Cost of living crisis stopping Scottish households from taking climate action

  • Recent weather events, such as heatwaves, floods and fires in the UK this year, have made three fifths (60%) of adults across Scotland more concerned about climate change
  • A third (32%) think that it’s too expensive to live more sustainably creating a barrier to climate action, despite 78% of adults in Scotland being concerned about climate change
  • Three in ten (29%) are more concerned with their energy bills as opposed to living sustainably

Recent weather events across the UK this year, such as heatwaves, floods and fires, have made three fifths (60%) of people in Scotland more concerned about climate change. A further 59% are also worried about weather reports from other countries, including in Australia and America, according to new research from mutual life and pensions company Royal London.

More than half (55%) have also said that ongoing media coverage has had an impact on their climate change concerns – and 49% said that having children and grandchildren has made them more worried about climate change.

This has spurred many to act and live more sustainably in the last 12 months. Most popular planned changes include reducing plastic usage (56%), shopping locally (49%), driving less (38%), and consuming less meat and dairy (35%).

However, the cost of living crisis is making it difficult for people in Scotland to act on climate change.

With the majority (83%) of adults in Scotland concerned about the cost of living, 29% are understandably more concerned with their energy bills as opposed to living sustainably. Many people are taking cost-saving measures this autumn and winter with a quarter (25%) planning to buy fewer or cheaper Christmas presents.

Shockingly, nearly half (46%) plan to turn on their heating only when absolutely necessary this winter and one in seven (14%) adults say they are anticipating skipping meals. Sustainability is unlikely to be the priority with a third (32%) thinking that it’s too expensive to live more sustainably.

Royal London’s Changemakers Programme announces partnership with Remake Scotland, a Perthshire based social enterprise, which promotes the reuse of local materials

Set up in 2011 in the town of Crieff, Perthshire, Remake Scotland promotes sustainable living across the local area. Its projects and services, such as its repair cafes, second-hand store, and community tool library (holding more than 300 items for residents to borrow), encourages the local community to reuse materials and become increasingly self-sufficient.

Given its success and growth over the previous years, from a small organisation based in the founder’s own garage, Remake Scotland now seeks to further expand the range of its services to maximise its impact and help the community live sustainably.

As part of this goal, it hopes to work more with commercial partners to develop a second-hand brokerage service.

Each Changemaker participating in the programme will benefit from a £20,000 grant, as well as extensive business support from The School for Social Entrepreneurs, which will continue for two years, to support them with the development of a greener economy that benefits many. 

Sarah Pennells, Consumer Finance Specialist at Royal London, says: “Climate change and sustainability are issues which need addressing urgently. 

“Living sustainably doesn’t have to cost more and some measures, such as reducing the food and heat you waste, can save money. However, many of us need a helping hand to get started. 

“We believe that these inspiring social enterprises can provide real solutions to these issues, with innovation at their heart, which is why they’ve been chosen as our Changemakers this year. We are delighted to support people who are looking at new ways to ensure that a just transition and moving fairly to a sustainable world is a possibility for everyone.”

Amulree Welch, General Manager at Remake Scotland, says: “We know that the cost-of-living crisis is having a huge impact on our community, particularly in the lead up to Christmas.

“Remake are committed to supporting our community through this crisis and helping people to continue to live sustainably while also living affordably. We do this by providing low cost, second-hand supplies through our Reuse Hub including a wide range of second-hand Christmas gifts, providing free hire of over 300 different pieces of equipment through our Community Tool Library and providing package free, sustainable products through our Remake Refillery, which are price matched with Tesco.

“We know that the cost-of-living crisis will for many people be taking precedence over the larger global concern of the climate crisis, however we hope that by supporting people to make second hand their first choice this winter this will help people save money and the planet.”

Scotland prepares to join Global Climate Justice Day of Action

Campaigners will today march through Edinburgh as part of Global Day of Action for climate justice during the UN Climate Conference COP27 in Egypt.

The March will demand action on the cost of living that also helps address the climate crisis. The route through the capital will highlight the banks, polluters and governments who are driving climate breakdown, as well as the resulting impacts on the lives and livelihoods of people around the world.

Organisers say the event will draw attention to the importance of upholding human rights in responding to the climate crisis, here in the UK and world-wide, as the issue of brutal repression of civil society in Egypt comes under the spotlight.

The family-friendly march through the city will be one of over 40 events across the UK and Ireland on a Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.

Mary Church, Friends of the Earth Scotland commented: “As world leaders gather once again to negotiate the future of humanity, thousands of people are marching to demand solutions to the climate crisis that put people and the planet first.

“The solutions to climate change are within grasp and only require the political will to deliver them urgently. Governments need to stop prioritising the demands of big polluters and start listening to the people instead. Putting an end date on oil and gas well within the decade, with a just transition to reliable, affordable renewables will help tackle the cost of living crisis as well as slashing emissions.

“There can be no climate justice without human rights, yet governments around the world including here in the UK are clamping down on civic space.

“We stand in solidarity with those already experiencing the impacts of climate breakdown and with the people of Egypt who are being denied their human rights by a brutal regime.

“We support the call of the Egyptian human rights movement for the release of all those who are being unjustly detained including British citizen and human rights defender Alaa Abd El Fattah who is on hunger strike in prison.”

Global Justice Now will join the march with protests outside HSBC bank, drawing attention to the bank’s role in charging high interest rates for debt repayments from African countries.

Countries in the Global South are currently spending 5 times more on unjust debt repayments than they are addressing the impact of the climate crisis.

Liz Murray, head of Scottish campaigns Global Justice Now said: “This profit-driven system is hurting us all – here in the UK and around the world. And countries in the global south are getting hit particularly hard.

“They’re suffering some of the worst impacts of climate change, despite having played almost no part in causing it, and they’re additionally burdened by enormous debts. Banks here in Scotland are implicated in that – with companies like HSBC and BlackRock making big profits from the interest on those debts and refusing to cancel them.”

Natasha Ion, climate campaigner at Banktrack, said their organisation would be outside Santander bank on Hanover Street highlighting the fact that world’s largest banks have pumped $4.6 trillion dollars into fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement was signed.

Natasha commented: “The climate march will tell banks that they must go beyond burning, and stop financing the extractivism that is wrecking the planet.

“The fossil fuel industry is one of the main drivers of climate change, and has been implicated in endless human rights violations, primarily against Indigenous communities and those on the frontlines of extraction in the Global South.

“Commercial banks also finance major companies guilty of mass deforestation in regions such as Latin America. The highly polluting meat and dairy industry, with massive business like JBS at the centre, has consistently encroached on indigenous lands and been active in illegal deforestation.”

Campaigners are demanding an end to new fossil fuels projects and will be focusing on the UK Government who are currently considering approving the vast new Rosebank oil field.

Mary O’Brien, a grandmother of 10 who is involved in the Stop Rosebank campaign said: “Given the urgency and seriousness of the climate emergency, it is unbelievable that we are even having to fight against new oil and gas fields like Rosebank.

“But thousands of people across the UK and around the world are coming together to stop these climate-wrecking projects and to build that better future.

“I’m doing this for my grandchildren and for future generations, so that they can have a liveable planet. Join us on the march as we demand a rapid and fair transition away from fossil fuels to reliable, affordable renewables.”

March starting point is at 12pm, Saturday 12 November at St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2LL.

The route of the march will pass six points that highlight different demands for climate justice:

1. St Andrew Square – Make Polluters Pay

There will be a large installation of the ’scales of justice’, a performance by the Extinction Rebellion ‘red rebels’ as well as some stalls run by migrant/global justice groups.

2. HSBC Bank, 76 Hanover Street –  Cancel all Debt to Global South Countries

There will be several people on stilts dressed as bankers who are robbing Africa, as well as banners with key messages around debt.

3. Santander Bank, 31 Hanover Street  – End Fossil Finance

The theme is banks financing destructive projects across the world – specifically large scale cattle farming in the Amazon. There will be large trees and people dressed as cows.

4. East Market St – Solidarity with Egypt: Free All Political Prisoners

The street will be lined with posters and banners calling on the Egyptian government to free political prisoners, and for the UK Government not to come home without British citizen Alaa Abd El-Fattah.

5. UK Government building on Sibbald Walk – No New Fossil Fuel Projects

The theme is no new oil and gas/ and Stop the Rosebank oil field. There will be big banners and large and small roses decorating the square in front of the building.

6. Scottish Parliament –  End the Cost of Living Scandal – Just Transition Now

The theme is cost of living/ energy price crisis. When the march arrives at Parliament attendees will be given placards with related demands and encouraged to form a ring around the Parliament.

March ends 2:30pm.

Climate crisis: ‘People power is critical to reach our environmental goals’

Westminster’s Environment and Climate Change Committee has published a report which warns that the Government’s current approach to enabling behaviour change is seriously inadequate and will result in the UK failing to meet its net zero and environment targets.

The Committee identified—drawing on the Committee on Climate Change’s assessment—that one third of greenhouse gas emissions reductions up to 2035 require decisions by individuals and households to adopt low carbon technologies and choose low-carbon products and services, as well as reduce carbon-intensive consumption.

The Committee found that while the Government has introduced some policies to help people adopt new technologies, like electric cars, that focus has not been replicated in other areas.

The Committee concluded that there has been too great a reliance on as yet undeveloped technologies to get the UK to net zero and a reluctance to help people cut carbon-intensive consumption.

During the inquiry the Committee heard from 146 organisations from across the UK and further afield including businesses, local authorities, charities and think tanks as well as government ministers, academics & researchers, and young people.

Baroness Parminter, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee said: “After a summer of record temperatures, fires and hose pipe bans, it has never been more apparent that the twin crises of climate change and nature loss demand an immediate and sustained response.

“People power is critical to reach our environmental goals, but unless we are encouraged and enabled to change behaviours in how we travel, what we eat and buy and how we heat our homes, we won’t meet those targets. Polling shows the public is ready for leadership from the Government. People want to know how to play their part in tackling climate change and environmental damage. 

“The Government’s mantra of “going with the grain of consumer choice” demonstrates a reluctance to help people cut carbon-intensive consumption. It is in a unique position to guide the public in changing their behaviours, however their approach is inadequate in the face of the urgent scale of the environmental challenge.

“The Prime Minister urgently needs to set out her vision of a country where low carbon choices and behaviours can flourish.”

Key recommendations

The Committee recommends that the Government should:  

  • learn from examples of where it has enabled behaviour change, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, and enable people to make the necessary shifts in the key areas of how we travel, what we eat, what we buy and how we use energy at home 
  • launch a public engagement campaign to build support for helping people to adopt new technologies and reduce carbon-intensive consumption in the key areas where behaviour change is required 
  • help the public to reduce carbon and resource-intensive consumption in diets, products, services and travel
  • use the Net Zero Forum, announced in October 2021, to address the coordination, resourcing and responsibilities between local and central government, recognising the key role of local authorities in helping enable behaviour change in local communities
  • use every lever the Government has–including regulations and fiscal incentives and disincentives–to address the barriers which prevent changing behaviours
  • place fairness at the heart of policy design and tailor behaviour change interventions to avoid placing a burden on those who can least afford it. For example, providing financing support for low-income households as part of a national drive to improve the energy efficiency of our homes.

SEPA: East of Scotland records tenth driest summer in 100 years

Scotland, a country famed worldwide for its natural water environment and wet weather, is facing the reality that water is not infinite and is a precious resource we must work together to preserve.

Climate change is forcing every corner of the nation to change its relationship with water as sea levels rise and we experience more flash floods and drought. 

Water scarcity has already proven to be a significant impact in eastern parts of the country this year as the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) reveals the extent of extreme, dry conditions experienced.

  • This summer in the east was the tenth driest in 100 years.
  • Eight out of the last 12 months saw below average rainfall in the region.
  • An extra month worth of average winter rainfall is needed in the east to make up the deficit from the past 12 months.
  • Groundwater levels in the east of Scotland reached their lowest since records began in 2009.

SEPA supports Scotland to adapt to a changing climate and helps steward our national water resource, including warning and informing businesses, communities and individuals during periods of water scarcity.

The risk of water scarcity was reported as early as April this year and what followed was an east-west split in Scotland throughout the summer, with the west experiencing mostly normal conditions while some areas in the east reached Significant water scarcity levels.

In August and September, SEPA took steps to protect the environment from the effects of prolonged dry weather by imposing suspensions on 175 water abstraction licences in four catchment areas.

This required support and compliance from businesses, predominantly within the agriculture sector, around the rivers Eden, Tyne, Tweed and Ythan. Abstractors were required to stop taking water from these areas or reduce volumes for a brief period to allow levels to recover.

Nathan Critchlow-Watton, Head of Water and Planning at SEPA, said: “This was the first year SEPA had to enforce abstraction licence suspensions to protect the sustainability of local water environments. Action like this underlines the severity of the dry conditions we experienced and reinforces the need for businesses to prepare for instances like this in the future.

“Water scarcity is just one indicator of climate change here. With more extreme weather and a projected decrease in summer rainfall in the years to come, many places could face pressure on water resources even if they have not experienced this before.

“It is important that Scotland is ready to deal with water scarcity now and in the future. SEPA is here to help with information to allow businesses to make informed decisions about reducing their reliance on water and to plan for and manage water scarcity events.”

As summer turns to autumn, water levels are improving in areas which have been under the most pressure. However, some northern and eastern catchments are still facing the risk of water scarcity and any businesses still abstracting from the environment are being urged to do so more efficiently. SEPA will continue to monitor and report conditions until all areas return to normal.

SEPA works with abstractors all year round to reduce pressure on the water environment. Abstractors should be taking steps now, in accordance with Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan, to plan ahead for a range of conditions they may experience next summer and in the years ahead.

This; includes monitoring their water usage and equipment to ensure they are operating at maximum efficiency and avoid leaks. Businesses are also encouraged to work together and planning and staggering their abstractions to minimise potential impacts on the local ware environments.

For more information on water scarcity and to view the latest report, visit:   

First Minister addresses Climate Action Week National School Assembly

Thousands of school pupils from across Scotland have taken part in a National School Assembly with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon to mark the end of Climate Week yesterday.

They discussed the action young people are already taking to build a sustainable future and what pupils have learnt about climate change, including what measures they can take to secure a greener planet for us all.

Scotland’s Climate Week encourages everyone to talk about the climate as everyone has a role to play in creating a net zero Scotland.

The week culminated in more than 600 primary school classes from around the country registering to take part in a virtual assembly, led by Keep Scotland Beautiful to share their experiences and discuss what they had learned.

The First Minister visited St Albert’s Primary School, in Pollokshields, Glasgow to take part and hear about their daily live lessons on climate related topics.

She said: “Today’s assembly was a highlight of Climate Week, and I am impressed by the hard work young people have put in to further their knowledge of the topic.

“Their efforts over the past few days show why youth action is so important. Climate change is already having a massive impact around the world and if we don’t take the right action, things will only get worse.

“Future generations deserve a more equal, just and fair future that leaves no one behind. Not only have children and young people played a significant role in keeping climate change at the top of the global agenda, but they will also face the greatest impacts of climate change over their lifetimes.

“It is only right that we listen to the the voices of the next generation, and that we hear them when they challenge us to do more to tackle the climate emergency.”

Barry Fisher, CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “We’ve been inspired over the past five days to see first-hand the enthusiasm and commitment the children, young people and educators who have engaged with Climate Action Week have for taking real action to address the climate emergency. 

“Our Climate Action Schools live lessons have been a great way for us to engage with 15,000+ pupils right across Scotland – extending our reach, opening up new conversations and helping them to amplify their voices as they take action to combat climate change.”

Holyrood Committee to visit Linlithgow climate change projects

The role of local government in helping to reach Scotland’s net zero targets will be the focus for the Scottish Parliament’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee as it visits Linlithgow. 

During the visit on Monday (12 September), Deputy Convener, Fiona Hyslop MSP, Monica Lennon MSP and Mark Ruskell MSP will visit projects which are at the heart of tackling climate change.  – POSTPONED – SEE BELOW –

These will include for example a tour of the Linlithgow Community Development Trust; an introduction to the Linlith-Go-Solar’ solar energy project; and a visit to the proposed site for the newly approved community driven project – West Lothian Cycle Circuit. 

The visit is part of the Committee’s work exploring the role of local government and its partners in achieving the challenging commitment of making Scotland net zero in greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Now the Committee are seeing this work in action by visiting projects and communities across Scotland. 

Speaking ahead of the visit, the Committee’s Deputy Convener, Fiona Hyslop MSP, said: “So many of the key responsibilities in helping Scotland reach its net zero targets sit with local government. Issues such as travel, housing, recycling and the circular economy have a huge impact on Scotland’s environment. 

“But we know that local government can’t make this huge change alone. That is why we want to see how councils across Scotland are working with their communities and building relationships with business, public agencies and the voluntary sector to embed these changes and make a difference to addressing climate change. 

“The Parliamentary Committee’s visit to Linlithgow will help us see first-hand the positive work happening in our communities.” 


Following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, all parliamentary business has been suspended. This committee visit has therefore been postponed.

Fossil fuels driving extreme heat and climate breakdown

Environmental campaigners have commented on the extreme weather conditions in the UK. 

Friends of the Earth Scotland Head of Campaigns Mary Church said: “The extreme heat we are experiencing in Scotland, throughout the UK and Europe is one of the many frightening faces of climate change.

“We must be absolutely clear that the impacts of this heatwave on people’s health and wellbeing, on the NHS, on public transport, on the economy are the result of the continued burning of fossil fuels. Climate breakdown is here, it is deadly serious and it will get much worse unless we act urgently to end our reliance on oil and gas.

“The immediate focus should be ensuring that people are kept cool and safe through this period of record-breaking heat. But once it passes, politicians must get serious about stopping the causes of the crisis and about adapting to the increasingly extreme climate impacts that are already locked in due to our leaders’ inadequate action to date.

“Burning fossil fuels is the primary driver of climate breakdown so we must rapidly phase out North Sea oil and gas production, as part of a just transition to a renewable-powered economy with decent green jobs and affordable energy for all.

The time for rhetorical climate leadership is long past – we need action not words and we need it now.”

Scottish Govt: caution advised in extreme heat

Amber weather warning resilience arrangements remain in place in Scotland today.

People are being asked to consider whether they need to travel and to plan ahead before making any journeys as Scotland copes with the impact of extreme heat.

Justice Secretary and lead minister for resilience Keith Brown has chaired a Scottish Government Resilience Committee meeting (SGoRR) to monitor the impacts of the Met Office Amber warning, while Transport Scotland’s resilience room is closely monitoring impacts across the transport network

The Amber warning has been extended further northeast and now includes Dundee, Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife, Perth, Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and eastern parts of Lanarkshire as well as the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway. The warning is currently in force and will last until 23.59 on Tuesday 19 July.

Mr Brown also attended the latest Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR) meeting.

He said: “Following the weather warnings, our resilience arrangements have been activated. We are receiving regular updates from partners including Transport Scotland, the Met Office, the NHS and emergency services and we’ll continue to closely monitor developments.

“I would urge people to think about whether they need to travel and if they do, make sure they’re properly equipped, and plan their journey in advance. Rail passengers and drivers should make sure they have water, sunscreen, hats and sunglasses and have a fully charged phone in case of any difficulties. Any drivers who face breakdowns should seek a safe, shady place, and stay hydrated.

“When temperatures increase, it’s important to monitor forecasts and follow public health advice, including staying hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding excess alcohol. People should also look out for vulnerable family, friends and neighbours, as older people, those with underlying conditions and those living alone may struggle to keep cool and hydrated.

“Water safety incidents and drownings increase in hot weather and it’s vital that people are aware of the dangers and use supervised beaches and pools when possible – follow the Water Safety Code and in an emergency call 999. People should also be aware of the dangers of wildfires.”

TUC: Urgent heatwave warning to union reps and workers

With the Met Office issuing its first “Red Extreme” and “danger to life” heat warning for Monday (18) and Tuesday (19), and temperatures in some places reaching 40°C, the TUC is calling on bosses to make sure workers are protected from the sun and the heat.

Workers should be aware that employers have a duty of care, and a legal obligation to protect their health, ensuring working temperatures are reasonable, comfortable and safe.

These temperatures present a serious risk of sunstroke, heat stress and sunburn. Working in hot weather can also lead to dehydration, tiredness, muscle cramps, rashes, fainting, and – in the most extreme cases – loss of consciousness.

If a colleague becomes confused or agitated, loses consciousness, or is unable to drink, seek urgent medical attention.

Outdoor work

Employers must work with union health and safety reps to introduce measures to protect their staff who work outdoors when the temperatures rise, including:

  • Avoiding outside tasks between 11am – 3pm when temperatures, and risks, are highest.
  • Provide sunscreen and advice on the need for protection, available in other languages for migrant workers where relevant.
  • Allow staff to take plenty of breaks and provide a supply of drinking water.
  • Provide canopies or covering over open areas and shaded areas for breaks.
  • Provide lightweight protective clothing, including hats.


The heat can be dangerous for workers whose jobs involve driving, as any driver suffering from fatigue is a risk to themselves and other people. vehicles used for long journeys should be temporarily taken out of use if they cannot sustain a reasonable temperature, e.g. they do not have air conditioning.

Indoor work

Indoor workplaces could also become dangerously hot, and TUC advice is that nobody should be working indoors where temperatures exceed 30°C. At 24°C employers must take action to cool the air, and other measures including:

  • Using fans or other mechanisms to cool the air, as well as adequate ventilation.
  • Relaxing dress codes and uniform policies.
  • Allowing rest breaks and adjusting shifts to avoid travelling in peak heat.
  • Moving workspaces away from windows and other heat sources, using blinds to block out sun.
  • Providing cool drinking water.

Maximum temperatures

Employers must ensure working temperatures are “reasonable”. The TUC believes employers must take action when indoor temperatures exceed 24°C, with 30°C being an absolute maximum – certainly no longer “reasonable”.

Guidance elsewhere states:

  • In the US regulations say working temperatures should not go beyond 24°C
  • Spain has strict guidelines on working temperature: it must not go beyond 27°C indoors or 25°C for physical activity.
  • In Germany, 26°C is generally considered the maximum for indoor work.
  • In China, when temperatures reach 37°C outdoor work is banned during the hottest three hours of the day, and at 40°C it must stop altogether.
  • In the UAE, outdoor work is banned entirely between the hours of 12:30 and 15:00 when it’s hottest.


Personal Protective Equipment is defined as “all equipment which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or safety, and any addition or accessory designed to meet that objective.”

Sunburn and complications resulting from UVA radiation are a known risk to health, and outdoor workers are already three times more likely to develop skin cancer than the general working population. Sunscreen creates a barrier between the worker and the risk, and as such should be considered personal protective equipment.

Employers should provide sunscreen with a factor of at least 30, made available free of charge to all workers whose work involves outdoor activities.

Excuses such as allergies should be dismissed. Workers can be allergic to any number of ingredients, fabrics or materials used in equipment, for example hand sanitsier.

Refusal by a worker to wear PPE on that basis is valid. Refusal by the employer to supply it to the wider workforce is not.

The right to refuse

Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 provides workers protection from detriment (i.e. dismissal, disciplinary or a pay cut) if they withdraw from and to refuse to return to a workplace that is unsafe.

Workers are entitled to remain away from the workplace if – in their opinion – the prevailing circumstances represent a real risk of “serious and imminent danger” which they could not be expected to avert.

The TUC says workers should seek advice from their union before using their rights under Section 44.

How SEPA innovators are helping Scotland adapt with climate change

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is demonstrating its commitment to tackling climate change by shifting focus from ambition and targets to action and innovation.

Climate change won’t wait, and it is widely accepted that it now affects every country on the planet. Extreme weather events and rising sea levels are having a detrimental impact on communities, and Scotland is no exception. Flooding in particular remains a growing threat in cities, towns and villages here. The risk to homes and businesses can be severe and the damage devastating.

In announcing her Resource Spending Review last month, Scottish Government Finance Secretary Kate Forbes revealed tackling climate change as a top priority, as well as the need for digital reform – both of which SEPA is focused firmly on.

SEPA is Scotland’s national flood forecasting, warning and strategic flood risk management authority. In 2011, the organisation began operating the Floodline direct warning service to warn the public when flooding is likely to occur.

Those signed up can receive regional flood alerts and local flood warnings 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, as the frequency of flooding increases with climate change, so too does the demand for more information sooner.

Project Manager at SEPA, Laura Paterson, was part of the team faced with addressing this around three years ago. She said: “I began speaking to people across the country who were victims of flooding and heard from them why it was important to receive earlier notice where possible.

“One woman told me about the fear and panic she felt when she could see the water rising outside her home. A man described a time where he was frantically knocking on neighbours’ doors to help them escape during flooding, and another revealed how he would stay awake all night just in case water came into his house. It was clear to me from the start that flood forecasting was not just about convenience, it was about people’s lives.”

More user research was carried out, which revealed a need for clearer geographical information and reassurance when flooding is not expected. Workshops were hosted with the general public and community groups to involve them in the design of a new forecasting product in partnership with the Met Office, which would be available alongside the current Floodline service.

After developing customer journeys and prototypes, a test version of the new Scottish Flood Forecast was launched on SEPA’s website in May this year to give communities warning of flooding three days in advance.

The colour coded map is reviewed and published every morning and describes what the impacts of any flooding are expected to be. Information and advice is also offered on what steps people can take to protect their homes and their businesses.

Laura added, “This project has been the biggest change of SEPA’s flood warning service since we started issuing direct messaging in 2011, giving people the earliest indication possible of when flooding is likely and a better chance to take action.

“I am delighted it has reached this milestone, especially as the pandemic and cyber-attack on SEPA slowed a lot of work down. Despite these challenges, the people this service is designed to help remained at the forefront of all our minds and kept momentum up within the project team.

“This is the first step on a journey to helping communities become more resilient to flooding and climate change. The Scottish Flood Forecast is currently being tested at a national level, but the aim is for the final version to display more localised information, which we know will make the biggest difference to people’s lives.”

While the new Scottish Flood Forecast is piloted this year, work continues on other innovative projects within SEPA’s flooding team including a new Future Flood and Incident Messaging Service (FFIMS). This extension of the current Floodline system will incorporate other hazard notifications for communities and businesses across Scotland and make use of more digital technology to issue alerts such as social media and Google.

New pluvial flood maps, which show surface water flooding, are also in development for 2023-24. They have been publicly available on the SEPA website since 2013, however a 2018 National Flood Risk Assessment identified surface water as the biggest flood risk affecting Scotland. The new maps will provide a complete refresh using the most up-to-date data on current and future rainfall projections, ensuring maximum confidence of where surface water flooding is likely.

Laura concluded: “All of these changes are driven by the need to respond to climate change and support Scottish communities to do the same. I joined SEPA more than ten years ago to work on projects just like this, which are meaningful, worthwhile and provide a valuable service to people.

“Our climate is changing for the worst. I have a ten-year-old daughter, and I know that our children are worried about the way it is going. I’m thinking of her and the future.

“If Scotland is to be a successful country where our communities and businesses flourish, it is vital that we continue to understand the potential implications of climate change for flood risk and create tools which will ensure the resilience and wellbeing of everyone affected.”

Edinburgh residents tell Rishi Sunak to make oil and gas giants pay, not ordinary people

As the cost of living crisis worsens, on Sunday 26th June and Sunday 3rd July Greenpeace volunteers spoke to people on Middle Meadow Walk and on Portobello Promenade about the connection between rising energy bills, Putin’s war, and the climate crisis.

They invited the public to write down how much their energy bills have already increased, and stick these messages onto a life-size cardboard cut-out of Chancellor Rishi Sunak. Volunteers found that most people’s bills had at least doubled and many were fearful of further increases. 

Jessie from Portobello wrote that her rising bills meant she hadn’t been able to put her heating on and was worried about what she would do in the Autumn, while another local wrote ‘my bills are not sustainable. Invest in greener energy!’ 

These messages, along with hundreds of others from across the UK, will be delivered directly to the Government so that Ministers can see how much people are really having to pay to heat their homes and cook food.

Anke, a Greenpeace volunteer from Bruntsfield, said: “‘I was shocked to hear how many more local people are worrying about being pushed into fuel poverty when bills rise again in the autumn. 

“Greenpeace Edinburgh volunteers are calling on the Chancellor to deliver an Emergency Energy Package that stops fuelling rising energy bills, the climate crisis and Putin’s war, and on our local MPs to keep the pressure on the Government until they do the right thing.” 

On 1st April energy bills went up by an average of £700, pushing 2.5 million UK households into fuel poverty. According to data published by Energy Action Scotland, as of last December, 24% of all households in Scotland live in fuel poverty. 

In October bills will rise again, potentially reaching up to an estimated £2600 per year, which could put 1 in 3 households in fuel poverty, according to National Energy Action. Life is only going to get harder for people in Edinburgh.

Although the Government has recently declared a windfall tax on oil and gas producers, this will only provide temporary relief and does nothing to address the causes of the climate or cost of living crises.

Greenpeace Edinburgh is calling for a tax rate of 70%, which could bring in an extra £13.4bn per year. £7.9bn of this tax should go towards the six million households experiencing fuel poverty. This would leave just over £5 billion to invest in the nationwide roll out of heat pumps, insulation and other energy efficiency measures as well as increasing investment in renewable energy infrastructure.

Anke continued: “This Government has failed to get a grip on the climate and cost of living crises. We’ll keep facing these problems for years to come while oil and gas giants pump out planet-trashing emissions and enjoy sky high profits.

“Join us in calling on the Chancellor to make them pay up”.