Better late than never? Council announces plans to deal with the scandal of damp housing

The City of Edinburgh Council has set out its improved process to deal with issues some tenants face due to excessive dampness, mould and condensation.

The enhanced processes, that puts our tenants health and wellbeing at the forefront, are being rolled out now (from June 2021) to deliver a robust, streamlined, start-to-finish approach that will quickly address immediate moisture-related issues within Council homes, while also looking at the conditions and internal fabric to prevent problems arising in the longer term.

By laying out a revised step-by-step guide on how tenants will be fully supported in a report presented to the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee yesterday (3 June), the Council is ‘demonstrating our commitment to addressing issues of damp, mould or condensation for our tenants’.

The report makes clear that the first step will be to remove and reinstate any walls or surfaces affected, alongside work to identify the causes and address them. It’s been designed to ensure that tenants are kept up to date through more frequent updates from locality officers and ongoing liaison so they know what to expect at every step of the process.

Significant capital investment will be at the heart of the programme to remedy the root causes of these issues.  Work is already under way to proactively engage with our tenants to ensure that any homes affected are identified and appropriate remedial action taken.

In the short term, following the successful pilot dehumidifier programme, devices will now be made available as standard, with help to fund the running costs for the duration they are required. In conjunction, other immediate action will be taken to investigate if there are any underlying issues such as poor external fabric, poorly performing heating systems, issues with windows or doors, or ineffective extractor fans.

This will be complemented by the ongoing support of the Council’s dedicated Energy Advice Service, set up in 2018. It provides advice and support for tenants on energy efficiency and heating their homes and has supported nearly 3,000 households, with financial savings for tenants totalling over £590,000 and carbon savings of 1,485 tonnes.

The Convener and Vice Convener of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work committee, Councillor Kate Campbell and Councillor Mandy Watt, have looked to tackle this challenge for the Council repairs service head on, listening to tenants’ concerns and taking more responsibility to make sure Council tenants live in homes that are clean, safe and warm.

 Convener, Councillor Kate Campbell, said: “I’ve heard the concerns raised by our tenants and recognise that there were issues with the process. Previously if damp wasn’t identified, but there was mould and condensation, tenants were often given a referral to the energy advice service, but too often work wasn’t undertaken to identify any underlying issues which could be causing mould, and mould was not removed as the first step. This report sets out how that process will change.

“The first step will be to remove any mould or damaged surfaces and reinstate them. We’ll then take a robust look at what the cause could be, whether that’s leaks, issues with doors or windows, insulation, heating systems or extractor fans not working. After we’ve carried out these steps, we’ll bring in energy advice to make sure tenants are heating their homes in a way that works for them and is as energy efficient as possible.

“The new process will be more transparent from start to finish and it will be made clear at the beginning what tenants can expect. The process is designed to make sure we are dealing with these issues in the short, medium and long term, and there are checks along the way as well as six weeks after the work is completed.

“Through this new plan and revised processes we’re taking more ownership, more responsibility and giving more support to our Council tenants to make sure they are living in homes that are safe, clean and warm and ones that they are proud to live in. The health and wellbeing of all Council tenants is paramount which is why we asked for this report. We need to be confident that we are getting it right for all tenants who are experiencing these types of issues with their homes.

“This will be complemented by the current capital investment programme and the work we’re starting to retrofit existing homes to high energy efficient standards. This demonstrates our intention to improve the quality of all of our Council homes and bring them up to modern standard of energy efficiency which in turn will help to keep homes better ventilated, warmer and cheaper to heat.

“Fuel poverty is a critical factor and this report outlines the measures in place to address this worrying situation for families.”

 Vice Convener, Councillor Mandy Watt, said: “I’m really pleased to see that we’ll be taking greater responsibility for fixing the problems of condensation, damp and mould that afflict some of the housing we own.

“By authorising our repairs team to tackle these issues head on, we’ve taken huge steps in the right direction. We’ll also be looking to invest in any structural improvements that are needed.

“As things progress, we’ll check with our tenants that what we’re doing works; and we’ll listen to their suggestions about any further measures we could take. The Covid-19 pandemic has created challenges for our repairs service team but we are all committed to getting this right for our tenants.”

Council tenants have suffered from living in damp housing in Edinburgh since long before coronavirus was ever an issue, of course – Ed.:

The Council says it is investing significantly in homes to make them easier and cheaper to heat.

In the last  six years, over half of Council homes have benefited from energy efficiency measures including new heating systems, insulation and new windows and front doors.

A Whole House Retrofit (WHR) programme is currently in development and will inform the long-term investment approach for existing homes from 2023 onwards. The WHR approach will prioritise advanced whole house retrofit measures, which will help to design out poor performance and future maintenance risks. Once completed, homes will be better insulated, ventilated and affordable to heat.

 The process for dampness, mould and condensation will be continually monitored to pick up any emerging issues, and a detailed review will be undertaken after a three-month period, to allow time for the process to be embedded and an assessment of its effectiveness can then be made.

 This will include a review of tenant satisfaction and constructive feedback received, together with further tenant engagement. This will complement an existing in-depth review of a sample of escalated complaints, which includes cases where dampness, mould and condensation issues have been present.


Muirhouse residents highlight council’s repairs failures

  • This afternoon Muirhouse Living Rent members will be highlighting Edinburgh council’s home repairs failures in chalk outside Pennywell Road shops before hand delivering their demands regarding the repairs process within Edinburgh Council properties to council buildings on West Pilton Gardens
  • This action comes after repeated instances of residents’ repairs’ needs being ignored, delayed or delivered to a poor standard and seeks to call Edinburgh council’s attention to the wider repairs system
  • Tenants demand that Edinburgh city council introduce measure to improve delays, satisfaction and communication regarding repairs

Today, from 1pm – 3.30pm, Living Rent members from Muirhouse will gather to protest the failure of Edinburgh City Council to provide an adequate standard of repairs to council properties in the area.

Members’ will write a wall of complaints in chalk complying with social distancing measures to bring the council’s attention to the significant delays, lack of communication, and poor quality repairs across these properties which have left many residents living with long-term mould, damp, drafts, and leaks.

Information received from a Freedom of Information request shows that despite there being less than 5,000 council properties in the North West locality of the city, to date there are 1,390 uncompleted repairs jobs.

Residents also learned that in the last year alone, the council received over 2,815 repairs complaints relating to heating systems and 1,472 relating to plumbing works with the average time taken for a repair to be completed being 35 days – this is despite a 2019 Edinburgh council report revealing that 90% of homes in Muirhouse required repairs [1].

Ongoing issues with severe damp, mould, and leaks in Muirhouse residents’ homes is contributing to respiratory health problems with one resident being told by her doctor that her mould-ridden property was no longer safe for her and her child to live in.

Edinburgh council advice to residents suffering with extreme mould and damp is to ventilate and heat the property, but owing to the structural insulation problems across many of the blocks, heating the properties sufficiently is a costly process.

Some families across the blocks estimate their winter heating costs to be as high as £50/week – adding to problems of fuel poverty in an area where one in three children live in poverty [2].

Amidst a global pandemic, accessing secure, safe and quality housing is more important than ever, and residents fear that the upcoming winter will exacerbate the consequences of unaddressed repairs issues.

Following the chalk wall of shame on Pennywell Road, tenants will proceed to march down to the West Pilton Gardens Council offices where they plan to deliver their letter of demands by hand.

These demands include:

– A new system by which tenants must sign-off on all repairs jobs prior to the council closing the case
– Tenants to be given ‘repairs process’ satisfaction forms after the completion of each repair
– Having a named council employee who works in the repairs department who is designated to be responsible for all repairs cases across Muirhouse
– Tenants to be given a deadline for any second repairs visits within 24 hours of the first visit by a tradesperson or council worker
– Tenants request Edinburgh council provide a reasonable timescale within which all repairs should be resolved

Muirhouse tenant and Living Rent member, Shafiq, said: “I have been waiting for over nine months for a leak repair. My home is permanently damp and causing respiratory problems during a pandemic – and I’m not even living in the worst flat in my building!”

Another Muirhouse-based Living Rent member highlighted that “this type of behaviour by Edinburgh council shows the need for an in depth review of their system which is clearly failing tenants in the middle of a pandemic, when access to warm, secure and quality housing is crucial to health”.





