Scotland’s first Citizens’ Assembly has published its report setting out a shared vision and 60 recommendations for the country’s future.
The vision and recommendations were agreed by an overwhelming consensus of members, and cover a wide range of areas including future Citizens’ Assemblies, incomes and poverty, tax and the economy, health and wellbeing, support for young people, sustainability and further powers for the Scottish Parliament.
Doing Politics Differently: The Report of the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland can be read online at www.citizensassembly.scot
This report has been submitted to the Scottish Government and Parliament. It will be laid in Parliament for debate, with an action plan from the Scottish Government to follow.
To accompany the report, a short film on the Vision and Recommendations agreed by the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland, and featuring the voices of members is here: Our Vision and Recommendations – YouTube
And a second one that considers the deliberative process is here: Finding common ground through deliberation – YouTube
All of the materials including evidence from previous weekends, an interim report and range of supporting papers covering previous work and articles and videos about the impact of COVID-19 are available on the Assembly website
together with recordings of plenary sessions.
We will be promoting the report and other content on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).
Citizens’ Assembly Secretariat