Oganised public display is best bet for Bonfire Night


Thinking of building a bonfire?  The simple advice from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is: DON’T!

It is much safer to attend an organised public display.

Fire crews in Scotland are up to four times busier on 5 November than any other night of the year. Wasting time and resources attending unsafe or uncontrolled bonfires could mean a critical delay in local fire crews attending a real life threatening emergency.

Within neighbourhoods affected by deliberate fire setting and fire vandalism at this or any other time of year, the public safety message is that fire setting is an offence: don’t accept it, report it.

The public are requested to pass on any information about who may be responsible for fire setting and fire vandalism to Police Scotland using the 101 non-emergency number or Scotland Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.

The firework safety message to teachers, parents and young people is that fireworks are dangerous explosives that must be purchased and handled by adults. It is an offence for young people to purchase, be in possession of or set off fireworks.

Bonfire and Firework safety leaflet.

For more information on deliberate fire setting and fire vandalism: leaflet here.


Local police initative tackles stolen vehicle crime

DSCF6437Police in North Edinburgh are carrying out an initiative to prevent youths riding stolen motorcycles and cars in the area. The four-week operation involves a team of police and council officers working in the Muirhouse, Pilton and waterfront areas to prevent the theft of motorcycles and youths riding around local estates.

As well as an increase in foot patrols, officers have been utilising hand held cameras to capture potential evidence and to identify offenders. The police helicopter – a regular sight (and sound!) over North Edinburgh recently – is also being utilised to provide a bird’s eye view of the problem, enabling officers to get to the right locations quickly to ensure they can recover stolen vehicles.

The police have also enlisted the support of the City of Edinburgh Council’s local Environmental Wardens who have been checking likely disposal areas as part of their patrols and specialist Roads Policing resources have also been drafted in to assist.

Inspector Mark Rennie of Drylaw Police Station said: “There has been a significant amount of concern in the local community over this problem and we’ve been working hard over the summer to ensure we can provide additional resources into the area to prevent it.

“Since the beginning of August we have recovered 40 stolen vehicles and charged 20 youths with related offences but our aim is to prevent this type of risk taking behaviour over the longer term. As well as talking with young people at local schools about the risks, we will be speaking with local youth groups and agencies with a view to making every effort to divert those involved into positive activities in their community.

“We’ve had great support from our community groups and elected representatives who can see the efforts being made and how the use of the helicopter is often quickly preventing any escalation on the evenings when the problems occur.

“I’d like to thank residents who have already called us with information and would ask anyone to call us immediately if they see what they believe to be a stolen motorcycle being used or hidden by youths in the area.

“To keep local people up to date we are putting out regular updates of our progress on our local twitter account and I’d encourage residents to follow it for additional information: @EdinNorthPolice.”

The City of Edinburgh Council’s Community Safety Leader, Councillor Cammy Day, said: “The theft of motorbikes and cars by young people has become a real problem in the north of Edinburgh and one that I know is a matter of great concern to the local community.  I am very glad to see additional Police resources being used to tackle this extremely serious issue and by working with local people I am confident that the initiative will be a great success. I would urge anyone with suspicions that a vehicle that might be stolen to contact the Police so that they can respond quickly and hopefully stop this worrying trend.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101, or make an anonymous report through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

House fire figures at record low

The number of house fires in Scotland has fallen to the lowest levels recorded by the Scottish Government. Statistics released today show that house fires have reduced from 9,811 to 5,820, a drop of 41% since records began in 1990.

Provisional statistics released today also show that 46 people died in fires in 2012-13, a drop of 23 per cent compared to 2011-12.

For the first time, the publication Fire Statistics Scotland 2012-13, also includes information on the main sources of ignition for all accidental house fires.

Cooking appliances such as ovens accounted for the majority of non-fatal accidental house fires while smokers’ materials and matches were the main source of ignition for fatal fires.

Drink or drugs were suspected to be a factor in 16 per cent of accidental house fires, which is a slight decrease from the 17 per cent reported last year.

Community Safety Minister Roseanna Cunningham said: “Fires in Scotland are continuing to fall, with house fires dropping by 41 per cent since Scottish Government records began and the lowest in a generation.

“While we know that statistics based on small numbers can fluctuate over time the positive downward trend is undoubtedly testament to the hard work of the fire and rescue services in Scotland and their continued focus on prevention.

“While the significant reduction in the number of people hurt or killed in fires is to be welcomed, every death is a tragedy and there are 46 families across Scotland who are without a loved one as a result of  fires last year.

“It is crucial that we continue with vital education work to raise awareness of the dangers of alcohol and drugs, particularly while cooking, which the statistics show still contribute to far too many casualties.

“I also would encourage everyone to ensure they have working smoke alarms and check them regularly to ensure they are working properly.

Chief Officer Alasdair Hay of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “As the first Chief Officer of the national Scottish Fire and Rescue Service I inherited eight highly performing services with fantastically committed staff. The antecedent services made incredible strides in relation to prevention work, engaging with communities, local authorities and partner agencies to drive down the risk of fires and other emergencies, nearly halving the number of fire deaths occurring in Scotland in the last decade. That is a fantastic testament to the work of our staff and the direction of effort and resources from the fire and rescue service being delivered in local communities across the country.

“Through targeted prevention activities and working with others we have seen a shift from simply dealing with the consequences of tragedies such as those injured and killed in fires to working to prevent these incidents occurring in the first place. As a national Service we will continue with our prevention and education activities to achieve safer communities by raising awareness of the risks and supporting people to reduce their likelihood of being involved in a fire in the home or other emergency.”

Pat Watters, Chair of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Board, said: “To see that house fires have dropped to the lowest levels since records began is very positive news both for the people of Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. The Service is dedicated to maintaining that downward trend and the Board is working closely with senior management and personnel to ensure they are supported to achieve continuing success. Every fire fatality is a tragedy and we know that we have the ability through targeted prevention activities to reduce these incidents occurring.

“That success is not something that can be achieved in isolation however and that is why we are working closely with partners to identify those particularly at risk of a fire. We know that drink and drugs often play a part in these incidents and that is a wider societal issue that cannot be tackled by the Service alone. One of the things we can assist everyone with is a free home fire safety visit. It is a simple way to make you and your loved ones safer from fire and I would urge everyone to make sure they take advantage of this excellent service and the fitting of free smoke detectors as required.”


Safety warning follows weekend fires

fireScottish Fire and Rescue Service crews responded to a spate of rubbish fires across the Edinburgh area over the weekend …

Shortly after 8pm on Sunday night (18 August), crews from Newcraighall were mobilised to tackle a pile of burning rubbish at the rear of a community centre in the Danderhall area of Dalkeith. Just ten minutes later, colleagues from McDonald Road, Marionville and Tollcross fire stations were called to a rubbish fire in the doorway of a primary school on Loganlea Drive.

These were relatively minor incidents. Scottish Fire and Rescue Service personnel responded quickly as were able to extinguish the fires before damage to life or property occurred.

Burning rubbish can however, have more serious repercussions, especially if the fire occurs in a residential premises.  For example, at around 11pm the same night, a fire broke out in the bins of a four-storey block of flats in Hailesland Grove, in the Sighthill area of Edinburgh. Three fire crews from Sighthill fire station were in attendance, and two firefighters in breathing apparatus had to enter the burning building. Having extinguished the fire, crews remained at the scene to vent smoke.

Bins contain a variety of flammable materials, and members of the public should take particular care to ensure that all cigarettes are fully extinguished before putting them in bins. People should also ensure that hot items (such as burnt food) are allowed to cool thoroughly before being thrown away.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service also addressed the problem of deliberate fire-setting. “Without commenting on the causes of any of these incidents, we wish to remind the public that deliberate fire-setting is not only irresponsible and dangerous to the lives and property of others, but also a serious criminal offence that can attract severe custodial penalties.”


Police presence to help ensure Festival’s fun for all

Just in case it’s escaped your attention, it’s Festival time. The annual Festivals are all about fun – and city police plan to help keep it that way


Police in Edinburgh are to launch a high-profile safety operation for the duration of the festival season. Officers will offer advice on crime prevention and personal safety to the tens of thousands of visitors who come to Edinburgh during August, and advertising trailers highlighting the 101 non-emergency police number will also feature prominently on city centre streets.

This will be the first time the operation will be undertaken by the national Police Scotland force, which came into operation on 1 April this year.

Ch Supt Mark Williams, the divisional commander for the City of Edinburgh, said: “The Festival is an exciting time for the city, with so much fantastic entertainment, sights to see and events to participate in. It’s also a busy period for police, as tens of thousands of tourists arrive and local residents take advantage of all that is going on across the city. With that in mind, it is essential that Police Scotland provides a visible presence throughout Edinburgh as part of our commitment to keeping people safe.”



Extra £1 million to let there be light

Aged lampposts in Edinburgh will be replaced with more energy-efficient equipment after an additional £1 million was sourced this year, the city council has announced.

The extra funding will be used to replace up to 760 old concrete and steel lampposts which failed an independent risk-based structural test.

The new aluminium columns are the first choice in street lighting designs as they do not need ongoing maintenance and have a design life of more than 50 years – almost double the design life of the old concrete and steel columns. They are also built using recycled material and can be recycled again at the end of their life.

Street lighting electricity costs are predicted to double by 2020 and the new posts will be fitted with energy-efficient white light lanterns, which will support the drive to reduce electricity costs whilst helping the Council to meet environmental targets.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Environment Convener, said: “Replacing old lampposts with modern aluminium columns makes both environmental and financial sense. They last up to twice as long as the traditional designs, and can even be recycled once finished with.

This would be an ideal opportunity to save energy and our carbon footprint, as well as to reduce the amount paid to light the city. It would also help to improve safety of residents and visitors.”

The new street lights have not met with universal approval, however. Drylaw Telford Community Council raised concerns over the positioning and power of new lights when they were installed late in 2011.

Community council treasurer Jackie Brown said then: “The new lights are lower and less powerful so don’t shed nearly as much light. Older members of the community are feeling vulnerable. Some of them are carrying torches so that they can see where to put the key in the door lock when they get home, while some others are avoiding going out altogether when it gets dark. It’s not only older people who are affected by the new lights, though – lots of people are not happy with the new lights.”

The community council has since been working with council officers to improve lighting in problem areas, and recently conducted a consultation in Wester Drylaw Place.

Community council chairman Alex Dale said: “We publicised the consultation with flyers and leaflets and highlighted the issue on our website, but the volume of response to the survey was slightly disappointing – in all there were 19 postcard responses, and two further replies via Survey Monkey.

“The community council  subsequently agreed to ask the council to close the consultation period  and to  go with the preferred choice of the respondents. It’s just a pity that at the end of the day a bit of apathy crept in to  the whole campaign – it has been a lengthy process – but in the end we achieved some sort of democratic decision  so for the Community Council it was a bit of success.”
Light at the end of the tunnel, indeed!

Visiting students attacked in Muirhouse


A group of overseas students have been attacked and robbed in Muirhouse. The incident happened outside the Millennium Centre on Muirhouse Medway on Wednesday night.

A dozen foreign exchange students were confronted by a gang of 15-20 local youths, both males and females, aged from nine or ten up to 18 years of age. Two of the students were assaulted and robbed and another two students received minor injuries.

A Police Scotland spokesman said the attack took place at about 22:00 on Wednesday and added: “This was an unprovoked attack on a group of foreign students who are currently staying with host families in Edinburgh. Inquiries are continuing and we are determined to find those responsible for this attack. Additional high-visibility police patrols are in the area and anyone with any information is asked to contact us.”

Police reinforce drugs warning following teenager death

Officers from Police Scotland are reinforcing a drugs warning following the death of an 18 year-old woman in Alexandria in the early hours of Tuesday morning (9 July).

An investigation is underway and our enquiries have so far revealed that the woman, along with three friends, had taken what they thought were ecstasy tablets. The tablets were described as green with a Rolex crown logo stamped on them.  This is clearly a cause for concern.

Three men, aged 18, 21 and 25 have been admitted to the Royal Alexandra Hospital.  The 18 year-old and 21 year old have since been discharged, however the 25 year old man remains within the hospital.

Superintendent Grahame Clarke said: “Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our communities.  Public warnings have been issued recently in relation to the dangers of taking ecstasy, or indeed tablets being passed off as ecstasy. They are illegal and could contain a cocktail of toxic ingredients. We have yet to establish if this particular pill is to blame for the death of this young woman, but the fact that she and her friends took pills described as green and with a Rolex stamp on it causes us real concern.

“The exact contents of the pills are unknown but they could contain dangerous chemicals and users need to be aware of the dangers and understand the devastating effect they can have.  Drugs are dangerous and illegal.  I would strongly advise people to avoid any such pills or drugs and report any information to police.”

At this time of year there are numerous music festivals, including T in the Park which runs from Friday this week. We would urge people to enjoy the festivals and keep themselves safe. Possession of controlled drugs and supplying anyone else with drugs is illegal. Festivals organisers adopt a zero tolerance approach to illegal drugs and work alongside the police to tackle this criminal activity.

There will be drugs amnesty bins at the entrance to the campsites at T in the Park, where illegal substances can be disposed of without risk of exclusion or prosecution. Once inside the festival venue, drugs will not be tolerated and anyone caught dealing or carrying drugs will be arrested. Police Scotland’s specialist drugs dogs will also be operating at T in the Park.

Police Scotland is continuing work with its NHS partners in connection with this investigation.

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Senior Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine, Dr Richard Stevenson said: “We are deeply concerned about the number of drug related deaths.  Symptoms to look for include a high temperature, aggression and muscle pains as well as an extreme exaggerated expected effect of the drug such as hallucinations and excitability which would be very alarming and unpleasant to the person experiencing them.

“These symptoms are treatable if help is sought early I would urge anyone who begins to feel unwell or feels a more intense high than usual after taking any drug which they think is ecstasy or not to seek immediate medical help.”

If anyone has any information about the sale or supply of such tablets, please contact police on the non emergency number, 101, or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where you can give information anonymously.

Green Rolex crown logo - PMA and MDMA

‘Toxic’ drugs danger

Police Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are issuing a warning about the dangers of tablets being sold as ‘ecstasy’ which contain dangerous chemicals. Police are currently investigating a number of deaths which have occurred over the last two months where the victims appeared to have ingested what they thought was an ecstasy tablet but actually contained toxic stimulants.

An investigation is underway and our enquiries have so far revealed that the taking of what users thought was ‘ecstasy’ is a common denominator. Emergency doctors in Greater Glasgow and Clyde are joining police in issuing this warning following the rise in the number of drugs related deaths in young people.

Superintendent Alan Cunningham said: “This is clearly disturbing and we are currently carrying out extensive enquiries in relation to these incidents.  Drugs are being sold as ecstasy tablets but they contain a cocktail of ingredients which have and can endanger life.  These drugs are unstable, unpredictable and extremely dangerous and we want to highlight the very serious and potential harm which can be caused.  In the build up to events such as T in the Park it’s crucial that the public is aware of the dangers of becoming involved in drug use. These very sad circumstances highlight the fact that often users don’t know what they’re taking.

“Of particular concern at the moment are green tablets with a Rolex crown logo stamped on them, some of these tablets have been found to contain dangerous toxic stimulant PMA. Previously we have warned of other tablets being sold as ecstasy which included the white tablet which has the Mitsubishi logo imprinted on it.  This pill was found to contain the potentially dangerous chemicals, 5IT or AMT.  We are also warning of a yellow tablet with a star logo imprinted on it containing a toxic stimulant, PMA.”

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Senior Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine, Dr Richard Stevenson said: “We are deeply concerned about this tragic increase in the number of drug related deaths. People are coming into A&E who have taken what they believe to be ecstasy but in some cases the drug is actually something else containing a highly toxic chemical formula which is proving lethal.”

All individuals in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area presented in hospital at a stage of toxicity which was too late for treatment.  The majority of those who died were in their early 20s.

Dr Stevenson explained: “All the fatalities were due to symptoms which are treatable if help is sought early – sadly in these cases they all came into A&E too late. Symptoms include a high temperature, aggression and muscle pains as well as an extreme exaggerated expected effect of the drug such as hallucinations and excitability which would be very alarming and unpleasant to the person experiencing them. These symptoms are treatable if help is sought early I would urge anyone who begins to feel unwell or feels a more intense high than usual after taking any drug which they think is ecstasy or not to seek immediate medical help.”

If anyone has any information about the sale or supply of such tablets, please contact police on the non emergency number, 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Green Rolex crown logo - PMA and MDMA