Volunteers wanted – come along to the information afternoon at CCC Hub, 191 St John’s Road, on Saturday 22nd January 1 -3 pm to find out more.
Stay and play Halloween
Mummies and daddies – are you brave enough to stay and play?
Dooking, dressing up, and doodling – book your ticket now!
Email youthwork@ccchub.online
Wanna work with a professional animator? And a professional chef? Get creative on all fronts!
From 4pm – 7pm on Monday 18th October at the Hub 191 St Johns Road we are cooking up a storm and creating a cracker!
Email Fiona on development@ccchub.online to grab your free space- open to family groups
Book your free space now!
Corstorphine Community Centre Youth team are recruiting.
Have you got what it takes?
Email: youthwork@ccchub.online to request an application pack!
Our most up-to-date programme!
All groups require advance registration, see ‘contacts’ in the post to make an enquiry.
We will be happy to hear from you!
Youth Group is back! Starting today – Thursday 4th February.
Please contact Fiona for the joining details: youthwork@ccchub.online
Also started this week:
We are seeking a few new volunteers to help with our new ‘Digital Inclusion Project’
If you think you have the skills to help others with mobile phones and tablet computers and apps for communication, information and leisure please email corstorphinehubdevelopment@gmail.com for a role description and application form.
Thank you!
Best wishes to all teachers and young people heading back to school this week!
We wonder if you are able to share the following with young people S1 – S6 about Corstorphine Community Centre’s Parklife Project, Thursdays 6 – 8 through August.