Police seek witnesses to Boswall dog attack

police (2)A local couple were taken to hospital after being attacked by a dog in North Edinburgh on Friday, police have confirmed.

The 71-year-old man and 65-year-old woman were walking their own dog when the incident happened at around 4pm on Friday in the park at the junction of Boswall Parkway, Grierson Road and Boswall Drive.

The dog – described as being a pit-bull type – was unrestrained and was with its female owner.

The dog is described as a male, tan-coloured pit bull type breed, with a strong muscular build and large head. It may have been wearing a leather harness.

Its owner was said to have been a woman aged between 30 to 40, 5ft 5in tall, with a large build, blonde hair and wearing a black parka style jacket.

The couple were treated in hospital for their injuries but were released on Friday evening.

PC Carolyn Cutter said: “This was an incredibly dangerous and terrifying incident and we are urgently seeking to trace the owner and the dog.”

If you have any information call

Police Scotland on 101 or

Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

City clubbers urged to ‘speak up, speak out’ over abuse

clubbers3A public protection campaign against abuse is to target city night-clubbers on what is said to be the worst night of the year for violent behaviour.

Leaflets highlighting the multi-agency Speak Up Speak Out campaign will be handed out in clubs tonight (19 December). The last Friday before Christmas typically sees a rise in violence, including domestic abuse.

Speak up Speak Out was launched in August 2013 by the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland to encourage those who are affected by abuse to come forward and find out about the wide range of support that is available to them.

The Council is also supporting Police Scotland’s annual festive domestic abuse campaign, which was launched this week.

Domestic abuse can be carried out by partners or ex-partners and can be physical, sexual, psychological or emotional.

Councillor Ricky Henderson, Convener of Health, Social Care and Housing, said: “We want to make sure that everyone has a good time this festive season and I urge revellers enjoying the last weekend before Christmas to think about their behaviour and how it can affect their loved ones.

“Nobody should have to suffer domestic abuse, whatever form it takes. We are reaching out to the people who are affected by domestic abuse, or anyone who has concerns about others who are being harmed in this way, urging them to Speak Up and Speak Out.

“Agencies will continue to work together on this ongoing campaign over the next year to make sure that families affected by abuse will be protected from harm.”

clubbers4Superintendent Liz McAinsh said: “Tackling domestic abuse is a priority for Police Scotland and in Edinburgh officers will continue to pursue those responsible for crimes of this nature.

“We are also committed to providing victims of domestic abuse with all the necessary assistance and support they require.”

Extensive work by the Council is ongoing to ensure that children and adults who have been affected by domestic abuse feel safe, have access to appropriate support and advice networks and feel confident in reporting issues.

Recent developments include a clear pathway from initial reporting to the police, to support for the victim, including a comprehensive risk assessment and the provision of multi-agency services. Edinburgh has also seen a welcome roll-out of the pilot domestic abuse court to the whole city.

One of the key messages of Speak Up Speak Out is that anyone can suffer from abuse, regardless of their age, gender or the colour of their skin. It can happen anywhere and be caused by friends, relatives, colleagues or strangers. By encouraging people to be open about their concerns and talk to care professionals, it is hoped that more adults and children can be protected from harm.


Drylaw cars damaged in ‘senseless’ attacks

image (2)At least six cars had windows broken during a half-hour wrecking spree in Drylaw last night. Vehicles on Ferry Road and Easter Drylaw View and Drive were damaged in what one victim described as ‘senseless vandalism’.

The vandalism started at around 7.30pm last night. One Easter Drylaw resident said: “We were putting the kids to bed when a neighbour turned up at the door to tell us our car had been damaged – the back window had been put in”.

He went on: “There was nothing on show in our car, there was nothing to take so this wasn’t breaking in to steal, it was an act of senseless vandalism. While I was outside trying to make some temporary repairs there were car alarms going off all over the place, and when I walked up the road into Easter Drylaw Drive there were more people out inspecting the damage to their vehicles. All told I saw five or six but there could be more.

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“It’s not just the cost of repairing the damage, although that’s bad enough – especially at this time of year. It’s the inconvenience it causes – we have a hospital appointment with one of the children on Monday but the child seat is totally covered in shards of broken glass so we are going to have to make other arrangements.

“Then there are the calls to the police and the insurance, the calls to arrange a day and time to get your car window replaced and all the stuff that goes along with that. It’s all totally unnecessary stress we could all do without – I can’t say what I’d like to do if they were to catch the people who do things like this.”

Similar attacks happened in Drylaw in October and there has been a recent spate of vehicle damage and thefts in Granton Mill.

Police investigations are ongoing – if you have any information telephone Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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Save Stockbridge to hold emergency meeting

DSCF3542Campaign group Save Stockbridge has organised an emergency meeting to discuss the collapse of the wall adjacent to Edinburgh Accies rugby ground on Comely Bank Road.

A Save Stockbridge spokesperson said: “This is a very controversial issue and local people are infuriated at what has happened to the wall and how it has been allowed to collapse.”

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 17 December at 8pm at the LifeCare Centre on Cheyne Street. All welcome.



Three sought following Iceland robbery

Police probe possible link with robbery at nearby Gregg’s


Police in Edinburgh have launched an investigation after three men robbed a supermarket in Granton on Wednesday afternoon (10 December).

The incident happened at Iceland on West Granton Road around 5.15pm, when the first suspect approached the till with an item to buy. He indicated to the two other suspects, and one of these men reached over and grabbed a three-figure sum of cash from the till.

The three suspects ran from the store in the direction of West Granton Road.

This incident comes after a similar robbery at Gregg’s Bakery on Crewe Road North on Tuesday, around 3pm, which may be linked.

All three suspects are described as white, and around 26 to 27 years old.

The first suspect is described as 5ft 10 in tall, stocky build, wearing a dark coloured hoody, black scarf over his lower face, dark joggers, and white Nike trainers.

The second suspect is described as slim build and wearing a dark hoody, with grey hoody underneath, grey joggers, blue sandshoes.

The third suspect, who took the cash from the till, is described as slim build, gaunt face, and wearing a dark coloured hoody with hood up and grey hoody underneath, dark joggers, light coloured trainers.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This robbery was distressing for those who were in the supermarket at the time, and we are keen to hear from anyone who was on West Granton Road around 5.15pm who may have information that can assist. We believe there may be a connection to the robbery at Greggs bakery in Pilton on Tuesday, and if anyone recognises the description of the suspects, they are urged to contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Local robberies: can you help police?

Police are appealing for witnesses following two local robberies earlier this week:


Police in Edinburgh are investigating following a robbery at Greggs Bakery, on Crewe Road North, Edinburgh on Tuesday afternoon (9 December).

The incident happened around 3pm when a man entered the shop in possession of what is believed to have been a knife and stole a quantity of money from the cash register before making off in the direction of Boswall Parkway.

The suspect is described as white, 5ft 6 in tall, medium build, and wearing a sky blue hoodie with white writing, and with the hood up.

Police are appealing for anyone who was in the area at the time to contact police on 101.

The other incident happened at Farmers Autocare in the Blackhall dip on Queensferry Road, where there was a break-in between 8.20pm on Tuesday night and 7.45am on Wednesday morning.

Entry was forced to storage containers in the forecourt and around 70 tyres were stolen from the garage, with an approximate value of £3100. Enquiries reveal a transit type van may have been involved at some point during the night.

Police are appealing for any witnesses who may have seen this van to come forward.

PC Grimwood said: “The suspects have used a transit type van to transport the stolen property. We are asking for anyone who was driving past Farmers Autocare between 8.20pm and 7.45am and perhaps saw tyres being loaded onto a vehicle or persons acting suspiciously to contact Police Scotland immediately on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Council weather advice: be prepared

Well, winter’s here and the city council is offering advice on how to stay safe as the bad weather bites …

David Gillies fills a hand spreader with salt

The Council’s website has information on what to do when gales and storms are forecast, such as parking vehicles in garages or away from buildings and trees etc or securing loose objects that could be blown away.

As temperatures look set to plummet once again towards the end of the week with snow in the forecast as well, residents can also log on to see an interactive map of salt bins across the city and find out the priority streets and pavements for gritting patrols. You can now use online forms to report problems with salt bins or to request a new one for your area.

Preparing for wintry conditions is strongly recommended and the Ready for Winter web page includes tips such as investing in a good, strong snow shovel and arranging a winter health check for your car.

During severe weather, remember to check on your neighbours, particularly if they are older or live alone. Keep up to date with roads, schools and travel information on the website, via Twitter and local radio.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Winter is definitely here now and the Council has been hard at work for many weeks getting the Capital as prepared as possible for whatever the weather has in store for us.

“We’ve got 16,000 tonnes of salt stockpiled – more than three times the amount we used in the whole of winter 2013/14 – and gritting teams have been patrolling and on standby since late October, responding to the detailed and regular forecasts we receive from the Met Office.

“As always, we’d remind residents to do whatever they need to do to get themselves ‘winter ready’ and would urge everyone to look out for those in their community who might be less able to look after themselves.”

Fire officer warns of stairwell dangers

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service would like to remind tenants to keep their stairwells clear – especially in the run up to Christmas:

common stair

Group Manager Steve Gourlay, the City of Edinburgh Prevention and Protection Manager, said: “We would urge people not to leave rubbish or bins in the common stairwells of tenement blocks. This can be very attractive to fire setters and increases the risk of a fire. Discarded items of furniture and rubbish can produce large amounts of toxic smoke and also impede access for emergency responders.

In Edinburgh, roughly 100 deliberate property fires occur every year with many of these involving combustibles in stairwells – the casualties and damage caused are preventable and we need to reduce them.

“You can reduce the risk of fire for yourself and your neighbours by keeping common stairs clear and free from obstruction and making sure main doors are kept locked.  Steps should be taken to ensure the door entry/intercom system is working.

“I would like to stress the importance of having a working smoke alarm. Every household should have working smoke alarm and test them every week.  We provide free home fire safety visits and fit smoke alarms where required.  If you know someone who can benefit from our service, why not get them to give us a call? It is important that you know what to do if a fire does occur in the stairwell and how to keep safe. We can advise on this as part of the visit.

“If you or someone you know could benefit from a visit, please  join Scotland’s fight against fire and request a visit by calling the SFRS freephone number 0800 0731 999, or by contacting their local fire station.”

A wide range of tips on how to keep yourself and your home safe from fire are available on the SFRS website: www.firescotland.gov.uk


Edinburgh Police launch festive safety campaign

keep safePolice in Edinburgh have launched their annual campaign to keep people safe during the festive season.

As part of Operation Greenland, (formerly Operation Astrodome) officers in the city centre will each day issue a special ‘Countdown to Christmas’ photo on social media. The image will relate to a specific theme of festive safety or update the public on policing activity being carried out over Christmas and New Year.

The public can receive these images and updates by liking the Edinburgh Division Facebook page and by following the @EdinCityPolice Twitter account.

Social media users can also join in the discussion about the campaign by using the hashtag #OpGreenland.

As always, officers within the Capital will provide a high-visibility presence across the city in the coming weeks to offer a range of crime prevention and personal safety advice.

In addition, police will specifically target busy areas and destinations during the holiday season to distribute specially designed leaflets that inform the public on how to ‘Shop Safe’ and ‘Party Safe’.

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, Divisional Commander for the City of Edinburgh said: “Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful, vibrant and safe cities in the world, and the policing plans we’re announcing today means this is set to continue into the festive season and beyond.

“The city is already getting busier, with locals and visitors taking full advantage of the shopping and attractions on offer, and many people will soon be out enjoying festive nights out in the restaurants, pubs and clubs.

“We are keen to ensure people can have a safe and enjoyable time whilst soaking up the fantastic atmosphere that the city has to offer.”

Community Safety Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, Councillor Cammy Day, said: “Edinburgh is a safe place to visit and to live in, and our winter festival attracts people from around the world each year.

“We want to make sure that everyone will enjoy themselves and stay safe. I urge revellers to keep an eye on their belongings during a night out and to act responsibly.

“Working closely with the police and other agencies, our community safety wardens will be conducting high visibility patrols. Starting at the end of November, extra patrols will be out on Friday and Saturday evenings, and there will be a daily focus on the winter festival area.”

Ch Supt Williams said there are a number of simple steps you can take whilst enjoying the festive season. “Make sure you are always aware of your surroundings and keep your property safe when out and about. If you’re enjoying a night out in town then please drink responsibly and don’t let excessive alcohol consumption ruin your evening.

“This will also be our most interactive festive season yet and through social media we will issue a new ‘Countdown to Christmas’ photo each day with further information and advice. Members of the public can view these images by liking the Edinburgh Division Facebook page and following our @EdinCityPolice Twitter account.

“Updates on all Operation Greenland activity will also be available on these sites, as well as our @EdinburghPolice Twitter account, which covers the entire city.”

#StrongerNorth – the movie!

Click on the link below to see a short film about last weekend’s West Pilton cleanup: 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYQPlJ4y9oQ (Preview)

And for more information about the #StrongerNorth initiative, follow:


