Covid Life: How’s It Been For You?

Hi folks

Hope everyone coping with the present situation – it looks like it is going to be a long haul. It would be good if we come out of this with lessons learned … citizens standing up for the NHS and Social Care and the vulnerable in our communities.

Edinburgh University’s Generation Scotland team and network are urgently researching the effect the Covid-19 situation – and the government’s policies regarding it – are having on the lives of people in the U.K, and, importantly, who is being affected.

It is a major survey of which interim results are already beginning to have an impact at national policy level in Scotland.

Its important that with all the work ongoing across NW Edinburgh and the issues we know local people are facing daily, that we feed into this.

It would be great if you would complete the survey through the link below and also share it around youre networks:


Covid nurse pens poignant poem

A Glasgow nurse has put pen to paper to capture the moment she helped a Covid-19 patient speak to their loved ones from their deathbed.

Sarah Pirie (30) from the south side of Glasgow has been a nurse for three years and is working on the frontline, treating Covid-19 patients at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

Sarah said: “It’s the first time I have been so intimately part of a patient’s last words. It was beautiful and heart-warming but also overwhelming. I wrote the poem at the end of this difficult shift during which there had been many tears.

“In our teams we’re getting great support from each other in this very difficult time, but as well as being nurses, we are human beings and we have good days and bad. The poem was just my way of dealing with one of those difficult days.”

Sarah shared her poem with her mum and sister who then urged her to share it more widely.

Sarah then shared in to her Facebook and has been overwhelmed with the result.

She said: “I have been contacted by people as far away as the States and Singapore. I think it’s just struck a chord with people and maybe helped too.

“I hope families take comfort knowing that even if they can’t be there, we are trying to do everything possible to help them stay connected to their families.”

The poem comes at a poignant time, as Tuesday is the International Day of the Nurse, which marks the important role that nurses are playing to support patients at this particularly challenging time.

Tonight I held you,
As I fought back the tears.
And grieved for your family,
That have loved you for years.
You became unwell,
There was nothing to do,
We watched through the window,
And increased your O2.
I called your family,
To see if anyone could attend.
Your family needed to know,
That this was the end.
But this virus is terrifying,
And people are shielding,
How can they be there,
When Covid is so unyielding.
I held your hand,
I wiped your face,
My gloved hand on skin,
As your breathing slows pace.
You’d still smile behind your mask,
And I’d try smile back.
To comfort and reassure you,
Is now my one and only task.
Your family called,
To say their goodbyes,
We stood with the phone,
And listened to their cries.
With tears rolling down our faces,
Into the masks we all wear.
We really wanted to help them,
And show them we care.
We woke you up,
So you could hear their voice.
We described your actions.
We had no other choice.
Their words filled with sorrow,
Their hearts played bare.
They wanted the time,
To show you, they care.
You looked peaceful,
And smiled at their call,
I hope it brought you comfort,
Standing there took my all.
We deal with death,
But not like this,
No family allowed,
To give you one last kiss.
But the next family will need us,
We will need to do the same.
But I hope I gave you good care.
And I will always remember your name.

First Minister to feature in Radio Forth COVID 19 special tomorrow

In a first for Scottish radio, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is to set to appear in a one-hour special on COVID 19 on Forth 1 and Forth 2 and across the whole Hits Radio Network and Greatest Hits Network in Scotland tomorrow.

The First Minister will be joining Ewen Cameron from 9am to 10am to answer questions from listeners and to respond to their most pressing issues and concerns about COVID 19 as well as providing the latest updates on the Scottish Government’s response.

The ‘Scotland Cares’ campaign will also be under discussion as the First Minister highlights the initiative which was launched this week to encourage people to volunteer to help their communities, public services and voluntary organisations during the pandemic.

Ewen Cameron, host of the interview and presenter of ‘Ewen Cameron in the Morning’ said: “This is an extremely challenging time for everyone and we’re grateful that the First Minister is taking the time to directly respond to questions from our listeners across Scotland.

“We know that people have many different concerns so this is an opportunity to hear from Nicola Sturgeon on the issues that matter to them and we would urge our listeners to send in their questions.”

Graham Bryce, Group Managing Director, said: “These are unprecedented times and in a first for Scottish radio we are bringing all 14 of our stations together for the special Q&A with the First Minister.

“Latest figures show that our stations reach 1.6 million people per week across all age groups and this is the ideal opportunity for them to hear more detailed information from the First Minister and for her to respond directly to their questions.”

To submit a question please visit the website: or

Submissions close at noon today (Thursday 2nd April 2020).