Don’t fall for early pension cash scam

Have you reached an email or letter recently offering you the opportunity to make some quick cash by surrendering your pension plans early? In these cash-strapped times the offer of ready money may sound tempting, but the chances are the deal really is too good to be true.

A hard-hitting information campaign for consumers and pensions professionals has just been launched as part of an ongoing multi-agency crackdown on predators claiming to be able to release pensions cash as a loan or lump sum before the law allows.

According to The Pensions Regulator, the perpetrators often work alongside ‘introducers’ or ‘advisers’ who try to entice the public with spam text messages, cold calls or website promotions into transferring their existing workplace or private pension with the promise of being able to release a portion as cash before the age of 55.

People may be misled or not properly informed that tax charges and fees can erode their pension pot by more than half, leaving them with little to live on in retirement.
The remainder of their funds are likely to be invested in highly dubious and risky, unregulated investment structures, often based overseas.

The amount that has been ‘liberated’ from pension schemes in this way is known to be in the hundreds of millions of pounds, with thousands of members affected.
To combat this, The Pensions Regulator has worked with other agencies to produce information, carrying distinctive scorpion imagery, illustrating the threat to people’s pensions if they are taken in by such offers.

The new information includes:
A warning insert that administrators and pension providers will be asked to include in the information they provide to members who request a transfer of their pension.
A more detailed information leaflet for members looking to understand the consequences of these offers, which will be hosted on The Pensions Advisory Service website.
An action pack for pension professionals, including a checklist and examples of what to look out for.

Where administrators receive a transfer request and detect the warning signs of liberation, such as pension money being passed back to the member before age 55, they may wish to consider whether to make the transfer, and report their concerns to Action Fraud. The action pack includes more information to help them with this decision.

If you think you may have been a victim, or if you have information regarding pension liberation fraud, contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.


Police offer security advice to local businesses


Police in North Edinburgh are offering free crime prevention surveys to businesses in the area.

Officers from the Safer Neighbourhoods Team at Drylaw Police Station will be delivering letters to businesses and offering security surveys to highlight additional measures that can be taken to maximise security, following a spate of night-time break-ins which have occurred since Christmas.

Five men have been arrested and charged in relation to separate alleged break-ins in the last three weeks and additional police resources have been patrolling the area during the night to check premises. Despite this, thieves have continued to target businesses and on occasions returned to several premises that have broken into previously.

In an effort to raise awareness, the police have also alerted other night-time private security staff and council workers to encourage them to immediately report any suspicious or unusual activity when they are working in the area.

Inspector Mark Rennie of Drylaw Police Station said: “It’s really important that businesses review the robustness of the security measures they have in place and ensure all equipment is working. We hope that by offering free surveys and highlighting appropriate measures to take, businesses will do everything they can to make themselves a hard target.

“We’ve informed a lot of local people of the issue but worryingly we haven’t always had calls from residents when noises have been heard emanating from premises during the night. I’d like to encourage people to phone us immediately so that we get officers there quickly.”

Anyone with any information should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Thieves steal bikes worth £6,000 from local shop

Thieves have stolen bikes to the value of £6,000 from a local bike shop on Granton Road.

The thieves struck at 2.20am on Tuesday morning and locals reported hearing glass smashing before seeing two men cycle of on the bikes.

A Giant Trance X0 29er, worth around £3500 – one of only two in Scotland, and a Diamondback Sortie 3, worth around £2400 were taken in the 
robbery. The thieves also stole the money that was left in the till.

stolen giant bike

The owner of the shop, Neil Hope, has offered a reward on Facebook for the recovery of the bikes.

He said “The thieves stole the two most expensive bikes in the shop, there will be a reward for the recovery of the bikes or for information that leads to the thieves being caught.”

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses to the break-in and are asking anyone with information to contact them on 0131 311 3131.

Man in court following Ferryfield drug find

A man has been charged after a quantity of herbal cannabis and plants with a combined street value of more than £28,000 were discovered at a property off Ferry Road yesterday (January 31). More than £2000 in cash was also seized during a search of the flat in West Ferryfield.

The 37-year-old is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today (February 1).


Police seek masked knifeman following local robbery


Police are looking for help to trace a masked thief who made a knifepoint robbery at a shop in Pilton last night (Sunday). The incident happened at about 20:40 at the Day Today shop in Boswall Parkway.

A 23-year-old man was working behind the counter when the thief demanded money, jumped over the counter and stole a plastic box containing a three-figure sum of cash and international telephone cards worth £200.

The thief is white 20 to 30-years-old, between 5ft 2ins and 5ft 5ins tall and of stocky build. He was wearing a black hooded top with the hood up, light-coloured trousers, black Converse-style trainers with a black balaclava covering his face.

Constable Alistair McLeod, of Lothian and Borders Police, said: “This was a frightening experience for everyone within the store and we are conducting local enquiries to identify the suspect. A male matching his description was then seen within a garden in Pilton Avenue at about 21:00 before making off.

“We are now asking anyone who remembers seeing anything suspicious in either Boswall Parkway or Pilton Avenue on Sunday evening to contact police immediately. Similarly, anyone with any other information that can assist with our investigation is also urged to come forward.”

Last night’s incident follows another knifepoint robbery at St Mark’s Park last Friday.

Police appeal over Warriston knifepoint robbery


Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses following a knifepoint robbery near St Mark’s Park in Warriston this morning (Friday).

The incident happened at around 7.30am. A 42-year-old man was walking near the entrance of St Mark’s Park when a male on a red motor scooter and another male who was on foot approached him. The male who was on foot then presented a knife and both demanded the man hand over his possessions.

After the victim gave his phone, he fled from the suspects and contacted police. Detectives are now keen to speak with anyone who was in or around the park this morning and can assist with their enquiries.

The first suspect is described as having a slight build and wearing a motorcycle helmet and dark clothing.

The second suspect is described as white, around 18-years-old, 5ft 9ins tall with a slight build. He was wearing a dark hooded top with the hood up, light trousers and a white chequered bandanna covering most of his face.

Both men spoke with local accents.

Detective Constable Graham McIlwraith said: “At no time during this incident was the man assaulted with the knife. Nevertheless, it was a frightening ordeal and resulted in the theft of his phone. We are conducting local enquiries in the area and would urge anyone who remembers seeing the distinctive red Vespa-style scooter, or the suspects to come forward.

“The victim spoke with a man walking his two dogs just after the robbery and this individual may have witnessed the incident. He is asked to contact police immediately. Similarly, anyone who can help us trace those responsible is asked to come forward.”

Those with information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Male held after 73 year old mugged

Police have confirmed  a male has been arrested in connection with the mugging of a 73 year old woman in Drylaw thins morning. The incident happened near the entrance to Rowanfield School on Groathill Loan. Its believed the male pushed the woman over before running off with her handbag towards Telford Road.

The attack took place at Rowanfield School
The attack took place at Rowanfield School

Police used sniffer dogs to search for the suspect and its understood he was caught nearby on Groathill Road North.

Local Councillor Gavin Barrie said “This type of outrageous attack is unacceptable on any age of person but to mug a lady of this age is disgusting in the extreme, I look forward to hearing that the full weight of the legal system is brought to bear on them.’

The NEN understands the 73 year old victim is a dinner lady at the school.

From Glasgow’s mean streets to Muirhouse

Glasgow crime writer Alex Gray received a warm welcome when she visited Muirhouse Library as part of Scottish Book Week events last night. The award-winning author discussed her love of books, how she gets ideas for her stories and read extracts from her latest novel, A Pound of Flesh.

Alex has had a love of books and reading from her earliest years – as a child she was lucky enough to have had an older sister at secondary school, so she grew up with Greek myths and legends, Scheherazade and the Arabian Nights! The author also recalled one particularly prophetic primary school teacher who told Alex – who was then eight years old – she was convinced that she would become a writer when she grew up!

It was actually some years later that the teacher’s prophesy finally came true – Alex turned to writing when illness forced her to quit her job as an English teacher, and decided to write crime novels because she enjoyed reading them! She’s since gone on to write six best-selling novels.

The writer said that she has always been very interested in people and what motivates them, and that the initial inspiration behind her ideas is inquisitiveness and curiosity: wondering ‘what if …?’ Alex remains an enthusiastic member of a local writer’s group and offers advice to aspiring authors when dealing with publishers: ‘Three Ps – politeness, patience and perseverance.’

A Pound of Flesh will be published by Sphere Paperbacks on 6 December

Sharp fall in North Edinburgh crime figures

Recorded crime is falling in North Edinburgh. Statistics compiled for a community policing event held at Craigroyston High School last night show that overall crime in Forth has fallen by 10% over the first seven months of this year, while in Inverleith the figure is an impressive 31% – a reduction of almost one-third over the same period.

For the year to date in INVERLEITH Ward:

Housebreaking (homes) – down 42% (24 fewer houses broken into)

Housebreaking (businesses) – down 42% (10 less businesses broken into)

Robbery – down 86% (6 fewer victims)

Break-in to cars – down 46% (23 fewer cars)

Vandalism – down 55% (136 fewer victims)

Overall crime down 31%

In FORTH Ward:

Housebreaking (homes) – down 13% (8 fewer homes broken into)

Housebreaking (business) – down 58% (11 fewer businesses broken into)

Break-ins to cars – down 40% (32 lfewer cars)

Vandalism – down 27% (156 fewer victims)

Fire-raising – down 40% (17 fewer dangerous fires).

Overall crime down 10%

Commenting on the figures, Drylaw Police Inspector Mark Rennie said: “These are an excellent set of figures for the area for the first part of the year (April to October). To achieve such significant reductions in vandalism in both the Inverleith and Forth wards is really important – it means less damage, a better environment and an improvement in the behaviour of young people who predominantly commit this type of crime. Vandalism is a crime which always causes a great deal of concern locally, and it often provides a guide as to the overall amount of antisocial behaviour being experienced within communities”.

“To have 292 fewer crimes (156 Forth, 136 Inverleith) in a fairly short period is good news by any measure and gives an indication that the approach taken by the local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Council Community Safety Team produces results. What we have to do now is continue that focus to ensure we maintain the improvements made and seek further reductions.”

The Craigroyston event was one of a series to allow communities in Edinburgh to have their say on how local policing should be delivered in their area. Staffed by police, fire service and council officers the drop-in session gave local residents an opportunity to discuss safety issues and to suggest local priorities ahead of the introduction of the single Police Service of Scotland next April.

Chief Superintendent Malcolm Graham, Commander of the City of Edinburgh Division, said: “We know that the key to policing communities effectively is to listen to local people and then deliver in partnership with them. These consultations are crucial to how we plan and set objectives. I am very much looking forward to hearing the feedback.”

The aim of the consultations is to make the 2013/14 Police Plan more responsive to public opinion and requirements at a ward level, with meetings being held in each of the six different Council neighbourhood areas.

Councillor Michael Bridgman, newly appointed Convenor of the future city Emergency Services Committee, said: “These meetings are a great opportunity for local communities to share their views with the police and council as to what they see as their policing priorities for the future. We would like to hear about the issues that really matter when it comes to delivering a first class police service. I would urge people to come along to any of the planned meetings, have your say and make a real difference.”


Boy attacked by gang in Ferry Road Place

A twelve year old boy was attacked a gang of youths in West Pilton last night. The boy was walking in Ferry Road Place at around 7pm when he was approached by six or seven youths and assaulted. The boy managed to make it to a local shop and was taken to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, where he was treated for injuris to his face and body before being discharged.

The attackers are descibed only as being male, white and wearing hooded tops, but despite that general description police are hopeful that members of the public will come forward with information.

Safer Neighbourhood Team Sergeant David Happs said: “This was an unprovoked assault on a young boy and a terrifying experience for him. Fortunately he was able to flee his attackers and sought assistance at a nearby shop. We are conducting various lines of local enquiries to identify those responsible and will have a high-visibility police presence in the area to offer reassurance to the local community. Anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious in the area on Monday evening is asked to contact police immediately.”

Those with information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.