“Unacceptable”: 128 deliberate fires in Edinburgh in just two months

Firefighters were called to tackle more than 1,800 deliberate fires across Scotland in the space of just two months, latest figures reveal. Continue reading “Unacceptable”: 128 deliberate fires in Edinburgh in just two months

Fireworks safety: public consultation launched

Have your say on fireworks misuse at Craigroyston event

The use and regulation of fireworks is the focus of a public consultation which aims to ensure everyone can enjoy displays safely.

Community Safety Minister Ash Denham launched the consultation, which asks for views on issues such as whether the sale of fireworks to the public should be banned, and what other measures can help ensure fireworks are used safely and responsibly.

Responses will inform on-going discussions about whether changes to legislation and regulation of fireworks in Scotland are needed, following concerns about their misuse and the potential impact on public safety and animal welfare.

Legislation on the sale and storage of fireworks is reserved to the UK Government while laws covering their use is devolved.

Ms Denham (above) said: “From Hogmanay to summer festivals to Diwali and Bonfire night, fireworks are a focal point of a range of celebrations through the year. Most people enjoy fireworks responsibly but if used inappropriately or without respect for others they can cause great distress or even physical injury to people and to animals.

“From conversations with members of the public and emergency service workers I am aware of concern about the use and sale of fireworks to individuals. We want to work with others to reduce the negative impact of fireworks and the public’s voice is vital in shaping our approach going forward.

“While much of existing legislation on the sale of fireworks is reserved to Westminster, we hope this consultation will identify any gaps in the law and highlight where the regulation of fireworks could be improved.”

A series of consultation events will be held across the country – and one of these will take place at Craigroyston Community High School on Wednesday 13th February from 6 – 8pm.

This is one of a series of engagement events on the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Fireworks, where individuals, communities and professionals are invited to come along to give their views.

Events will provide an opportunity to explore and discuss the use and impact – both positive and negative – of fireworks use in Scotland. A summary report will be produced from the events for the Scottish Government to consider alongside comments received online.

This is an excellent opportunity for those with an interest in discussing views and ideas on what action can be taken to ensure fireworks continue to be enjoyed safely and responsibly.

North Edinburgh has had it’s fair share of firework related antisocial behaviour. Last year North Edinburgh became one of four city dispersal zones created over the bonfire season, following criminal behaviour – and a serious injury to a local police officer – in 2017. Take this opportunity to have your say.

The Scottish Government consultation on fireworks: Your experiences, your ideas, your views is open now. The consultation runs until 13 May 2019.


New drug driving laws and roadside testing to improve road safety

Zero tolerance for people caught driving with illegal drugs in their system.

Scotland’s stringent road safety laws will be strengthened further by the introduction of drug driving limits and roadside testing on 21 October this year. 

There will be a zero tolerance approach to eight drugs most associated with illegal use, including cannabis, heroin and cocaine, with limits set at a level where any claims of accidental exposure can be ruled out.

Meanwhile, a list of other drugs associated with medical use will have limits based on impairment and risk to road safety.

This will make it easier to hold drug drivers to account as there will no longer be a requirement to prove that someone was driving in an impaired manner.

Regulations laid in the Scottish Parliament, subject to MSPs’ approval, will permit prosecutions where different drug types are found to be above specified levels.

Police Scotland, the Scottish Police Authority and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service have been making preparations and are on track for implementation in October.

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “The introduction of drug driving limits will strengthen the power of Scotland’s police and prosecutors to tackle the minority of drivers who irresponsibly put themselves and other road-users at risk.

“Drug driving is completely unacceptable, and we will continue to use all of the tools at our disposal to prevent the avoidable deaths and damage caused by those who drive under the influence of drugs.

“Together with our stringent drink-driving limits, these new laws will ensure that Scotland has the UK’s most robust laws against impaired and unsafe driving.”

Chief Inspector Stephen Innes of Police Scotland said:

“Police Scotland is committed to reducing road casualties, and tackling drink and drug driving is a key focus of our activity. The devastating impact of drug driving on victims, communities and users themselves cannot be understated.

“This new legislation will significantly enhance our ability to detect and deter motorists engaging in this extremely risky driving behaviour.

“We are currently working closely with key partners and plans are well advanced to deliver this new legislation in October this year.”

One Year On: Progress in tackling violence against women and girls

Strategy highlights priority areas

As the United Nations campaign of 16 days of activism around violence against women begins, the Scottish Government has highlighted the actions it has taken to tackle the issue. Continue reading One Year On: Progress in tackling violence against women and girls

Operation Arable re-launched to reduce violent crime

Police in Edinburgh have relaunched Operation Arable in a continuing drive to reduce thefts and attacks by criminals who target personal belongings. As part of the operation three men aged 26, 49 and 55 and a 27-year-old woman were arrested on warrant on Tuesday (20 November). Continue reading Operation Arable re-launched to reduce violent crime

Operation Winter City 2018 is underway

Police in Edinburgh have launched their annual campaign to keep the public safe over the festive period. Operation Winter City 2018 kicked off on Friday and will run until Saturday 5th January. The initiative will be in place to ensure appropriate police resources are deployed throughout the city to deter crime, maintain public safety and appropriately respond to any incidents, which arise.

Officers will have a high visibility presence within the city centre and other busy areas over the coming months and will be available to provide a range of useful crime prevention advice to the Capital’s residents, businesses and visitors during this time.

The specially-built police ‘Grotto’ will be situated within St Andrews Square again. However, this year it will be in the West of the square, close to both Princes Street and George Street in order to be more visible to the public.

Anyone wishing to report a crime, speak with officers or obtain leaflets providing safety information are welcome to drop in between 10am and 10.30pm each day.

Having been a popular feature of the past few Winter City campaigns, the ‘Countdown to Christmas’ social media calendar will also return for 2018.

Previous stars of the calendar include PD Chase and ‘Bruceo’, and fronting the campaign this year is 16-month-old Holly from Edinburgh, who has some safety messages she wants to share with us all.

Wee Holly will appear on the city’s Facebook and Twitter pages each day between December 1st and January 1st, providing communities with a range of handy festive safety tips.

Winter City Officers will also be appearing to give advice and show how the range of work they are doing within the city centre.

Anyone wishing to obtain these messages should like the Edinburgh Division Facebook page or follow the Edinburgh Police Twitter account.

Chief Inspector Helen Harrison, who is leading on Operation Winter City, said: “With Christmas and New Year now only a few short weeks away, we have once again launched Operation Winter City to ensure all of those living, working and visiting Edinburgh during this very special time of year remain safe.

“Edinburgh over the festive period is one of the most vibrant and beautiful cities in the world and hundreds of thousands of people head to our city centre to go Christmas shopping, socialise with friends and family and of course, enjoy the world famous Hogmanay Street Party.

“With that in mind, we are devoting our resources accordingly, based on demand, and the public can expect to see lots of officers out and about between now and January as we look to engage with the public and deter crime within the city.

“If you’re in the city centre and wish to speak with officers, either to obtain crime prevention advice or public safety information, or to report a crime, then please visit our police grotto on St Andrews Square.

“For those of you familiar with our popular Countdown to Christmas social media calendar, this will also be returning again this year and Holly will be helping us deliver some safety messages in line with the ethos of Christmas.

“As we do every year, we have and will continue to work closely with our relevant partners, including the City of Edinburgh Council and Essential Edinburgh. I’d like to thank both organisations for their continued support.

“On behalf of everyone within Edinburgh Division, I want to assure our communities that we are doing our utmost to keep you all safe during this festive season‎.”

More emphasis on hazards of drink and drug driving needed in driving lessons, warn campaigners

Despite a recent study by the University of London revealing that Millennials are shunning alcohol, and teetotalism has become more mainstream, drink driving casualties are at a four year high. In fact, data released by the Department of Transport showed that more than 24% of drink drivers were aged between 16 and 19 years old – inexperienced drivers who have recently passed their driving test. Continue reading More emphasis on hazards of drink and drug driving needed in driving lessons, warn campaigners

Nine arrests in Edinburgh on Bonfire Night

Public thanked after Edinburgh Bonfire Night policing operation

Police in Edinburgh have praised the support of the public and partner organisations following a successful Halloween and Bonfire Night policing operation. Continue reading Nine arrests in Edinburgh on Bonfire Night