Hurry – be part of Speed of Light!

Want to get involved in something a bit out of the ordinary next month? Arts charity NVA’s Speed of Light project (part of  Edinburgh International Festival and London 2012 Festival) takes place from Thursday 9 August – Saturday 1 September, and there are still a number of free places available for schools or community groups to be part of this huge event on Arthurs Seat!e members.

You could be a runner or a walking member, or groups can also take up a range of volunteer posts to experience the dynamic, behind-the-scenes environment..

What is Speed of Light?

 Cast yourself in this year’s most extraordinary performance!

 This August Edinburgh’s Arthur’s Seat is the stage for a remarkable fusion of public art and sporting endeavour. The iconic volcano is brought to life in a mass choreographed act of walking and endurance running, as part of Edinburgh International Festival and London 2012 Festival.

 As a member of the walking audience you become part of the work, carrying portable light sources set against the dark features of the hill. A mesmerising visual display unfolds each night on your ascent to the summit as hundreds of runners wearing specially designed light suits take to the intricate path networks below.

 Each individual performance is created by collective action, landscape and weather, offering a rare perspective on the cityscape, night skies and the sea and hills beyond.  NVA’s Speed of Light is one of only four national projects, commissioned as part of Legacy Trust UK’s Community Celebrations programme, which aims to build a lasting legacy from the UK’s hosting of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The wider programme extends across eight of Edinburgh’s festivals throughout 2012 with a series of blogs, lectures, events and discussions investigating environmental art, human endurance and the interior experience of running.

 How can you get involved?

 There are a variety of ways in which your group can get involved with Speed of Light. A number of free places are available for schools and community groups to take part as runners or as walking audience members. Your group could also take up volunteer posts to experience the dynamic behind-the-scenes environment of this large-scale event.
This is an excellent chance for everyone to participate in an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Arthur’s Seat illuminated at night, and to be part of Scotland’s official artistic contribution to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games celebrations.
Details of all the opportunities as well as registration forms – to be completed and returned to us – are available to download below on the Speed of Life website at If you would like to discuss your requirements, please just get in touch with the Speed of Light team.

Dates available for groups to run and walk:

 • Wed 22 August 2012
• Thu 23 August 2012
• Wed 29 August 2012
• Thu 30 August 2012

 Dates for volunteers:

Volunteers will be required to commit to several dates in August depending on the role undertaken. For full details subscribe to the Speed of Light mailing list and visit the Volunteer page.

 Audience tickets are now on sale at

Crunch time for ECRN

Community activists from across the city have been urged to attend a ‘vital’ meeting of the Edinburgh Community Representatives Network (ECRN) tonight.  The meeting will decide the future direction of the organisation which was set up to give communities a voice in decisions that affect them.

ECRN provides a forum for city activists to come together to discuss issues of common concern, but in March this year the organisation lost it’s funding for a part-time support worker.  This seriously curtailed ECRN activities and the organisation’s office bearers stood down at ECRN’s annual general meeting in July.  Since then, however, office bearers have had a change of mind and tonight’s meeting has been organised to thrash out a way ahead for ECRN.

In ‘Something Needs To Be Done’, a discussion document tabled for tonight’s meeting, ECRN chairman George Pitcher argues that the need for the organisation to continue is as great as ever, although he believes ECRN should not become a campaigning group.

Mr. Pitcher said:  “Anything which will help people, as groups or as individuals to become involved in community representation is what ECRN should be about.  Building up people’s knowledge and confidence to do things for themselves is the name of the game.  It is certainly not to give clout to ECRN, but to help give clout to the citizens of Edinburgh, whether it be Muirhouse or Marchmont, Cramond or Craigmillar, enabling them to play a vital part in defining and servicing the needs of those very communities in which they live out their lives.  My answer to the question, ‘Does ECRN need to change?’ is a big NO!”

Mr. Pitcher urges ECRN members old and new to attend tonight’s meeting, which will be held in Southside Community Centre on Nicholson Street at 7pm.  “To influence policy decisions, etc., you need to be there so come along and play a part in what could be the most vital meeting ever organised under the Edinburgh Community Representatives’ Network banner”, he said.

For further information on the ECRN or more details of tonight’s meeting call George on 0754 980 9206 or email

Funding For Community Groups

The Scottish Community Foundation is searching for groups who want their voices heard by decision makers. The body is looking for motivated community members to explore a local issue, and can make available £5000 in Big Lottery funding per group.

Grant director Nick Addington said: “You may want to help your community have its say on how local assets and resources are used, or how services are delivered.”

To find out more visit by June 6