Report of the first Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland welcomed by Holyrood Parliament

The Scottish Parliament debated the report of Scotland’s first Citizens’ Assembly on Thursday 18 February.

MSPs welcomed the Assembly’s shared vision and 60 recommendations for the country’s future, ahead of an action plan on the Assembly’s findings to be published by the next Scottish Government and a further debate to be held by the new Parliament following the election in May.

Parties were urged to take forward the Assembly’s work through manifesto pledges.

The debate can be viewed here.

The Assembly’s report was published last month. The vision and recommendations were agreed by an overwhelming consensus of members, and cover a wide range of areas including future citizens’ assemblies, incomes and poverty, tax and the economy, health and wellbeing, support for young people, sustainability and further powers for the Scottish Parliament.

Following the report’s publication, Assembly members met virtually to discuss their vision and recommendations with ministers from the Scottish Government, including the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, Europe and External Affairs Michael Russell and a number of other ministers. 

Last week, the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Futures Forum held an event convened by the Presiding Officer which brought together members of the Assembly, a political panel and a number of MSPs to discuss and consider the vision and recommendations of the Assembly ahead of the Parliamentary debate on Thursday. 

The report of the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland can be read online at

To accompany the report, a short film on the Vision and Recommendations agreed by the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, and featuring the voices of members is here: 

Our Vision and Recommendations – YouTube

And a second one that considers the deliberative process is here:

Finding common ground through deliberation – YouTube

All of the materials including evidence from previous weekends, an interim report and range of supporting papers covering previous work and articles and videos about the impact of COVID-19, together with recordings of plenary sessions, are available on the Assembly website 

Scotland has another Citizens’ Assembly underway. Scotland’s Climate Assembly is tackling the question: “How should Scotland change to tackle the climate emergency in an effective and fair way?” and will continue its work over the next few months.

Best wishes,

Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat

Democracy: A House of Citizens?

The Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland is now coming to a close. Made up of 100 people like you, selected to be a cross section of Scottish society, they came together to address what kind of country we are seeking to build in the 21st century (writes WILLIE SULLIVAN, Director of ERS Scotland). 

Citizens’ assemblies like these have been used around the world to find solutions to complex problems and hold politicians to account. Scotland’s success depends upon the power of people working together to tackle the real challenges, and one of the things the Assembly was nearly unanimous on was the success of the citizens’ assembly format.

Over 80% of the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland backed the idea that In order to overcome the challenges in relation to citizens’ engagement in decision-making, the Scottish Government and Parliament should set up a ‘house of citizens’ to scrutinise government proposals and give assent to parliamentary bills.

Along with the Sortition Foundation, Common Weal and the RSA, we’ve put together a proposal for how a House of Citizens’ could work

Sign our petition to create a House of Citizens

When the Scottish Parliament was set up, the designers were right not to mirror Westminster’s broken set up – with a House of Lords packed full of party donors and political cronies.

We knew we could do better than that. Two decades later, assemblies from around the world have shown the success of citizens’ direct involvement. Momentum is growing – sign this petition and help us push the campaign to the next level.

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Best wishes,


Director, Electoral Reform Society Scotland

Citizens Assembly to hold final meeting today

The Citizens Assembly will meet for Weekend 8 today – Saturday 5 December. Convener Kate Wimpress has written a blog where she provides an overview of the weekend (see below). 

We will be livestreaming the plenary sessions on our website, 

and materials for the Assembly that members will use, are also available to view online.

Convener Kate Wimpress (above) said: “I am very much looking forward to the last meeting of the Citizens’ Assembly.

“Members will be meeting online on Saturday, 5th December, to discuss support for the final recommendations to advance their vision for Scotland. This is the culmination of the remarkable journey we have taken, together, as Scotland’s first  Assembly. As usual, we will be livestreaming the plenary sessions on our website:

“Members will be reading out their recommendations, and it will be a privilege to hear the recommendations, formed through careful deliberation, shared in their own voice. They will also be voting on the levels of support for each recommendations agreed during weekend 7. 

The recommendations are varied and speak to a number of broad themes: 

How decisions are taken 

  • Recommendations about improving citizen participation, the provision of information, and accountability in our political institutions.

Constitutional issues 

  • Some recommendations explicitly call for further powers, for example, around taxation and negotiating  trade agreements. Others call for changes in areas that are currently reserved, including aspects of employment law, incomes and regulation of utilities to support environmental objectives. 

Building a sustainable country  

  • A range of recommendations about environmental sustainability.

Tax and economy  

  • Recommendations on changes to, and improving the understanding of, the tax system

Income and poverty

  • Recommendations covering a range of action to address poverty including to improve information on poverty and relating to income and employment.

Helping people to realise their potential 

  • A broad range of recommendations, including around education and training for young people, and action around health and wellbeing, the NHS, and wider health services 

“There is a great deal of detail within each of the  themes and members will be finalising their recommendations during Weekend 8.

“The final report will incorporate the Assembly vision and the recommendations, alongside a description of how the process worked, and reflections from Members on their journey. It is to be published early next month, presented to the Scottish Government and Parliament, and debated in the Scottish Parliament.  

“We are making plans for communicating the final reports and our subscribers will be kept up to date with all the latest developments.

“In the meantime, we will continue to promote the Assembly across our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram social media channels.”

Citizens Assembly to reconvene next month

The Citizens Assembly will resume online following a break due to COVID disruption. We will reconvene on 5 September and will report to the Scottish Government and Parliament by the end of the year.

The Assembly’s remit will be unchanged.

You may recall that before the pause, members had made substantial progress in developing a shared vision for the future of Scotland, and had considered key challenges to building a sustainable country.

Members also examined Scotland’s finances and taxation, and discussed how decisions are taken for and about Scotland.

The Assembly will now complete its work across these areas, while also considering the impact of COVID-19.

The interim report, The Journey So Far, was published yesterday alongside a comprehensive set of articles and videos summarising the work.

 All information can be found at and we will continue to update our FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube channel social media channels.

Best wishes, 

Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat

Picture: Chris Watt