Create Community Wealth: The Movie!

Were you involved in the Create Community Wealth project?

If you were part of the Create Community Wealth project in any way, we kindly invite you to join us at the Cameo Cinema on Saturday 29 March at 12.15pm. The documentary film tells the story of this ambitious and rewarding project through the experiences of participants and staff alike.

Friends and family are welcome. We’d love for you to let us know if you’re planning to attend but you’re welcome to turn up on the day. However, if you’re bringing a large group, please let us know by emailing

Entry at 12.15pm. The film starts at 12.30pm sharp. Social gathering in the Cameo Bar afterwards depending on availability.

If you have any additional needs or disabilities, please let us know so we can properly prepare the venue.

New major partnership will boost community wealth in East Lothian

Queen Margaret University (QMU) is joining forces with East Lothian Council and other key organisations across the country to support the authority’s efforts to increase community wealth in the region.

The University has become one of the first signatories of the council’s East Lothian Community Wealth Building Charter. The Charter, a formal partnership between East Lothian Council, QMU and other key stakeholders across the region, is part of the Scottish Government’s Community Wealth Building (CWB) approach to harness the economic and social leverage of influential anchor institutions  across the country.

By working across multiple organisations, East Lothian Council aims to harness the collective power which exists in East Lothian to create more job opportunities, increase business growth, improve wellbeing and deliver substantial economic benefits.

QMU is already embedding the concept of CWB through a significant new partnership with Bright Red Triangle, the enterprise hub at Edinburgh Napier University, in a move which will improve and extend the level of entrepreneurial support available to university, college and wider communities.

The QMU Start Up Studio will accommodate both Bright Red Triangle and East Lothian Council’s Business Gateway services on its campus in Musselburgh, presenting a significant opportunity in raising the profile of East Lothian as a place which supports and accommodates start-ups businesses and spin-out companies.

The Council and Queen Margaret University believe that CWB principles can also positively shape and drive academic engagement with the Edinburgh Innovation Hub – a joint venture between East Lothian Council and QMU and funded by the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal.

The new Hub, which is on track for completion in 2025, will be made up of flexible laboratory, office and fully equipped meeting and conference spaces for rent and will be a major asset to the local communities, as well as further afield.

The University has an important presence in the county through a combination of being a largescale employer, generator of entrepreneurial thinking and innovation, purchaser of goods and services, and controller of large areas of land and fixed assets in the locality.

Kim Stuart, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange Development at QMU, said: “Queen Margaret University is totally committed to partnership working which delivers economic and societal benefits and the CWB approach aligns closely with many of QMU’s existing strategic objectives relating to social justice, wellbeing, sustainability, and more resilient local and regional economies.

“This new partnership presents a perfect opportunity for QMU to assist in enhancing the collective benefits which can be created within East Lothian. We hope that this relationship will help foster responsible entrepreneurship and develop solutions that have an impact on society, as a whole. We look forward to working with the Council and other organisations to create a strong and inclusive local economy.”

Councillor John McMillan, East Lothian Council’s Cabinet Spokesperson for Economic Development said: “We are delighted to be working with Queen Margaret University as a signatory of the East Lothian Community Wealth Building Charter.

“Their plans to embed it strategically within the university recognises the importance of this approach and offers a model for other organisations to follow to deliver maximum impact.

“Community Wealth Building aims to redirect wealth back into the local economy to benefit local people. As an authority we’re embracing the opportunities this offers to deliver a fairer and more prosperous East Lothian in line with our key council priorities.

“Our Charter brings together organisations who are committed to this approach and who will work together to create a strong and resilient local economy which benefits everyone.”

Councillor John McMillan concluded: “Community Wealth Building is a cornerstone of the East Lothian Local Economy Strategy.

“Its adoption by Queen Margaret University builds upon our strong partnership and, in particular, the links that exist with our Economic Development service to support entrepreneurial activity, business start-ups and growth.”

Building Community Wealth in North Edinburgh



For further information email:

Community Wealth Building: Scottish Government launches consultation

Views are being sought on ground-breaking proposals to help grow local economies and ensure more money stays in the hands of communities.

The Scottish Government is consulting the public on plans for new Community Wealth Building legislation – the first of its kind in the world – as part of its wider strategy to transform Scotland’s economy.

The consultation, which launched yesterday, will run for 12 weeks and seeks community, business and wider feedback on proposals to:

  • place a legal duty on public bodies such as health authorities and local councils to use the economic levers they have – for example in sourcing goods and services – to support the transformation of local and regional economies
  • promote co-operative, social enterprise and employee-owned businesses to ensure that more wealth which is generated locally stays local
  • create fair work opportunities for local people and those who face barriers to employment
  • ensure land and property are used for the benefit of local communities, business and the environment

Community Wealth Minister Tom Arthur launched the consultation at the Red Lion Inn in Culross, Fife, a community-owned pub and key local employer which aims to reinvest its profits back into the community.

Mr Arthur said: “We want to create an economy which delivers prosperity for all of Scotland’s people and places. Community Wealth Building is about enabling people to have a stake in the wealth that their local economy generates. This is central to our plans to reform Scotland’s economy for the wellbeing of current and future generations.

“While Community Wealth Building has grown in popularity in recent years, legislation has the potential to achieve more rapid benefits for communities, helping both people to earn incomes from fair work and more locally-owned businesses to bid for public sector contracts. Money spent locally is more likely to stay in the local economy and support local jobs.

“This public consultation will inform a Community Wealth Building Bill, which we will introduce to Parliament, to achieve these aims.

“I look forward to hearing a wide range of views on how we can use this process to transform our local economies to become greener, fairer and more prosperous.” 

Fife is one of five pilot areas supported to develop Community Wealth Building action plans.

Fife Council Leader Cllr David Ross said: “We are committed to creating a fairer Fife where we grow the local economy and everyone benefits from the wealth generated within our communities.

“That’s what community wealth building is about.  In Fife, in conjunction with local partners, we are already forging ahead with ground-breaking changes to embed community wealth building so that local people, communities and businesses benefit now and into the future.   

“The pilot programme in Fife has seen us implementing progressive procurement practices that are helping local businesses to bid for public sector contracts, making sure more local people receive the living wage and rolling out innovative training and recruitment programmes to ensure people have access to quality local jobs. Our key partners are all signed up to a charter to deliver change.

“Whilst we have seen this significant progress locally, reform of legislation would provide powers for greater change, and we welcome the opportunity to help shape a future Community Wealth Building Bill.” 

Anyone who wishes to have their say on Community Wealth Building legislation can do so here:

Community Wealth Building: Zoom event

Dear Colleagues

Please find attached a zoom invitation to a meeting looking at Community Wealth Building.

The meeting will be hosted by Lesley Hinds, Chair of North Edinburgh Arts, with guest speaker Councillor Joe Cullinane, Leader of North Ayrshire Council. Please find attached a link to North Ayrshire’s Community Wealth Building strategy for information prior to the discussion.

I this is of interest, and that you will be able to join the discussion on the 22nd. No registration is needed, simply use the link in the attachment, however it would be useful if you can reply to me in advance if you are going to attend to give me an idea of numbers.

Yours sincerely

Kate Wimpress / Director

North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court, EH4 4TZ        

NEA North Edinburgh Arts is inviting you to a Community Wealth Building meeting, by Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 100 4253