WellChild Awards: Dr Pat Carragher rewarded for exceptional work for seriously ill children

Dr Pat Carragher has been named as a winner in the prestigious national 2022 WellChild Awards, in association with GSK, having been nominated by his colleague Emma Craig.

Pat will be off to collect his award in London on September 8th.

The Awards are run by WellChild, the national charity for seriously ill children, and will be attended by the charity’s Patron, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. The Duke will deliver remarks.

Dr Carragher, who is Medical Director at Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, was picked from hundreds of nominations from across the UK to win the Legacy category in these Awards which celebrate the resilience of children living with serious illnesses or complex conditions and honour the dedication of those individuals who go the extra mile to help these children and their families. 

In summer of 2022, Dr Pat Carragher will be retiring as Medical Director at CHAS after nearly 39 years of working as a doctor. He has encountered periods of great change in his years as a medic including in Primary Care when he was a GP in Kinross before becoming Rachel House’s first hospice doctor and formally beginning work in Children’s Palliative Care in March 1996.

Dr Carragher has led the changes to CHAS’s medical service provisions through the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges the pandemic brought, alongside the team, he was determined to find ways to continue to reach the thousands of children with life-shortening conditions that rely on CHAS.

He helped establish new and innovative ways of working using technology to provide help to families across Scotland and proved himself to be a strong and resilient leader through immense change. He has reshaped CHAS’s medical services, helping families during what continues to be an isolating and unpredictable time. 

Within three to four weeks from the start of the Coid-19 Pandemic, CHAS completely adapted its service offering to survive and to maintain the very best standards of care for children with palliative care needs, and to support their families.

Dr Carragher also led on virtual work through the “Near me” consultations via the NHS and by the use of Microsoft Teams, to interact with and assess children at home, and to work with their parents.

CHAS’s pioneering virtual children’s hospice was also launched at the beginning of the pandemic and has rapidly developed since proving to be extremely successful.

Dr Carragher has also helped lead the CHAS hospital teams in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh through this period of transformation, providing clinical leadership and support in the planning and delivery of palliative care whilst working closely with the NHS and local authorities.

He was key in launching the first hospital-based Supportive and Palliative Care team in Scotland at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow and has continued to provide specialist advice through the pandemic. 

Rami Okasha, the Chief Executive Officer of Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, who nominated Dr Carragher for the WellChild Award, said: “Dr Pat’s leadership and strength of character has enabled the team to adapt in ways which they never imagined. He’s shown resilience and an unwavering drive for reaching all of those who require CHAS’s help, and he’s inspired not only the medical team but all teams.”

“Dr Pat was continuously able to inspire and encourage teams to ‘keep going’ during the pandemic and to embrace the new and innovate ways to deliver care. He has provided solid leadership throughout this period of immense change.

“Dr Carragher ends many presentations with the following which he feels is vital for us all to understand: ‘The death of a child has serious and lasting effects on parents and other family members, effectively for the rest of their lives. Any attempt to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life in the final days or weeks, must not only be good for a child but, in the fullness of time, be helpful to those left behind‘.”

WellChild Chief Executive, Matt James said: “There are more children and young people than ever before in the UK living with long-term, serious health needs.

“The WellChild Awards 2022, in association with GSK, will be a unique opportunity to recognise and highlight the immense challenges they have faced and to celebrate the remarkable positivity, resilience and spirit they have demonstrated.

“It will also help us to shine a light on the dedication of those around them, from siblings, professionals and volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help them through such challenging times.”

Edinburgh nurse Evelyn to receive WellChild Award

Remarkable Evelyn from Edinburgh is rewarded for exceptional work for seriously ill children with national WellChild Award

Nurse Evelyn Rodger from Edinburgh has been named as a winner in the prestigious national 2022 WellChild Awards, in association with GSK, having been nominated by colleague and charity CEO, Rami Okasha, and will be off to collect her award in London on September 8th.

The Awards are run by WellChild, the national charity for seriously ill children, and will be attended by the charity’s Patron, Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. The Duke will deliver remarks.

Evelyn, who is a Diana Children’s Nurse with Children’s Hospices Across Scotland was picked from hundreds of nominations from across the UK to win the Nurse category in these Awards which celebrate the resilience of children living with serious illnesses or complex conditions and honour the dedication of those individuals who go the extra mile to help these children and their families. 

Evelyn has been a Diana Children’s Nurse (DCN) with Children’s Hospices Across Scotland for the past eight years, having joined the charity in 2014.

  In her role Evelyn is based in the neonatal Unit in Simpsons in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary but she also covers five neonatal units across Southeast of Scotland and Tayside. 

In addition to her nursing Evelyn supports and delivers training for NHS Lothian and CHAS staff, developing an environment of close working not only with the hospital and community teams, but with the CHAS hospice, at home and family support teams. Evelyn’s dedication and her collaborative approach creates a seamless service to families.

Evelyn was instrumental in a pioneering memory making project called ‘Joes Toes’ which has raised over £15,000 since 2018 to allow CHAS and neonatal units to purchase the materials required to make 3D baby hand and foot-casts, respectfully done in baby Joe’s name. 

Joe was one of twins who was sadly stillborn as a result of twin to twin transfusion syndrome. Part of Evelyn’s role as Diana Nurse is to provide bereavement support and to help parents find ways to create precious lasting memories with their babies, a role which she feels very passionate about. 

Joe’s mother Marie said: “Evelyn is a compassionate, kind, gentle woman who is incredibly knowledgeable in bereavement care and we feel privileged that she was there to support us in making cherished memories with Joe and with saying goodbye with no regrets.

“As part of the memory making process, we asked if she would be able to help us take 3D casts of Joe’s feet. Evelyn was more than willing to help us in any way she could. Joe’s cast is now one of our most cherished possessions and to be able to physically touch, hold, see, something that was exactly his is so very precious.

“Our little Joe has given us, and now other families, so much without even being here. He never drew breath but he has changed us forever.”

CHAS CEO Rami Okasha, who nominated Evelyn for the WellChild Award, said: “Evelyn is retiring from CHAS in September this year so to receive a WellChild Award in her retiral year is an incredible honour. 

“Evelyn has supported hundreds of families, making sure they have time to spend together and are able to make the choices about end-of-life care for their child and understand the really difficult things that are going on around them. 

“More than that Evelyn is an inspiration to her colleagues who work so well with the team across CHAS and across the NHS to support newborn children and parents when the time they have together is going to be incredibly short. 

“Evelyn goes above and beyond to build deep connections with families and says in touch with them even long after her care ends. I have heard myself from parents the difference that Evelyn has made to them. It is humbling to hear and I want Evelyn to know there are people across Scotland whose lives she has changed forever and they are incredibly grateful to the skill and dedication and kindness she has shown every single day at her work.”

WellChild Chief Executive, Matt James said: “There are more children and young people than ever before in the UK living with long-term, serious health needs.

“The WellChild Awards 2022, in association with GSK, will be a unique opportunity to recognise and highlight the immense challenges they have faced and to celebrate the remarkable positivity, resilience and spirit they have demonstrated.

“It will also help us to shine a light on the dedication of those around them, from siblings, professionals and volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help them through such challenging times.”

Scotmid launches search for new charity partner

Charities are being invited by Scotmid to become its new Charity Partner for 2022/23.

The community retailer is looking for an organisation that shares its values and passion for supporting local communities and would like to build a creative and fun partnership to encourage participation and fundraising from staff, members and customers alike.

With a presence in Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland, the partnership must be able to span a wide geography.

Over the last 20 years, Scotmid has raised millions of pounds for their Charity Partners, including the Scottish SPCA, Samaritans, ChildLine and Alzheimer Scotland.

John Brodie, Chief Executive of Scotmid, said: “Our Charity Partnerships are incredibly important to us. Partners benefit from both an exceptional level of fundraising and extended support in their cause from our colleagues and communities.

“We are excited to hear about projects that can benefit our communities from new potential charity partners.”

Scotmid’s current Charity Partner is Children’s Hospice Association Scotland, better known as CHAS. Funds raised through the partnership have supported the vital development and expansion of CHAS’s outreach service, CHAS at Home, helping the charity on its ambitious mission of reaching every child and family that needs their help in communities across Scotland.

Three other children’s hospices across Scotmid’s trading areas have also benefited from funds raised: Jigsaw, Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice and St Oswald’s Hospice.

Staff working in Scotmid’s food stores, Semichem stores, Scotmid Funerals and Lakes & Dales stores across Scotland, Northern Ireland and Northern England enthusiastically take part in physical challenges, events and traditional in-store fundraising.

Community engagement is also a key element for Scotmid. At the end of last year, children throughout Scotland were invited to design a mascot to represent Scotmid’s charity partnership.

The winning designs, Cuthbert The Fox and Tildy Toadstool, were then brought to life, much to the delight of the talented designers and those who have met the colourful couple!

Angharad Low, Corporate Partnerships Manager at CHAS, said: “It’s been great working with Scotmid to raise awareness and funds for our outreach service, CHAS at Home.

“The passion of Scotmid colleagues, members and customers makes the partnership really special.

“We’re so thankful for the funds that have been raised, which will help families receive quality care in the comfort of their own homes. We would absolutely recommend other charities apply!”

Kirsteen Campbell, CEO Scottish SPCA, said: “Our 2018/19 partnership with the Scotmid Co-operative family was our most successful charity of the year partnership in Scottish SPCA’s history, raising an incredible £325,000.

“Support from Scotmid colleagues enabled us to deliver our ‘Prevention through Education’ programme delivering workshops to 1818 schools and 124 community groups, reaching over 60% of Scotland’s school children! With Scotmid’s support we were able to spread the joy of the human-animal bond further than ever before.

“We’d encourage all charities to apply for this exciting opportunity to be Scotmid’s next Charity Partner.

“You’ll be combining forces with an incredible organisation who really cares about making a massive difference in local communities What are you waiting for? Apply today!”

To apply to be Scotmid’s Charity of the Year 2022/23, please go to:


Applications are open until 5pm on Friday 6 May 2022.

Kiltwalk raises a record £8.4m for charities across Scotland in 2021

First physical event in two years contributes £2.2m following 100% top up 

Scotland’s legendary Kiltwalk Kindness has raised a remarkable £8.4 million for more than 1,200 charities across the country this year after 15,500 heroes put on a bit of tartan and took part in events.

The record-breaking sum includes £2.2 million raised last week by the first physical Kiltwalk in two years.

Scotland’s Kiltwalk, held on Sunday September 26 in Glasgow, attracted 4,000 walkers of all ages. Together they raised £1.1 million for almost 500 charities desperate for assistance following lockdown. In a video message Sir Tom Hunter revealed their fundraising total is being topped up by an astonishing 100% after The Hunter Foundation added 50% and the Kiltwalk itself provided a further 50%.

April’s Virtual event saw 11,500 Kiltwalkers raise £4.1 million, with an additional £2.05 million donated from the Hunter Foundation; assuring a massive £6.15 million for Scottish charities big and small.

Sir Tom Hunter said: “Last week we all got together to walk for charities we care about and the smiles on everyone’s faces said it all: Kiltwalk is back!

“Scotland’s Kiltwalk raised just over £1.1 million for the charities but after speaking to walkers we were so struck by how much of a lifeline Kiltwalk has been that we are topping up this figure not by 50% but by 100%; with 50% coming from The Hunter Foundation and 50% coming from the Kiltwalk itself. So that’s an amazing £2.2 million for Scottish charities.

“I’m also proud to confirm that 2021 is our biggest year ever, raising a staggering £8.4 million for more than 1,200 Scottish charities. At a time when those in need really needed help, the Kiltwalk community went beyond the call of duty, so I want to thank them and all of our sponsors, Royal Bank of Scotland, Arnold Clark and Johnston Carmichael for their Kiltwalk Kindness. We look forward to seeing you all in 2022.”

News of the 100% top up was welcomed by charities, who have faced a variety of challenges as a result of the pandemic.

Caroline Speirs, co-founder, Calum’s Cabin, which offers retreats on the Isle of Bute for families struggling with childhood cancer, said: “Kiltwalk is the largest fundraising annual event for Calum’s Cabin.

“It brings together Calum’s Cabin supporters from all walks of life including those who have been through the journey of their child suffering from cancer, families who are still going through the journey and tragically families who are walking in memory of their children.

“Receiving a 100% top up will be a great boost for us and will help make a real difference to the life of a child suffering from cancer.”

Fiona Leslie, senior community and challenge events fundraiser, Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS), said “After a phenomenal 100% top up from Sir Tom Hunter and the Kiltwalk CHAS walkers raised an amazing £67,832 at Scotland’s Kiltwalk, which will help our mission to reach every single baby, child and young person who needs us, despite the current situation.

“We’re absolutely delighted to have been one of the biggest charities taking part and we’d like to say a massive thank you to every walker who took on the challenge – we know it wasn’t easy! It was fantastic to be back at a live event after the pandemic.”

The Kiltwalk’s 50% top up of £550,000 was donated from the charity event’s reserves, which were built up from registration and sponsorship fees, and the ongoing support of staff and volunteers.

For more information, visit www.thekiltwalk.co.uk

Classic comics designer supports competition to create a mascot for CHAS & Scotmid partnership

John Hunter Barrie, who worked on many colourful characters over his 38 year career with DC Thomson, is backing Scotmid’s mascot competition for children across Scotland.

The new character will become the face – and hands, feet, horns, fur and who knows what else – of Scotmid’s charity partnership with Children’s Hospices Across Scotland, better known as CHAS.

John has also shot a short drawing masterclass, sharing his top tips and tricks to help children design their friendly, feel-good mascot.

The winning entrant will see their design brought to life.  They will also receive a framed print of their character, £200 of fundraising vouchers for their school/group, a CHAS and Scotmid goody bag with exclusive mascot merchandise.

As well as increasing awareness of the incredible work carried out by CHAS, Scotmid aims to raise £350,000 for the charity during the 2021/2022 partnership.

Shirley MacGillivray, Head of Membership and Community at Scotmid said: “The Scotmid and CHAS mascot competition is such an exciting opportunity.

 “I used to love competitions like this when I was little and we’re so excited to see the wonderful designs. We look forward to having the winning mascot by our side at charity events.”

For nearly thirty years, CHAS has been offering full family support service for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions.

Each week, three children die from an incurable condition in Scotland, and the need for CHAS’ services on the rise.

There are currently more than 16,700 families across Scotland living with the constant fear and heartbreak that their child might die young.

Nicky Bridges, Associate Director of Outreach at CHAS, said: “This is a great opportunity to not only get kids involved in charity work, but to raise awareness of our charity partnership with Scotmid.

“We are so grateful to Scotmid for helping CHAS reach families across Scotland, even those in the most remote parts, and enable us to provide essential care to those who need it.  The creation of this character is a further demonstration of the huge efforts made by Scotmid and we are extremely grateful for that.”

The competition will end on 24th September 2020.

Children can submit their entries to competition@scotmid.co.uk or send to Mascot Competition, Scotmid Coop, Hillwood House, Newbridge, EH28 8QJ

Full details and terms & conditions: https://scotmid.coop/charactercompetition/

Amazing Aegon UK staff raise more than £140,000 for charity

  • Total includes more than £86,000 for two Scottish charities – Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) and Alzheimer Scotland – and £38,665.51 for the national charity partner Macmillan
  • Aegon will support Blood Bikes Scotland and Marie Curie Edinburgh as local charity partners and Prince’s Trust as national charity partner in 2021

The pandemic didn’t stall fundraising in 2020, as Aegon UK employees working with their Atos colleagues raised a total of £142,368.06 for nine employee selected charity partners UK wide. (Who donated the 6p? – Ed.)

The company charity committees and employees coordinated everything from raffles, quizzes and dress up days, to running challenges, virtual coffee mornings and pet competitions to raise funds throughout the year. Aegon UK then matched these funds pound for pound, bringing the grand charitable total to £142,368.06 for the nine charity partners.

25% of all funds raised went to the national charity, Macmillan and 75% of money raised in each location went to the local charity or charities. The local charities selected by the employees in Edinburgh were Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) and Alzheimer Scotland .

Due to the lockdown, cheque presentations took place virtually this year for most of the charities, with just a couple of the cheques being delivered in person by Aegon employees.

A breakdown of the funds raised for each of the nine charities can be found below.

Mike Holliday-Williams, CEO, Aegon UK commented: “The pandemic presented our charity committees and employees with a fresh fundraising challenge this year. The usual bake sales and dress down days were no longer possible when the offices closed. But Aegon employees rose to this challenge and came up with a steady stream of wonderful ideas to ensure our charities were well taken care of, lifting everyone’s spirits in the process.

“Pet competitions, ready steady cook at home challenges, the 555 running challenge quizzes, dress up days, virtual coffee mornings, raffles and so much more – I was in awe at the persistence and creativity from everyone involved.

“Employees have gone above and beyond in 2020 to support the company’s commitment to giving back to our local communities – from nominating the charities close to their hearts, through to the passion and dedication shown in raising these funds for fantastic causes. I’m extremely impressed with the dedication and efforts of those involved, especially during a global pandemic.

“I would also like to thank the charity committees across all the locations for their hard work in keeping up the momentum and delivering for our charity partners. Helping people is at the core of what Aegon does as a business, and the fundraising work we do as a company is a key part of that.”

Michelle Campbell, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan said: “This is an acutely challenging time for people living with cancer, the NHS and for cancer care. We are doing whatever it takes to make sure our vital support continues to be available.

“Funding is needed more than ever, so for Aegon to exceed their original target and donate £38,665.51 is more than we could have imagined. This type of donation pays for a Macmillan support worker for over a year, helping people living with cancer receive the help they need.

“We would like to thank Aegon for their continued support throughout the year and for the outstanding amount raised.”

Rami Okasha, CEO at CHAS said: “Staff at Aegon have done amazing work to help children with life-shortening conditions across Scotland. We at CHAS just can’t thank the team enough.

“The money raised will fund the cost of specialist hospice care for children with short lives, and emotional and practical support for their parents, brothers and sisters. No-one should face the death of their child alone and this partnership takes us one step closer to making that a reality.”

Caroline Miller, Stakeholder Engagement Lead at Alzheimer Scotland said: “It’s been an incredibly challenging year for people living with dementia and their carers. There is an estimated 90,000 people living with dementia in Scotland – approximately 60,000 of whom live in the community.

“Each of these people, to different degrees, rely on their daily routines, social interactions, community-based groups and activities, and formal health and social care services, as a way to maintain their wellbeing and live as independently as possible in their own communities.

“All these supports have been disrupted as a direct consequence of this pandemic and the public health restrictions. We’ve seen from the dramatic increase in calls to our helpline, the toll this has taken.

“The generosity of Aegon and their staff during our partnership has been humbling. Despite the restrictions in place, they have continued their fundraising at pace and also responded with a generous gift to our crisis appeal.

“The total of just over £43,000 raised is an incredible achievement in any year but we are so grateful that in this most difficult of years they have made such a contribution. This money will have a real impact on people living with dementia in Scotland as we continue to transform the ways in which we support people living with dementia, their families and carers as we move forward.”

The charities were chosen as the result of a company-wide vote on a shortlist of charities nominated by Aegon UK employees.

In 2021 Aegon UK employees and Atos colleagues will be supporting:

  • National charity – Prince’s Trust
  • Edinburgh local charities – Blood Bikes Scotland and Marie Curie Edinburgh
  • London local charity – London’s Air Ambulance
  • Manchester local charities – Forever Manchester and Dianne Oxberry Trust
  • Peterborough local charity – East Anglia Children’s Hospices (EACH)
  • Witham local charities – Kids Inspire and Essex and Herts Air Ambulance
  • Lytham local charity – Trinity Hospice & Brian’s House

Breakdown of funds raised for all Aegon UK charity partners in 2020

Aegon locationCharityFunds raised
National charityMacmillan£38,665.51
Edinburgh – local charityAlzheimer Scotland£43,023.08
Edinburgh – local charityCHAS£43,023.08
Witham – local charityFarleigh Hospice£3,718.42
Witham – local charityEssex and Herts Air Ambulance£3,718.42
London – local charityLondon’s Air Ambulance£3,675.68
Peterborough – local charityEast Anglia Children’s Hospice£4,784.69
Manchester – local charityDianne Oxberry Trust£879.59
Manchester – local charityForever Manchester£879.59

Celebs support Scotmid initiative to keep communities smiling

Scotmid urges people to share their favourite jokes for ‘Our Communities Care’ week and help raise funds for charity partner, CHAS

Scottish celebs have come together to help a national convenience retailer launch an initiative to keep communities smiling – and feel connected – throughout the current lockdown.

Comedian Janey Godley, Still Game’s Mark Cox and Homes under the Hammer presenter Martel Maxwell are supporting Scotmid’s #sharingsmiles campaign, which launched this week as part of its ‘Our Communities Care’ Week (Monday 8 – Sunday 14 Feb 2021).

The initiative follows Scotmid’s hugely successful first lockdown #sharingsmiles campaign, which ran last year.

Children across the country were encouraged to draw a picture or write a letter and send it in to Scotmid – which they did in their droves. These were then shared with residents at more than 60 care homes in Scotland, to help residents feel more connected with the outside world, at a point in time when family visits were restricted, and feelings of loneliness and isolation were on the rise.

This time, Scotmid is asking people of all ages to share their favourite jokes and help raise a smile by showing those who remain shielding or who are finding the continued lockdown restrictions a struggle, that their communities care.

Our Communities Care Week also involves online and in-store activities to raise awareness of Scotmid’s 2021 charity partnership with Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).

Funds raised through the partnership will enable vital development and expansion of their outreach service, CHAS at Home, ensuring they can support children and families in every community across Scotland.

Still Game’s Mark Cox said: “There has never been a more important time to come together in our local communities and support one another – and what better way to cheer each other up than by telling some jokes!

“Scotmid’s #sharingsmiles campaign as part of Our Communities Care week is a great way to get involved and bring a smile to people’s faces. I’m looking forward to hearing what makes others laugh and to sharing a few of my own favourite jokes too.”

Scotmid President, Harry Cairney, said: “Scotmid is at the heart of the communities it serves and has been since it was founded more than 160 years ago.

“At the start of the first lockdown, we realised how many people were shielding in our local communities and wouldn’t be able to see their family and friends and so #SharingSmiles was born – to help cheer people up and make them feel hopeful.

“We’re excited to launch ‘Our Communities Care’ week, to encourage people of all ages to think about those that might still be shielding and to share their favourite jokes to make them laugh.”

Those looking to participate can send their jokes to lynneogg@scotmid.co.uk

Thorntons team with CHAS for Rocking Horse Ball

Thorntons and CHAS are thrilled to announce a brand new partnership that will raise crucial funds to support children with life-shortening conditions and their families throughout Scotland.

Thorntons have generously agreed to be the headline sponsor for the fifth edition of the CHAS Rocking Horse Ball, which takes place on 5 June 2020. The prestigious annual event attracts the great and good from Scottish business and society and has fast become one of the most popular charity dinners in Edinburgh’s social calendar.

Last year it raised an incredible £136,000 to further enable CHAS to provide a full family support service across Scotland for children with life shortening conditions and their families. With the generosity of the team at Thorntons, this year’s ‘Oz’-themed extravaganza promises to be the biggest so far.

Colin Graham, Chairman at Thorntons, said: “The annual CHAS Rocking Horse Ball is a fantastic fundraiser which supports the inspiring work of this charity throughout the year.

“We’re embedded in our local communities and CHAS provides services all over Scotland. We’re proud to pledge our support of the 2020 event which we hope will raise a record total for CHAS.”

CHAS Chief Executive, Rami Okasha, and the team were delighted to welcome Colin and Senior Partner Clare Macpherson to Rachel House hospice to show them where their contributions go and thank them for their support with a special gesture – a handmade pair of ruby slippers – created by three of the incredible children which CHAS supports.

Rami said: “We are thrilled to welcome Thorntons as our headline sponsors for this year’s Rocking Horse Ball. CHAS is a charity on a mission. We want to ensure that we can be there to support children with life shortening conditions and their families wherever they are in Scotland, and whenever they need us.

“The wonderful support from Colin and the team at Thorntons will be a huge support in ensuring we can continue to reach more families.”

In Scotland, nearly 16,000 children and young people live with life-shortening conditions and CHAS is determined to reach every family who needs its services. CHAS works across Scotland, able to provides its hospice services nation-wide for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions. CHAS offers palliative, respite and end-of-life care from Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch.

The CHAS at Home service supports families with the services of a hospice yet in their own homes across the whole of Scotland. Through its Diana Children’s Nurses working in hospitals across the country they can support families and clinical teams.

Pictured: Clare Macpherson, Rami Okasha, Diane Alton and Colin Graham.

Local children’s cancer charities go gold with Amazon

The Amazon Customer Service Centre in Edinburgh raised awareness for Childhood Cancer Awareness in September with a special event to highlight the innovative work being done by hospitals and charities to support children and families across Scotland. Continue reading Local children’s cancer charities go gold with Amazon