Our new research finds that 72% of carers have not had any breaks from their caring role during the pandemic
Our report Breaks or breakdown, released for Carers Week, found that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on carers’ ability to access breaks. More than a third (35%) of people caring unpaid for family members or friends feel unable to manage their caring role, and three quarters (74%) reported being exhausted as a result of caring during the pandemic.
The report also found that carers lost, on average, 25 hours of support a month they previously had from services or family and friends before the pandemic and that fewer than one in five (14%) are confident that the support they relied on before the pandemic will continue in the future.

This Carers Week, we’re campaigning to increase funding for carers’ breaks. Nearly 900 people have now written to their MP asking them to raise the need for better breaks support in Parliament.
If you’ve not yet joined our campaign, click the button below: