Major research project measures COVID-19 antibody levels in people with cystic fibrosis

A Queen’s University Belfast research team is leading an international study on COVID-19 Antibody Response in Cystic Fibrosis (CAR-CF). 

The study is to be carried out by a team of researchers from the university’s Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine (WWIEM). It will measure COVID-19 antibody levels in thousands of people with cystic fibrosis across 17 European countries and is funded by a $1.5m grant from the CF Foundation (US) over a two-year period.  

The project will also run in Canada and the US, making the research the largest prospective study in cystic fibrosis (CF) to have been carried out to date. 

The coronavirus pandemic has been a worrying time, but it has been particularly stressful for people with long-term conditions such as CF.

CF is a chronic condition that damages the lungs and leaves patients vulnerable to chest infections. There is currently little information about how COVID-19 has impacted people living with CF, however, they may be at particular risk from this new respiratory virus and the various strains. 

Dr Damian Downey, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine from the WWIEM at Queen’s, and Director of the Northern Ireland Regional Adult CF Centre, who is leading the project, said: “Viral respiratory tract infections can be more severe in people with CF than the general population, with an increased risk of complications and a negative impact on lung function. 

“This new research project will explore infection and vaccination rates in those with CF and link to important clinical information over time. We can then understand how COVID-19 has impacted this vulnerable population, how long the antibodies last and the risk of future infections.” 

Dr Downey is the Director of the European CF Society Clinical Trials Network which involves 58 research centres in 17 countries. This network will oversee the project and the WWIEM at Queen’s University will be the central European laboratory that will analyse the research results.


Arts group seeks funds for project to highlight cystic fibrosis

HEY, I'M ALIVE! image

Creative Electric is a critically acclaimed, award-winning company who create contemporary performance based on real experiences. Often their work is interactive, sometimes its personal, at times its one to one.

Their work has been performed in both Scotland and Sweden, in theatres, studios, art galleries, nightclubs, on trains, in fields, city centre squares – and on rooftops! By creating work in non-traditional theatre spaces Creative Electric aim to engage with audiences who may not necessarily attend traditional arts venues.

Creative Electric are now trying to raise funds to support an exciting new project, as Director Heather Marshall explains:

“We are working with Arches Live to create HEY, I’M ALIVE! an immersive theatre experience that explores the impact that Cystic Fibrosis has on a young person and their family and friends. It’s a project that we’re really excited about as we feel that it raises awareness of the condition whilst also giving opportunities to emerging artists, including a young performer with CF.

“Because people with Cystic Fibrosis are not meant to socialise with one another (the risk of infection is too high) we are faced with the challenge of not being able to reach out to as many young people with CF as we would like. And so we’re hoping to live stream the production so that it can be shown to young people at home and in hospital. Jordan, our performer with CF feels that its important that other young people see that they’re not alone and hopes that HEY, I’M ALIVE! is a way to reach out to some of his peers throughout the UK and hopefully across the world.

“The costs of staging the production are mounting and so we’ve launched a crowd funding site to help pay for the live streaming, Jordan’s travel & support and childcare costs for one of our emerging artists who is also a young mum. We’ve attached further information about HEY, I’M ALIVE! in the hope that you may be able to support the project. This may be through a donation on our indiegogo page

or promoting the project via your social media -we’re using the hashtag #electricHIA.

“We’d love to be able to name you as one of our supporters and will make sure that you are mentioned in all press and marketing related to the production. If you require further information please contact me on


The HEY, I’M ALIVE! team


Heather Marshall

Director, Creative Electric
