NEN news: meetings and deadlines

News from your community newspaper:


North Edinburgh News – Annual General Meeting

NEN’s AGM will be held in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre next Tuesday (18 November) at 7pm. All welcome – come along and find out what’s happening at your community newspaper.

North Edinburgh News – December edition

NENoct14The next NEN print edition is fast approaching – we’ll be printing again in December (look on it as an early Christmas gift!) If you have news you’d like to share with the wider community, email your article and pictures to

Or what about taking out an advert? Rates are very reasonable (see below) and your’e supporting your community too!

2pp A5 Rate Card NEN

And for this edition only (true, there’s no much point in running Festive ads in June!) you can say ‘Merry Christmas’ to friends, colleagues, members, family, users and clients in a business card-sized ad for only £25! Just send your words and logo and we’ll add a seasonal graphic. Ho, ho, ho indeed!


DEADLINE for all copy – articles and advertising – is

FRIDAY 21 NOVEMBER  so don’t put it off for too long!


NEN Blog upgrade

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As you may know we are currently modernising NEN’s online presence. Part of that process is to upgrade to this WordPress blog, and today some essential work will be taking place to make that happen.

This will mean that no updates will be posted on the NEN blog for the next 24 hours or so: do keep checking back, though – we don’t plan to be away for too long!

Thanks for supporting your NEN.
