Tonight’s the night it really Matters

NEYPF’s latest ‘Matters2Us’ newspaper focuses on anti-bullying

ForumThe second edition of the North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum Matters2Us (anti-Bullying issue) is being launched tonight in Craigroyston Community Hgh School at 5.30pm.

CLD worker Clare Gibson, who supports the group, said: “North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum have put a lot of work into this research, the publication and the launch itself and would really appreciate it if you could let them know if you intend to be there tonight for the launch of the second edition of their version of The Matter: Matters2Us; this issue will focus on Anti-Bullying.

In July 2013, the Young People’s Forum were successful in their application to the Respectme Anti-Bullying fund to produce a second edition of their newspaper, this time asking the question:

‘How would you like to be supported if you were being bullied or see someone else being bullied?’

The group then consulted with over 100 pupils across two primary schools in North Edinburgh, going into classrooms over two days, spending time with the young people and finding out their thoughts on bullying.

The Young People’s Forum would now like to share what the young people who they met with said and would like to invite you to attend the launch of this second edition tonight at Craigroyston Community High School at 5.30pm.

There will also be an opportunity to hear from a local parents group on how they have made a user friendly guide to their schools Anti-Bullying Policy to support parents, young people and the community to understand it.”

If you plan to attend, or require further information, contact


The Scottish Government is to introduce guidance to help give pupils better protection online and in the classrooms, it has been announced.

Schools will get advice on promoting the safe and responsible use of mobile devices to protect pupils and staff from the potentially harmful consequences of misuse.

Speaking at the Respectme conference during National Anti-Bullying Week 2013, Minister for Learning Alasdair Allan unveiled the guidance on responsible use of phones, tablets and other mobile devices and an e-safety website. He said:

“We want everyone in Scotland to grow up free from bullying and to have respect for each other. All bullying behaviour is unacceptable but no one reading the recent horrific accounts of cyber-bullying, blackmail and exploitation can help but be outraged.

“It is unrealistic to expect young people to turn away from technology. We need to look practically at what can be done to change attitudes and stop people using these resources for abuse.

“All schools must have anti-bullying policies that are regularly updated to ensure that pupils are safe and protected from potential harm, both within and outside school.

“That is why I am launching guidance to help schools develop and update policies to promote the safe and responsible use of mobile technology in schools along with an e-safety review tool – an interactive way for schools to review their e-safety provision and to develop an action plan for improvements.

“This guidance and tool will help schools find the right balance between the use of mobile devices in the classroom without them causing disruption or being misused.”

Dr Allan also confirmed that a summit of internet providers and anti-bullying partners such as Respectme would go ahead on December 4.

He added: “Technology moves on leaps and bounds very quickly and teachers and parents need support to help keep up with it. That is why my colleague, Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell, and I are hosting a summit in December to see what more can be done to help everyone feel that they can go online without fear.”

David Wright, Director of the UK Safer Internet Centre at the South West Grid for Learning Trust, said: “It is fantastic that schools across Scotland will have access to a reflective, non-moralising and empowering tool to review and improve their own Internet safety policy and practice.”

National Anti-Bullying Week 2013 takes place from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November.

Advice for parents, young people and schools is available from the national anti-bullying service Respectme and CEOP’s thinkuknow

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