impacting you and your loved ones.”

To find your nearest NICEIC Certified Contractor, please visit NICEIC.

Five ways to keep your furry friends safe from unexpected dangers in your garden

As we approach the last week of summer, many people are still enjoying the warmer weather and spending some much-needed time outdoors with our furry friends.

For those lucky to have one, we might like to think of our gardens as our own little haven – but the same doesn’t always apply for our pets.

PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing shares her five top tips for protecting your pets from hidden hazards:  

1. Avoid poisonous plants

“Though they might be beautiful to look at, some plants and flowers are best kept well away from our pets. It’s shocking to know that common garden flowers like hydrangea, foxgloves, lily of the valley and geraniums contain toxins that can be very dangerous for our curious companions if they decide to try and eat them. It’s always worthwhile to check that any plants you’re about to pot are pet-safe – so that your borders are both a beautiful sight and a safe environment.

2. Switch to natural pest control

“Although slugs and snails are the bane of a gardener’s life, before reaching for the chemicals, remember that pesticides can be equally harmful to your pets as they can be to the pests. Instead, encourage natural predators like hedgehogs, frogs and toads to keep unwanted diners away. Try planting sacrificial plants to keep insects away from your prized bloomers and vegetables or just simply rely on birds to gobble up pests, by making your garden bird friendly. These are all safer options for you and your pet but it’s a good idea to keep your furry friends away from the helpful wildlife! 

3. Pet-friendly resting spots

“Four-legged family members can easily overheat on warmer days, so make sure there are plenty of shady spots where they can relax. Trees and large shrubs create great shade, but you can also set up shelters or drape sheets over the end of an exercise run for smaller pets. If your pet enjoys sunbathing on the lawn, don’t forget that they might be at risk of sunburn and you might need to apply pet-safe suncream, especially to areas with thin or light coloured fur. If your garden is more of a wildflower meadow, be careful to direct your dog away from those long grasses. Long grass can attract lots of wildlife which means your pet could come into contact with ticks, and long eared grass seeds which can work their way into places where they shouldn’t be, which might result in vet help to get them removed.

4. A protected pond

“Ponds are great for wildlife and can transform your garden into a haven for frogs, newts and all kinds of insects. Despite this, they can sometimes be a hazard for curious cats, dogs and rabbits. It’s a good idea to fence around the area or fit a guard on top or maybe have multiple shallower, small ponds that are great for wildlife and safer for your pets to be around. These handy protections will prevent any unexpected guests from falling in the water, especially those furry friends who may be too curious for their own good. Don’t forget to give your pet another source of fresh water instead!

5. Secure the perimeter

“A sturdy fence will help prevent pets from being able to squeeze through any gaps or holes and go on an unplanned adventure. Don’t forget that small gaps in damaged fencing could trap your pet’s foot or nose if they start to get curious and small pets can dig and create their own holes if they don’t have a safe outlet for their behaviour, such as a dig box.

As well as keeping your pet safely inside the garden, a secure fence will also assist in keeping out predators like foxes, allowing smaller pets to roam safely. Ensuring that a fence is tall enough is equally important, as it will prevent any curious four-legged friends from attempting a great escape.”

PDSA is the UK’s largest vet charity. We’re on a mission to improve pet wellbeing through prevention, education and treatment.

Support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery helps us reach even more pet owners with vital advice and information. 


Wildfire warnings issued across Scotland

A very high risk wildfire warning has been issued in Scotland from Saturday, July 24 until Monday, July 26. 

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) issued the warning and is urging people who live within or who may enter rural environments to exercise caution. 

The alert – released in conjunction with the Scottish Wildfire Forum (SWF) – covers Easter Ross, Central Highlands,and South West Scotland. A moderate to high warning is also in place for Central and Western Scotland. 

Wildfires have the potential to burn for days and devastate vast areas of land and wildlife; and threaten the welfare of nearby communities. 

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Alasdair Perry is head of prevention and protection for SFRS. He said: “We are asking the public to exercise extreme caution and think twice before using anything involving a naked flame. 

“Many rural and remote communities are hugely impacted by wildfires, which can cause significant damage. 

“Livestock, farmland, wildlife, protected woodland and sites of special scientific interest can all be devastated by these fires – as can the lives of people living and working in rural communities. 

“These fires can also have a hugely negative impact on the environment and the release of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. 

“Human behaviour can significantly lower the chance of a wildfire starting, so it is crucial that people act safely and responsibly in rural environments, and always follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.”

Mother who tragically lost her son warns of dangers of open water

The mother of a young man from Fife who tragically lost his life last summer at a local beauty spot is warning of the dangers of open water.

Keivan Ulhaq, 20, had been socialising with friends at Lochore Meadows, known locally as ‘The Meedies’, when he entered the water on a Saturday evening last June.

His mum Sheena Ulhaq says that despite him being a strong and active young man he got into difficulty.

Sheena, who lives in Cowdenbeath with Keivan’s eight siblings and husband Nisar, wants to prevent anyone else going through the tragic events of June 20 last year.

She said: “Keivan was happy go lucky and he loved life. He doted on his younger brothers and sisters. We all miss him so much.

“On the day he died I remember the weather was really nice and I was at home decorating.

“He had gone to The Meedies with some friends, but the water was still freezing cold despite the weather.

“Keivan was really active and was always doing back flips, especially if we were at the beach then he’d do back flips into the water.

“But that day he struggled despite being a six foot big strapping lad. He suffered cold water shock and had a cardiac arrest.

“It’s really important that people are aware of the dangers of open water because I wouldn’t want this to happen to anyone else.

“I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve had, since Keivan died, from everyone who knows the family and I thank them from the bottom of my heart.”

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was alerted to the incident at Lochore Meadows last June and mobilised two appliances and a water rescue unit to the scene to assist emergency service partners. 

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Alasdair Perry said: “We are grateful to Sheena for speaking about her story, and the tragic circumstances in which Keivan lost his life, to improve the safety of others.

“We want people to stay safe around water this summer. However, our crews regularly respond to emergency calls from people in difficulty who need to be rescued.

“We all like heading outdoors at this time of year, but unsupervised water can be extremely dangerous.

“Open water can become very cold just a few feet under the surface and can cause cramps or Cold Water Shock meaning your strength and ability to swim deteriorates rapidly.”

Since Keivan’s death, SFRS has worked with partners to install new water safety signs and lifesaving throwline equipment at Lochore Meadows to protect the public.

Sheena Ulhaq is also raising funds for more equipment, including a defibrillator.

Station Commander Michael Gemmell, based in Fife, said: “What happened to Keivan was a tragedy and it’s devastating for everyone who knew him.

“Unless you are fully trained, competent and equipped to enter water courses, keep a safe distance from water.

“This isn’t about spoiling anyone’s fun, it’s about preventing anyone else from needlessly losing their life.”

Visit the water safety page in the Your Safety section on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service website for information on how to stay safe.

Clock change cancellation could save UK economy £160m a year

Based on previous Government estimates that 80 lives a year could be saved by scrapping the October clock change, the UK could reduce the number of people killed on our roads by four and a half per cent and save the economy £160m, says the UK’s largest independent road safety charity, IAM RoadSmart, who is calling on the Government to stop the practice.

The charity believes that moving to a permanent daylight-saving system would significantly improve road safety, especially for vulnerable road users such as children, pedestrians and cyclists.

“Every year there are unnecessary victims of road collisions throughout the winter months during commutes to work or school which could easily be avoided if the Government scrapped the process of changing the clocks,” comments Neil Greig, Policy and Research Director at IAM RoadSmart.

“Young pedestrians under 15 are already a huge ‘at risk’ group for road safety, and that risk becomes even greater as the nights draw in.

“Stopping the change of clocks would be easy to implement and, without question, would save lives – there are no good road safety reasons why this isn’t happening. The UK should at least set up a two-year trial to prove the benefits once and for all.”

Indeed, in November and December 2019, the number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths and injuries rose by 344 (from 6,787 to 7,131 representing a five per cent increase) compared with the two months prior to the clock change. 

Well-established figures prove that casualty rates rise between 3pm and 7pm as the days shorten. IAM RoadSmart warns that the dark afternoons are an especially dangerous time for youngsters coming home, with less supervision and individuals heading off to different activities at different times during this key period.

To facilitate the improvement, IAM RoadSmart recommended earlier this year that to allow extra daylight in the afternoons, we should not put the clocks back this winter, then next March move one hour ahead – and then go back one hour in October 2021 – a so called ‘double British summer time’.

Neil concluded: “Clearly it is now unfortunately too late to do anything ahead of this weekend, but we urge the Government to reconsider its policy ahead of next March.

“Road safety is now about small incremental gains from a number of policy changes and daylight saving could play its part in helping break the current flat lining in road deaths we are seeing in this country.”

In 1968, the UK Government carried out a three-year experiment which saw the clocks not being put back from March until October 1971, essentially staying in summer time for three years.

Throughout the experiment figures were collected at peak times which revealed that around 2,500 fewer people were killed or injured during the winters where the clocks weren’t put back – this represented a reduction of nearly 12 per cent.