Crimestoppers Scotland receives record number of calls

Over the past year (1st April 2020-31st March 2021) independent charity Crimestoppers Scotland and their youth programme Fearless received a record 16,500 calls and contacts from the Scottish public.

This increase sees the most disseminations to Police Scotland and Law Enforcement ever – representing a 10% increase in crime information compared to 19/20 and a 65% increase over five years.

Responding to school and youth service closures, Fearless delivered 12 Scotland-wide campaigns focused on empowering young people with key information about high harm crimes.

Over 58,000 young people from all across Scotland visited the charity’s youth website and reported crime – 100% anonymously – more than ever before. 

Information from the public also achieved:

  • 549 Criminals arrested and charged (thanks to Police Scotland & Law Enforcement)
  • Three people were arrested and charged with murder/unlawful killings.
  • ‘Street’ Value of drugs recovered £1,479,599. Nearly ONE AND A HALF MILLION.
  • Six Wanted Persons and Fugitives were arrested and charged.
  • 27 disqualified and uninsured drivers were arrested and charged.
  • Five arrested for possession of a firearm and five firearms recovered.

Angela Parker, National Manager for Crimestoppers Scotland, said: ‘The past year has been unprecedented and very challenging, but people across Scotland came forward and trusted us with their information.

“From drug dealing to child harm and neglect, we heard from thousands of people concerned about crime in communities. We are so encouraged and grateful for the people who contacted our charity – thanks to the Scottish public, life is better for many and communities are safer.” 

 Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie (Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing) said: “We want the public to know they can trust us when they come to us with information, we take their reports seriously and carry out thorough investigations into incidents or crimes that may be reported. 

“We also understand though that speaking to the police in person about certain situations can be daunting for some. In that respect, Crimestoppers is an essential partner for Police Scotland, enabling people to submit information anonymously and allowing that information to be shared with us quickly.

“We’re also grateful to Fearless for its ongoing survey giving young people a chance to speak about what they think about crime and how safe they feel in their communities. Their input will help shape our approach and interactions with young people for the future.’’

Ash Denham MSP, Minister for Community Safety said: “The Scottish Government is committed to tackling crime in Scotland by working across the country with partners, such as Crimestoppers, to help communities remain safe and resilient where people can live their lives safe from crime and harm.

“By picking up the phone and contacting Crimestoppers you can help to prevent, detect and solve crime. The number of reports to Crimestoppers has reached a record high in the past 12 months.

“This has been of particular importance and value during these challenging times and I would like to thank them sincerely for the part they play in helping keep people in Scotland safe.”

Vaccine certification scheme comes into effect today

Proof of status now needed at higher risk venues

The Coronavirus vaccine certification scheme comes into effect today in Scotland meaning people will have to show proof  of their vaccination status to  enter some events and higher risk venues.

People attending a range of  late night venues and larger  indoor and outdoor live events, such as music festivals or large sporting events, will be required to show staff their Covid status. This can be done via the NHS Scotland Covid Status App released yesterday on their mobile device or using the paper certificate.

Following consultation with businesses affected a grace period has been agreed until Monday October 18th before the scheme is legally enforced. The legal requirement for businesses to keep information about certification status confidential and not use it for other purposes comes into effect today.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:  “We know from expert public health analysis that we must do all we can to stem the rise in cases and reduce the pressure on the NHS.

“Vaccine certificates have a role to play as part of a wider package of measures. They add a further layer of protection in certain higher risk settings.

“This is a very limited scheme and we hope this will allow businesses to remain open and prevent any further restrictions as we head into autumn and winter.

“I would encourage people to to download the NHS Scotland Covid Status App and help our drive to keep the virus under control.

“Scotland is not unique in introducing such an approach. Certification schemes are in place across Europe, including Ireland and France, and the Welsh Government is also planning similar measures.

“I also want to ensure that as many people get vaccinated as possible and particularly to increase uptake in the younger age cohort, so anything that helps to incentivise that is helpful.”

The Scottish Government will continue to work with the sectors affected and updated guidance has been published to help ensure the smooth introduction of the scheme.

People in Scotland can download the NHS Scotland Covid Status App via their mobile device. A  paper certificate or the downloadable PDF is also available from NHS Inform. 

The Regulations which came into force at 5am today and must be reviewed every three weeks as part of the wider review of Coronavirus Regulations.

There are currently no plans to introduce certification for the wider hospitality industry but this will be kept under review over the autumn and winter months.

Exemptions to the scheme include under 18s, participants in vaccine trials, as well as people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and people working or performing in the venues.

Officials are currently working with other UK jurisdictions to help ensure people vaccinated outside Scotland can still enter the venues affected with proof of their vaccine status.

The NHS Scotland Covid Status App is available for download from NHS Inform: 

NHS Scotland COVID Status | NHS inform

Businesses can use the free NHS Scotland Covid Check App to verify the QR codes on official Covid Certificates:

Consultation: modernising our fire and rescue services

The future role of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) as it adapts to meet new challenges is at the heart of a new consultation.

The overriding purpose of SFRS will remain the protection of communities, preventing fires and reducing their impact on society while maintaining the safety and mental wellbeing of staff.

However, the consultation will ask the public about the increasing impact of climate change and the need for SFRS to take account of greater risks from flooding and wildfires.

The importance of SFRS making a full contribution to the Scottish Government’s Net Zero emissions targets will also be highlighted at a time when Glasgow is preparing to host the COP26 environment conference in November.

Supporting the modernisation of SFRS and investing to allow it to expand its community safety and prevention work is a key commitment in the Programme for Government.

Other key issues in the consultation on an updated Fire and Rescue Framework for Scotland include:

  • use of new technology and modernisation of facilities and equipment
  • effective use of resources
  • keeping rural communities safe

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham said: “Throughout the pandemic SFRS has been at the forefront of our response in meeting the needs of local communities in any way they are able to, from delivering prescriptions and food to using rural fire stations as Covid testing sites.

“In addition to the challenges which Covid recovery brings, Scotland is also facing significant changes as a result of EU exit, climate change, population changes and the expectations the public holds for all public services.

“All organisations need to adapt to these new demands and this framework will pave the way for further evolution, just as the challenges faced by SFRS continue to evolve.

“While the challenges Scotland faces are ever more complex, they also serve to foster opportunities for dynamic public sector organisations like SFRS to flourish and we encourage everyone who has an interest in this important consultation to have their say.”

Take part in the consultation.

Crime: Justice Secretary hails ‘very positive trends’

Crimes in four key areas down in the past year

Recorded crime remains at one of the lowest levels in nearly 50 years, according to the latest annual statistics.

Official figures show that the total number of crimes recorded by Police Scotland in the past year was 246,511 – one of the lowest levels of recorded crime since 1974.

Overall, that figure is down by five crimes from the previous year. However, taking into account the 20,976 crimes recorded under Coronavirus related legislation, compared to just 107 towards the end of 2019-20, other crime categories have collectively decreased by 8% in the past year.

Between 2019-20 and 2020-21 recorded crime fell in four key areas:

  • non-sexual crimes of violence decreased by 4%, from 9,316 to 8,972. This includes the recording of 1,641 crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 in 2020-21, the second year this legislation has been in place
  • sexual crimes decreased by 2% from 13,364 to 13,131
  • crimes of dishonesty decreased by 19%, from 111,409 to 89,731, the lowest level since 1971
  • fire-raising and vandalism decreased by 10% from 47,731 to 42,964. The recording of these crimes is at the lowest level seen since 1975

The National Statistics Recorded Crime in Scotland 2020-21 bulletin – which includes a new chapter on cyber-crime – estimated that 14,130 cyber-crimes were recorded by the police in Scotland in 2020-21, almost double the 2019-20 figure.

Part of this increase may be due to the significant impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, including behavioural changes such as increased online shopping.

Justice Secretary Keith Brown said: “By all main measures crime, including violent crime, is now considerably lower than it was a decade ago, with fewer victims. These statistics show how crime in areas like vandalism and dishonesty – the sorts of crime that affects peoples’ everyday lives – has fallen, with levels not seen since the 1970s.

“There is still work to be done as the figures on cybercrime show – which is why we have this year published a prevention, awareness and enforcement strategy to make Scotland an inhospitable place for scammers.

“And while COVID-19 has no doubt had an impact on the figures, recorded crime was on a downward trend beforehand and through the measures we recently announced out in our Programme for Government – we will continue to make Scotland a safe place to live.

“It sets out how we intend to transform the way in which justice services are delivered, moving away from the use of custody for those who don’t pose a risk of serious harm, while protecting the police resource budget in real terms for the entirety of the Parliament.

“Overall, these very positive trends are testimony not just to the hard work of Police Scotland but to the vital support the Scottish Government has put in place to enable officers to do their jobs effectively.”

Read the full statistical release.

Herbert Protocol goes nationwide

Police Scotland is encouraging the friends and family of people living with dementia to sign up to the Herbert Protocol.

On Tuesday – International Alzheimer’s Day – Police Scotland adopted a single national process to help officers quickly obtain information about a vulnerable missing person who has dementia, saving vital time in the early stages of an investigation.

The national implementation of the Herbert Protocol has been developed in partnership with Police Scotland, Health and Social Care Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland and the Scottish Government.

Carers or family members can download the Herbert Protocol form from the Police Scotland website, or request a copy from local Health & Social Care Partnership staff, or other agencies, including Alzheimer Scotland.

The form is completed in advance and generally kept in the person’s home or with relatives. It holds personal details, a description, a recent photograph, languages spoken, as well as previous addresses, places of employment and other significant locations in someone’s life. This can include their old school, a church, or a favourite walking route, plus their medical history and information about past incidents of going missing.

While the Herbert Protocol is in use in a number of Scottish policing divisions, a single form is now available nationwide to optimise the police response to locate the person and return them home, safe and well, as quickly as possible.

The Herbert Protocol form can be used together with Alzheimer Scotland Purple Alert, a free app designed to help finding missing people with dementia. If someone is missing, users will get notified via the app and can help with local searches. 

Assistant Chief Constable Gary Ritchie (Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing) said: “When a person goes missing, the first hour is vitally important. Previously, we would have spent a significant amount of time gathering information from family, friends or carers, but being able to give officers a completed Herbert Protocol form saves valuable minutes and hours.

“We hope that families who choose to complete a form will never have to use them. But if they do, having that completed form to hand gives relatives or carers peace of mind that they’re providing the police with detailed, relevant information to enable us to send officers to places where your loved one may be.

“We are completely committed to protecting vulnerable people from harm and having the Herbert Protocol in place Scotland-wide is a significant step towards keeping people safe.

Morag Francis is a carer for her mum, who has a dementia diagnosis. Her family has already completed a Herbert Protocol form.

Morag explained: “We did it as a little project with Mum, because it was about her life, so it turned into a bit of a reminiscence session, so we could pinpoint areas that were still important to her.

“We could guess most of them because she did talk a lot about the past, but we wanted to make sure we’d thought of all the areas she might turn up at because that’s where she remembered.

“To me it’s my insurance document, because I appreciate if we couldn’t find her the levels of stress would be incredible and we wouldn’t really be able to think straight.

“Everyone in the family who’s on the form as a contact has the Herbert Protocol saved in their emails, so if something did happen we would have very quick and easy access to it on our phones and we could email it to whoever needed it.

“Having that ready to go is very reassuring to me as her daughter. It’s really important to have it there, just in case.”

Alzheimer Scotland Deputy Director Joyce Gray said: “Alzheimer Scotland is fully committed to our partnership with Police Scotland, and delighted to endorse any opportunities to support families to use the Herbert Protocol. 

“The Herbert Protocol and Purple Alert will help us to make people living with dementia safer in Scotland.  We are proud of the partnership and in these world leading initiatives which help support our communities.”

Kevin Stewart, Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, said: “Having a loved one with dementia go missing is a very stressful time for families, friends and carers and the priority is to find the person safe and well and as quickly as possible.

“The Herbert Protocol is a straight-forward way for families and carers to provide all the necessary information easily and efficiently in one form which will save vital time in missing person enquiries.

“I welcome the national roll-out of this partnership which is being taken forward by Police Scotland, Health and Social Care Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland, Scottish Care and the Scottish Government.”

Judith Proctor, chair of the Chief Officers’ Group, Health and Social Care Scotland, said: “We are delighted to be a key partner supporting the national roll out of the Herbert Protocol.

“Care professionals across health and social care partnerships in Scotland will be encouraging and supporting family and friends of people at risk of going missing to complete and hold onto this simple form. It’s another proactive way we can all work together in our communities, helping to keep people safe.”

L to R: ACC Gary Ritchie, Ch Supt Linda Jones, Tommy Petillo (Alzheimer Scotland), Supt Norrie Conway, Karen Thom (Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership)

Week-long Drug Drive Campaign sees 42 drivers arrested

More than 100 roadside drug screening tests were conducted during a Drug Driving Campaign carried out by Police Scotland.

The campaign ran from August 23 to 29 when officers conducted a total of 109 roadside drug screening tests across Scotland, resulting in 42 drivers being arrested for providing a positive test. Blood samples were subsequently obtained from those arrested and sent for further analysis.

Officers from Greater Glasgow Road Policing, who deployed in support of the campaign observed a man driving using his mobile phone. When stopped he admitted to having consumed cannabis and the subsequent roadside drug test was positive for cannabis and cocaine. Following his arrest, a blood sample was obtained and submitted for analysis.

Superintendent Simon Bradshaw said: “Despite roadside drug testing being in place for almost two years and our continued efforts to raise awareness of the dangers associated with taking drugs and driving, our officers continue to detect drug driving offences far too regularly.

“Driving after taking drugs can have serious or even fatal consequences, impacting not only the driver but all those involved including family and friends.

“Police Scotland are committed to taking action against those who selfishly put others at risk by driving after consuming alcohol or taking drugs. I would encourage people to report drink or drug drivers or concerning behaviour to us, officers will act on this information to stop offenders before they injure or kill themselves or someone else.”

New fund to support survivors of gender-based violence

More than 120 projects across Scotland will share £38 million to support survivors of gender-based violence and focus on prevention.

The Delivering Equally Safe Fund (DES) is a new two-year funding programme to support third sector organisations and public bodies contribute to the objectives, priorities, and outcomes of the Equally Safe strategy.

The Fund includes more than £28 million for frontline services which provide direct support to women and girls, prioritising services that maximise their safety and wellbeing.

The two-year fund has also been increased by an additional £1 million per year to support projects which focus on early intervention and preventative measures.

Funding will be distributed to 121 projects, including Respect, which provides helpline services for perpetrators of domestic abuse, Kingdom Abuse Survivors project and Moray Women’s Aid.

Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie said: “Violence against women and girls is appalling and unacceptable which is why we are funding organisations that are tackling the issue head on, including frontline services that support survivors and get to the root of abusive behaviour.

“These organisations are offering new and innovative ways to aid recovery, encourage education, and increase prevention awareness.

“I am also pleased that we have been able to increase our funding by more than £1 million a year more than our original fund to increase our support to these important initiatives.

“I look forward to seeing the  results of the important the work that Equally Safe Fund will deliver.”

Melanie Wood, from Moray Women’s Aid said: “We are delighted to receive funding through the Delivering Equally Safe fund. It will allow us to continue to deliver essential services to vulnerable women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse when they most needed it. 

“The funding will support the work of our Community Outreach Project and the Children and Young Person’s Service.”

Fire and Rescue Service issues urgent water safety warning

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is urging people to stay safe in and around water this summer. The reminder has been issued following the deaths of six people in Scotland’s waterways between Friday, July 23 and Saturday, July 24. 

This included the recovery of a 16-year-old from the water at Balloch Country Park on Friday, July 23, an 11-year-old from the Alexander Hamilton Memorial Park in Stonehouse on Saturday, July 24, and a 13-year-old from water at Hazelbank, near Lanark on Sunday, July 25.

On Saturday, July 24, a further three people lost their lives in water near Pulpit Rock, Ardlui. They were a 41-year-old man, 29-year-old woman and a nine year old boy, while a seven year old boy remains in hospital in intensive care.

Alasdair Perry is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Deputy Assistant Chief Officer and Head of Prevention and Protection.

DACO Perry said: “I would like to offer my sincere condolences and those of everyone at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to those affected by this weekend’s tragic events. 

“They are a very sad reminder that Scotland’s waterways can be dangerous, and we are asking everyone to take care and heed all available advice.”

Many people have chosen to visit lochs, rivers, and reservoirs due to the warm weather.

However, despite high temperatures, the water can still be extremely cold and people can get into difficulty due to cold water shock. This can interrupt breathing, cause loss of strength and coordination and affect swimmers of any age, fitness, or experience level.

Scotland’s many waterways can also have hidden dangers such as fast moving currents or obstacles which can also present a risk.

DACO Perry advises: “If you do get into trouble, try to keep calm then control your breathing. Lie on your back, spread out your arms and legs and float or swim. Then shout for help and, if you can, make your way to safety. 

“We would ask that no-one swims alone and that, where you can, have the proper buoyancy and safety equipment. Never leave children or young people unattended and do not mix alcohol with swimming.”

Water Safety Scotland is a voluntary association of organisations and individuals whose main purpose is to understand the risks around water in Scotland and engage with partners to develop a consistent approach to the prevention of water related fatalities.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is a member of that group.

DACO Perry added: “We are committed to working with our partners and through Water Safety Scotland to educate as many people as possible about the risks involved in swimming or playing in water.

“In coming weeks, we will be conducting more visits to popular areas to engage with swimmers and visitors directly. “I would urge people to visit our website to find out more about how to stay safe.”

For more information on water safety see:

Unite Scotland: ‘Vaccination is not Immunisation’


Unite Scotland has criticised Friday’s announcement by the Scottish government on workers suspected of contracting Covid not being required to self-isolate, stating that it could lead to a new spike in the pandemic.

As one of the nation’s leading trade unions in the health and social care sector, which has been significantly impacted by the pandemic, Unite has raised serious concerns directly with the Scottish government over its approach to level zero.  

The Scottish government has removed the blanket requirement for close contacts to self-isolate as long as they’re double vaccinated and take a PCR test. This includes removing the requirement for those working in health and social care to self-isolate as had previously been the practice throughout the pandemic.

According to the Scottish government figures, 1,825 new cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the past 24 hours on Thursday (22 July). Twenty-two new deaths have been reported of someone who tested positive for the virus over the past 28 days.

 In the week ending 20 July, on average 2,109 NHS staff, or around 1.2% of the NHS workforce, reported absent each day for a range of reasons related to Covid-19.

James O’Connell, Unite industrial officer, said: “There have been a growing number of cases of the delta variant in Scotland and we can’t allow this to spiral out of control. While we understand there is a need and desire to return to normality, we have got to remember that vaccination is not immunisation.

“Unite’s members, particularly in those vulnerable sectors such as health and social care, are extremely worried that we could see a new spike in hospital admissions, and it is the staff on the frontline having to deal with this.

“If you’re identified as a close contact it potentially takes 48 hours minimum for the virus to be detected through a test so there is a potential for staff to be asymptomatic without knowing they are positive for a period of time.

“Using the hierarchy of control risk should be removed or at least minimised as much as it can be, therefore, in order to remove or minimise the risk of spread you should isolate not gamble using health and social care staff as the test.

“They look after the most vulnerable people in our society, is it worth it?  The government is putting a lot of emphasis on double vaccination which does not stop contraction of the virus, however – why are they not looking at reducing the time between vaccine?”

Six arrests made in day of action against county lines drug supply in Edinburgh

Detectives from Edinburgh have made a number of arrests in a day of action aimed at disrupting “country lines” drug supplies into the city.

Six men, aged 38, 30, 29, 24, 22 and 21, were arrested in Edinburgh and Wolverhampton today (Wednesday, 21 July) and charged in connection with various drug offences.

All are expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in due course.

Small quantities of crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis, along with a four figure sum of cash recovered during the operation.

Detective Inspector Kevin Tait said: “We are committed to identifying the supply chain which brings drugs into Edinburgh and disrupting the activity of people intent on bringing harm to our communities.

“The county lines model shows crime does not respect borders. “Activity such as this cross border operation shows the benefit of working closely with partner agencies in response to concerns raised by local communities.

“Intelligence is the lifeblood of investigations such as this. Communities should not have to tolerate the damage caused by drugs and I would urge anyone with information which can help us deal with those responsible to pass this on.”

“If anyone has any concerns regarding the abuse of controlled drugs, or anyone who may be involved in the supply of controlled drugs, they are urged to contact Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”