Communities matter to democracy, says SCDC

Scottish Community Development Centre has responded to the Scottish Government’s Democracy Matters consultation:

Our response to the Scottish Government Democracy Matters consultation is based on conversations we have had with people in communities and also on learning from our diverse range of work across Scotland. Continue reading Communities matter to democracy, says SCDC

Five thousand citizens have their say in city council consultation

More than 5,000 people put forward their views in a major public consultation aimed at shaping how Scotland’s Capital looks, feels and functions for generations to come. Continue reading Five thousand citizens have their say in city council consultation

Re-engagement: Granton Waterfront


Edinburgh council has launched a robust 3 stage consultation exercises in relation to Granton Waterfront regeneration master plan. It sounds like this will be an inclusive and sustainable approach to development and it’s a ‘Re-Engaging’ process.

There will be three stages to the consultation as the vision for Granton Waterfront develops. Please find details about stage 1 event this week.  

STAGE 1: Granton Waterfront – First consultation

Date: 8 November 2018, 2pm – 7pm

Venue: Madelvic House, 33 Granton Park Ave, Edinburgh EH5 1HS
Come along for a hot drink and a biscuit, meet the team, and share your experiences and ideas with us. This is an opportunity for you to help shape the future of Granton. All are welcome!

STAGE 2; 14 January 2019: Community event

STAGE 3: March 2019: Community event

Online questionnaire:

The online consultation opened on 02 Nov 2018 which will be closed on 22 Nov 2018.

Please find the link of the survey:

To download useful documents; waterfront strategy paper, consultation brief, please visit our page:

For further information, please contact:

We at Granton & District Community Council positively support any kind of approach which will lead towards Sustainable Development of the whole waterfront community as long as voice of the local people will be at the core.

It is also essential to make any economic benefit by preserving local nature and environment for the future generation.

Please take part in the process and make Granton waterfront a great place to live/visit.

Kind regards

Mizan Rahman

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 

E-mail: | Tel: 07930 183352 |

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Waterfront Consultation: put people at heart of Masterplan

YOU YOU can almost hear the groans of disbelief that yet another master-planning exercise has been announced for the Waterfront of north Edinburgh (writes ROSS McEWAN). Continue reading Waterfront Consultation: put people at heart of Masterplan

Waterfront regeneration: consultation event this Thursday

Do you live near Granton Waterfront? Come along and share your ideas on the regeneration of the area this Thursday (8 November) from 2pm – 7pm at Madelvic House, 33 Granton Park Avenue.

If you can’t make it you can give your views online – Continue reading Waterfront regeneration: consultation event this Thursday