KSB launches Climate Challenge Fund film to celebrate success

Over a decade of inspiring community climate action is being celebrated by environmental charity, Keep Scotland Beautiful, as it launches a report and film to celebrate the people, the projects, and the impact of the Climate Challenge Fund across Scotland.

In 2008, Keep Scotland Beautiful opened the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) to applicants for the first time and since then over 1,150 diverse projects spanning every single local authority area in Scotland have been awarded CCF grants to take action on climate change locally. Total CCF funding exceeds £111 million.

Since then, Keep Scotland Beautiful has been at the forefront of community climate action, supporting CCF funded groups, and working with communities across Scotland to build capacity to tackle climate change.

Although focusing on projects funded over the last four years, the report also shares learning from 12 years of Keep Scotland Beautiful managing the CCF.

The report is complemented by a newly launched film which celebrates the impact of the CCF – capturing the thoughts and feelings of community members working on grassroots CCF projects and a variety of partners from the wider CCF community.

Stories of success feature prominently in the report and demonstrate how CCF projects have provided valuable support to help communities cut carbon emissions through reducing their reliance on car travel, tackling waste, growing local food and using energy more efficiently in homes and community buildings. 

It also explains how, in addition to the carbon benefits, the CCF has driven community cohesion, knowledge sharing and fostered a Scotland wide peer-led movement where people have introduced their fellow citizens to more sustainable, healthy and often more economical ways of living – building broad public support for ambitious national action on climate change.

The contribution volunteers have made to successful CCF projects cannot be underestimated and the report shares inspiring personal stories of how these local volunteers have helped tackle carbon, strengthen their communities and play an invaluable part in the response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

From 1 July 2021 communities and groups in receipt of a CCF grant will receive support directly from the Scottish Government. 

As we hand over the baton, KSB CEO Barry Fisher said: “We’ve been privileged to have managed and developed the CCF on behalf of the Scottish Government for over a decade.

“We’d like to thank all those who have been integral to the success of this ground-breaking fund – the CCF Grant Panel members over the years, our partners, our employees, and most importantly, the CCF communities and people who make them. Without these passionate, inspiring and committed people working tirelessly across Scotland to reduce their impact on the climate CCF would never have been able to generate the legacy that it has.

“We will continue to facilitate and support communities to take climate action, in particular working to realise our ambition of a climate literate country. And as COP26 comes to Glasgow this year, we look forward with hope and ambition.”

Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson said: “The Climate Challenge Fund has supported many hundreds of communities across the country to take climate action, providing the tools, guidance and resources to inspire thousands of people to learn more about climate change, help reduce emissions and become more climate resilient.

“I am grateful to Keep Scotland Beautiful for the pivotal role it has played in making the Fund such a success. I have no doubt that KSB will continue to drive positive change and help us all achieve a greener, more sustainable future with COP26 as a catalyst for further action.

“The Scottish Government will continue to empower communities to play a leading role in our just transition to net zero, including through new networks of community climate action hubs and Climate Action Towns. 

If we all play our part, Scotland can show the rest of the world how it’s done – and ensure our people and communities are at the forefront of the transition.

View the full report and film on the CCF website at:


Currently funded projects can be found at: 


Climate Collage workshop

Take part in the “climate collage” workshop on Wed 10th Feb 5:30 – 8:30pm.

A fun, participatory & creative workshop on climate change, the Climate Collage workshop aims to raise awareness & understanding about climate change.

Book your ticket here: https://bit.ly/36xo3iP

Based on the IPCC report, it explains the climate functioning and the consequences of its disruption. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a very short period of time and addresses both novices and experts.

If the workshop is too expensive for you, contact us : contact@climatecollage.org

How the game works:

The workshop is based on a 42-card game. Each card represents an element, a cause or a consequence of climate change.

As a team, guided by your facilitator, you are to find the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change. Collective intelligence will get you from one deck of card to the next!

This step-by-step reconstruction provides keys to understand the complexity and develop an overview of climate change.

The workshop’s program:

A Brief History Of “The Climate Collage “
Reconstruction of the Climate Collage guided by your facilitator
A little pause in between if needed
Creative phase
Debrief + time to share, express thoughts and feelings

REMEMBER: The workshop takes place online, a good internet connection is necessary.

Practical information:Make sure to have installed the zoom.us software, which will be the workshop’s communication platform.

You will receive an email with all the technical information you need, including the link to join the meeting two days and one minute before the workshop starts.

Please take your ticket only if you are sure that you can make it !

About our partner organisations

The Communities for Conservation project is run by Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council and is funded by the Climate Challenge Fund.

It aims to inspire Ethnic Minority communities in Edinburgh and Livingston to save carbon.

Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) is made up of individual members and representatives from a wide range of organisations and has a remit to work across the areas of City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian & West Lothian Councils.

Please contact event organiser Claire with any specific questions: mrn.claire@gmail.com

College students go green with £190,000 Climate Challenge funding

Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) has been awarded over £190,000 as part of the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), allowing it respond to the Climate Emergency.

Building on a previous project, this funding will lead to the creation of a new climate change project that will run through to 2022.

The new project will offer free support to help Edinburgh College students to travel more sustainably, and to reduce their food and textile waste.

Activities will include cycle training and bike maintenance workshops, continuing the current Liftshare scheme, introducing a Community Fridge at each campus, and running swap-shop events.

In addition, the team will work to increase understanding of climate change among our student community by running workshops during class time and providing opportunities to develop sustainability skills through extracurricular and voluntary activities.

ECSA Director Al Wilson said: “We’re thrilled to receive this funding from the Scottish Government to continue our Go Green project. Our aim is not only to help the College and our students reduce their carbon footprint, but also to increase climate literacy, help change behaviours, and to support the wider community – through schemes like our Community Fridge.”

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “I’m delighted that our Students’ Association have been allocated this funding to allow them to continue carrying out their fantastic work in Sustainability. Our students are hugely passionate about the increasing climate challenges facing us all. 

“The team has already achieved so much, inspiring many students and staff to factor climate change into their daily lives, ensuring that we all contribute to a greener society.

“We all look forward to the next project getting underway and seeing the College community come together raise awareness of climate change and take action to protect our planet.”

In April 2018, ECSA became the first college students’ association to be awarded CCF funding, which led to the current Go Green low-carbon travel project. That project is now close to completion and has achieved astounding results – saving 321 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

This leads to a projected lifetime saving of 1009 tonnes of CO2 equivalent – a 244% increase on the target initially set out by the team.

In addition, ECSA has engaged with more than 1200 students throughout the project, delivering classes focused on Sustainability over the past two years. Feedback gathered found that 54% of students felt their climate knowledge increased through these sessions.

If you would like to hear more about plans for the next project, contact the team by email go.green@ecsa.scot.

Climate Challenge Fund now open for applications

The Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) is open for a new round of applications.

Funding is available of up to £100,000 per organisation, per year for the next two financial years 2020-2022. Continue reading Climate Challenge Fund now open for applications

Climate Challenge Funding for Leith Crops in Pots

Communities across Scotland will benefit from new support to tackle climate change and embrace the transition to a carbon-neutral society. The latest round Climate Challenge Fund for 2019-21 will support 87 projects – and one of those is Leith Crops In Pots, who receive £255,000. Continue reading Climate Challenge Funding for Leith Crops in Pots

Climate Challenge cash bonanza for local projects

Granton Parish Church, North Edinburgh Arts, Leith Cops in Pots and ELREC are among fourteen city projects to share grants totalling £15.3 million in the latest round of Climate Challenge Funding. The initiative supporting action to combat climate change has now helped in excess of 1,000 projects – and provided more than £100 million funding over the past decade. Continue reading Climate Challenge cash bonanza for local projects

ELREC wins first ever Climate Challenge Fund Award

National awards ceremony recognises ELREC’s efforts to tackle climate change

Community-led organisations from across Scotland gathered in Edinburgh on Wednesday to celebrate the first ever Climate Challenge Fund Awards, organised by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful on behalf of the Scottish Government. The ceremony, which took place at Dynamic Earth, recognised the work undertaken by groups supported by the Fund that have taken local action to tackle climate change – including the efforts of Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council’s (ELREC’s) Communities for Conservation project. Continue reading ELREC wins first ever Climate Challenge Fund Award

Edinburgh set to welcome climate change conference

Dynamic Earth set to welcome over 100 community climate champions

Community groups from across Scotland will gather in Edinburgh on Thursday 2nd November at an event hosted by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful to celebrate and strengthen local efforts to combat climate change that have been supported through the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund. Continue reading Edinburgh set to welcome climate change conference