New report finds one third of carers are struggling to cope

Our new research finds that 72% of carers have not had any breaks from their caring role during the pandemic

Our report Breaks or breakdown, released for Carers Week, found that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on carers’ ability to access breaks. More than a third (35%) of people caring unpaid for family members or friends feel unable to manage their caring role, and three quarters (74%) reported being exhausted as a result of caring during the pandemic.

The report also found that carers lost, on average, 25 hours of support a month they previously had from services or family and friends before the pandemic and that fewer than one in five (14%) are confident that the support they relied on before the pandemic will continue in the future.

Read the report

This Carers Week, we’re campaigning to increase funding for carers’ breaks. Nearly 900 people have now written to their MP asking them to raise the need for better breaks support in Parliament.

If you’ve not yet joined our campaign, click the button below:

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What Do I Need?: Carers Voices

Hearts & Minds charity launched their short film What Do I Need?: Carers Voices online yesterday. 

This is the culmination of their PLAY COPE CARE Workshop Project for carers at home, which they developed developed with carers organisations across Scotland, and with funding from BUPA UK Foundation.  

Speakers at the event were Kaye Ramage, Glasgow East End Community Carers, Claire Baker-Mosley, Head ofCommunity at BUPA UK Foundation and Rachel Colles, Project Lead for Hearts & Minds.  

Hearts & Minds shared their new short film created with carers from Glasgow East End Community Carers who talked about their own personal experiences and thoughts of being a carer at home for a person living with dementia or chronic illness.  

Hearts & Minds also shared the outcomes from the Play Cope Care project and discussed their programmes for people living with dementia and their carers. 

Carers have had to face unimaginable adversity over the last year. Isolation, loneliness, lack of support and vital services as well as feelings of feeling forgotten by society have been acute during the pandemic.

Through conversations with carers groups, Hearts & Minds realised that they wanted to make something to make carers feel seen and heard, for their feelings to be validated, for their resilience and playfulness in the face of extreme adversity to be celebrated, and for their huge contribution to society to be recognised. 

The film is based on Hearts & Minds Play Cope Care workshops for unpaid carers and features the voices of the carers.

The film is available to carers organisations to share and provide 6 minutes of respite to carers who might be feeling alone, at a loss or invisible and act as a reminder they are connected to a huge network of remarkable people who know exactly what they are going through. 

The launch of this film is timely as we approach Carers Week 2021, 7 – 13 June.

Link to Play Cope Care Workshop info: