ROOST bird box auction this afternoon

Get along to the Custom Lane in Leith’s Commercial Street this afternoon, snap up a beautiful bird box and support a brilliant local charity into the bargain!
ROOST project’s bird boxes will go under the hammer this afternoon with all proceeds going to support the work of North Edinburgh Arts. Fun starts at 12.30with the live public auction at 2pm.
Artist Lindsday Perth, who dreamed up the ROOST idea, said: “Finally we are here, the ROOST Birdhouse Auction. Preparations are underway, getting the birdhouses ready, working with the awesome venue, Custom Lane, to make this one happening event! .
“So this what is happening and when on Sunday May 7:
12:30pm – Silent Bid closes for birdhouses 0-50, winning bids announced @ 1pm
2pm – LIVE AUCTION starts for birdhouses 51 – 100.
Bids will start at £4 and increase £1. Cash and cheques accepted. I fully expect a full on brawl between bidders!
“There will be several cases of Paolozzi beer, juice, sunshine and all for a good cause. Monies are going to North Edinburgh Arts maker and crafts groups, several of which have recently lost funding. These groups are vital in supporting the community and drawing people towards place, identity, creativity and a feeling of civic pride.”
Go on … you know you want one!