Draft plan to tackle effects of climate change in Scotland

Views sought on proposals for greater resilience to climate change

Members of the public are being asked to give their views on how climate change is currently impacting Scotland.

A newly-launched public consultation is also seeking views on how to protect and restore nature, improve green spaces in local areas and help prepare businesses for both the risks and the opportunities presented by climate change.

The consultation focuses on a draft Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029 (SNAP3), setting out proposals for managing the current and future impacts of climate change in Scotland. The increasing frequency of extreme weather such as storms, flooding, and heat will have impacts across society, ranging from agricultural production to critical supply chains for vital foods, goods and services. 

The draft plan also outlines the potential economic opportunities for Scotland, such as the development of new, innovative products and services which support Scotland’s resilience to climate change. Examples include battery storage, new insurance products and expertise in areas such as heritage restoration.

Responses from the consultation will help shape actions to prepare Scotland for climate change, as well as provide direction for future Government investment.

Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition Màiri McAllan marked the publication of the draft plan at a visit to the Levern Water River Restoration project in East Renfrewshire.

The recently completed adaptation project is already providing multiple benefits to the local community, including lowering the risk of flooding, connecting nature networks to restore habitats and protect wildlife, and providing active travel opportunities for people including for staff and pupils at Carlibar Primary School.

Ms McAllan said: “As we have seen in recent times Scotland is not immune from the impacts of climate change – 2023 was the hottest year on record and storms have battered the country this winter, impacting families, communities and businesses.

“As highlighted in the UK’s Climate Change Committee’s latest assessment report, we are taking notable steps forward on adaptation policy, however planning and preparation is always better than response and recovery. The decisions we make today must stand the test of time.

“Businesses, public sector, the third sector, communities and individuals all stand to benefit from learning more about their exposure to climate change risks and – crucially – how they can respond and what support is available. And just like our work to reduce carbon emissions, adaptation action also needs to be grounded in fairness, equality and seizing economic opportunities.  

“I urge everyone to take part in the consultation so we can build a more climate resilient Scotland for future generations.”

East Renfrewshire Council Leader, Owen O’Donnell said: “We are very proud of the recent transformation of the Levern Water – an area which had previously been derelict for decades.

“A wider, more natural river channel has been restored to the river, encouraging more fish and wildlife and helping to future proof it against flooding and the impact of climate change. It’s been fantastic to see that the new flood plain has successfully held up against the various storms experienced this winter.

“Attractive and accessible greenspace is so important to communities and this project has been able to provide over a hectare of wildflower meadows, woodlands and a riverside path network – connecting schools, shops and the train station.

“Pupils from Carlibar Primary have been doing a great job in helping to monitor the ongoing health and biodiversity of the Levern Water with support from the Clyde River Foundation, even rearing trout in their classrooms to be released into the river in spring.”

Nicole Paterson, Chief Executive of SEPA, said: “As Scotland’s Environment Protection Agency, we’re on the front line of global action to tackle our climate and nature emergencies. Through innovation and collaboration, we aim to help build a stronger, fairer and more sustainable nation.

“Projects like the Levern Water restoration underscore that effort, and stand as a testament to the positive outcomes that can be achieved through working together on regenerative initiatives.

“The adaption plan is crucial to future success, and with early engagement, we ensure that our decisions today pave the way for a Scotland that’s not just ready for change, but thrives in the midst of it.”

The Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-29 = https://consult.gov.scot/energy-and-climate-change-directorate/scottish-climate-adaptation-plan will be open for public consultation until the 24 April.

£1m for ten projects aimed at tackling coastal erosion

Learning to adapt to coastal change

Ten projects designed to highlight good practice in tackling coastal erosion have secured a share of more than £1m from the Scottish Government’s Coastal Change Adaptation Programme.

Due to be delivered in 2024-25, the projects cover eight local authority areas and include plans to enhance natural defences to help reduce the rate of erosion and improve protection from flooding, such as at Kingston in Moray.

The funding – part of £12m committed for coastal change adaptation during the course of the current Parliament – will also be used to support engagement with local people, businesses and infrastructure owners on the process for developing coastal change adaptation plans, and for improvements to the monitoring of coastlines.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition Màiri McAllan said: “The climate emergency is not a distant threat – we are already seeing an increased impact on coastal communities due to adverse weather and rising sea levels.

“We need to start adapting our coasts to better respond to sea level rise and reduce the risks associated with coastal erosion. Local authorities are seizing the opportunity to do this essential work, with their communities as key partners, and I am confident this additional funding will support that work even further.

“These case studies will be an important source of knowledge for all areas in Scotland affected by coastal change and will help to inform future projects.

“We are already bringing forward measures to help protect homes, the natural environment and agriculture from climate change. And we’re providing £150 million of extra funding, on top of our annual £42m funding, for flood risk management over the course of this Parliament.

“We will continue to work with our local authority partners, communities and businesses to adapt our coastlines to climate change.” 

Later this month the new National Adaptation Plan to address the climate risks facing Scotland will be published.

A consultation on a new Flood Resilience Strategy will also be published for views this year.

Dynamic Coast – Coastal Change Adaptation

Case studies

Local AuthorityName
HighlandEnd of life defences
South AyrshireSouth Ayrshire Council Shoreline Management Plan
North AyrshireNorth Ayrshire Council Shoreline Management Plan
MorayKingston recharge
MorayMonitoring Moray Coast
MorayNear-Real Time Coastal Resilience Modelling
Argyll and ButeLuing (Cullipool)
FifeFife Coastal Management
EdinburghInfrastructure Owner Consultation

More than 60% of people living in Edinburgh are more concerned about climate change in 2024

Sustainable living ranks among top New Years resolutions

  • New survey from Zero Waste Scotland shows people living in the Edinburgh area are taking action to live more sustainably this year – as 61% say they’re more concerned about climate change than in 2023
  • Scotland is bucking the International Quitter’s Day trend (Friday 12th January) with more than half saying they plan to keep up their sustainable changes past 2024
  • Half of Edinbugh residents are prepared to buy fewer ‘new’ products in 2024 – which Zero Waste Scotland has deemed “the ultimate action” to tackle climate change

People living in Edinburgh and the Lothians are prioritising the fight against climate change in 2024, as 61% say they’re more concerned about climate change now, compared to this time last year.

While resolutions tend to include goals such as eating more healthily, losing weight, or cutting out sweets and alcohol, new research, commissioned by Zero Waste Scotland, shows nearly a quarter (24%) of people in the area, who made a New Year’s resolution for 2024, have vowed to live more sustainably.

Reducing food waste was the top eco action people said they would take this year, with 72% saying they would target this as part of their sustainable lifestyle efforts. Recycling more or better was another top pick for the planet, with 67% of respondents indicating they would take this on.

Encouragingly, half (50%) of people in Edinburgh and the Lothians surveyed said they would consider buying fewer new products this year – a move with huge potential to cut our contribution to climate change.

The data was released on International Quitter’s Day(Friday 12 January 2024)– the day on which people around the world are most likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions.

Despite this global trend, more than half (56%) of people surveyed said they intend to keep up their sustainable pledges for longer than 12 months – a sign that Edinburgh-based Scots are ready to do their part in the fight against climate change.

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive of Zero Waste Scotland, explained:While some circular lifestyle choices have become second nature to many, it’s fantastic to see an increasing appetite from Scotland to live more sustainably. And what better time to create new habits than in the New Year.

Curbing our consumption is the ultimate action we can all take, as it reduces demand for the finite raw materials needed to make new products. Doing so can help us cut the climate impacts of our purchasing decisions down to size, avoid the worst effects of climate change, and live within the limits of our natural environment.

“There are plenty of resources available to help people in Scotland live more sustainably in the long-run and landmarks like the Scottish Government’s upcoming Circular Economy Bill and Routemap will only galvanise our efforts.

“Let’s all make small changes that have huge impact in 2024 and beyond.”

Other green lifestyle choices highlighted by survey respondents included:

  • Reducing use of single-use cups (39%)
  • Repairing or altering clothing instead of buying new (40%)
  • Exploring sharing and leasing (e.g. for clothing, toys, tools etc.) over buying new (21%)
  • Giving alternative gifts – like time, skills, or experiences (15%)
  • Taking more direct action against climate change, e.g. writing to my MSP, attending protests, etc. (18%)

To help empower people to embrace sustainability, Zero Waste Scotland has created an interactive online Circularity Quiz which challenges users to think about their consumption habits and how they might impact Scotland’s carbon footprint.

Throughout the quiz there are hints and tips to help people make positive changes and highlight the incredible work being done across communities, local authorities, business, and government to strengthen Scotland’s circular economy.

The quiz is available on the Zero Waste Scotland website.

Climate conscious kids reveal most important factors when considering their dream university

  • 89% of 17–18-year-olds in Scotland plan to attend university
  • Nearly half of prospective students in Scotland said a university’s impact on the climate was important to them when choosing their university
  • 52% said a university’s energy efficiency and its use of renewable energy sources was important to them in their university choices

Environmental consciousness has firmly taken its place in students’ minds when making decisions about the university they wish to attend, according to latest research from corporate finance advisor, Centrus.

With 89% of 17–18-year-olds in Scotland actively planning to pursue higher education, universities are increasingly under pressure to align with their expectations, that are placing a growing emphasis on sustainability and climate responsibility.

47% of prospective university students in Scotland regard a university’s impact on the climate as an important factor in their selection decision making, with one-in-five (19%) categorising it as ‘very important’.

52% of survey respondents said a university’s energy efficiency and its use of renewable energy sources was important to them when choosing, whilst 52% said how involved the institution is in the local community weighed in on their decision-making.

Educational factors of a university remain steady in prospective students’ selection process, with the appeal of the course having the highest impact on choosing which one to attend (88%). This is closely followed by the teaching style (84%), and where the university is located (84%).

What is noteworthy however, is that a university’s environmental footprint is now considered almost as important as traditional metrics like the diversity of societies (52%), the university’s size (44%), or how old it is (33%).

Beyond the initial selection phase, students’ expectations extend to the ‘green’ credentials of their chosen university. A resounding 75% expect their university to actively engage in protecting the local environment and eco-system.

In addition, 70% expect university accommodation to use green energy, and 70% also expect all university buildings to be energy efficient. Half of respondents also confirmed that they do not want their university to invest in fossil fuels.

George Roffey, Chief Sustainability Officer of corporate finance advisor Centrus said: “There is a clear mindset among prospective university students about the importance of environmental issues and how green a university’s credentials are.

“These institutions are facing mounting pressure to meet the expectations of students, alongside other tangible social and environmental impacts.  It is abundantly clear that sustainability and climate responsibility are becoming pivotal factors in the university selection process.

“For universities, this calls for a shift in some fundamental aspects of their identity. Climate change is not going away, and it must remain a core mission for higher education institutions to integrate renewable energy sources and environmental activism into their operations.

“In doing so, they will not only instil a competitive edge in attracting prospective students, but will also play a pivotal role in fostering a sustainable and responsible future, that aligns with the evolving curriculum content and the values of our new generation of students.”

First Minister comments on COP28

Recognition of climate crisis is historic, he reckons – but environmental campaigning groups disagree

Commenting on the conclusion of the COP28 summit in Dubai, Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “I welcome the news that an agreement has been reached at COP28, notably, the $700 million committed to address loss and damage and the pledge to transition away from fossil fuels in a just, orderly and equitable manner.

“This recognition that the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis is historic. It is disappointing that there was not a stronger resolution committing to the phase-out of all unabated fossil fuels, however we must all now work together to turn these words into action and to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.  

“The agreement on loss and damage represents a significant step forward in the fight for global climate justice. We must, however, recognise that this sum is only a fraction of what will be needed to address the irreversible economic and non-economic losses which are being suffered by developing countries every year.

“We are at a pivotal moment in the fight to tackle the climate emergency and address the devastating effects of climate change – and Scotland will continue to play our part. 

“It is absolutely crucial that we have political consensus on climate change – both at home and abroad – and that we work together to make a constructive contribution to addressing this monumental challenge.”

COP28: Weak climate deal slammed

Self-interest, weak leadership and a lack of urgency

Responding to the conclusion of the COP28 climate conference in Dubai, Friends of the Earth’s international climate campaigner, Rachel Kennerley – who has been attending the talks – said: “Self-interest, weak leadership and a lack of urgency by wealthy countries like the UK, Japan and US and the EU bloc, has resulted in a desperately inadequate COP28 resolution that leaves the world on a collision course with the worst of climate breakdown.  

“These talks will never achieve the breakthrough we need until the rich countries that have contributed most to the climate crisis, including the UK, face up to their responsibilities by phasing out the use of fossil fuels fairly and fast and by providing adequate funding for poorer nations.

“Rishi Sunak may like to claim that the UK is showing global leadership on this issue, but under his premiership key climate policies have been watered down, his international promise to cut UK emissions by a third has veered dangerously off course and he has declared an ambition to ‘max out’ North Sea gas and oil.

“We urgently need our leaders to seize the huge opportunities growing a green economy would bring, from new, long-term jobs and lower energy bills, to improving our health and wellbeing, as well as protecting the planet for future generations.”

Greenpeace: COP28 sends the signal the fossil fuel industry has been afraid of

The final outcome of the COP28 climate summit in Dubai is not the historical deal the world needs, but it does send the signal the fossil fuel industry has been afraid of: the fossil fuel era is ending.

In response to the final COP28 outcome, Kaisa Kosonen, Senior Political Advisor at Greenpeace International said: “The signal that the fossil industry has been afraid of is there: ending the fossil fuel era, along with a call to massively scale up renewables and efficiency this decade, but it’s buried under many dangerous distractions and without sufficient means to achieve it in a fair and fast manner.

“You won’t find the words ‘phase out’ in the text, but that’s what the equitable transition away from fossil fuels in line with 1.5°C and science will necessitate, when implemented sustainably. And that’s what we’re determined to make happen, now more than ever.

“The outcome leaves poorer countries well short of the resources they will need for renewable energy transition and other needs. For the many goals of the agreement to be realised, rich countries will need to significantly step up financial support and make fossil fuel polluters pay. Only last year the fossil fuel industry made $4 trillion in profits, and they need to start paying for the harm and destruction they have caused.

“This is not the historical deal that the world needed: It  has many loopholes and shortcomings. But history will be made if all those nearly 130 countries, businesses, local leaders and civil society voices, who came together to form an unprecedented force for change, now take this determination and make the fossil fuel phase out happen. Most urgently that means stopping all those expansion plans that are pushing us over the 1.5°C limit right now.”

Ghiwa Nakat, Executive Director, Greenpeace Middle East & North Africa, said: “COP28 has sent an unprecedented signal to the world that the starting gun has been fired for the end of the fossil fuel era.

“We commend the efforts of the COP presidency to conclude with a final acknowledgement of the need to transition away from fossil fuels and to mobilise climate finance with more than $700million pledged to the operationalised Loss and Damage Fund.

“But communities on the frontline of the climate catastrophe need more than this. They need to see an unwavering and resolute commitment to a rapid, equitable, and well-funded phaseout of all fossil fuels – together with a comprehensive finance package for developing countries to transition to renewables and cope with escalating climate impacts.

“We leave Dubai knowing that hope is still alive but our mission is far from over!”

Mike Robinson, chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said: “It is hard to feel any excitement about this outcome, and given these talks were hosted by the head of an oil company, many people will be completely unsurprised that the final outcome fails to give any sense of urgency and ignores what the science has been telling us for decades – ‘cop-ping out’ of delivering a long overdue agreement to urgently phase out from the coal, oil and gas that is fuelling the crisis. 

“This failure means the world remains on track for catastrophic levels of heating and the debt owed to countries who did least to cause the crisis to help them to cope and recover from extreme climate impacts will only increase. 

“The onus is now on individual countries to do what is so urgently needed, and channel their efforts into delivering progress, rather than impeding the necessary change. The UK Government must cancel the new oil and gas licensing round. At the same time, the Scottish Government must clearly and strongly oppose new oil development, and say no to new gas at Peterhead, while swiftly delivering a robust new climate plan that gets us on track to meeting and exceeding our climate targets through a just transition that is fairly funded by making the biggest polluters pay for their damage.”

“This failure means the world remains on track for catastrophic levels of heating and the debt owed to countries who did least to cause the crisis to help them to cope and recover from extreme climate impacts will only increase. 

“The onus is now on individual countries to do what is so urgently needed, and channel their efforts into delivering progress, rather than impeding the necessary change. The UK Government must cancel the new oil and gas licensing round. At the same time, the Scottish Government must clearly and strongly oppose new oil development, and say no to new gas at Peterhead, while swiftly delivering a robust new climate plan that gets us on track to meeting and exceeding our climate targets through a just transition that is fairly funded by making the biggest polluters pay for their damage.”

Fr Leonard Chiti, Jesuit Provincial for Southern Africa and part of the SCIAF delegation at COP28 said: “COP28 has sent a clear signal that the fossil fuel era is coming to an end and that every nation must now redouble their efforts to reduce emissions in line with the 1.5C temperature goal.

“However, it simply has not gone far enough; not urgent enough, not ambitious enough. At the start of COP28, Pope Francis and many others called for the elimination of fossil fuels. This final text does not secure that, and we must now re-double our efforts towards a fossil fuel free future.”

Call for urgent four nations summit on climate change

Scottish and Welsh Ministers press UK Government on new partnership

The Scottish and Welsh governments have written to the UK Government calling for a new four nations summit on reaching net zero, to be chaired by the independent Climate Change Committee.

The call follows the Prime Minister’s speech on climate change last week.

The letter, co-signed by Scotland’s Net Zero Secretary Mairi McAllan and Wales’ Minister for Climate Change Julie James, highlights the weakness of current arrangements for working with the devolved nations and calls for greater UK collaboration in agreeing the pathway towards the UK’s legally-binding net zero targets.

The two governments propose that the summit be chaired by the independent Climate Change Committee, which acts as a statutory adviser to all four nations.

The full text of the letter to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations is below:

Rt Hon Michael Gove MP
Secretary of State for Levelling Up,
Housing and Communities
and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations
House of Commons

28 September 2023

Dear Michael,

This is a joint letter from myself and Julie James, Minister for Climate Change, Welsh Government.

We write to highlight our disappointment in relation to the Prime Minister’s statement last week (20 September) announcing that the UK Government is significantly changing course on key net zero commitments.

Despite the far-reaching implications of the announcements made – with substantial changes in policy that will impact progress in delivering net zero and have profoundly negative implications for the environment and economy across the UK and further affect the UK’s international reputation – there was no prior engagement with the devolved governments. Given that delivery of the climate ambitions of the four nations of the UK are intrinsically linked, this is deeply unsatisfactory.

In addition, almost a week later, it is hugely frustrating that the UK Government has not provided the level of detail required by such significant announcements. We would urge you to provide this immediately to enable devolved governments to fully assess the implications.

Regarding Scotland, the Scottish Government will separately be writing to the UK Government shortly, in more detail, setting out areas in which progress urgently needs to be clarified. Regarding Wales, the Welsh Government has also separately written to the UK Government, seeking further clarity on the impacts of the recent policy changes on Wales.

Tackling the twin crises of climate change and nature loss is one of the most significant challenges facing people and planet this century and all nations of the UK must work in partnership to complete the net zero journey. Delivering progress on net zero requires urgent action and higher ambition from the UK Government on issues reserved to Westminster to complement the action taken under devolved powers. The Climate Change Committee has been clear that action by the UK Government is important for delivery of climate change targets around the UK, just as action in Scotland and Wales is crucial to UK targets.

Since last week’s process shows the weakness of current arrangements, we are now urging you to establish a new, mutually respectful partnership, with the aim of developing an agreed four nation approach to net zero in a collaborative manner. We therefore invite you to commit, in the first instance, to a high-level summit for a four nation approach and to agree with us that our statutory advisers, the independent Climate Change Committee, be invited to chair the summit.

We are also copying in Katrina Godfrey, Permanent Secretary at the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs and the Secretary of State at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero.

Yours sincerely,


‘We need a just transition NOW’


Climate campaigners marched through Edinburgh yesterday to demand the UK and Scottish Governments develop a plan for a fair and fast transition away from fossil fuels. 

The protestors are demanding action to phase out oil and gas in the UK including a halt to controversial projects like the Rosebank oil field and a new gas-fired power station in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire. 

Organisers say there must be a fair and fast transition for the workers and the communities most affected by the move away from fossil fuels and these people should be at the heart of planning this transition to ensure it meets their needs.  

The march is one of 650 actions taking place around the world with millions of people involved this weekend ahead of a UN Climate Ambition Summit of world leaders in New York next week.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s oil and gas campaigner Freya Aitchison said: “Millions of people will be in the streets around the world because politicians are failing to deliver the fast and fair transition away from the fossil fuels that are fuelling climate breakdown.

“The near daily climate disasters we are witnessing from Libya, to Greece to China are driven by the burning of fossil fuels yet politicians are still cheerleading for fossil fuel companies. Rishi Sunak’s plan to ‘max out’ oil and gas will maximise climate destruction while the Scottish Government is considering approving a new gas plant at Peterhead in Aberdeenshire which will lock us into burning fossil fuels for decades to come.

“Marchers in Edinburgh are calling for a properly planned transition away from oil and gas which is led by the workers and communities most affected. A credible plan to switch to renewables can deliver huge benefits to people such as more affordable energy, secure green jobs, warm homes and a safe climate.”

Scientists, energy experts and climate campaigners agree that there must be no new investment in oil, gas or coal anywhere if the world is to limit further climate breakdown. Despite this the UK Government wants to “max out” new North Sea oil and gas and grant over 100 new licences for further oil and gas exploration. 

The march was organised by a coalition of groups including Edinburgh Climate Coalition, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Fridays for Future, Climate Justice Coalition, War on Want, Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh, Scot.E3, Greenpeace Edinburgh and Youth in Resistance. 

Steve Gray, a delegate of Aberdeen Trades Union Council who spoke at the rally after the march said: “Aberdeen Trades Union Council welcomes the opportunity to march in solidarity with the climate justice movement and thanks everyone for their support for a just transition for workers employed by the fossil fuel industries.

“The tragic deaths caused by the Stonehaven trail derailment during a storm showed the devastating impacts of a changing climate. Aberdeen Trades Union Council, alongside our STUC allies, recognise that we cannot allow these hazards to multiply and threaten our communities.

“All our gains from free school education to votes for working people and equal pay for women have been won through collective struggles. We can once again win this shared fight and secure decent jobs for people building climate resilient communities in Scotland and around the world.”

Lucia Harrington, Lead Organiser of Fuel Poverty Action who campaign for insulated homes and clean, affordable energy for all commented: “Our households’ resources, and the earth’s resources, are being exploited by the profiteering fossil fuel industry, and this is driving fuel poverty and climate disaster.

“One of the leading causes of the cost of living crisis was that fossil fuel powered energy companies were allowed to make record profits at the expense of millions of people who are forced to go without heating, hot water and electricity.

“We need a just transition now to an energy system that works for people and the planet. Many workers in the fossil fuel industry want to be part of this transition without losing their jobs and falling into fuel poverty.”

Young climate activists protest at Labour MP’s Edinburgh office

Promise to continue every week ‘Until Bold Action Is Taken’

On Friday, local climate activists from Green New Deal Rising staged a ‘sit-out’ in front of Ian Murray MP’s HQ to demand bolder climate commitments from Labour ahead of the next General Election. 

Beginning at 11am on Friday, young climate activists in Edinburgh gathered outside Ian Murray MP’s constituency office in Causewayside, urging him to commit to doing more in the face of the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

The group criticised the Labour Party’s failure to adequately respond to repeated calls from young people for rapid decarbonisation, a just transition to a low emissions economy and investment in green jobs.

Ian Murray is MP for Edinburgh South and the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland in Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet.

This action follows similar protests every Friday since 14th July. This week, the activists staged a “birthday party” for Keir Starmer outside the office, putting up decorations, playing party songs and sharing around cake to mark the Labour leader’s birthday this week.

They spoke to Ian Murray’s constituents and members of the public about what the Labour party could be doing to tackle the climate emergency and social and economic injustice.

The protest was part of a national campaign by Green New Deal Rising pressuring the Labour Party to ‘Be Bold’ in their manifesto pledges ahead of the next UK General Election, which must be held before December 2024.

They are demanding that the Labour Party commit to passing legislation which expands public ownership, taxes wealth, delivers a green jobs guarantee and a living income, enacts a National Nature Service and make polluters pay globally, in the first 100 days after the election. 

Similar protests were also staged in cities across the UK targeting other members of the Shadow Cabinet.

Paris, 20, a member of Green New Deal Rising from Glasgow said: “We are seeing unprecedented heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, floods, crop failures, famines and falling living standards.

“Labour are refusing to put in place the bold and systemic solutions required to put an end to these crises, with the party having just ruled out wealth taxes and having reaffirmed their support for a set of dangerous and arbitrary fiscal rules that top economists have said are morally and fiscally irresponsible.

“So we are back outside Ian Murray’s office for the 8th week chatting with the public and throwing a birthday party for Keir Starmer celebrating what Labour could achieve if they grant our wishes of having a livable future through public ownership of essential services, a secure income for all, and a transformative Green New Deal.”

Keir Starmer announced Labour’s ‘Green Industrial Strategy’ earlier this year, but has already U-turned on a number of issues in response to fossil fuel lobbying, by refusing to block the Rosebank Oil Field if approved and delaying the timing of green investment.

Polls consistently show that the electorate are in favour of more action on environmental issues as well as public ownership.

Paris continued: “Our wishes are highly reflected in our interactions with the public who are concerned about the destruction of our planet and deteriorating living standards. Labour need to reject austerity economics and support our demands for a Green New Deal.”

The group say they will return to Ian Murray’s office again next Friday.

‘Climate change is the ‘defining issue of our time’, Minister tells Green Home Festival

Climate change is the “defining issue of our time” and we all have a role to play  to ensure we successfully transition to net zero in Scotland.

That was the message from Minister of Housing Paul McLennan as he officially opened the second Green Home Festival on Monday (14 August) as part of the 2023 Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

The MSP was the keynote speaker at the launch ofthe five-day renewables jamboree in central Edinburgh, which was once again organised by the Construction Industry Collective Voice (CICV).

Mr McLennan was joined by TV presenter and award-winning designer Anna Campbell-Jones for the launch event at 10 Charlotte Square, where guests gathered to kick off a week of practical assistance and advice to help Scotland become a net zero nation.

Speaking to delegates at the Scottish headquarters of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Mr McLennan outlined the challenge facing industry, homeowners and the wider  – and said everyone had a part to play.

The Minister told guests: “Climate change is the defining issue of our time; the climate emergency is already here and we know that we have to act for our generation and also for future generations.

“We know that to meet Scotland’s climate targets we need to reduce emissions from heating buildings by 68% by 2030, which is a huge task. We also need to switch homes and buildings to zero direct emissions heating, such as heat pumps and heat networks.

“The cost of living crisis and unprecedented surges in energy prices make this challenge even harder, as do the impacts of rising inflation on building and construction costs.

“But these factors make it even more important to move away from expensive fossil fuels for heating our homes – to help make our energy more affordable and secure, while eliminating energy efficiency as a driver of fuel poverty.”

Mr McLennan, who is MSP for East Lothian, also stressed that increasing understanding and raising awareness about the changes we need to see are key to Scotland reducing emissions from our building stock.

The Minister said: “We need to help homes, businesses and other property owners to understand what the heat transition will mean for them, the types of measures best suited to their homes and buildings and the support available to them to make this transition.

“We plan to publish a Heat in Buildings Public Engagement Strategy later this year, setting out our plan to increase understanding of the heat transition in Scotland.

“Many of you in industry, the public and third sectors are already taking the lead in the heat transition by decarbonising your own buildings.

“Events such as the Green Home Festival – offering live demonstrations and guidance – can play a huge part in increasing understanding of the changes we need to see in our building stock and of zero emissions heating systems in Scotland.”

Mr McLennan also said that the Scottish Government continues to offer a “coordinated package of support” to help householders convert to zero direct emissions heating systems and install energy efficiency measures.

He said: “We know that installing a zero direct emission heating system and energy efficiency measures can be expensive and we understand the importance of helping people to meet these costs, especially those who need support the most.

“The Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan Scheme provides grants of up to £7,500 for homeowners to install both heat and energy efficiency measures, and as much again in loan funding.

“There are also higher grants for eligible properties in rural areas and we are committed to investing at least £1.8 billion over the course of this Parliament towards heat and energy efficiency measures.”

Mr McLennan added: “Public funding and support will continue to play a big part in helping people make the changes needed. But it will cost around £33 billion to transform our building stock by 2045 and that can’t be met by government alone.

“Our Green Heat Finance Taskforce will therefore make recommendations this year on how the financial services sector can help people meet and spread the costs of the heat transition.

“And our £17.6m Green Heat Innovation Support programme will support Scottish-based companies to develop ideas, introduce new products or processes to the market, and support collaboration.”

Other speakers at the launch included Green Home Festival co-organiser Gordon Nelson, Scotland Director of the Federation of Master Builders, and Sandra Cummings, Chair of the RICS Scotland Board.

Mr Nelson said: “We were extremely grateful to Mr McLennan for opening the second Green Home Festival and kicking off a fantastic week of essential advice and practical hands-on information.

“Once again it has been heartening to be involved in a wider team effort, working with kindred organisations and highly skilled people in planning this year’s festival which will promote the construction sector’s commitment to accessible, affordable, and sustainable low-carbon energy solutions.

“Through influencing government policy, the CICV will aspire to realise its vision of building a sustainable future, one home at a time.”

After the launch, Scotland’s Home of the Year judge Anna took centre stage for the first show of the day, Ingredients for a Greener Kitchen, which showed homeowners how to make their cooking spaces more eco-friendly, with contributions from Scottish Water and trade bodies SNIPEF and SELECT.

The show was followed by a second session on the potential of microwave heating, in which Professor Sean Smith from the University of Edinburgh outlined the features and benefits of the alternative heat source.

The Green Home Festival delivered a further eight in-person and virtual presentations this week, targeting homeowners, construction professionals, housing associations, landlords and local authorities.

With demonstrations and hands-on guidance to help people reduce their carbon footprint and become more energy efficient, topics covered include green garden rooms and officesmaking retrofit projects eco-friendlyconverting churches and how the home of the future will be powered.

The event also included a dedicated heat pump day, with two separate shows on how to reduce bills, access grants and install the technology, as well as options for hybrid heating.

Built Environment – Smarter Transformation also hosted an in-person show on the advantages of community heat networks and a webinar that advised what consumers can do to reduce both their energy consumption and energy bills.

The festival is the latest in a string of practical and constructive initiatives launched by the CICV since its creation at the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

Made up of 28 trade associations, professional services bodies and companies, it has maintained a steady supply of information and practical advice to the sector as well as carrying out surveys, producing animations and posters, hosting webinars and maintaining close dialogue with government.

SUNAK: “We’re choosing to power up Britain”

Hundreds of new oil and gas licenses will be granted in the UK, PM confirms

  • Prime Minister commits to future oil and gas licensing rounds, as new analysis shows domestic gas production has around one-quarter the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas
  • North East Scotland and the Humber chosen as locations for two new carbon capture usage and storage clusters – building a thriving clean industry in the North Sea which could support up to 50,000 jobs
  • Investment in the North Sea will continue to unlock new projects, protect jobs, reduce emissions and boost UK energy independence

Hundreds of new oil and gas licences will be granted in the UK, the Prime Minister has confirmed today (Monday 31 July), as the UK Government continues to back the North Sea oil and gas industry as part of drive to make Britain more energy independent.

The Government and the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) are today announcing a joint commitment to undertake future licensing rounds, which will continue to be subject to a climate compatibility test.

By adopting a more flexible application process, licences could also be offered near to currently licensed areas – unlocking vital reserves which can be brought online faster due to existing infrastructure and previous relevant assessments.

With the independent Climate Change Committee predicting around a quarter of the UK’s energy demand will still be met by oil and gas when the UK reaches net zero in 2050, the Government is taking steps to slow the rapid decline in domestic production of oil and gas, which will secure our domestic energy supply and reduce reliance on hostile states.

This will increase the UK’s energy security and reduce dependence on higher-emission imports, whilst protecting more than 200,000 jobs in a vital industry as we grow the UK economy.

As part of a visit to a critical energy infrastructure site in Aberdeenshire today, the Prime Minister will highlight the central role the region will play in strengthening the UK’s energy independence and meet the next generation of skilled apprentices key to driving this work forward.

The NSTA – responsible for regulating the oil, gas and carbon storage industries – is currently running the 33rd offshore oil and gas licensing round. They expect the first of the new licences to be awarded in the autumn, with the round expected to award over 100 licences in total.

Future licences will be critical to providing energy security options, unlocking carbon capture usage and storage and hydrogen opportunities – building truly integrated offshore energy hubs that make the best use of the established infrastructure.

This comes as new analysis released by the NSTA today shows that the carbon footprint of domestic gas production is around one-quarter of the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas.

As the UK is a rapidly declining producer of oil and gas, new oil and gas licences reduce the fall in UK supply in order to ensure vital energy security, rather than increase it above current levels – so that the UK remains on track to meet net zero by 2050.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “We have all witnessed how Putin has manipulated and weaponised energy – disrupting supply and stalling growth in countries around the world.

“Now more than ever, it’s vital that we bolster our energy security and capitalise on that independence to deliver more affordable, clean energy to British homes and businesses.

“Even when we’ve reached net zero in 2050, a quarter of our energy needs will come from oil and gas. But there are those who would rather that it come from hostile states than from the supplies we have here at home.

“We’re choosing to power up Britain from Britain and invest in crucial industries such as carbon capture and storage, rather than depend on more carbon intensive gas imports from overseas – which will support thousands of skilled jobs, unlock further opportunities for green technologies and grow the economy.”

The UK’s oil and gas industry are also vital to driving forward and investing in clean technologies that we need to realise our net zero target, like carbon capture usage and storage, by drawing from the sector’s existing supply chains, expertise and key skills whilst protecting jobs.

Today, the Government has confirmed that projects Acorn in North East Scotland and Viking in the Humber have been chosen as the third and fourth carbon capture usage and storage clusters in the UK.

The Government has already committed to deploy CCUS in two industrial clusters by the mid-2020s – the HyNet cluster in North West England and North Wales, and the East Coast Cluster in the Teesside and Humber – and another further two clusters by 2030 – now confirmed as Acorn and Viking.

Together, these four clusters will build a new thriving carbon capture usage and storage industry, which could support up to 50,000 jobs in the UK by 2030.

The UK has one of the largest potential carbon dioxide storage capacities in Europe, making the North Sea one of the most attractive business environments for CCUS technology. The Government has committed to provide up to £20 billion in funding for early deployment of CCUS, unlocking private investment and job creation.

Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps said: “In the wake of Putin’s barbaric invasion of Ukraine, our energy security is more important than ever. The North Sea is at the heart of our plan to power up Britain from Britain so that tyrants like Putin can never again use energy as a weapon to blackmail us.

“Today’s commitment to power ahead with new oil and gas licences will drive forward our energy independence and our economy for generations. Protecting critical jobs in every region of the UK, safeguarding energy bills for British families and providing a homegrown fuel for our economy that, for domestic gas production, has around one-quarter the carbon footprint of imported liquified natural gas.

“Our next steps to develop carbon capture and storage, in Scotland and the Humber, will also help to build a thriving new industry for our North Sea that could support as many as 50,000 jobs, as we deliver on our priority of growing the economy.”

The Prime Minister has also tasked the relevant Government departments and regulators to work collaboratively and report back by the end of the year on how we can make the best use of our offshore resources in a truly integrated way as we unlock CCUS and hydrogen opportunities in the North Sea.

A call for evidence has also been launched by Government today, seeking views on the evolving context for taxes for the oil and gas sector to design a long-term fiscal regime which delivers predictability and certainty, supports investment, protects jobs and the country’s energy security.


Rishi Sunak is gleefully encouraging the arsonists to go and put more fuel on the fire

Climate campaigners are furious that the Prime Minister is ‘doing the bidding’ of the oil industry after he re-affirmed that the UK Government will issue over 100 new licences for oil and gas exploration this Autumn.

Rishi Sunak also said that the Acorn project was chosen as the third of four carbon capture and storage clusters in the UK. Climate campaigners regard carbon capture and storage (CCS) as an attempt to ‘greenwash’ the oil industry and pointed to the long history of failure of the technology.

Campaigners say that instead of giving more public money to oil firms it should be invested in climate solution that work today and can improve people’s lives such as public transport and home insulation.

Friends of the Earth Scotland head of campaign Mary Church said: “Burning oil and gas is driving extreme weather and killing people on every continent yet Rishi Sunak is gleefully encouraging the arsonists to go and put more fuel on the fire.”

“By ignoring the huge harm caused by fossil fuel company greed and doing bidding of the industry, the UK Government is blatantly in denial about climate breakdown.”

“By committing to future licensing rounds on the same day, it’s clear to see that carbon capture is little more than a greenwashing tactic by big oil to try and keep their climate-wrecking industry in business.”

“CCS has a long history of over-promising and under-delivering yet both the Scottish and UK Governments have fallen for the snake oil salesmen rather than face reality that the only solution to the climate crisis is a fast and fair phase out of oil and gas.

“Funding for the Acorn project is yet another massive public subsidy to oil companies like Shell who have been making billions in profits, while ordinary people are struggling to pay the bills.

“Instead of handing more money to polluters, it is time to redirect that investment to climate solutions that we know can deliver emissions cuts and improve peoples’ lives today – such as improving public transport and insulating people’s homes to help with energy bills.”

Commenting on the UK Government’s citation of analysis showing domestic gas production has a lower carbon footprint than imported gas, Ms Church continued: “It’s pure spin to try to sell more climate wrecking extraction as lower carbon when every nation needs to phase fossil fuels out with rich nations like the UK going first and fastest.

“What’s more, the Prime Minister is comparing apples and pears as most of what’s left in the North Sea is heavy oil, that we don’t even use domestically, not gas, so it has to be exported anyway.”

Unsurprisingly, ‘stakeholder’ comments have been overwhelmingly positive:

David Whitehouse, CEO Offshore Energies UK said: “Domestic production is the best pathway to net zero and the UK Government’s commitment to licences is a welcome boost for energy security and jobs. 

“Oil and gas fields decline naturally over time. The UK needs the churn of new licences to manage production decline inline with the maturing basin. There are currently 283 active oil and gas fields in the North Sea, by 2030 around 180 of those will have ceased production due to natural decline. If we do not replace maturing oil and gas fields with new ones, the rate of production will decline much faster than we can replace them with low carbon alternatives.

“Developing our new carbon capture industry and its high-value jobs needs  significant investment from our energy producing companies.  This means that the bedrock to success and delivering growth in the economy can only be collaboration between private and public capital. 

“The UK’s skilled offshore workforce, its engineering expertise and its geology have given our nation a unique opportunity to lead the way in building a net zero world.”

Tom Glover, RWE UK, Country Chair said: “RWE is delighted that Viking CCS has been awarded Track 2 status for the Government’s Cluster Sequencing Process.

“RWE is a long-term cluster partner of Viking CCS and is developing two projects that could use this facility, providing firm, secure and flexible low carbon power generation to support our transition to a net zero economy.”

Will Gardiner, Drax Group CEO, said: “We welcome the Government’s decision to designate Viking as a Track 2 carbon capture utilisation and storage cluster (CCUS). Progressing a CO2 transport and storage network in the Humber represents a significant step toward helping the region meet its Net Zero ambitions and ensuring that it remains a source of high-skilled jobs and energy security for decades to come.

“The announcement shows the importance of CCUS to the Humber and, along with the East Coast Cluster, creates an additional pathway to support our plans for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) at Drax Power Station.

“We are currently engaged in formal discussions with the UK Government on this project and hope to invest billions in its development and deploy this critical, carbon removals technology by 2030.”

Dr Nick Cooper, CEO of Acorn lead developer Storegga, said: “We are thrilled that the Acorn Project has advanced directly into Track-2. Acorn has been progressed by the development partners as the Track-1 reserve since late 2021 and is ready to move promptly to support the decarbonisation of Scotland and the wider UK.

“Today’s news is a defining milestone for us, and the Scottish Cluster. Acorn will be a major contributor towards meeting the UK and Scotland’s carbon reduction targets, able to serve emitters connected by pipeline and ship.

“As Lead Developer, Storegga thanks Acorn partners and Scottish Cluster participants for their support and we look forward to working with Government to deliver the multiple benefits of creating and future-proofing jobs, bringing inward economic investment, developing green-tech industries and, crucially helping decarbonise Scotland and the UK.”

Harbour Energy’s Executive Vice President of Net Zero and CCS Steve Cox said: The successful award of Track 2 status to Harbour’s Viking CCS project in the Humber as well as Acorn in northeast Scotland is another demonstration of how we are well positioned to use our existing skills and infrastructure to help develop the burgeoning CCS industry in the UK.

“More widely, the announcement today shows the key role the North Sea oil and gas sector will play in helping to deliver the UK’s carbon capture goals.”

Ruth Herbert, Chief Executive at the CCSA, said: “We are pleased to see the UK Government pushing ahead with its CCUS deployment programme and selecting the next two CCUS clusters, as time is running out to meet 2030 targets.

“This CO2 infrastructure is critical to safeguarding the UK’s supply chain security, enabling local industries to continue to thrive whilst reducing their emissions as we transition to a net zero economy.

“It is therefore vital that the Government urgently sets out clarity on the process and timeline for selecting carbon capture sites within these ‘Track-2’ clusters and within the previously announced Track-1 cluster expansion. 

Billions of pounds of investment is waiting to be deployed to decarbonise these industrial regions, but firm plans are required to secure it.

“There are a number of other clusters under development across the country, which is why last year we asked government for visibility of the longer-term CCUS deployment plan.

“Collectively, CCUS clusters could protect 77,000 current jobs and create a further 70,000 jobs across the UK. Government’s forthcoming vision for the UK CCUS sector needs to be published as soon as possible, to avoid investment flight in those regions that have not been selected today.”

Simon Roddy, Senior Vice President of Shell UK‘s Upstream business, said: “This is an important step forward for one of the UK’s leading CCS clusters. The Acorn Project is a central part of plans to decarbonise North Sea operations, and to store emissions from other parts of Scottish industry.

“As Technical Developer, we bring Shell’s global experience of CCS and the delivery of major projects. T

“o stimulate investment in this and other CCS clusters, continued co-operation with governments will be key to finding the most innovative approaches and business models to allow CCS to reach the scale needed to help the UK achieve net zero.”

Alistair Phillips-Davies, Chief Executive of SSE, said: “Carbon capture will play a critical role not only in decarbonising the UK’s power system but also in unlocking economic growth and boosting our energy security, and today’s announcement marks a major step forward in its deployment.

“We know how important it is that the north-east of Scotland and Humber are decarbonised and the decision to support the Scottish Cluster and Viking Cluster shows that there is commitment to doing so.

“Time remains of the essence. Now, we must move quickly to deploy the transport and storage infrastructure which will underpin the rollout of CCS across the chosen clusters. Doing so will allow crucial low-carbon projects – such as our carbon capture project at Peterhead – to be brought forward, supporting the energy transition while providing good, green jobs and enhancing regional economies.

“The UK has a real opportunity to lead the world on carbon capture if we can accelerate progress and today’s announcement provides welcome impetus.”