It’s that time again! Christmas tree expert Mary Dimitrova from Fantastic Services reveals the top tips for looking after your Christmas tree to keep it fresh all throughout the Christmas period:
What are some quick and easy insider tricks for knowing if a tree is fresh and will last long?
A healthy tree should have bright and shiny needles, not dry and dull. If you notice any grey sections, that’s a sign of dehydration, which means that the tree is not that fresh. If the tree is fresh, the needles should not break easily and should be hard to pull them off.
If the trunk is sticky and there is any sap residue the tree is fresh. Also, the tree should be heavy, which means the tree is freshly cut and still contain all the water.
What trees typically survive in houses for the longest?
A Douglas or a Nordmann Fir are the best options – they’ll last for about six weeks before withering, offering the best use throughout Christmas. Of course, that depends on how well you care for it but lowering the temperature in the room really slows down the drying process and keeps your tree fresher for longer.
What are your best watering tricks to help the tree last longer?
Your tree should drink one litre of water per three cm of the stem diameter. That means a fresh cut tree can consume 4-5 litres in 24 hours. Watering is critical, especially for Norway Spruce trees. Check the water levels daily and never let it go below the tree’s base.
Without water, to the tree’s base, it will dry out just in 7-8 days. The temperature of the water is not that important and no, you can’t overwater your tree, it will absorb only as much as it wants.
What are some ways to give a dead Christmas tree new life?
You can try to give your tree a good trim which will reduce the number of water-requiring branches. Keep the room as cool as possible and move your tree to the darkest spot of the room.
How do I select the correct height for a tree for my room?
You should measure the distance between the ceiling and floor, which is the vertical height limit. Include the height of the tree stand in the overall height. Doing this step before going to buy a tree will massively reduce the stress of picking the perfect tree.