Flora’s pupils take the active option

Flora Stevenson Primary School’s approach to physical education has attracted the attention of university researchers. Pupils at the Comely Bank school have opted for daily physical activity – with ‘remarkable’ results – and the successful initiative will now be rolled out to more local schools.

Over the past two years extra training has been provided for teachers and pupils have been given opportunities to be active daily.  This approach has made a significant impact on pupils who are showing an increase in confidence, motivation and self-esteem, as well as physical ability.

Since 2011 the school has been working with Winning Scotland Foundation and The City of Edinburgh Council who have provided a variety of support and funding for the initiative.

Pupils receive PE lessons three days a week and an active class challenge for their ‘non-PE’ day. The week culminates with the opportunity for them to participate in an optional hour of physical activity on a Friday – incredibly nearly 80% of all pupils now choose to participate in active options which include a wide variety of activities from fencing to football and hip-hop to tae kwon do.

Edinburgh University has been so impressed with this approach it is studying the impact it is having on training teachers within their own school.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener said, “This project has really had remarkable results so far.  Alongside the great uptake of activities at school and the positive impact this is having on pupils, many are now choosing to partake in sports outwith school time.  This means they are more likely to be physically active regularly and continue to be so in the long-run; this is an invaluable lifestyle change for them.  This is a great example of how working with other organisations can lead to positive change.”

The project has allowed Flora’s to work closely with parents and other schools within the local community, one of which is Broughton High School (one of three school based Community Sports Hubs in Edinburgh). Sport can play an extremely important role in assisting children’s transition from Primary School to Secondary school.

Angela Hutt, PE Specialist at the school is delighted that her initial idea was developed and came to fruition thanks to the support and commitment of Shelagh Dow, Depute Head Teacher and her fellow teachers.  Angela said; “The Curriculum for Excellence had given us the flexibility to provide pupils with opportunities to be active daily.  As Friday’s activities are a reward for good behaviour we are seeing a positive impact on behaviour throughout the week.  This is an ambitious project and wouldn’t be possible without support.  A big thanks to everyone who has worked with us on this.”

Morag Arnot of Winning Scotland Foundation said, “This project has had a remarkable affect on the children involved and believe it could act as a blueprint for getting every child in Scotland active every day.  We have been pleased to be able to support the project since its inception.  We look forward to seeing how the project continues to develop across other schools and the impact it can have on more children.”

Cath Morrison, Senior Health Policy Officer, NHS Lothian said, “The advantages of children being physically active are well known but what Flora’s has done is package it up in such a way that it becomes part of their everyday life and influences behaviour outwith that time also.  We are proud to be able to fund this programme and look forward to working with new schools on future projects also.”

Additional funding from Winning Scotland Foundation & the NHS has allowed the project to continue this year at Flora’s and to be introduced to Stockbridge Primary.  It is hoped to further extend it to the remaining two cluster schools in August next year.


Dads Rock at The Prentice Centre

Children and Families Minister Aileen Campbell MSP officially opened the new Dads Rock group at The Prentice Centre yesterday (Saturday 27 October). Around twenty men and their kids attended the first local session of the playgroup that was set up specifically for dads and male carers. 

The Clydesdale MSP was joined by her partner Graham and their wee boy Angus at The Prentice Centre and the family had a great time! Ms Campbell said:”We received a really warm welcome and enjoyed our visit. Dads Rock is a great idea and I really do hope it goes from strength to strength, not only in Edinburgh but across the country”.

Dads Rock founders Thomas and David said: “We were really delighted to see so many new faces at our first session at The Prentice Centre and we’re very grateful to Aileen for showing her support by performing the launch. We’re hoping that the word will spread now that we’re open in Granton and we’re looking forward to meeting more and more local dads as the weeks go on”.

Prentice Centre management committee members and staff were on hand to welcome the new visitors to their building on the corner of Granton Mains Avenue and West Granton Road. Janet Campbell, manager at The Prentice Centre, said: “We are delighted to welcome Dads Rock to the Centre and it was good to see so many people here for the first session. The kids seemed to have a great time and we are sure it will be a success”.

The Dads Rock playgroup meets at The Prentice Centre on Saturday mornings from 10 – 11.30am with play, music time, art stuff, snack and story time – and it’s all free. For more information check out the Dads Rock Facebook page or see their blog at http://dadsrock.blogspot.co.uk/ 

Free movies in Muirhouse

Looking for something to do with the kids on Saturdays?

Well look no further, North Edinburgh Arts and Link Up Muirhouse are to host free family film days. Starting Saturday 3 November from 12.30 you’re welcome to come along and enjoy the film of the day in North Edinburgh Arts Centre’s fantastic cinema!

Films will be shown from 1pm, but children are more than welcome to arrive early and purchase goodies for the film from the tuck-shop. When the film finishes everyone is welcome to head into the library as they staff will be holding a film relevant fun session.

Sat 3rd November – 1pm                               Top Cat

Sat 10th November – 1pm                             The Muppets

Sat 17th November – 1pm                             Shrek 4

Sat 24th November – 1pm                             Brave

These films are totally free and we hope to see many families enjoying them, Parents and carers are more than welcome to come to the Arts centre if they wish and sit in the modern café area whilst younger children watch the film.

So rather than spend time on the streets when it’s cold and miserable why not come to the centre and enjoy the film?

More information please call in to the Arts centre or telephone: 0131 315 2151 or visit www.muirhouseresidents.org.uk/

Robert Pearson


Wednesdays and Thursdays are WE DANCE DAYS!

Wednesdays and Thursdays are We Dance Days at North Edinburgh Arts Centre!

Last May, North Edinburgh Arts – working with Imaginate and Dancebase – was awarded 18 months funding from Creative Scotland to host a dancer in residence. Funded through the pARTners scheme, the residency focuses on the health and wellbeing benefots that dance can bring to children, young people and their families living in Forth.

North Edinburgh Arts dancer in residence Skye Reynolds is now running dance workshops with children to explore and experiment with many dance forms and styles. On Wednesdays five to eight year olds from 10 – 11.15am and on Thursdays it’s eight to twelve-year olds from 4 – 5.30pm – so let’s dance!

Primary care – Travel Safe Charter launched

A new resource to help improve road safety education has been launched in primary schools across Edinburgh, the Lothians and Scottish Borders. The Travel Safe Charter is a unique approach to promoting safe road practises to young people, seeking a commitment from schools and other agencies to develop curricular activities and partnership working.

Scotland’s national Road Safety Framework aims to reduce road deaths by 50 per cent through 2020 and the Travel Safe Charter has been designed to promote these key visions to all Pl – P7 year groups within our schools. The Charter provides advice and guidance on a range of policies, practices and procedures while encouraging and rewarding individual efforts. It will fit within the existing Curriculum for Excellence framework.

Travel Safe will reinforce and consolidate current good practices, whilst highlighting partnership working, parental input and involvement from the local community. All schools will submit evidence demonstrating that they have achieved the goals set within the Travel Charter framework and will be acknowledged accordingly through the award of a Charter certificate. The schools adjudged to be meeting these criteria will be given Travel Safe accreditation, which will be reviewed after three years.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill showed his support and helped launch the campaign at Duddingston Primary School yesterday.

Police believe Travel Safe will be a very useful tool to ensure a more sustainable approach to road safety education in primary schools. Chief Inspector Jim Royan from Lothian and Borders Police Safer Communities said: “As part of the Edinburgh Road Safety Partnership’s commitment to education, the Travel Safe Charter has been introduced to assist primary schools developing road safety education as a more vital part of the curriculum. Too many lives are lost needlessly on our roads each year and the earlier we can educate young people on road safety issues the better.

” School is where children receive the vast majority of their education and it’s appropriate for schools to play a key role in promoting road safety to their pupils. However, they are not alone in this project and police and partner agencies will provide all the necessary support and guidance schools require when adapting their curricular programme. We are also keen to get parents more involved and would encourage anyone who would like to assist with road safety education to respond to local school appeals for volunteers.”

Duddingston Depute Head Teacher Sara Webster said: “We are very excited about being part of the new Travel Safe Charter. Road safety is a skill for life which we feel is part of our responsibility asking children to assess and manage risk to protect themselves in the 21st century.”

Stepping Stones annual general meeting

Stepping Stones (North Edinburgh) will be holding their AGM on Thursday 20 September at 12.30pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. All welcome.

Stepping Stones is one of North Edinburgh’s longest established and most succesful community-led organisations, and has worked with young parents (up to 25) and pregnant teenagers from across the Greater Pilton Area of Edinburgh since 1986.

Stepping Stones provides structured but flexible support to young parent families and pregnant teenagers, providing centres where parents can relax, enjoy themselves and their children. The varied group work programmes include leisure recreational and educational activities and is designed to offer a wide range of learning opportunities to the family.

Individual support is also available to complement the group work sessions. Individual support includes counselling, help with parenting, play therapy, relationship advice, career and training advice, housing and debt management, etc. A designated worker provides individual and group support to very young pregnant teenagers.

For further information about Stepping Stones (North Edinburgh) telephone 551 1632, email ststnorthed@hotmail.com or visit their website at www.steppingstonesnorthedinburgh.co.uk  Then again, you could find out all the latest Stepping Stones news by attending the AGM!


Total Craigroyston – update

Manager Christine Mackay gives an update on the Total Craigroyston initiative:

Consultation meeting at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

I hope you have all had a good summer in spite of the dreary weather.

Many thanks to all of you who contributed to our consultation events. In total, 215 local residents and front line staff, from 37 different teams and organisations were involved in nine events.

We had expected to be ready to share the outcome with you earlier in August but in the end, processing all the information we received took longer than we thought. However, we now have a draft ‘Road Map’, which will set the direction for the Total Craigroyston Initiative. The information and insights that we gathered have been grouped into themes and we have identified a range of short and long term actions that we would like to achieve over the life of the initiative.

What is obvious is that there is a real strength within the community and a desire to build on the good work that is already going on. Of course, some challenges were identified and we hope that we can make progress on these in order to achieve the kinds of changes that people would like to see.

We have organised a range of meetings to present the findings of the research back to people who were involved and other stakeholders.

The meetings will take place on the following dates:

Tuesday 4 September at 2pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Wednesday  5 September at 7pm in Craigroyston Community High School

Thursday 6 September at 10am in North Edinburgh Arts Centre.

Everyone is welcome but please book a place by contacting Julie Innes by telephone on 469 3162 or by email on julie.innes@edinburgh.gov.uk. Childcare can be arranged for those who need it. Please let Julie know when you book a place.

The draft Road Map will be available on Monday 20 August from the Total Craigroyston Blog at totalcraigroyston.wordpress.com and if you have any comments or observations please let us know.

As well as the meetings above, there will be a short presentation to the Forth Neighbourhood Partnership on Tuesday 21 Aug at 7pm, which is open to everyone.

Two Play Out days were organised by Total Craigroyston

Adult Education enrolment now open

CRAIGROYSTON a wide range of courses available

With the kids back to school today, what better time to think about going back to school yourself? The city council’s adult education programme offers a wide variety of courses geared to suit your circumstances – and, with venues that include Craigroyston High School and Edinburgh’s Telford College, often right on your own doorstep!

No less than 48 venues are offering courses over the next academic term, and the ever popular programme has some exotic new additions this year – how about some Bollywood dancing or Mexican Cooking to spice up your life?

With day, evening and weekend courses on offer across the city, there is a variety of subjects to choose from, including art, computing, languages, fitness, genealogy, crafts, yoga, belly dancing, wine appreciation, gardening or stress management.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Convener for Education, Children and Families said: “The amount of classes and subject matter on offer this year is absolutely fantastic, there truly is something to suit all tastes.  Some will see these classes as an opportunity to try something new or take on a hobby but they can also be a stepping stone on to further education or indeed into a new career.

“I would advise anyone who has some time to spare over the coming autumn and winter to look into what’s on offer and to secure your place sooner rather than later.”

Rajni Ravikunar, who is teaching a Bollywood Dancing class this year, says she is looking forward to classes starting   and is encouraging the public to have a go: “The classes are great fun and will give participants a chance to get fit too.  We’ll be bringing a taste of Bollywood glamour to Edinburgh, I’m really excited.”

There are a number of Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) at Higher and Unit levels being run by Stevenson College Edinburgh and Edinburgh’s Telford College. These can be taken as formal qualifications for work, college or university or simply for personal development or interest.

Courses start on 24 September except Highers which begin on 03 September. Enrolment is now open.

TELFORD offers Highers and SQA Units


Vicki says goodbye to Granton

Vicki Ridley is to leave Granton Youth Centre. Vicki, who has managed the youth centre since 2003, is taking up a new post with Canongate Youth Project.

Granton Youth Centre opened on West Granton Road in 2003 in a building shared with the Pilton Partnership. The new Centre did not have the most successful of starts, however, and it was only with the arrival of Vicki as new manager that the Centre started to live up to it’s potential.

Ten years on, under Vicki’s drive and leadership, Granton Youth Centre has gone from strength to strength: constantly building and developing to offer a comprehensive range of services in a programme that’s always been planned with, and centred around, the needs and requirements of the young people themselves.

Vicki said: “Ten years is a long time to be involved in any organisation, and it’s certainly the longest that I’ve been involved with an organisation.  Granton Youth Centre has been an amazing place to work, often challenging, but never a dull moment and occasionally loads of fun! I have lots of fond memories to take away with me, and I have met some truly amazing people whose courage and resilience, kindness and positivity have blown me away, and kept me, the service and everyone else at GYC going when things got tough.

“Although the choppy waters of local community politics don’t always help with plain sailing, some of the partnerships, networks and local organisations we have worked with have been really valuable.  I hope young people throughout Forth continue to benefit from a range and diversity of provision which meets their needs, and that all the organisations in the area have a sustainable and prosperous future.

“It’s great to see how GYC has become a viable and valued resource for young people where once there was none.  My favourite memories are largely concerning situations where young people do well – they receive certificates, awards, or make a small/medium/large breakthrough.  My least favourite memories will be collated and written up in small novella format for publication at a later date!

I look forward to working with friends and colleagues in my new role as Manager of Canongate Youth Project.”

When advertising for a replacement, Granton Youth Centre’s voluntary Board of Management said they were seeking ‘an exceptional candidate to lead our organisation and take our plans forward’. Interviews take place this month, but Vicki will indeed be a hard act to follow.

Olympic fever grips Craigroyston!

If tickets are hard to come by in London, Craigroyston Community High School’s Early Years Olympics were even more exclusive – by invitation only!

The great event took place today and the NEN was delighted to be there. Thanks to Lorraine Grant for the invitation, the Early Years volunteers for the organisation and attention to detail, the spectators (mums, dads and carers) for creating that unique Olympic atmosphere and most of all to the brilliant wee participants – maybe there’s a wee future Hoy or Ennis in the following pictures!