Talking tagging in community shop

Steve Harte, Young People’s Service Manager attended the shop this week. Steve works a lot with the Police and Youth Offenders.

He brought with him electronic tagging system and shown residents how it worked.
Nearly 800 tags in Scotland are monitored 24/7 by G4S.

This is all part of Muirhouse Community Shop raising awareness of #StrongerNorth

Link to pictures here
Robert Pearson

Two face Court following Telford drug seizure

police on foot

Two people have been charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act after police recovered Class B drugs at a property on Telford Road on Thursday. Amphetamine with a street value of around £3,500 and a substantial quantity of cannabis were recovered by officers during the intelligence-led raid.

A 28-year-old man and 22-year-old woman have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal and will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in due course.

Inspector David Happs said: “Crucial intelligence and proactive policing has resulted in the removal of a significant quantity of drugs from the streets of Edinburgh. We will continue to use all the resources at our disposal to remove drugs from our communities.”

Anyone with information that can help police with their enquiries is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

#StrongerNorth: Action Update

Steady progress on tackling community concerns

StrongerNorthHow has the #StrongerNorth initiative been performing?The latest figures, compiled at the end of January, are very encouraging: 


           17 housing enforcement actions taken against residents in response to behaviour

Including  13 warnings, 1 Final Warning, 1 Notice to Quit, 1 Notice of Proceedings for Recovery of Possession, 1 ASBO under consideration.


·          7 Young people identified and targeted due to offending (Police, Council, Social work etc)

·         3 charged as adults, 2 in Children’s Hearing system and 2 in court system (last four all reducing offending)

·         4 young people subject to Movement Restriction Condition

·         4 young people placed in secure accommodation in last 12 months (2 twice)

·         Calls to Police have really reduced between October and December 2014 (209 to 119 calls)

·         Reduction in offences committed by the most problematic young people – including a significant drop by one prolific housebreaker.

Youth Work

           Positive engagement over a number of weeks with group working on bothy at Towford

           Conversation cafe with Positive Prison organised for 30 January.

Employment and Training

           Employment experience and training programme developed by Council, Urban Union and Edinburgh College. First group ready to benefit.

Pre-School and School

           Respect programme expanded to Craigroyston and Forthview Primary Schools

           Youth Engagement Programme at Crewe Road Fire station – participants selected from Craigroyston Community High School.

 Physical Improvements

           Community clean ups in backgreen at West Pilton Gardens/Crossway and roadside verge along Granton Mill well-attended.

West Pilton/West Granton Community Council

           Community payback team cut back bushes in West Pilton Park where motorbikes were being hidden.


           Regular daily tweets and 1,343 followers

           Over 230 Facebook likes.

Community activity

           Community survey planned to track community views about local action

           Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse #StrongerNorth campaign – Community Shop window display

           Weekly lunch time drop in sessions at Muirhouse Community Shop and Pilton Community Association flat – six week programme started 19 January

           Community feedback event 4 February.

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Counterfeit goods seized in North Edinburgh raid

Counterfeit tobacco and alcohol confiscated in joint raids

Police at Drylaw Shops

Over £4500 worth of contraband goods were seized and one man was arrested following raids on premises in North and Central Edinburgh yesterday.

Detectives and police officers from  the Search and Recovery Team worked with colleagues from Trading Standards, Imperial Tobacco, HMRC and Stirling Council in the operation.

The team carried out intelligence-led raids on on five shops – including one North Edinburgh convenience store – and recovered a ‘significant amount’ of counterfeit tobacco products and alcohol.

Illegal goods worth around £4500 were seized including around 70 litres of vodka and whisky valued at approximately £3000 and a large quantity of imported tobacco. A 29-year-old male was also arrested for an immigration offence.

DCI Stuart Houston, Edinburgh Division CID said: “Following intelligence, officers from Police Scotland, HMRC, Trading Standards, Imperial Tobacco and Stirling Council took part in a day of action targeting a number of commercial premises in Edinburgh.

“As a result, officers seized around £4500 worth of counterfeit goods and made one arrest in relation to an immigration offence.

“This follows a similar operation we led in December and we will continue to thoroughly investigate those who choose to ignore the law surrounding the sale of counterfeit goods.

“If anyone is aware of counterfeit goods being sold to the public then I ask them to contact police immediately on 101 or Crimestoppers.”

Has Leith armed robber struck again?

‘May be link’ to nearby petrol station robbery

police tape

Police are appealing for witnesses following an attempted armed robbery at a bookmakers in Ferry Road last night. The incident occurred at around 6.30pm at a Scotbet bookmakers.

The male suspect approached the counter with a handgun. He handed the member of staff a note, demanding they hand over money. The member of staff refused to hand over any money and the suspect ran out of the shop empty-handed.

The suspect is described as a white man in his mid 40’s, around 5ft 5″ with a slender build. He was wearing a black hat, which peaks at the top, waterproof black gloves, a khaki green jacket, dark jeans with faded patches and notable turn ups and brown ankle boots.

Police believe the incident may be linked to a previous armed robbery, which occurred at a petrol station on Ferry Road on Sunday 18 January. That robbery was successful, with a three-figure sum stolen.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “While this robbery was unsuccessful, this incident was very distressing for the member of staff and we are keen to trace the suspect as soon as possible.

“We also believe that this incident may be linked to a previous incident the happened at a petrol station last week, also on Ferry Road (see below). Any witnesses who may have seen the suspect, or who recognise the description of him, are asked to come forward.”


Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Witness appeal following Leith assault and robbery

police (4)

Police are appealing for witnesses following the assault and robbery of a 32-year-old man in North Junction Street.

The incident occurred last Saturday (24 January) at around 7.30pm. The man was walking home towards Ocean Terminal he was struck to the head from behind.

He was temporarily lost consciousness and awoke to find his property was scattered around him. He realised he had been attacked and sought help from a local shop, who called the Scottish Ambulance Service and he was later treated at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

Officers are especially keen to speak to any witnesses as the victim has very little memory of the attack.

Several items were taken from the victim, including his mobile phone and his black Nike jacket. He also suffered significant facial injuries, which may require further surgery.

Detective Constable Carole Sneddon said: “This was a vicious attack, which has left the victim with significant injuries.

“Due to the nature of the assault, the victim has very little knowledge of the incident, however it took place in a busy thoroughfare and several people may have seen the incident take place.

“We are eager to speak to anyone who may have information. Any witnesses can contact Police Scotland on 101 or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

BP petrol station robbery: do you recognise this man?


Police Scotland have released images of a male they wish to identify in connection with a recent armed robbery at the Leith end of Ferry Road.

The incident happened at 10pm on Sunday 18 January when a male threatened the lone member of staff at the BP petrol station on Ferry Road near Leith Library. He was armed with a handgun.

The man pictured is described as being white and aged between 35 and 45 years old. He has a slim build and a ginger/greying goatee and moustache. He was wearing a black hooded top, blue jeans, a brown three-quarter-length jacket and tab ankle boots. 

He was also possibly wearing a grey checked scarf and black gloves and carrying a brown leather bag.

Police are now looking to speak to the male, and anyone who recognises him is asked to contact police immediately.

Detective Constable Mark Seymour said: “We are keen to speak to this man. Despite extensive enquiries to find him, we have still to identify him. I am sure that someone knows who he is, and I would ask them to come forward to assist us. Similarly I would appeal to the male himself to get in touch with us.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101, or the charity Crimestoppers in complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Two face Court following Pennywell drugs haul


Two men have been arrested and charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act after police in North Edinburgh recovered a large quantity of Class C drugs.

As part of Operation Quarterlight, officers conducted a search of a vehicle in Pennywell Road at around 2pm yesterday (Friday). Around 30,000 diazepam tablets were recovered and two men aged 25 and 20 were detained.

A further 400 diazepam tablets, a half kilo of cannabis and a quantity of other suspected stolen items were later recovered following a search of two addresses by police. The recovered drugs are valued at over £35,000.

Both men are scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday (26 January).

Inspector David Happs said: “This was a significant recovery of potentially harmful drugs, which have been seized before they could cause harm to our communities.

“Operation Quarterlight action continues across Edinburgh and in addition to identifying those responsible for vehicle crime, this initiative will assist us in targeting criminals using their vehicles for committing other crimes, such as the transportation of illegal drugs.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling drug crime within our communities and will always act on information we receive from the public.

“Anyone wishing to report crimes of this nature in their local area can do so by calling on 101 or by making an anonymous report via the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Police seek smash and grab thieves

£18,000 Rolex taken in raid

pawnTwo thieves who smashed a pawn shop window to steal an £18,000 watch from its display are being sought by police.

The raid on Duncanson & Edwards pawnbrokers and jewellers, on the corner of Queen Street and Frederick Street, happened at 4.45pm on Monday afternoon.

Staff were inside the shop when the window was smashed but no-one was injured during the incident.

The stolen watch was a Rolex yacht master II 18ct, in white gold.

The two men, thought to be in their 20s, ran off in the direction of Queen Street Gardens West.

The first thief is described as white, of slim build and between 5ft 10ins and 6ft 2ins tall. He was wearing dark/navy cotton tracksuit bottoms, a dark waist-length jacket and a dark beanie hat with a white horizontal line/motif.

The second thief was white, of slim build, about 5ft 10ins to 6ft 2ins tall, with short dark hair, dark beard with thin dark eyebrows, brown eyes and a round face.

If you think you may have witnesses the robbery or have  any information call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



Operation Quarterlight: Police target car criminals

Police Scotland launches Operation Quarterlight in Edinburgh


Police Scotland has launched Operation Quarterlight, a national campaign to tackle car crime and vehicle theft. The campaign will be implemented throughout Scotland to identify and target those responsible for vehicle break-ins and thefts.

Since November last year more than 70 vehicles have been stolen every week. In addition, each week, more than 230 vehicles have either been broken into or had items stolen from them having been left insecure.

Officers will focus on the prevention of vehicle crime by engaging with partners, key stakeholders and members of the public. By changing habits, and working in partnership, vehicle crime can be prevented.

Assistant Chief Constable Campbell Thomson said: “Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe. Local policing is at the heart of all we do, and officers right across Scotland will be targeting criminals who commit car crime.

“Operation Quarterlight is about preventing vehicle crime, and targeting those responsible. I would say this directly to those intent on committing vehicle crime in Scotland – if you engage in such activity, we will use every resource at our disposal to trace you, arrest you and bring you to justice.”

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, Edinburgh Divisional Commander said: “Car crime is a blight on local communities and we won’t tolerate it. Officers in the capital will be targeting those responsible and today’s activities are evidence of our commitment to tackling local issues.

“I would appeal to the public to work with us. Don’t make your car a target for crime; remove all your valuables and don’t leave them in sight; always secure your vehicle, never leave it unattended or with the keys still in the ignition.

“Don’t leave your keys anywhere they can be easily stolen – leaving them by a house door or hallway is a gift to criminals. Take some simple steps to change your habits and together we can better prevent crime.”

Detective Superintendent Yvonne Scott, deputy for Operation Quarterlight said: “Vehicle crime is not a new phenomenon, the community has for years experienced this type of crime. It is important as police officers that we continue to recognise the impact it has on people’s perception and fear of crime.

“It is also important to recognise that organised crime groups often focus their activity around the theft of high value vehicles often involving housebreakings.

“It is crucial that all intelligence in relation to perpetrators of vehicle crime is submitted onto the Scottish Intelligence database in order that we can build up a better intelligence picture throughout Scotland.”

Car crime has become an increasing problem once again across North Edinburgh over recent months and residents and community organisations have welcomed news of the initiative. The local Quarterlight team is made up of Sergeant and four officers covering the Drylaw, Pilton and Muirhouse areas.

To report car crime or vehicle theft, contact Police Scotland on 101, or where a crime is ongoing, call 999.

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 if you have information regarding those involved in theft and vehicle crime.